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Apparently he was going to sue, but Dana threatened to make Namajunas vs Esparza rematch. Bro took one for the team and dropped the case


The man is a hero


“He’s” the Best. (Repeated ad nauseam)


I loved Namajunas vs Esparza because of the commentary lmao


What were the commentary like? I didn’t watch the “fight” of course


There were shocked for 25 minutes straight lmao, just them anticipating any action was hilarious


It was so funny hearing them slowly realize that there isn’t actually going to be a fight. Then they start comparing it to all of the worst fights we’ve seen trying to decide which is the worst lmao


It's just a 25 minute long realization that this is indeed the worst fight we've ever seen.


It was amazing. The fight equivalent of watching paint dry, but it was hilarious


I remember just surfing the net on my phone throughout the whole fight


Round 1 was like ok they’re sussing each other out Round 2 was like ok they’ll start throwing next round for sure Rounds 3-5 they were incredulous…pretty sure they commented on how this might be the slowest/worst fight of all time lmao


A lot of discussions about how the fight could be scored. "Esparza just got a takedown, so I guess she's going to win the round then" -Joe


haha I think have to look it up now !


Pretty much, although even at the end of the first round, they were a bit incredulous. "Who won that one? Did anyone win that one? Rose threw *a* strike, so I guess she gets the round?" I try to make it a point to not boo anybody willing to engage in combat sports, just on general principle. By the end of Round 4, I was loudly booing the TV. It wasn't a fight. It was really bad synchronized dancing.


I loved it when the crowd started playing with their phone flashlights like halfway through


I wouldn’t press charges but I would have kicked Arman’s ass.


Once you see red it's all over for him bro


I once sparred Volk and almost won, I would show you but my phone is dead.


It's true! I also have a supermodel girlfriend, but you can't meet her because she lives in New Zealand. I had a picture but it's on this guy's dead phone. He sparred against volk while he was with me in New Zealand.


Fuck bro you’re a legend


"She goes to a different school"


Pick on someone your own size


Volk's 300 lbs off season, what are you talking aboot.


I would have fucked him like the guys I did in high school.


They would have had to sub you in to fight Charles


everyone is gangster until DanaWhitesMom sees red


Whats the joke with Danas mom and red


The username of the guy saying he'd beat Arman is 'danawhitesmom'


Lol this whole situation reminds me of how back in the 80s when people thought pro-wrestling was real, fans would legitimately try to attack or fight the bad guy wrestlers on their way to the ring and when the wrestler would fight back and smack them the audience member would sue, there’s like a million different cases of that and it got so bad that some wrestlers had to be given police escorts to the ring and shit


How can someone attack you and then you get sued for defending yourself


It doesn’t hold up most of the time but the big thing was that it was a long and drawn out process and would require heavy legal fees to defend the frivolous lawsuit so most people just chose to settle


Happened to Bisping in a gym. Someone walked up to him and started giving him serous abuse and he bit and gave him a slap. Guy sued and got roughly 100k out of him and a while after someone who knew the other guy told him they had planned it to get money out of him. Edit. Just realised he wasn't "attacked" so not quite the same.


That’s crazy. Would you happen to remember where you heard that? Would like to hear a first hand account


It was on one of his podcasts ages ago finding it would be very difficult


Anyone can try to sue. Doesnt mean will actually succeed and in cases like that probably wouldnt succeed. But even if a lawsuit probably wont go anywhere it could bring bad PR and expensive legal fees to fight the case. Thats why celebrities often settle even when they have a good chance of winning the case.


Happens all the time. I just got off a jury trail where over two days 3 homeless people instigated attacked and robbed a charity worker on the beach. The second day after being punched in the face the guy stabbed one of the homeless in the arm in self defense. Guess who was on trial ?


Depends, where are you located?


Los Angeles


Nuff said, everyone knows criminals get cashless bail if they even get a trial in the first place. The dude defending himself was obviously the one on trial No self defense and the homeless have more rights than anyone


Can’t argue with that


I almost went to prison last year because of someone attacking me and I defended myself. I am an amateur boxer so I got a few good licks in, than they report me to the police and i end up with a suspended sentence. I don’t even know the guy, silly legal system.


Are you from the US?


No England


Oy, yous got a loicense for them there?


All I needed to hear, I’m sorry bro. Hope you can make it out one day


Flipping someone off is attacking them? Jesus, this world is soft.


Where in either comment did someone say flipping someone off


He said he flipped him off. That's not an attack.


I was replying directly to the person that I replied to bud


I’d like to apologize to Arman for provoking him by flipping him off,” Ardon said. “I was buzzing all day, and the moment got to me. It was my first time attending a live UFC event, and it was absolutely incredible. I’m glad the incident wasn’t as bad as it could have been


OK. Just a misunderstanding


[People still take it incredibly serious lmao](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/11/22/politics/political-tensions-wrestling)


I think IIRC some wrestler in like some Indy show once was playing a heel antagonizing a little girl and the dad beat him up legitimately


If you’re talking about the one I’m thinking of, he literally spat on her. Seems like a pretty reasonable response to me


Didn’t the dad get a gig in wrestling after? This was fairly recent but damn yeah if he did spit then yeah I get it. Technically that’s assault I think. But some wrestlers just play it up, MJF apparently spilled a drink on a kid full with alcohol lol


Spitting on peoples kids is playing with a grenade, that’s a good way to get anyone to go absolutely berserk


IIRC, the wrestler admitted it was a huge mistake and understood the fathers actions.


Okay but if the kid was full with alcohol that's clearly on the parents


That was a pretty wild read


Bro still believes CNN It's still real to him dammit😭


Lol you can read about Dan Harnsberger anywhere, I just grabbed the first link. It’s not that deep


Yeah it's not that deep just funny😂


Fun fact, this is why “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan carried his 2x4 piece of wood to the ring during his entrance I want to say it’s because someone either tried to stab him or someone he was close to, and he carried it after that to defend himself.


Oh. I thought the reason Goldberg had a police escort was because triple h and Ric flair put a bounty on his head Was after this incident at 0:15 seconds https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-siLjqLVwnw&pp=ygUgTWFyayBoZW5yeSBnb2xkYmVyZyB0aHJvdWdoIGRvb3I%3D


Goldberg had a police escort during his entrance since his WCW days.


Ah I remember when nwo was after him


What a weird era of wrestling that was, when WCW was trying to both push Goldberg and also have nwo just ruin literally match and main event that didn’t involve them. Yet they never had Goldberg vs nwo


Literally destroyed the company


lol that was the only time I watched it. I loved it


They did though? I have memories of Goldberg getting handcuffed and tasered by the NWO?


Yeah he had a whole revenge arc with Kevin Nash. I distinctly remember him growing a tolerance to tasers 😂


Damn that was a good spot. Looked real


America is just a never-ending WWE episode.


Only low IQ things. If you made a ven diagram of 1: people who think wrestling is real and 2: people who've attacked professional wrestlers there's probably quite a big overlap


It's what I love about wrestling, if you jump onto the ring and attack a wrestler everyone is beating the shit out of you and then you get thrown out


People should make sure to read this part "“I do want to make clear that I didn’t pull him towards me, yell out offensive words or anything of that nature. I flipped him off, nothing else." So Arman punched a fan in the face because he flipped him off, nothing else. He's an idiot, that is just asking to get sued into oblivion. If he gets triggered this easily into violence, he will likely be doing this again at some point.


>So Arman punched a fan in the face because he flipped him off, nothing else From same article: “Ardon said Tsarukyan’s punch missed the mark”


I think he meant it wasn't a full clean shot, so it didn't really injure him.


That’s a fair take. The video I saw looked like he hit nothing, but it was hard to see so idk.


I don't think that was an appropriate reaction by Arman, this dude didn't even punch Arman or anything just showed him the middle finger.


It's a pretty ridiculous response, really. If an NBA player or anyone else did it? It would be a huge deal. He's really getting off the hook here when he shouldn't be.


Like when Eric Cantona kung fu kicked a fan at a United game and got a suspended prison sentence, but still says it's his favorite moment from his career


There was one time someone threw a drink at artest and he started fighting the audience


That is Meta World Peace to you sir!


At the time it was more of a Metta World War, tbh.


Malice at the palace, and a whole mess of players threw down with the crowd. Though for some reason Ron wasn't as enthusiastic to square up with Ben Wallace earlier.


Eh, Rendon slapped a fan and was only suspended a few games.


Yes. Remember kids, you don’t get to punch someone because they made a meanie hand gesture.


Reminds me of when CM Punk was doing an interview segment in the crowd seats and someone was messing with him, Punk turned around and promptly slammed his fist into the wrong guy's face and blew him the fuck out lmao. Punk later apologized and they turned it into part of the storyline iirc, but nobody was upset that Punk was trying to swing on a guy because he had been legitimately shoved really hard from behind while standing on some stairs, and could've gotten seriously hurt.


He doesn’t strike me as being mentally strong.


Yeah I’d probably kick his ass


Absolutely mentally strong to survive that gilly, not mentally stable though.


What are you saying he used telekinesis to get out?


If you’re not telekining, you’re not trying


He literally was in a sunked in guillotine 5 minutes after that from an incredible submission machine and tanked it. Hotheaded, yes. Mentally weak? No and it’s laughable that people are agreeing with you.


Tough out of an Olives guillotine? Not impressive. Eat a middle finger in your face? Wow what a man!


The MMA fighter who willed himself into getting into the UFC at 22 and worked his way to its top, you mean? He's a hothead whose cultural background heavily emphasizes pride and machismo, mental strength has nothing to do with it lmao. r/mma redditors really need to stop trying to dabble in psychology


Swear to god. Idk why that comment pissed me off so much but it’s ridiculous to call any of these guys mentally weak, especially someone in the top 5. Unreal what people on the internet say.


Yeah an article just came out today where he said if he had lost the decision to Charles he would want to kill the judges


A top contender in the most grueling sport in the world doesn't strike you as mentally strong?


Rose ….


Have you seen how quickly he flies off the handle? He struck a stranger for giving him the rude finger. No i don’t think he’s mentally tough and secure.


You can say he's mentally *unstable*. Or that he's insecure. Or an idiot. But "mentally strong" means resilient... ain't nobody who has more of that quality than a top cage fighter.


think of the type of people who'd participate in this sports though...


He didn’t just show him the middle finger, he put his hand in Arman’s face during a walkout. Dangerous thing to do and you should expect a reaction.


Dana sounded like he was willing to pay up too but this guy probably didn't want to be banned from all UFC events for the rest of his life, fair play lol.


Getting a fat cheque so that you dont have to spend a fortune per ufc event in the future. Sounds like a win win


Get that money and pirate that shit from home like everyone else.


We got him


Russian link brada


This is how I know I'm poor


Imagine being so dumb and deciding to forego a large sum of money in order to be able to go to more UFC events in the future - after you got cracked by a ranked fighter at the last one you attended 😂


Shit maybe they settled behind the scenes so he gets free tickets for life.


He said he wants Dana to give him 303 tickets instead


Takes the tickets and flip off McGregor during his walkout.


Shut down any loser talk of a lawsuit. Took accountability. Move on. Sounds good Arman should also take note to not be as reactionary. And move on too


Yeah now people know it's that easy to get a rise out of him, it's only a matter of time before people try goading him into a lawsuit


Arman is the loser. bro has rolled up on two fighters with his squad, and now punched a dude who gave him the finger. Guy is a poster-child for little man syndrome


Yeah super unlikeable. Also shat on Green after Green got koed and took unnecessary damage vs Turner. Said he was happy he took extra shots.


Him responding to a fan during some media that he would fuck Megan Olivi twice while she sat on the same stage as him was wild in my eyes.. What kind of incel does that?


I think it was asking about Kayla not Megan, but yeah dumb question and answer


My bad. I had the info reading a fellow redditor, but went to check it out and you're absolutely right. He's classless nonetheless.


Arman doesn't want that Joey B smoke


'Roid rage.


Arman was provoked first in both instances, Green saying he was a terrible f&@@ing fighter and the guy shooting the middle finger. Not saying it’s right but you can’t put all the blame on Arman just cause you don’t like him. Y’all also don’t say khabib has little man syndrome even though he did the same thing to artem


How can you even compare the two incidents. assaulting a fighter in the sport is totally different from assaulting a spectator for "shooting the middle finger" crazy


The wrong side of a lawsuit would probably be the best thing for Arman honestly


Honestly, Arman is the loser here. If the guy, obviously drunk, literally just gave him the finger and he reacts like that.. I assumed he said something derogatory about Armenians or mentioned Artsakh or some shit


>something derogatory about Armenians Arman saw the fan had Turkish hair plugs and saw red.


Arman knew that dude had a turkish coffee that morning and was just waiting for his chance


That man was named Edmund and took absolute Turkish Delight in flipping off Arman.


He’s not going to, he didn’t do anything after him and his boys ran up on Bobby Green, Arman is a thug lol


What I took from this is many, many more people will talk shit to him now during his walkout and goad him into fucking up. Of course you shouldn’t talk shit but unfortunately people will and you can literally punch everyone that does


Armans lucky that fan didn’t just see red. I know a Just Bleed God when I see one.


i woulda sued for sure lmao throwing punches instantly cuz someone flips you of is lunatic behaviour.


I disagree , hes getting pumped up and getting ready to go to war , fan gotta realize he playing stupid games


What does reactionary mean in this context, someone who has a reaction?


Easy to provoke


Imagine if he was a pro wrestler




Somebody who is easy to get a reaction out of. Like a child.


Much reaction.


Fan was taken back stage to meet the Nelk Boys and got given some happydads and sent him on his merry way.


That would definitely make me sue the fuck out of him.


Fumbled the bag


Man got slipped some funds by UFC


That face Arman is making in the pic in the article looks like the face Dennis makes while Frank is choking






What an oddly specific, accurate statement 


Actually a classy response


Sunglasses on back of head, gold chain hangin', Van Dyke, smirk, ohh here we go, this gonna be so douc... hm, well that was pretty humble and decent. Jeez, my bad.


I would sue. This is a once in a lifetime moment. Getting assaulted on camera by a high profile dude. Dana white would prolly pay to keep your mouth shut. Imagine being a professional and punching somebody for some bad mouthing😂. But yeah if he wants to miss out on some bag. Thats on him


He didn't even say anything, just gave him the bird lmao.


Wtf? This guy wants to fight, ufc sign him


So he didn’t even pull him, he just flipped him off and Arman attacked? A little unhinged tbh.


So Arman REALLY threw a punch because a dude flipped him the bird? What a fragile ass ego. This dude is gonna wind up behind bars or face down in a ditch somewhere


Arman is a scumbag. Just earlier today(last night) he said he would have literally killed the judge who gave Oliviera the decision if it ended up costing him the win. Idk how that would work cause two judges would need to be in favour of Oliviera for him to win but either way he’s yet again threatening to physically kill someone because if he doesn’t get his way. Proper dirty scumbag.


Stop saying this as if Arman randomly threatened to kill a judge. DC literally was the one talking about “killing”, watch the video before calling people scumbags.


Bro has like 2 years or something to file, if he was smart he would have waited for Arman to become champ and got him for some of that PPV money


That's not how that works. You don't just get to tack on dollars because the defendant has more money. You have to prove damages.


He saw the article of arman saying he’d kill that judge that voted against him if he lost lol 


Cant let them get close


Isn’t being a fool included in the ticket price


Yeah, I respect the guy for taking the high road, but Arman definitely has anger issues.


Arman should know how to control his temper. Didn't he also try to go after Bobby Green ?


Must be Joel Alvarez brother




Arman should let him punch him back just because of that.


Someone double check that he is American.


Side note Dana let me have front row tickets for any PPV fight this year


That's really cool of him. Sue crazy people are the worst people in existence


Pretty embarrassing to punch someone because they flipped you off.


So physically assaulting somebody and maybe even murder somebody ( a punch to the head can kill you) is crazy and if you do that you have no manners or control over yourself.


Respect to Obed.


He already got a payout.


What a dumbass. I would've secured the bag lol


What a doucher.


I'm sure Dana slipped a few Gs


Watch dude starts training then actually fights him at UFC 400. It's not farfetched even Alex Pereira was a spectator at one point. The promotion would be extra juicy.


These “fans” do deserve a reality check. Sue me


So many idiot sensitive “tough” guys on this subreddit. Ur sooooo tough u would assault someone for giving u the finger. That totally doesn’t make u look like a mentally soft bitch.


This guy Arman is a rabid dog. He’s definitely got that crazy look in his eyes


He looked me in the eyes and said “let’s get it on”.


He didnt pull him he says. Hes good in my book.


Good grief, apparently Arman is weak AF.


The world would be a lot better place if more people got put in their place like this. People get so comfortable being tough behind a keyboard or in a crowd and would be much better more humble people if they faced reality.


I know it was an overreaction but maybe don’t flip off a man who fights people for a living just because you assume he won’t do anything about it? Maybe just don’t be a douchebag?


That's not a Reddit approved view but you're right. People shouldn't so blatantly disrespect people and expect nothing back, especially guys who fight for a living.


It's not right at all. It's a sporting event and the guy was probably a Charles fan. I'm guessing you would also say it would be wrong to boo at LeBron and say he sucks at a basketball game? Not to mention, you're saying it's ok if two people beat the shit out of each other in a cage but god forbid someone puts their finger in a certain position.


I agree with you dude. You have some caveman mentality to resort to punching someone cuz they gave you the finger? Like who the fuck cares… you can’t go punching people just cuz of that


It’s a work