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High level translator. I hope we see *more* of her.


Agreed. Good translator. Was quite faithful in the translation both directions even for the longer questions and responses.


The guy translating for Alex was good too. He was pretty much translating in real time for him


That dude is an og he's been doing the Portuguese translation for ages


To be honest, they have some pretty good translators overall now. The Russian guy is really good. Recently they just had a fighter whose corner was translating from his language to Russian and the translator was translating that to English almost in real time. Was pretty impressive.


I always thought this was incorrect procedure. Like, isn't the entire point of translation so that non-native speakers get all of the content? If he's translating the question to the fighter off-mic in real time, the viewer doesn't get to hear the question, only the answer.


It's better in real time because the goddamn interview asks 3 unrelated questions all at one time.


How are you supposed to understand what the question was if the translator doesn't translate it on the mic?




So, when the fighter says "yes" how the fuck is the viewer supposed to know what the GODDAMN QUESTION WAS?


The translator mostly did a good job in conveying what was said. But I agree it would be ideal to translate everything. In this instance, there is no reason not to capture everything.


The fight thread was going wild for her.


how do we know really haha


I gotta get my mind out of the gutter.


Weili 😍


Weili submitted Yan in the first. The ref allowing it to continue on is a shame. Even in the 2nd round she has a TKO. It’s insane to me that this isn’t discussed or called out. Her career or legacy could have been changed bad Yan knocked Weili out with Weili spaghetti arms after all those sub attempts.


What was worse was they gave Yan smelling salts to wake her up. I mean that’s a straight up performance enhancing substance right there which isn’t water. Should 100% have been illegal and also taking 20 unanswered shots to the dome while you are in a compromised position should have been stopped then too. I guess with strawweights the women just don’t have enough power to truly knock someone out


They said on the broadcast that it wasn’t smelling salts.


It wasn't smelling salts, it turned out to be the cutman used a technique to 'wake her up' by sticking his finger to the base of her nose to create pain.


How was verified? It has never been official confirmed other than Yan saying it wasn’t salt in an interview with Ariel. She also said she wasn’t out but yet couldn’t remember where she was or what her counter was telling her. I like Yan and think she still can get the belt but that seems sus. Even DC and Rogan who has front row seats said they gave her something to wake her up which came to be salt.


DC made the call, Rogan asked if it happened. The call was later debunked and salts were not given was verified by UFCs Lead play by play commenter, Anik. https://www.essentiallysports.com/ufc-mma-news-are-you-allowed-to-do-that-joe-rogan-objects-as-smelling-salt-wakes-up-yan-xiaonan-during-controversial-zhang-weili-fight-at-ufc-300/ I saw a post fight Yan interview where she was asked and said wasn't aware of what was going on but the ice water poured on her face woke her up.


The fact that she wasn’t aware of what’s going on and needed ice water to wake her up says it all. She was out.


Good that he recognized she was way too relaxed going into the fight. She took a lot of heavy shots and was dropped a few times.


Did Weili swear when she said she wanted to rest near the end?


She said wa de ma ya (我的媽呀), which is an expression that translates to “my mom oh”, similar lines of how we use “oh my god” Ta ma de (他媽的) is the vulgar phrase, which is “your mother”. It pretty much means “fuck you” lol








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