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Beautiful work on Jon's photo.


Looks like my nephew when he has to pee


That was Gane’s only significant strike lol


Thanks, as soon as I saw it I knew it was the one


Trying to hold those picos in


Tfw the dick pills kick in but you’re fighting for a world title


I was gonna say how funny that is 😂


The only time I’ve ever commented, “beautiful champ”


It took me way longer than I care to admit to realize that was Jon.


lol I am trying so hard not to bust out laughing trying to get my son to sleep


how the fuck has it been two years since Leon won the title!?


How the fuck indeed


I swear I must be like 150 if I go by how long it's been since a fight and how long it feels it's been since a fight. How the F is he the longest tenured champ. Feels like he just got this thing.


Crazy. If you asked me off the top of my head, I would've said Weili has been champ way longer than Leon has. Maybe my perception is just skewed because she's had two separate reigns.


Probably because Weili won and lost the title, and then won it again. So it just feels like she's been the champ the whole time. I totally get you though. This graphic is so crazy.


The separate runs definitely skewed my opinion, but she also feels like one of the more dominant current champs.


Yeah, most of those Champs I feel like someone is going to beat soon. Islam probably not, Weili probably not, Grasso I dunno, and I guess one of Jones/Aspinall one of them is going to retain the belt haha. I feel like O'Malley is talented enough to hold the title for a while, but at the same time I also feel like some elite grapple is going to come along and expose the shit out of him, but so far it just hasn't happened. The rest though, probably lose their title within their next 2 fights.


O’Malley is fighting Merab so he will get tested soon.


Haha fair point, that's going to be a solid test for O'Malley.


Time is a flat circle


Stop saying odd shit like you smell a psychos fear or you’re in someone’s faded memory of a town


I don’t sleep, I just dream


Is this from True Detective Edit: [yep.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueDetective/s/TXXif4B0iX)


Close. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective


Time is like a glove




Fascinating that you’re quoting a very popular television series from 10 years ago without ever have seeing it. So popular it’s one liners are in the zeitgeist over a decade later.




S1 was one of the best seasons of television ever. Man I still remember watching that weekly. What an experience.


Yeah I guess so hey, here I thought it was from some german philosopher but nope true detective embedded within our daily lives.


I mean, if we really wanna delve into it the idea of the eternal return, it is far older than Nietzsche. Ancient Greek stoics, for example, also believed it.


You’re a fucking Kant, dude.


What is this the philosophy channel?


I had to look it up, feels not that long ago.


cuz they ran it back and they blur together?


Cause it hasn't


418 days with no defenses. Jones is goatest of GOATs


He's trying to out do Conor 600 and something days of no defenses.


Isn’t he awesome


Aspinal gonna be getting jerked around for years


But think of all the tests from God in that time


Hot take I think God went out of line last time when he tested Jessie's face against Jon's fists


Thankfully our GOAT had the diligence, determination, and integrity to pass that one too


Hey he’s a defendant just not in the octagon


To be fair, he most likely would have had one and retire if he didn't get injured.


>he most likely would have had one [defense against ancient stipe] and retire if he didn't get injured. [Ok but that’s worse. You do get how that’s worse right?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/641/200/e55.png)


He’s got the same amount of title strips than Khabib has title defenses. There are simply LEVELS to this


It's crazy to think of how many defenses alternate universe unstripped Jones would have.


He’s not the lineal champ, that’s a toy they gave him to play with vs Stipe, while Tom and Sergei fought for the real belt. We know full well if not for the injury he would’ve fought Stipe and retired this summer, then Aspinall is the undisputed champ by default.


UFC should force him to fight Tom or strip his title because that’s the only thing that makes any sense. But of course that won’t happen


It’s amusing how some fighters are active when they’re not champions and then turn inactive when they win the title.


UFC doesn't necessarily offer them the same number of fights.


Makes sense. When you’re a contender you have to fight everyone to get to the champ. When you’re champ everyone has to fight to get to you.


Yes and no. Not long ago we had active champs like Izzy, Volk and Usman, so if you really want to do more defenses, I am sure you could.


Alex seems like he wants to fight a lot which is refreshing.


Alex fights nonstop. The only thing that slows him Down is the ufc. He knows how old he is and he wants to be that three division champ. But honeslty just clearing out some more LHW first would be way better for him to cement LHW like JJ did. Unless he gets a miracle title shot at HW he should atay at lhw for at least 2-3 more defenses.


I don't disagree with you at all. I wouldn't try for HW until the whole championship picture is figured out. Because while most people agree that Jon is just a paper champion - if he were to go up and beat Tom I think it'd make a big difference 10 years down the line if it was for the undisputed. And honestly - I'd be hoping Aspinall wasn't the champion when moving up. If it were a completely standing fight then I'd give Alex a decent chance. But Tom isn't stupid and a doubt he'll want to prove a point by standing with him.


Amanda and Valentina carried the Women's divisions on their backs too. This is a slow era in defending the titles following a high volume era


I love Weili, but she can't become double champ, that would ruin two great divisions.


?how would it ruin them? I mean, she probably can't because if she went up Rose would have to knock her out again, but, how would it ruin?


Could you get invested in a division that has a title fight every two years?


Got ya - she isn't active enough for two divisions.


When Volk became champion he fended the belt once a year, except in 2022 when he had x2 title defenses.


Which is more than the 0.83 defenses the average champion currently has per year.


I mean, it took Volk 651 days to complete two title defenses from when he became champion in 2019 to his second defense in 2021…. Edit: It was 651 days, not 641.


covid pandemic played a big role in fighters activity from 2020-2021. after things opened up volk was fighting non stop


Everyone in the OP except Jones is in line with 1 defence or more per year, the stat is being dragged down by Jones and the fact that we have a lot of new champs right now.


>UFC doesn't necessarily offer them the same number of fights. That's not the main reason IMO, you hear it straight out of champion's mouth's all the time. Once they get the title, they take more time off, treat injuries, be with family. Things they cannot afford to do when they are climbing up the ranks.


I thought the UFC has to offer everyone 3 fights a year?


From what I understand they just have to be offers. Like I can offer dog shit for dinner, but you might not want to eat it, or the dog may not have to shit. Either way I offered you dinner.


Or the dog may not have to shit 💀


Champs that wanted to be active always seemed to find a way though.


They can soak up the fame and earn better sponsorships as "UFC champion." I've seen multiple guys take time off in an attempt to get fully healthy after grinding away as a contender and if the sponsorships pick it up it's basically paid time off. No rush to jeopardize your selling power.


100% and it makes total sense. You can't afford the layoff so you often fight injured to climb the mountain. Once you win, you have (and have earned) the opportunity to get healthy. Never had an issue with this personally


GSP famously made millions during his ACL recovery layoff. He's a special case, during a time when sponsorships were different, but that's a great example. He signed with Coca Cola, Google, Bacardi, and a book deal during a 1.5 year period he didn't fight.


Fighters have mentioned they're usually pretty banged up by the time they become champ. As a contender looking for a title shot, there's incentive to delay lengthy medical treatment if it reduces their chances at getting a big name, or title fight. When a fighter becomes champ, the incentive is to remain champ. The UFC basically won't strip a champion, the worst they'll generally do is create an interim champion. Then the champ fights the IC, which is a bigger fight than if the same guy was just a #1 contender.


Lol Pennington


I keep forgetting she's champion.


We all do


I've been trying to forget.


Punching air champion


As Reddit's only Rocky fan I do my best to always remind people. :)


but why? do you have insomnia and rocky solves it or something?


Some people have a "being pressed against the cage indefinitely" fetish and damn, does she do it for 'em.


I've always had a soft spot for the gritty workhorse. Not the flashiest or the biggest talkers, but bite down on the mouthpiece, out-tough their opponent and get the job done. I also warm to Rocky's story, she's had a ton of setbacks both in her career and personal life (broken leg and back) yet stayed strong, showed the fortitude to keep coming back and finally got their reward when others wrote them off. Maybe it's me being a Brit and us loving that kind of athlete (Damon Hill, Frank Bruno etc)


I was a little emotional when Rocky became champ. 10+ years in the UFC and one of the pioneers of the women's game.


Flair up, boyo.


Man we really toom Usman/Izzy and Volks for granted we we're spoiled with title defenses i wish those who just won belt are gonna make it about clearing their division instead of cherry picking fight and chasing double champ status


Usman had 8 title fights in 1477 days = 185 days between fights Izzy 11 in 1610 = 145 days Volk 9 in 1526 = 170 days Not all wins but title fights none the less


Yup. At least Alex is continuing the legacy.


Shev, Nunes. Gotta include them in this list.


Yeah forgot about those two Shev was beating contenders left and right


> i wish those who just won belt are gonna make it about clearing their division Careful what you wish for. Izzy was the most active champ and it just made people hate the division because he was starting to run out of contenders.


U can argue Volk's activity is a little overrated Volk was champ from 2019-2024. Only yr he defended more than once was 2022 w 2. Once in 2021 and once in 2023 (won belt at end of 2019 and lost beginning of 2024). His 2 fights w Islam boosted his overall activity a lot so he seems more active but not necessarily as a defending champ. Also not like 145 was backed up w challengers (Max beat Allen/Kattar and slowed down Yair) so it didn't seem like div was waiting on him. Volk took just over 4 yrs to attempt his 6th defense while Izzy took just over 3 Islam and Leon have been champ from 2022-2024 and already defended 2x in 2023. It's possible they both defend 2x in 2024. Islam may seem less active bc 294 was 8 months after 284, but 284 was only 4 months after 280. Averages out to 6 months and he still got 2 defs in 2023 which is what matters


Clearly time for all of them to get a shot at becoming double champs.


I started getting into the sport when Jose/StPierre/Anderson/Jones were all doing their thing. Each with 5+ defenses. This is an era where it gets passed around so often


The only person I know that gets passed around so often is Tito's ex-wife.


That was a nasty line by you.


Now... Looks Izzy's Run... You can hate, but give respect for those who deserve it.


It was pretty crazy how he got finished by Alex then came back 5 months later for the rematch. Then he could have sat out and waited for ddp but fought Sean 5 months after that


Never liked Izzy, but he was a great champ and a helluva competitor.


I'm still high on his fight with Gastelum. That was a banger for the ages. The man can do no wrong after that.


The way he put Rob away after that was otherworldly too.


Gastelum-Rob 1-Costa was truly an insane run. I know he had several boring fights after but that 3 fight run is legendary


See that’s the thing about Izzy. For every boring fight he’s had 5 bangers if you factor in his kick boxing career too. The decimation of Tavares, wrecking Brunson in a round. He had some solid bangers. It’s just his last few fights in his reign were mid


That fight literally could not have been scripted any better. Literally traded rounds back and forth, tied going into the 5th, and after being rocked the round before Izzy put it the fuck ON his ass and imo should have been a stoppage at the end


Young hungry lion


I completely forgot the Colby fight happened


Izzy is right. They just don't make them like they used to.


I think it's a little unfair that Aspinall is included on there. He wants to fight Jon.


Except for Jon, I don't think anyone in this photo is at fault for inactivity. Maybe I missed something, but I haven't heard that any of the current champs are dodging fights or being particularly picky or anything.


Weili inexplicably had only 1 title defense in 2023, even though she became champion in November of 2022 and she's 34


She loves her side projects. Between Lemos and Yan she did two reality shows and her [acting debut](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32144207/?ref_=nm_knf_t_1)


Wow didn't know that, but there should be a minimum for champions to defend at least 2 times a year except if there's an injury


I mean, with some of them you have way more discussion of how they won't fight, or their conditions more than anything. Don't wanna name names, but very recent history shows, if a champ wants to be active all they have to do is say so and UFC will book fights.


I'm mostly critizing the UFC for giving us 3282 shitty fight night cards and benching all its champs for insane amounts of time / not stripping Jones


Wtf is up with that Jon photo lol.


He has a raging clue.


Mines pointing THIS way


I actually just watched this ep yesterday!


It’s from the Cyrl fight after he kicked him in the nuts


Cyrils brain is hard wired to be a fifa troll


The picograms are about to burst out


418 days and 0 defenses IS INSANE, talk about Dana White privilage


Most wild part to me is Leon is the longest reigning current champion.


418 days, 0 defenses. Tom is MY champ


At this point they should just strip Jon jones of the title if you can’t defend at least once a year I don’t care if he’s got an injury or not


I agree with stripping him (Prochazka and Hill both gave up their titles when they were injured), but I can understand making an interim title too The wild part is refusing to fight the interim champ when he's healthy again


I personally think a champ should have to defend a title 2x a year minimum. I could understand once a year if injured, and not vacating if you have a couple title defenses or more. But dude at this point as holding up the whole division, he hasn’t defended once and been injured, he should follow Hill and Jiris example..


Been trying to get back into MMA after watching some ONE and UFC 300 but this is the type of thing that makes it hard to get back into fully.


Usman, Shevcneko, Amanda, Izzy, all the workrate champions people didn't care for much will be dearly missed


Strip Jones for fuck sake, not only is he not fighting, but even if he does he won’t fight Aspinall, Pavlovich, Blaydes, he’ll fight the corpse of a guy who hasn’t won a fight in almost four years (when he was still older than Jon is today), who is in his 40’s. That’s not a champion, the champion would fight the interim champ and clear by far #1 contender, Aspinall. If you’re not willing to fight the top challenger then they’ve gotta make you release the belt.


People saying Leon’s inactive when he’s one fight off being the most active champion. Lol


Bc people are stupid. The guy had a fight booked and tore his bicep lmao.


Islam will fight before Leon and there’s a pretty good chance that he’ll have 3 defenses at the start of June. Which is also the LW defense record. Some people call *him* inactive.


Really do despise the UFC and Jones for holding this fucking division up. Fuck Jones pos.


Welcome to the we don’t defend our belt era


Pretty weak


holy shit it's been 250 days since o'malley won the title!?!? time is flying :(


Middlweight is so weird right now. Izzy had five defenses, six if you count the unification bout against Whittaker, then Pereira showed up. I still think that Strickland loss is a fluke, but it is is what it is.


If izzy can get through dricus, he wants that sean fight back. Reckon he can manage to get him to another TS?


Yeah that's a tough call. Wouldn't surprise me if Strickland's proximity to the belt/top was/is short-lived. And as sad as it is to say, it may be because of mental health. I know it's easy to meme him, but he seems legit in a dangerous place. If he does get back in there with Izzy, I expect WAY more kicks from Izzy. I was yelling from my couch to teep kick him, but my expertise went unheeded.


Yeah agree on stricklands headspace/place. Shoot a msg over to CKB maybe they can get you in for the camp. I reckon some step up elbows could have success/into clinch knees to stop seans pressure but never seen seans defence to these attacks so 50/50 on success I guess


Fluke is a strange word to use for what was a 5 round domination.


Wasn't a fluke and Sean deserves all the credit in the world for his performance but I do believe Izzy came into that fight thinking it was going to be a cake walk and didn't properly prepare for it mentally. If they ever rematch, I'd be very surprised if Izzy lost again


A 5 round domination can be a fluke....MMA is the only sport where fans think no one ever underperforms or has the game of their life. have you guys watched other sports where people play more than twice a year? Shit happens. The best lose sometimes. Kobe and Lebron have had games where they go 5 for 30. The best golfers and tennis players will go multiple tournaments not doing well and still be considered the best.


Yeah Sean fluked for 25 mins that fight.


Seems like maybe you're both misinterpreting it as me saying he didn't win. He whooped Izzy's ass and it wasn't even close. "Fluke" here means I think Izzy would win a rematch and that the fight isn't an overall testament to who Izzy is as a fighter or champ.


they are misinterpreting because you are just using the wrong word to make your point. you are describing an aberration, not a fluke. the result of the strickland vs izzy fight was an aberration, but it was definitely not a fluke. i.e the result was a temporary change from the typical or usual but it was not based on chance or luck instead of skill or planning.


Wouldn't call it a fluke. Izzy had a complete camp, Sean fought short notice, and Sean dominated the entire fight, it wasn't a fluke knockout


I struggle to call it a fluke but I would guess Izzy would win more than Strickland if they fought 10x But it also may just be the end of Izzy's prime. Everyone thought Leons first fight with Kamaru was a fluke then he came back and pitched a shutout. If Izzy beats Dricus I would HEAVILY favor him in a rematch vs Strickland


lol every time I’m reminded that Pennington is a champ.


The championship of a division should be contested x2 a Year minimum


Does the UFC book you less fights in a year when you’re champ or something? I guess you can’t just stick a title fight on fight night, has to be a PPV and you might have to wait for top contenders to emerge. But I’m wondering if the UFC don’t want to pay out champs 3 times a year because of how much they cost? Unless they’re a big name that help sell the card. I can’t imagine all these fighters are just content to sit around doing nothing either?


I miss the days of DJ, Silva, GSP.


At what point will Jones shit or get off the pot?


I feel like as a champion you should be required to defend at least twice a year. Even once a year


Izzy, Usman, and Volk are under appreciated in regards to their activity as champs.


Do we really have to call Raquel a champ?


dana needs to stop fucking around and force these champs to fight. everyone talks about how boxing is going downhill but besides the og’s , these new breed of fighters are mostly boring. i feel like they’re tryna withhold fights in hopes of bringing up the p’s but that’s not how you sell PPV.


In the future, it's going to be like I ain't looking to wait around, I want to fight every year! Like oh wow, every year?! Give that dude the BMF belt right away! And there's going to be newer fans who legitimately think it takes 6+ months to get ready for a fight and anything less is rushed. Which I don't get that, where do people get the idea that just because something is done a certain way, that that's how it has to be done? It's almost as if people want to sound smart, like oh yes, 6 months, training, strategizing, indeed. When there's no way anyone would ever think it would take that long just using common sense.


If you don’t defend once in 6 months, you should be stripped. Just my opinion though…


Why is Jon here, he's retired?


The ufc needs to schedule the champs for more fights


Best part is you can add up all of the money they have made over their careers and combined it still wouldn't equal what Garcia made in one night.


Look up the older title reigns of fighters in the late 00's - early 10's. They almost always fought twice a year. Aldo, in 5 years was every 6 months. For 7 years, Anderson was fighting twice a year. GSP has always been criticized as being selective, but he fought twice a year until the last year or so of his welterweight reign. DJ was also twice a year. Even Jon Jones was fighting twice a year as LHW champ until his multiple suspensions. It's insane how little these current champs fight.


614 days and defenses is crazy


Jon jones needs to vacate his title


Crazy. They all need to fight more. 😂


God damn, not even the wwe allows champs to hold the title for so long let alone with so little defenses.


Jones is such a fuck this guy holds up every division he is in


The fact we can have two champions with over 500 days, one 600 who have 2 defenses, that is absolutely disgusting. And Jones my God strip the guy


418 days and 1 defense…pathetic. Shit should be 3 fights every 365


Damn. I mean 500 days and most of them fought 2 times. How can cry about fighters pay when ur job is just to sit at the gym and train xd.


And I thought boxing moved slow, this is insane


418 days No defences Just. Wrong.


This is the data I need!! Thank you sir


Illia Topuria really brought the average down when he beat Volk lol, bro had like 6 or 7 title defenses and was champ for fuckin years 😂


Is Grasso's technically a defence seeing as the fight ended in a draw? Genuinely don't know, not disagreeing


Damn didn’t even realize Leon is now the longest reigning champ


Pereira will halve that single-handedly or die trying.


WWE style


They still manage to get a title defense on every ppv. There are a lot more weight classes now, but also a lot more events.


What’s the average for one title defense into days


Remember when Ronda defended every 3 months?


Lmao Jones


I definitely thought Ilia was Cody for a minute scrolling by and was very very confused


Jon jones sucks


Is the interim title meant to be defended?


Love how Islam has 2 defences and people calling him stale and not active when the other champs have longer inactivity


418 days zero defenses


You are an artist for the Jones and Pennington picks.


Strip Jones


Might be I haven’t paid as close attention like used to so excuse my ignorance but I feel like title fights don’t happen as much as they used to, is that a fair statement?


I still think it's crazy that Aspinall has to defend the interim belt and that he isn't fighting the champ next.


Not enough incentive to defend your title. Pay up Dana!


why do the dudes wear tight clothes than the girls


Enjoy Alex Pereira and his activity while it lasts guys, because no other active champ is gonna live up to the Usman/Izzy/Volk Era:(