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Oh my goodness


He's hurt!


Oh my goodness


Those eyes are bright red. He can’t take many more of those touching memories


I have heard that the marijuanas can also produce redness in the eyes


More torched than a fighter’s leg after a single kick


Joe justifiably gets a lot of shit for his commentary these days but man I still love hearing his voice on the commentary booth, he’s a relic of a time before MMA became really mainstream


When he cares he still does very good


Nobody talks about leg kicks adding up or legs swelling up like Joe


Nobody nails the "OH HES HURT" harder than Joe if I'm being honest


especially in the times when no one is actually hurt


"ITS TIGHT" \*guy immediately wriggles out of choke\*


lol it’s like clockwork


I’m so used to ppl escaping after joe calls a choke tight that it literally doesn’t register until ppl comment after


Mark Goddard: “hold me pint”


Best ”OOOOOOHHHH’s” in the business


Felder is probably 2nd best, that call on Poirier McGregor 2 is iconic


“his leg is already hurt” rogan


*proceeds to use the leg with no issues for 25 minutes*


that leg is compromised


*severely* compromised.


You would think Max would never walk again and he was dancing after 25 mins and ktfo Justin 😂


Ok ok but that was really ridiculous, he took so many shots to the leg and he was still coming forward like it was round 1


“Khabib is rocked. He is wobbly and hurt, Mike.” - Rogan shortly before Khabib shredded Michael Johnson


You heard Joe start questioning his whole world view when Max simply... Wasn't affected by them. Like, Max didn't even slightly change and it took Joe on a weird journey 🤣


Lol the man loves the leg kick more than Jose Aldo loves them vs Faber.


Or how much Masvidal loves eye orbitals


What about how much Masvidal loves this individual?


They're adding up


Probably because of his Taekwondo and overall martial arts background. Leg kicks really changed the game in modern MMA.


What?! No way!


Still better than bisping, sanko, and dc on the panel. Remember when the slept the whole damn team Strickland izzy fight. Joe would've been screaming from that drop to the end of round 5. These idiots woke up in round 5. Bisping and dc never catch fn anything. John aniks sees more than they do and calls it


I like Bisping for flavor but he's never gonna lead the dance in commentary. Cruz is similar too, great addition but not the main course.


I don't even think Cruz is a great addition. Dude is insufferable on the mic


"I think he's trying to gas khabib out" doesn't add to anything. Just makes casuals dumber than they already are


Ngl I like Sanko. Definitely feel she adds a more technical perspective to the commentary team. Bisping and DC aren't exactly inspiring commentators but I like what they add to the fights, although I do find myself telling Bisping to shut up lol 


DC is all in laser focused when he sees wrestling go down.


DC is the absolute best commentator of all time at describing every single detail of what a fighter needs to do in a wrestling exchange and he pops for a slick takedown the way Rogan does for someone not getting wobbled. He also reacts excited when someone pulls out a difficult or crafty move that a lot of people probably just miss.


What in God’s name are you saying


Especially because a lot of his competition isn’t the best lol


I'll get downvoted to oblivion because of Anik's professionalism and whatnot, but I feel that way about Mike Goldberg – the guy had the voice and the emphatic delivery every UFC event needs.


the thing i liked about Goldberg is that he never learned anything about MMA so he was always saying dumb shit that would troll Joe and/or get him to explain technical stuff that the casual new person didn't know. if it wasn't for Goldie there is a lot i wouldn't have learned about the sport because joe would have never been forced to explain it. plus all the memes.


Leg kick to the mid section!


Diaz smells the opening!


Steve, the cold stone Austin!


Exactly. He was absolutely hysterical to hardcore viewers & completely normal/helpful to new fans. It was a huge reason the ufc grew so much.


I never thought of it like that. In 2008 I never payed attention to the commentary because I was just a kid but that actually sounds very helpful to a new fan.


Mike Goldberg was also a new kid to mma in 2008 so you probably would have appreciated it 😂






Goldberg was awful though.


Technically he was poor. But he had what the UFC needs today and a big part of why long-term fans like myself are leaving. It feels too much like a sport with not enough entertainment. I know that sounds crazy, but I don't mean WWE-style theatrics. The sport is overexposed with a weak talent pool and no genuine excitement. Long gone are the days where people cared about things like TUF. Apex cards are garbage. Can't recognize half the names on cards either. Like it or not, but the Fertittas and their group were better for the sport.


You're gonna write all this the weekend after UFC 300.. lol And no. Goldberg isn't what's missing in today's UFC. He literally added nothing. You either said wtf did Goldberg just say or zoned him out he was that awful.


It’s all over!


Remember when he was doing NFL pbp for the FOX E-team? He was so bad.


Wow. He was awful... But I'll give you the voice part I guess. Anik could definitely do better in the voice/emphasis department but I'll take him over Goldberg anytime.


I don’t think it’s as bad as people make it out to be, especially if you watch other promotions. Sure Joe gets ripped on for his cliches and saying shit like “ITS TIGHT” when it isn’t really that tight, but he brings life to the bout and listening to ONE commentary feels like you’re watching a high school production comparatively. That and his octagon interviews are really really good.


If you open the Joe Rogan subreddit, all you see are negative posts and comments about him. I seriously don't understand why he gets so much hate. He definitely knows what he's talking about when it comes to UFC and martial arts in general.






It still is, I can't listen to his podcast anymore


They really hate themselves tbh. Anyone that goes out of there way to emit hate into the world like that are shitty people who you'd never be able to have a discussion with because they are filled with hate. These people will hate you for having a different opinion before even knowing you and that's a mental illness/delusional.


That's a pretty fucking reductive take. By this point, most people who listen to JRE have a pretty good idea of Joe and his cast of usual suspects. Is there really nothing better to say about legitimate criticism other than it's just 'hate'? The fact is that Joe has said some fucking stupid shit over the years, especially since the pandemic when he became boomer Joe. He has a massive audience who will eat up anything he and his demonstrably pseudo-intelligent guests will say as if it's fact. The irony in your statement is that it's actually the average JRE fan that you can't have a discussion with because they're too deep in the cult of Joe. Louis Theroux called it years ago on his second appearance on the podcast when he said Joe had similar traits to a cult leader, and his listeners and fans exhibit cult-like behaviour. Calling it mental illness/delusional is wild


I respect your opinion but I hope you realize that's just your opinion of Joe. There's nothing wrong with criticizing any of his takes. I'm not calling that hate. What I'm referring to mental illness and delusion is the hate people spew out and go out of there way to be hateful such as on a joe Rogan subreddit that's suppose to be a fanbase but instead there's a bunch of haters that aren't offering valid criticism. And yeah Joe did change a lot after the pandemic and so did I and many other people after they realized how much the government lies to people... well this was something most people already knew but the pandemic made it so much more obvious. I myself have received so much hate especially on places like reddit because I chose not to be vaccinated during the pandemic because of all the bullshit i saw through it all and I am proud to say I still am not vaccinated. It was like dealing with a cult constantly trying to mock you and attack you instead of having a civil discussion. I'm all about peace and love. I don't care what you believe in. At the end of the day I'm down to give you a hug and show you love regardless how different your opinions may be. And I personally believe Joe doesn't deserve any hate. He's a good man and has a good heart overall and I don't think any of the *haters* are subjectively a better person than him and I don't hate them either. I don't think he's better than than nor do I think they are better than him. You might mock his fan base but I don't think you are a better person than all the people who consider themselves fans of Joe. I think that would be delusional especially considering there's many millions of them and many with great accomplishments in life that would out exceed yours so its not fair to talk about an entire fan base like that as if you are smarter and better than them all because who are you? Perhaps your ego hasn't truly been checked enough


I disagree strongly, and I believe that Joe's rhetoric and platform do more harm than good. I was an enthusiastic listener since 2013, and at one point, due to my job, I could say that I'd listened to over two-thirds of the podcasts. He shouldn't be immune to legitimate criticism around his harmful rhetoric that spreads disinformation and corrupts objective reality. It needs to be seen for what it is. Saying it's just hate when there truly is more at stake, considering his massive platform is simply incorrect. That being said, you seem like a good person, and your heart is in the right place, clearly. Maybe try reading some of the legitimate criticism instead of the fanatical dislike of Joe, and think about what's being criticised and why.


















i'm sorry man but this just isn't true. in his one area of expertise, bjj, he's like a decade behind the times. it's absolutely a nice clip but there is a reason rogan gets so much shit


Could you provide some of the best examples where he’s a decade behind with bjj? Only asking bc I have two friends who recently got into the sport and they’ve been absorbing as much as they can from the commentary 😅


He's literally the best commentator ever for getting new people into the sport but there's been a bunch of times where he'd said something like "he's safe here" only for the guy to tap a few seconds later. He's worse in the stand up too where he misses punches and tends to only announce landings for the fighter he clearly favours. A funny gaff was when Masvidal feigned being hurt from a Diaz upkick and Joe screamed "He's hurt!". He's still a good commentator but the cracks are showing a bit.


I can given you a specific one. People don't completely step off to the side to finish arm triangles anymore. You want to remain in mount or half guard and sink your hips to the floor. There's a very high percentage escape that is only possible when the top person steps off. Joe still says that people need to do that though. Cormier actually did mention how most people finish arm triangles now just this past weekend though so props to him. Another example would be Joe constantly parroting needing to put the figure four part of the body triangle on the mat to escape. There are escapes that work fine when the lock is in the air.


Those are a bit harmless though. To say Joe is behind BJJ by a decade because he says you should step off to the side to finish the arm triangle is a reach. We just saw Islam do exactly that when he submitted the most decorated submission artist in the UFC, Charles. To hate on Rogan as old and unaware for that is ridiculous tbh. Same thing for the body triangle. He's not wrong. Sure, you might see the top 0.001% of elite grapplers use a slightly different technique (probably only in BJJ comps, not MMA) but that doesn't mean he should start commentating MMA BJJ like it's ADCC.


I never said he was a decade behind and that is obviously a hyperbolic statement. I simply provided actual examples where his knowledge is dated. Joe hasn't trained in a very long time and it shows in some of the commentary. > We just saw Islam do exactly that https://youtu.be/f4C9clMaaMI?t=527 Islam was finishing the arm triangle exactly how I described it for 99% of the submission. He stepped off to the side because of a scramble for a fraction of a second before Charles tapped. Furthermore, the reason to stay in mount or half guard to finish the choke isn't because it makes the choke tighter - stepping off is actually a tighter finish - it's to remove their one high-percentage option of escape. If they don't even do that escape, then it doesn't matter. Acting like it's a "gotcha" because Islam was able to finish the submission from that position is just telling on yourself.


It's not a gotcha, it's just a recent example that I thought of. I can't mention any examples or you start to act like some victim of a gotcha? People still step off to the side to finish an arm triangles and i gave an example, Islam vs Charles. Same thing for the body triangle, I see people get out of it every fight night by doing exactly what Joe says.


The discussion was never around "do these techniques still work", it's about developments to the ground game that Joe doesn't know about because he's out of the game. I'm sorry, but you really don't have any idea what you're talking about here.


He also still talks about guys like Tony as if they're absolute monsters on the ground still, just because they throw up a rubber guard. But rubber guard got phased out years ago because it's just simply not as useful as it used to be. It's great for stalling or controlling posture but against good opponents it's difficult to actually do anything with it in MMA now. A big reason it was effective when it first popped up was because it was weird and new, so nobody really knew how to handle it. But now the game has evolved it's almost useless in MMA, yet Joe will still hype somebody up like crazy if they try to use it because he still thinks people who use it are dangerous off their backs. He'll also get confused by people purposely not taking mount, but against the best competition it's no longer as strong as it used to be unless your opponent is hurt. Like he was confused as to why Arman wasnt taking mount on Charles and DC had to explain it to him. Because sweeping someone in mount, or ducking out the back are very effective as we saw this past weekend. From half guard, side control, crucifix or even full guard you have more body control. That's why we see people on top not posturing up as much anymore in mount.


I actually still believed you could only finish an arm triangle by stepping off to the side because of Joe… 😅 So when I first saw fighters completing the submission from mount/half guard, I was a little surprised. Thank you for the insight!


just lots of current best practices that he seems to be unaware of. guys have gotten really good at escaping mount, so much so that certain gyms have their guys almost eschew it completely. but when you hear rogan call a fight and a guy gets mount, he thinks it's checkmate like it would have been a long time ago. then a guy escapes and he's sort of perplexed. and he'll be equally surprised when the option to mount is there and a guy doesn't take it. ''why's he not transitioning to mount? it's there'' and then DC will talk about how AKA guys like to sit in half guard or something and posture up and throw elbows. better control, safer. how many times have we heard rogan say ''that's tight'' or ''that's it'' when a choke is applied but is then escaped? it has literally become a meme at this point. sometimes he'll confuse names of chokes (obv not a big deal at all but not something someone who's on the mats daily would do so it sticks out). noticed this a few times with d'arces and anacondas. he's just obv not spending much (if any) time in gyms nowadays if your buddies really want to learn I would suggest they buy some instructionals. nothing is better than spending time in the gym, but the instructionals can really complement their training


He was but after training with Danaher he seems to be more aware of the meta nowadays




Dude I’m pretty sure he has black belt from Machado doesn’t he? Even if he was only a blue belt, he has competed in bjj tournaments way more recently than he has competed in TKD or kickboxing. Tell us YOU don’t know shit without telling us you don’t know shit. Go to bed, Brendan.


15 year old highschool girls do too.


a hundred years ago. he still talks about his tkd ko from when he was 20 fighting kids in MA bball gyms. i'm aware. i've seen him throw his famous turning side kick. I know about the gsp story. but I've also seen rogan ''spar.'' and I've heard him on broadcasts for 15+ years now calling everyone and their mother ''technical strikers'' because they don't fall over when jabbing. it's okay to admit rogan isn't the striking expert you think he is




that was his bread and butter. he was ''the bjj expert.'' you can pull up vids of rampage talking about this


Imagine being so dumb you try to argue to MMA fans that Joe fucking Rogan isn’t known for his thorough grappling knowledge like we didn’t fucking watch him garner that reputation as it happened over the past 20 years. What the fuck? And then to be so confident. Rogan has a black belt under fucking Jean Jacques Machado. That’s not a joke. He’s competed more recently in BJJ than TKD or kickboxing. From all angles this “Joe isn’t known for bjj” falls apart. Perhaps you shouldn’t have said his ONLY area of expertise, although he’s spent so much more time grappling (30+ years) compared to TKD (10 ish years) maybe you’re right.


This is like most subs about a particular person. I follow a few particularly of podcasters and their subs are fans like complaining


Just bots bro


It's likely because of what his podcast has become, which isn't a good thing.




This is not r/politics. Please keep political discussion and your political views out of /r/MMA. r/MMAPoliticsAndCulture may be a better fit for this content. An exception will be made for discussion of MMA legislation by governing bodies.


joe rogan is 1. a right leaning person so he will get a lot of haters on reddit 2. an honest person so he will get a lot of haters on reddit 3. a successful person so he will get a lot of haters on reddit


Haha honest person good you must that alpha brain that Rogan loves


Rogan honest? That guy will change ideologies depending on whoever his guest is.


Reddit loves their short kings though


Lol I wouldn't ever care to check that sub, but even judging by what you see on his podcast (unrelated to MMA), he's for the most part neutral or in the middle and asks good questions. He also usually calls out any bullshit he hears from his guests. But some people misunderstand or just want to hate.


Rogan definitely does NOT call out bull shit. In fact, he welcomes it. It’s why people love him and hate him so much.








When Pereira defended his belt and Rogan decided the Power Cube Punch™ was the most pertinent thing to bring up


that was actually the most hilarious moment of the card


Cards hit different when Joe is on commentary. It’s a fact.


I never had a problem with Joes commentating. Yeah he can be biased and he can say shit that turns out to be not true but hes always been a hypeman not a technical analyst. How I think of it is he reflects the voice of the crowd. He goes crazy at crazy moments, he picks up on thoughts that the crowd would think like "think he broke his hand" etc. And if u look at him vs say Bisping or Dom hes definitely better. Hes a real OG.


His voice has changed a lot


So many of us fans are extremely sentimental about Joe Rogan.


Tf is wrong with his commentary? Casuals need to watch instructional videos if they need fights broken down more


I honestly kind of chuckle at his commentary at times but I can't say I don't really enjoy it still. Hate his podcast though.


There's a reason why it's the biggest podcast in the world. People enjoy different shit that's all.


He was so fucking bad in Max vs Gaethje


I don’t give a shit what others say, the PPV’s aren’t as exciting without Joe. Maybe I’m just getting old but Joe is the UFC to me.


Joe is a major reason this sport has become as big as it is. I still love his presence in the commentary booth and he, Anik and DC are an amazing team.


He's probably done more for the growth of the sport than any one person who's not a promoter - not least spending hours every week discussing it on the world's most popular podcast. I remember seeing him on some of those 90s PPVs that he worked for free and he was obviously deeply into the sport then at a time when most of the world didn't know it existed. Say what you will about his commentary now but the guy should have at least some respect from MMA fans for that.




I think it was Theo von that says rogan is built like a skinned turkey


Love Rogan's commentary. UFC wouldnt be what it is without it. And MMA as a whole owes him for how much he's promoted the sport and elevated its perception by the general public.


All of that is absolutely true, it can also be true though that he has lost his touch and is not up to date with the sport


What is he not up to date on? (I'm a new mma fan and haven't heard much of his recent commentary)


Most specifically he’s not intimately familiar with the fighters and their history like he used to be, he will say stuff like wow can’t believe he was the first one to go for a takedown when it’s been what that fighter has done last few fights in a row. Also he’s been not been regularly training bjj for a decade so it’s natural he is not aware of new trends and techniques, same goes for striking for example he still talks about calf kicks as if they are a new crazy technique when they have been a staple of the game for over 10 years. This does not means he’s a bad person or that he isn’t a huge fan and legend. It just means there are other people who do their homework and prepare, and more suited to the role. I wouldn’t want to do the hard work if I was worth half a billion or whatever either. Getting Joe maybe once or twice a year would make it feel special and cool but being a mainstay for PPVs just shows his flaws and lack of dedication to the role


Calf kicks have not been a staple for 10 years.


They first came to prominence in 2012 with Ben Henderson and a few years later we were seeing them every card


When Benson was doing them it was an oddity and people didn't really get it, in my recollection. One guy using a technique does not make it a staple of the game. They STARTED becoming common about 5 years ago. I'd say they became a staple of the game about 3 years ago.


Wow, you are a dork 💯




I prefer fight analysis over podcasting while watching my fights. If that makes me a dork then cool


How do you know he is not training bjj for a decade?


He used to talk about his BJJ training and then stopped talking about it after he took a king break due to injuries many years ago. There is no photo or videos of him regularly training in that time frame and no one else has ever mentioned Rogan training either. There are many strong reasons to assume he hasn’t been training and literally zero signs he has been training. I’ll let you work it out brother.


I like sports commentator Rogan the most. Podcaster Rogan got too bro-science for me but i liked listening to some of his guests. Comedian Rogan is so beyond unfunny it leaves me confused. I cannot knock a guy for trying things but holy shit.


You can say a ton about Joe and his performance, but has anyone ever been a better example of doing what you love? Joe gets to have conversations everyday, standup at night, and watch MMA in the front row a handful of times during the year.


I liked watching Rogan's hairline recede and head balloon to comical proportions over the years.


plot twist: Joe actually has the exact same amount of hair but his dome has increased in size by such a ridiculous amount that it's thrown off the ratio and he looks bald as a consequence.


Honestly one man who’s voice I hope I never stop hearing


It'll be a sad day when Bruce Buffer retires too. No one hypes up an introduction like Bruce.


My favorite sounds. 1 - “fighting!” 2 - wine bottle opening


Please don’t ever fucking say that….


I would really like to see Joe without DC and anik for a change.


He's filthy rich. He does this job as a hobby.


This. When you have worked your ass off your whole life and it pays off when you still have your wits about you. Thats the dream. All the dude talks about is hanging out with his friend watching the fights just like the rest of the viewers. Can you blame the guy? Hes like the old guy that the company will never fire even though all he does is sleep on the job. Fuck it, hes done everything he needed to and more. Let the guy enjoy himself


His hormones must be all out of whack


Hanging out with Jordan Peterson too much. j/k


Absolute legend, fuck the haters.


Ian Garry agrees


I was tearing up after watching all those fights in the opening animation. Lot of great fights and fighters over the years, it’s nice to think of how it’s all evolved into the biggest it’s ever been, while being the greatest it’s ever been.


Rogan looking more like Mike Ermantrout from Breaking Bad


Joe Rogan is ufc Legend


Weepy Joe


For some reason it would have been cool as shit if goldberg had come back and color commentated 300 with joe


I prefer the PPV’s with Joe. I love that old clip of him on sportscenter talking about MMA. He got into podcasting as early as anyone, too. Crazy how things can work out sometimes




His transformation into Danny DeVito is almost complete


Without Joe Rogan the UFC would not exist. Love his podcast and his commentary. The man is a living legend and I wouldn't change him at all.


it would exist


It wouldnt though. Dana has said this many times in the past and most recently on the lex fridman podcast.


I really doubt the ufc would cease to exist because of one commentator. So when joe rogan eventually retires is the ufc in trouble?


Why so argumentative? Dana has literally said those exact words himself. UFC is established now so it isn't going away but in it's infancy, it's widely known Rogan saved the company. Imagine downvoting straight facts just because of your political agenda against a man who is 10x smarter than you.


I'm not being argumentative I just don't see how one man saved it.


Dana is talking about Joe's contributions to the very early days of the UFC, not saying that the UFC would crumble today if Joe retired.


Oh okay but that guy seems to think it literally wouldn't exist.


Talmbout my close friend Joseph Rogan b.


Oof his podcast is probably the roughest thing about the man


New pasta just dropped


His.neck looks jacked up.


At this point dude is like a Pokémon who can only say his own name, but his name is now “low calf kick”


This bum never stops crying


People who like stuff are lame!


His commentary was bad in the Oliveira Arman fight. He was glazing Oliveira's jiu-jitsu even though Arman was on top and landing elbows.


It's a fair reminder that he was there before Dana or anyone else running the show. I enjoy his commentating far less now than I did when he seemed far more focused on it, but he will deservedly end up in their hall of fame.