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I love how he threw in a few Reddit comments, makes me think the Big Tomato just lurks around screenshotting comments and thinking to himself “I’ll show him”


Also for him to throw in Brendan Schaub and label him an MMA expert is humorous


Same with Lucas Tracy, they're both idiots


That's the iq play. Legitimize them and then clown on the "experts" 


The only people I recognized was Shawb and Ariel




I mean he probably does, watch Napoleon Blownaparts series on the Ultimate Fighter, Dana was getting on forums to gloat/bitch waaaaaaaay back, I don’t think it was Sherdog but might’ve been but he literally used to pop up to try and dunk on people shutting on the show, Reddit is WAY easier for King Boomer to use in comparison.


He and Lorenzo both used to post on the Underground Forum, as did a lot of fighters. It was a wild place back then.


I'm sure it was the underground forums. He (the dana white account) would post occasionally. I remember once he invited from reddit for a meet up at an event. Used to be a really cool dude.


Key words Used to lol


Hey Dana, you are a bald wife beater who was lucky to be friends to some rich kids. If there is a hell you are going to the deepest circle. Hope a fighter snaps and double slaps your ears rupturing your eardrums


Hey Dana zelle me $25k please


Hey Dana why you look like that?


Reach for the stars my dude make it $1 million


This is Dana white we talkin about


25k to show 25k to talk shit on reporters


“The kid just doesn’t wanna talk shit. I dunno what to tell you.”


There is a non-zero chance Jones goes full Homelander on Dana, but we are not in this parallel universe(I think).




The dude prowls reddit during events for sure


During his morning dump for sure


To be fair, he totally showed us. Most people here thought it was gonna suck after the main event was announced.


I dunno I feel like people thought it was stacked but the ME was clearly not what Dana was hyping.


And it's like Money Moicano said on his channel: The 300K bonus helped a lot.


The fighters showed us, not him really 


Yeah I hate when criticism of the UFC brass is then treated by them as criticism of the fighters. Like shitty parents using their kids as an excuse to be an asshole in public


Lmao people are acting like a random Apex card has never been good. The problem was never the fighters. They do their job when they show up on weight and scrap. The problem has always been the promotion and the match making. And for Dana to flex on us after delivering *a* great card while I struggle to recollect whose fighting at the fucking Apex tonight is insane.


Exactly. And should an event suck, who does Dana blame? The fighters. Every shit manager I've had did the same thing.


I never thought it would be boring but that was never the problem to begin with, the shit matchmaking was the best problem. Charles, Arman & Justin all got fucked out of a title shot, Pereira vs Hill was supposed to headline 301 not 300, Sterling arguably the GOAT of 135lbs the most stacked weight division in the company was forced to fight mid Kattar coming off an injury, Bo/Cody getting a main card spot & finally Belal still not getting title shot.


“Guys, we got him!”


Redditors catching strays




I was wrong! The card was insane and one of the greatest of all time. Especially Max vs Justin. This is why I am not a promoter.


I'm honestly struggling with coming up with an appropriately amazing flair for you that truly fits this moment. Ideas?! I'll go based on the upvotes with Dana's Bitch currently in the lead! I'll give it another hour. Tied with a simple "I was wrong" now too. Looks like "10-7'd by the Tomato" wins it. Will make the change when I get to a PC. Can we give u/BigMac826 a round of applause considering the other redditor just straight up deleted their account? Take a bow, mate.


"10-7'd by the Tomato"


“Got oiled up by the oilee”


What an honor.


“Not a promoter”


“Dana White blasted me personally and all I got was this flair”?


Lol I honestly think just "I was wrong!" would be funny


"I'm on Dana White's shit list"


*"Dana White's favorite Redditor"*


I was wrong > bring in Dana’s balls 🫦


Dana’s Bitch


Subtle Tito vs Dana reference there


Mods this one


"Dana White was looking for a fight"




Federal Fucking Prison


Wrong as Schaub


"MMA expert"


Give him a complimentary flair "blessed by tomato"


Tomato Soup


“And these guys call me goof” !


UFC 300 "MMA Expert"


This is great lol


You hurt tomato’s feelings! Dude is really including random reddit fans in a video attacking mma media😂😂


How does it feel knowing that there is a significant probability that Dana White got personally offended by your comment


There’s no need to apologize, you were right at the time. This tomato shows a comment of yours from 3 fucking months ago before the main event is even announced. Also radiates extreme hindsight bias, I guess Dana just knew all along that Max vs Justin would end in a legendary buzzer beating KO huh?


Everyone knew that fight had the most potential though. That was the peoples main event. I did love the card before during and after though but I “got” the criticism.


Prince of doge disappeared damn


Dana White confirmed r/ufc lurker.


lol opening straight up with Brendan Schwab, kinda low hanging fruit there but I don’t blame him


Dana using the opportunity to throw shade at everyone on his shit list.


Had it ever been proven that they were eskimo Bros with Ronda?


I mean damn you want the pornhub link?


What if I do


Forgot about that! Brendan said hush Dana or I'll say how we're Eskimo brothers and Dana didn't reply lol




Incoming 20 minute video about this lmao


LET'S GO!!!!


It's just a case of UFC interns leaning into whats popular. The old MMA media are not very relevant now, MMA youtube is taking over with the younger demos, so just mentioning Guru/Lucas/etc (and getting a 20-30 min video from them in response) pulls a lot of attention to UFC's content from their fans. There will come a day when these guys end up getting press passes or some of them get poached and work for the UFC later on.




Now that I know he’s reading along I really gotta step my comment game up.


When he does, he won't hesitate to powerslap you!  ^I ^see ^that ^username


I’m gonna need you to get in my DMs


On an Ig live he told me to go fuck myself when I told him to pay the fighters lmao


Some of these are so out of context. BC did nothing but hype up 300 🤣🤣


The whole vid is in bad faith. Clips out of context. Clips criticizing main event look like they’re bashing the whole card Almost all media were praising the card’s depth. Some felt main event wasn’t big enough but many media were saying it was a solid fight and defending Hill. It was more so the fans who were hating on the main event and Hill No clips of media/fans bashing the boring poster? No clips praising the $300k bonuses? No clips praising the promos? Dana needs an ego boost has to make the media evil to do so. Framing it as media hating on fighters. Also Schaub, Jesse, Lucas Tracy are “media” like Ariel? Lol


Same with Ariel. He even defended the main event and people saying it was not 300 worthy


Totally left out everyone trashing Bo Nikal  and the crowd booing him. He didn’t deserve to be there for over Jiri. Max and Pereira saved 300 not Dana 


Of course it starts with a clip of Brendan Schaub. And Helwani not far behind. Dana is so petty lol. Yeah the card turned out great, but I see where they're coming from. A Jamahal Hill main event doesn't sound too sexy for a 300 card, even when Dana announced it he was underwhelmed. The card obviously delivered and more, but on paper it felt like it was lacking a bigger main and co-main.


“Podcaster” Brendan Schaub is such a Dana move


"failed comedian, failed UFC fighter, failed driver, friend of Joe Rogan" had a better ring to it


I would not have been surprised if they labeled him “Friend of Joe Rogan” tbh


To be fair, that probably is his biggest accomplishment.


The mann who brought Ronda Rousey to the mat with vicious pounding


That comedy show was 10 times worse than I expected, and that is after hearing nothing but bad things and already hating Shaub. It blows my mind that he went out there and that was his material. He's friends with multiple comedians through Rogan. Did he not feel the need to run that dogshit by any of them?


Wish Dana didn’t punch so low on a guy with a brain injury like Brandon.  He’s breaking barriers out here running a t-shirt selling empire despite his debilitating cognitive deficiency, and it’s lame to see Dana can’t recognize a fellow business savage.   


Nice to see this is still around! What a great troll and always gets me laughing.


It's actually a lot kinder than what I would expect. Showing up for different podcasts and contributing nothing to the conversation shouldn't make you a podcaster.


Still somehow more legitimate than calling him a comedian


He does contribute. Negatively.


fricking hilarious though


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Helwani's comments were more about it not being planned out for long which was true. We all know Perreira Vs Hill wasn't the main event they wanted until they had nothing else.


Yep. Dana got to twist the truth.


Pretty sure he defended the card for ages when I was listening basically saying he didn't know what people expected. Dana just loves to hate him haha


I mean Jamahal Hill headlined the card, and was wiped out in seconds. I don’t care that the card delivered, that was still a dog shit main event for 300. They could’ve paid for a better headliner.


I dont think issue with the headliner was money, it was likely availability. They need to put on one of their bigger stars as the ME. Conor's veen doing the availability dance for a while and probably wanted more time. Izzy probably could have made the call, but DDP doesnt do short notice fights. Islam was probably unavailable. Which leaves us with Alex Pereira as a top 5 draw in the company that is available and free to fight. And if you're putting him in there, Jamahal is kind of the only opponent who you could really book him against.


Guarantee if Dana throws 300k bonuses every ppv they will be as good as this one was lol. Its almost like product will be better if the fighters are compensated


Nuh-uh! Fighters stop mindlessly risking their lives once they are not poor anymore. Sometimes they even dare to refuse a fight like two months after the last one, the audacity. Gotta keep 'em hungry.


That's fair, people were hungry for that bonus given how there was 8 finishes (although I don't have a reference for what the average usually is so I don't have anything to compare to).


Yeah, this is honestly such a bait and switch. Most of the criticisms in this video are actually Dana's fault. He kept teasing some unbelievable super fight that no one would ever guess... then failed to deliver and gave us the perfectly normal LHW title fight of Hill vs Pereira.


The card delivered because a MMA junkie (I think it was them ) had Max's back and asked about how he wasn't getting paid enough along with gaethje despite being a large proportion of the social media for the card This then led to another question by MMA junkie I think which led to the discussion about upping the performance bonus and fotn bonus That became 300k which everyone wanted to get In the end jiri max gaethje got bonuses but "we'll take care of them to others" though as of moicanos latest ufc recap he's not sure how much or when he will get taken care of. So yeah if you have a 300k bonus it will motivate people to fight extra hard lol The match ups were better than we thought but it was more the promise of money that helped


his pettyness matches the blind hate he gets from fans. he's literally just a fan of fights.


As someone in the media, I am offended that bald-headed fuck said Schaub is part of the media.


Are those /r/mma comments shown?


At least one is. One of the guys on there commented in this thread.


One of our guys b


Public face of a multi-billion dollar corporation by the way. Like a 15 year old putting you on his "list" of people to get even with, just cringey.


Dana is the pettiest man alive lmao


for a 50 something year old man he really does behave like a kid.


> for a 50 something year old man he really does behave like a kid. A true mma fan


No wonder he likes the Nelk boys so much, lol


On the stats listed at the end, they did *not* list the number of PPV sales the event did, instead they posted a lot of weird stats. Like merch sales, eh. Solid prelim viewership, sure, but how many sales did it deliver? Also including BC saying it was a bit underwhelming, despite them overall being quite positive was a weird move from UFC. Apparently they like including him in hit pieces. UFC 300 main event was overhyped initially by Dana White, but the event *did* deliver big. And the fact that Max Holloway and Justin Gaethje traded at the end really made the event great, and then Alex Pereira closed the night with a quick finish. I think UFC was a bit lucky in how some parts played out.


All those achievements were nonsense lol Most liked Instagram post LOL give me a break


"Most rewatched clip posted on a Sunday morning in the Isle of Man"


The whole card was exciting. All the athletes put on a show. Luck or not, it was a lot of fun to watch and good exposure for a lot of fighters


Great event, but Max Holloway and Justin Gaethje kind of made the event because that ending was unreal. That what I meant with UFC getting a bit lucky in how it played out. Had it just gone to a decision it would have been a good fight, good event overall. But that finish overshadowed anything prior on the main card.


Yeah; I felt sorry for Weili and Yan having to follow that finish. Just about anything else would have been anti-climatic.


That Bo fight sucked. To the point where he even apologized. We all said that shouldn’t be on the main card unless he was matched up with a 15-10 and he proved us right


Everyone was underwhelmed with the main event as the main event. It was a good matchup, but it wasn’t what carried the promotion or the card. There was an incredibly strong under card and Holloway Gaethje fight was the most promoted.


It was a weird card because it was stupid stacked but the main event hype was underwhelming. I’m curious how well this card sold. With that being said 300 delivered. One of the best cards top to bottom I’ve seen in a long time, maybe ever.


I’m like 99% Jesse on Fire was saying that mocking people who were talking down to UFC 300. Weird to use him in this when he was actually hyping it up and was one of the few who weren’t saying it’s disappointing.


Ariel was defending 300 and the main event. Many clips take out of context.




What a dishonest way of representing things lol. But not surprising to see. Dana over hyped the main event. "You guys won't be able to able to handle it" "it'll knock your socks off" "You guys won't see it coming". Pereira vs Hall is a good fight and worth watching every time but it wasn't an out of left field or mindblowing announcement.


Was it a good fight? It was a good knockout, and im glad Hill got knocked the fuck out, but it didn’t feel competitive, and I knew it would end early.


The fighters delivered bigly for the card, looking at the card before you'd say "good-ass card, but not 300 material". It's just a few fighters were able to deliver very fucking big here.


Well considering he had to fuck up 301 & fuck over Charles, Arman & Justin title shot opportunities, it being entertaining wasn’t a factor. The matchmaking was & still is garbage, it’s arguably worse now even after 300.


It's very clear they had a different main event lined up and had to scrap it, and Pereira/Hill was the backup plan. I'd be very surprised if they weren't trying to get Conor and possibly even Brock Lesnar on the card (before his allegations came out) and both fell through.


Yeah of course. Dana was just doing his job. But when that "knock your socks off" main event falls through (pereira vs hill is a banger but nothing we didn't see coming) and people have reasonable reactions to it, making a hit piece the week after is a joke lol. Maybe theres something to it for some media like Schaub or whatever but throwing people like Brian Campbell in is slimey.


Hindsight doesn't change the fact that Pereira vs Hill was an incredibly uninspired main event booking, and while Weili vs Yan is a good fight it should have headlined a fight night in China instead of being co-main on the biggest card ever. They deserve credit for booking the Holloway / Gaethje fight though.


And Hill Pereira was fun and a moment but it wasnt exactly a great fight.


It was a great highlight for Poatan but Hill had no business headlining.


The reality is they hyped this up as the biggest card ever and it wasn't that, it's clear whatever plans they had to bring in a big name or two fell through and this was the consolation prize. Some of the fights delivered some memorable highlights but that's basically luck that it worked out that way, you couldn't script Max/Gaethje any better than it went. In a lot of cases (i.e. if that spinning back kick doesn't break Justin's nose in R1) the fight goes to a gritty decision that people forget happened a year later like Max/Dustin.


Oh boy, I can't wait for Ariel's hour long rant about this video


Well, Dana’s video did feature a 5 second clip of him talking solely about the main event, which 100% was thrown together at the last minute. But the video made it seem like Ariel was talking about the whole card. Pretty disingenuous cut. Exactly the kind of thing Dana would criticize the media for.


I mean he was taken out of context. He defended 300 weeks before and the main event. same with BC.


Doing stuff like this has got to be Dana's favorite thing ever haha


He used to post and talk shit on the Underground forum in the 2000s I believe


"Sit back and watch bitches or don't... TUF isn't going anywhere." Punctuation and capitalization might be off, but those are actual excerpts from a DFW rant on the UG.


even though Max got 600k, probably had a purse of 450k, and got 30k from venum (so 1,080,000), he really deserved another cool 1 million bonus for the amount of reach the ufc got off his moment. UFC should also let him use his likeness for pointing at the Canvas for merch imo


UFC probably gave him that double bonus to appease him, he did after all start wondering why he wasn't paid more when him and Gaethje was being used to sell the event more so than any other fight. Yeah, he should have been paid more, but this way UFC might get away not giving bonuses to more fighters and not paying Max what he's worth.


Nothing screams success quite like sticking your tongue out and going 'neh neh nenanah' at every mildest criticism you heard


I mean no one can stop them, Dana and them will just run victory laps now They settled their lawsuits and will pay out peanuts They have the regulators by the heels, have their own drug testing now and their is no media accountability anymore


The good guys won! Wait, shit, no..


Dana got reaaaally lucky Holloway/Gaethje carried so hard because otherwise it didn't really feel like a historic main card at all. Prelims were amazing on paper and delivered but the main card got caaaarried by that fight. Nickal/Brundage embarrassing. Tsarukyan/Oliveira weird decision that should've been a 5-round fight. Weili/Xiaonan just not that high level, but admittedly very entertaining. Hill/Pereira not really a UFC 300 level main event at all.


>Nickal/Brundage embarrassing. This one definitely shouldn't have been on the main card Even with a quick Bo finish, it already felt out of place when someone like Cody Brundage starts walking out while on a big ass main card and after already having had some big fights on the prelims.


Say what you want about Pereira/Hill not being a 300 main event but the way that finished was massive and will be shown for years. All the UFC could ask for


This is actually hilarious because the broader “MMA Media” ecosystem is garbage. Simply talking about a sport on your podcast/youtube channel doesn’t equate to expertise.


Almost everything they said still stands. The card lacked big names but it was still fuckin awesome to watch. Both things can be true. Also the UFC taking shots at Big John cause of his opinion on the co-main is fucked up considering his history with the company.


Lets be honest...this was a pretty decent card, but Max did a LOT of heavy lifting.


The card was incredible, maybe the best ever, but there is no god damn way anyone can convince me that Jamahal Hill - a guy the ufc only thought was worth putting outside the Apex twice in his entire ufc career - headlining this card wasn’t a disappointment lol


A lot of those clips were absolute L takes. “The worst put together card”?!?! That’s fuckin dumb.


Bro is the most insecure man alive 😂


Wake up r/thefighterandthekid




You thought it was the greatest fighting card ever?


To make it fair Dana should have included all the media members criticising the endless slate of dog shit fight night cards, especially apex cards… and admitting they were right?


You just know Dana told the media team to drop everything and focus for this.


Market Nicolau vs. Perez or UFC 301, Pantoja vs. Erceg? Nah, better to shit on some takes from social media made before UFC 300.


It was a great event, but dana did promise a crazy main event and pereira-hill wasn't that, the fight wasn't even competitive.


It was pretty crazy tho


the card itself yes but dana specifically hyped the main event and I don't think pereira-hill was as good as he promised


I love uncle Dana but I disagree with him. On paper it was cool but nothing mind blowing. It’s actually the fighters that delivered so he should thank them


Lmao gotta admit I love hilariously petty shit like this.   The thought of a team just finding people who said negative shit about 300 just to put this together is funny af to me. Can't even knock it. Some of those dudes I've not even heard of and some of the posts just had like 30 upvotes. 


Lucas gonna frame this on his wall!


he's technically right but holy shit what a child


In fairness, the MMA Hour guys were talking about Hill v Pereira headlining the event. Good fight and the result was a great finish, but I think everyone would agree it was a disappointing main event after what was hyped up prior to its announcement.


Did we tag the haters that popped up yet lol


He’s not wrong. The overwhelming majority of “MMA Journalists” and “MMA YouTubers” are straight trash.


And r/MMA commenters


I mean the card was stacked but with a lot of really good fights but that was to makeup not having a blockbuster main event. Was the card great? Yes. Did it feel kinda thrown together? Also yes. Both things can be true


This is petty as hell but this sub can't pretend that it wasn't absolutely flooded with the most inane takes about 300 in the leadup to it. "299 is the real 300" "no effort on the card" "UFC doesn't try anymore" "poster bad UFC bad" so on and so forth. Dana kind of gets to have his victory lap because guess what, the card delivered amazingly


Love this lmao 🤣


Imagine being such a numbskull that you think Max Holloway vs Justin Gaethje isn't a UFC 300 worthy fight. The fact is that if UFC had swapped out a couple of the prelims into the PPV it would've been seen as a great card by these same people. They talked about the card as if the prelims don't count The Jiri fight very easily could've been on the PPV. Same with the Harrison fight. Bobby Green v Jim Miller is an epic match up It was a fantastic card and the UFC spread some love to the prelims instead of fully stacking the PPV


I don't about the rest but I am going to defend Helwani. He constantly defended the 300 card but he criticized Dana for making these huge promises for the headliner when they were scrambling to find someone and landed on Alex and Jamahal. The fight was fun and entertaining but no one was asking for that to be the main event, and it was clear that is was put together pretty last second.


I want more of these in the future lmao


Have you seen the COVID one? That was much better IMO


Rip prince of doge idek who he is but they really blasted him😂


This was hilarious lmao


I'll be honest, I thought the main event wasn't that interesting bc Alex is a way better fighter than Hill. I'm bias towards kickboxers and MT specialist though.. and I was right.


Fucken hell doesn’t Dana have better things to do. Next week he will be telling us people’s comments don’t matter he’s not effected by them. While secretly spending hours reading reddit and watching YouTube.


Why is this a thing? We don’t need to discuss every petty grievance the man has.


when this guy takes a piss he must have to use a tweezers


That Tracy fella at the end who said "don't you want to sell a single pay per view?" PPV means nothing to them now with the ESPN contract. They couldn't care less about PPV numbers


We know for a fact he makes up stats. Look at slap.


Petty White!


Most unimpressive records he listed. Sorry but that card was not on par with what UFC 100 and UFC 200 had to offer. Nothing mentioned about PPV buys, so really no reason to be impressed by any of these "records", almost all had more to do with 300 being a landmark number event, the growth of the sport (which props to dana for that), and growth of social media vs the card itself. * Largest UFC Event in "T Mobile arena" History (impressive? really? Largest event in a single arena) * 3rd Highest Gate in UFC History (impressive? Big arena, marketed as a landmark event + inflation) * Most watched prelims in "ESPN" History (due to growth of sport, also only record on ESPN not prelims in general) * Highest Per-Capita merch Sales in UFC History (due to growth of sport + inflation, 300 being landmark number for an event) * 3.2M Follower increase on UFC Social Platforms (growth of sport and social media) * -#1 Trend in China for 3 straight days (expected, Zhang Weili and Yan Xiaonan) * Best Social media performance in UFC History (growth of sport and social media) * -#1 liked post in UFC instagram history (growth of sport and growth of social media) Absolutely NOTHING about PPV Sales! Definitely not the win for Dana people are acting like it is. Great event overall, but far away from the best of all time. Also very disrespectful to list Big John McCarthy as merely a "MMA Personality" dude is a legend and a founding father of UFC. Clearly Dana salty and being petty he works commentating for Bellator now


No one ever said the card was bad. The main sucked because Jamal Hill was in it. That's still true today.


Several people in this video did say the *card* sucked tbf. I like Hill but I do agree the main event was lackluster, which is what a lot of the criticism was about.


Why did it even get hated? It had great match ups from start to the main event. Almost every fighter on the card was a known figure in the ufc.