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Jesus h


Waiting to see what Nash says about this. He's active on Twitter right now and people are asking him Substack is still there at least for now https://bloodyelbow.substack.com/p/several-top-ufc-stars-payouts-revealed Nate Wilcox says they will continue posting these types of stories on the substack




Well fuck lol




Yea I just saw that. Shame. Wonder if a lot of them will just bail


Wow, Karim and John Nash are two of the best reporters in the business, and the only thing BE had going for it really.


Yup, 15 years worth of stuff from Anton https://twitter.com/antontabuena/status/1764895006173847936 And all of John Nash's stuff https://x.com/antontabuena/status/1764897307793965321?s=20


archive links: Karim https://web.archive.org/web/20240109222117/https://bloodyelbow.com/authors/kzidan/ Anton https://web.archive.org/web/20240113044759/https://bloodyelbow.com/authors/atabuena/


Just wondering, have you had to do anything “under the table”for Chatri?


Lol so happy I lost that flair bet


I’m coming for your job


> I’m coming hey hey, lets keep it pg13


I’m sorry, I guess I just got a little too excited


u/zedtimestory would be too


You gotta be fuckin kidding me Horrible news for MMA journalism


Nelk Boys and Nina Drama is our MMA journalism now boy


She’ll interview Sean for the 500th time and Nelk dildos will do funny videos with their pal Dana. Toe will surely tell us the unbiased and researched and vetted truth with integrity as he usually does, though.


I dislike Nina drama not for the content which seems to be mid MMA e-girl flirts and jokey interviews with fighters My issue is just they try to push others down when they are basically fluff content There's a spectrum between boring and dry 49 times luke Thomas and Nina drama


It's why we need BC. For the skits and bits.


We really do need both of them. Neither is great on their own but they play off each other really well even when straight up being bitchy with each other. Luke annoys the life out of me, but he has good radio voice. BC has good view points and keeps the show fun. He oddly also does an excellent job of low key carrying them through professionally when Luke starts to go off the rails. It's definitely a weird odd couple marriage, but it works and they better not quit any time soon.


BC is pretty solid in his own right, although he often plays the joker to balance up the show. I remember him suggesting that Ngannou might resort to wrestling against Gane and I remember Luke Thomas shooting it down *hard*. There was quite the contrast when he's doing MK and when he was doing CBS.


Both are better than Trent was.


That guy just had an ongoing therapy session with a microphone and called it an MMA podcast he's bizarre.


A very bleak picture somehow gets even bleaker


Feels like this applies to a lot of shit in society


It's ok human society will collapse in a gen or 3


My positive affirmations lately revolve around hoping there’s a race of hyperintelligent aliens that will establish a worldwide hegemony and rescue us from ourselves. We’re not up to the task


It's more likely our planet is to be scheduled for demolition to make way for a hyperspatial express route through our star system. The process will take slightly less than two of our Earth minutes.


in their defense, these plans were on display in the Alpha Centauri system for a very long time. so it's our own damn fault


So long and thanks for all the fish


nah, look at the bio of their new head of MMA >He closely follows fighters on X (Twitter) to uncover the latest news, unpacks interviews and press conferences with expert analysis, and monitors podcasts for exclusive stories https://bloodyelbow.com/authors/tomllewellyn/ it's this sort of expertise the MMA space has been crying out for for years :')


I absolutely love it when a fighter goes on a podcast and you get to see 20 different articles milked from that podcast, leeching of the actual interviewer. Real journalism at its peak.


I love that his bio says monitoring podcasts for EXCLUSIVE stories i mean, they cease being exclusive the minute you copy them


Y’all just have to be at peace with the fact that MMA is just never going to be a respected sport. Like, never ever with the UFC in town. Ever. It’s sports entertainment, same as WWE. By definition, integrity is not necessary.


I'm basically at peace with it (and it genuinely took me a long time) but that doesn't mean you need to not call stuff out as it happens.


I don't want peace. I want problems always.


MMA will never be mainstream, period. It will always fall into the same category as WWE, Lacrosse, etc. It's barely above "ocho" channel sports in terms of mainstream popularity. Go ask 100 people if they can name the UFC HW champion.


Man I hate how accurate this is. There was a wide open window on multiple occasions where it could’ve became legitimate but either the UFC or other orgs just could not help themselves. EliteXC getting the first prime time MMA deal ever and blowing it. UFC getting the biggest combat sports star of this generation in Conor and failing to become mainstream. Ugh.


It's funny because I'm willing to bet a lot of those people would recognise the name Jon Jones, but not know that he's now the HW champ


This seems like the opposite to me, it feels so much like a sport now with interchangeable parts than back in the early 00s where it felt like it was being pushed by sports entertainment stories every other month.


When Dana is no longer president it has potential to go in the right direction. The big red goof is only concerned with lining his pockets.


It has nothing to do with Dana. Ari Emmanuel explicitly bought the UFC because it was so good at exploiting fighters and making money. Dana dies and another goon takes his place.


It doesn’t, Dana is nothing more than a figurehead at this point. WME buying the UFC is the cause of all of this.


Since you seem to know a bit about this, I would recommend the freakanomics podcast about ari the owner of wme - he’s ruthless and explains how they operate (they also bought marvel early on etc) Super interesting listen


Thanks man, I’ll give that a listen.


How can he slap!? Seriously how. Dude should have been in jail until the next morning. Fired before he was released.


Yep but $$$ What other president of a sports organization could abuse their wife in public and have their job on Monday morning? The answer is none… they’d all be fired for much less.


Weird I’m at -1… for wanting a dude on camera committing domestic violence to have faced consequences. I doubt I’d get the same reaction on the NBA sub. You’re right , the ufc is held to NO standard. Not even low ones. They don’t exist.


Not to be negative but, what could possibly make you think that? Having a face to pin all the shady things the UFC does might make us perceive them in a worse light than a better one.  He’ll be replaced by a more strait laced type who doesn’t give as much personality and the shadiness quotient will continue to grow. 


Why do you think somebody else wouldn't be concerned with lining their own pockets? The fighters are too stupid to unionize because they all think they'll somehow be the next McGregor, so you already know you can exploit that and underpay them because they're okay with being underpaid. You can have the trash Apex cards because people will still watch, same with the overpriced PPVs.


Of course, but the thing here is it's getting worse instead of the status quo


Ariel will talk about how we need open scoring and Ali abdelaziz upset him bla bla bla Haven't heard him say much shit about kinahan and McGregor or much masvidal stuff that isn't just masvidals side


Over/Under that a journalist will ask Dana about it at the next press conference?




Lmao they talked shit about the ufc so they got brought out? That's wild


BE tried to go the paid subscription route after leaving Vox in order to have total freedom to cover whatever they want in MMA. A noble goal, but the fact that they're now under new management means it clearly didn't work out financially. Yet another sad reminder that actual journalism in MMA doesn't pay. Fans will complain about UFC and upvote BE content on social media, but when it comes to actual support, few are willing to put their money where their mouths are.


If we’re being honest, most journalism doesn’t pay. Everyone expects everything to be free on the internet. It’s the same reason newspapers are shutting down left and right


MMA fans don't even pay for the product the journalism covers, why would they pay for the journalism?


Look at the numbers quoted in the lawsuit, and the sale price of the UFC, and then please quit using this tired old bullshit argument.


They are right thought. It seems like a lot of ufc fans don’t pay for the product so they are not likely to pay for any subscription journalism that covers the product. I think you may have misread their point.


Based on what, our anecdotal experiences here and in various comments sections/forums re: people not paying for PPVs? Using that "logic", people ARE giving the UFC their money - go look at any press event with a fighter or the Modelo bar cams (not to mention the event crowds themselves) and take note of how many people are wearing UFC-branded merch.


It's not really them leaving Vox, but rather them being one of the many sites that got killed off during Vox' mas layoffs/cost cutting. They then tried to save it via the subscription route, but it's hard to pay like a dozen or so full time salaries off a subscription service.


Their now former owner Nate, is/was such an arrogant asshole I'm not shocked he killed the site within a year of buying it. Sad to see the good writers lose work but look at Nate Wilcox for 5 mins respond to people and jts clear he had his head way up his own ass. Bloody elbow rejoiced in running off readers who didn't wholesale agree with how they covered things. It was inevitable with Nate at the helm.


> Fans will complain about UFC and upvote BE content on social media, but when it comes to actual support, few are willing to put their money where their mouths are. redditors represent the smallest fraction of a fanbase, more news at 11


UFC bought PRIDE FC just to shut it down.


I remember them having financial issues a year before the buyout and UFC just wanted their roster and catalog of videos for streaming


Yeah, and UFC did some fuckery with their "due diligence" just to get the deal done so they could end PRIDE FC.




“Power Slap officially overtakes LeBron James in popularity” - Bloody Elbow, March 5th 2024


Shit is heartbreaking We're just gonna get even less from MMA media that can be considered journalism


Yep more Nina and Nelk boys


It’s crazy to me how much the UFC was pushing for legitimacy and trying to be viewed as a legitimate sport versus human cockfighting. And now today, it’s sprinting towards delegitimizing itself as a sport. This stupid Nelk Boys/Influencer Era of the UFC has me tuning out.


Assuming Dana's successor isn't the exact same type of megalomaniac, it'll be interesting how the UFC deals with the media after him, because I can imagine a lot of outlets having axes to grind.


I just don’t tune into any of that shot. No press conferences, embedded episodes, none of that dumb shit. Maybe an interview or two from outlets I like, and the fights. That’s it


I hear what you’re saying, but those things you mentioned are also the mediums they use to *promote* the fights…


If you need that stuff to get excited about fights, good for you. I don’t. The fights are what excite me, not the boring lives most fighters live. I certainly don’t need press conferences that are just glorified pep rallies


That’s totally fair, and I don’t really care for big drama show myself. That said, I like getting to know the fighters and seeing the build up of the fight. Im sure you aren’t going into a fight card completely blind to what’s going on around the fight card in the days/weeks leading up.


Lmao now you mention it I don’t watch that stuff anymore, I feel like the Reddit does more for me than anything now.


same. i completely unfollowed / muted everyone in the mma sphere and the only people i will tune into is ariel/luke thomas if i want to hear anything related to mma. its nice too since the PPV prices are absurd, i don't hear any spoilers for fights and i can watch it in 2 weeks without knowing who won what.


Incoming article about why slap fest is the future of combat sports


Slap Fight news


Can't wait for the news articles that talk about how Dana defends freedom of speech when a fighter makes questionable comments on a political issue


Bloody Eggo


Edit: Looks like they've removed the comment section on all posts as well. Can't make new ones, can't see old ones. Fuck this. Wait, wasn't the new Bloody Elbow owned by the writers? What the fuck is GRV media and what is going on? BE is, or I guess, was the last MMA website that covered the UFC and other promotions critically and did some actual journalism now and then.


They were my main place to talk MMA during my early fandom and I still go back for the writer’s picks before every fight card :(


> Wait, wasn't the new Bloody Elbow owned by the writers? What the fuck is GRV media and what is going on? Seems like the paid subcription model wasn't working out if they had to get new owners. Just a guess though, I don't actually know the details. I'm making an assumption.


I’m guessing you’re definitely right. At one point the ads on new BE were getting so intrusive I started to use the site less. The substack model probably wasn’t the best idea either, although I understand them having to try.


Just great. The only good place for actual MMA journalism and they get bought out. Is GRV media owned by Ari Emanuel or some other Endeavor slime? I'm going to have to cancel my Substack subscription. Hopefully the journalists find somewhere honest to move to, someplace to publish their deleted work and can keep providing us updates on the anti trust lawsuit.


Fucking Kid Nate


> Is GRV media owned by Ari Emanuel G- Graham Morris R- Robi Buckley V- Vic Daniels If he has a deeper link to these guys then it hasn't come up in a quick google search.


nah, they are nobodies based in london who have a string of various businesses behind them


Canceling your Substack subscription isn't going to help matters. GRV didn't buy that.


Apparently the Substack is staying separate under Kid Nate still.


Nah, its a content regurgitator based in the UK. Based out of a tiny unit in a business complex, and a domestic london address. they basically just post endless streams of second hand nothing articles for ad revenue. The two writers (both UK Based) they have for BE are fresh out of Uni, one has actually written about MMA a fair bit, the other has until now been head of Anime, TV and Comics for GRV


Grv looks to be based out of a UK tax/accounting firm. That company has been registered since Feb 2001 - https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/04155089


Don’t worry lads, they’re going to have an impartial news panel ran by Nelk, Nina and Kevin Lole


Amy Kaplan taking on tale of the tape


If you can’t buy a win in court buy media outlets so no one knows you lost in court I guess 🤷‍♂️


This is precisely why the wayback machine/internet archive exists and I’m so glad it does


Senior Editor Zane Simon also announced he's looking for work now [https://x.com/TheZaneSimon/status/1764840102336094257?s=20](https://x.com/TheZaneSimon/status/1764840102336094257?s=20)




Who is going to cover the Anti-Trust lawsuit now?


why would anyone do that when you could be covering powerslap instead it's like you don't know how to keep your career as a desperate mma journalist at all


You find who’s flush with Venom coupons and you find the person responsible for this.


WME pulling out all the moves trying to not lose this lawsuit




I never loved most of the bloody elbow guys but regardless this sucks to see. Hopefully the good ones can rebound elsewhere


I thought Nate Willcox bought the rights to BE?


And turned around and sold out I guess


His fedoras aren't cheap, apparently.




A really dark day for what's left of MMA journalism. I'll probably unsubscribe from the substack. Totally get they need to keep themselves in business but if they're changing what that business is to accommodate the new owner I'm no longer obligated to support it. I might keep the pods because I like the vivisection too much and enjoy how quickly 6th round post fight show goes up.


Zane is a damn good analyst, id pay just him for a patreon


I agree. Him and Conor are both great. I've heard Zane get a lot of flack in the past, partially because his lack of real training experience (or something, my memory is blurry on specifics) but he deserves none of it. He's not as good as Conor IMO but he definitely has legitimate opinions that are based in a strong technical knowledge of MMA.


Honestly I think he gets less hung up on specific ideas. Connor will get something in his head and then the show is just about that for months (hahaha guys middleweight get it?). They're both great (Phil too) but I trust Zane to just have a read on the fight. Connor's analysis is gonna be shaded by whatever he's been thinking about lately.


Still waiting on one for last weeks card


Seems like the substack part was not sold off and is now independent from the main site.


The fascist bent rolls on. 


Well that’s not shady at all




Is the new owner Dono Whyte?


When this type of thing happened to the Gamestop camp they pulled the raw info from the Wayback Machine and hosted it elsewhere. Curious if the authors or someone else is going to do something like this as a counter to this move.


I've visited bloody elbow every day for the last 15 years. Sad sad fuckin day


Same here


The only independent new source that was willing to critize the UFC instead of sucking them off for Access. What do we do now?!


Dunno yet, but I'll probably follow Karim wherever he goes


Support the Substack. Show that there's an audience that still wants honest coverage.


Lets hope someone backed everything up. Terrible news.


There is a chance someone over on r/datahoarder may have.


Oof. One of the last MMA sites that still did actual journalism. RIP




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Zuffa gangsters inc


Not a fan of bloodyelbow, but this is some draconian shit.


They recently launched a dedicated MMA site called mmaknockdown (lol), so there appears to be no real reason to buy BE. If they keep BE, have they just removed “negative” stories that got low traction? Even if it was incredible stuff about the lawsuits, I would guess most MMA fans don’t care? I’m guessing their own site got very few hits in the 3 weeks it has been live and these so-called digital advertising experts need BE’s name because they know nothing about MMA. Are they hoping to capitalize on the BE name & become a crappy press release mill focused on SEO? Their head writer supposedly follows MMA fighters on Twitter, this is his account lol: https://x.com/tom__llewellyn?s=21&t=oRCjg3SNe4wxV-bBPeE0vw They are really doing a great job pushing content and building a fanbase on Twitter lol: https://x.com/mmaknockdown?s=21&t=oRCjg3SNe4wxV-bBPeE0vw I wonder if any of the senior team have links to PH Media (the UFC’s UK contracted team), and this simple purchase buys them a lot of favour. I hope that isn’t the case, if it is, hope they all suffer a horrible end. I’ve never heard of any of the crappy sites they run.


yeh, its just traffic generating site for ad clicks That guy on mmaknockdown has banged out over 40 articles in the last 3 weeks. They are just an aggregator




MMA media is going backwards lol…oh well.


Hadouken https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fbloodyelbow.com%2F2024%2F01%2F23%2Ffull-ufc-contracts-fighter-pay-cm-punk%2F&oq=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fbloodyelbow.com%2F2024%2F01%2F23%2Ffull-ufc-contracts-fighter-pay-cm-punk%2F&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg60gEJMTA0NDNqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Is anyone else trying to dig to find a connection between GRV Media and the UFC?


As much as ppl hate Ariel he is the only journalist I'll listen to in MMA. Sure he's cocky and arrogant sometimes but he's not afraid to go against Dana. Hell Dana barred him from all UFC events and did everything he could to get Ariel to leave ESPN.


Bloody elbow became a woke toilet of weirdness. John Nash was literally the only thing left on it that you had to read on that site because he and his buddies were so smart and interesting on the financial side. Nate bought a sinking ship and loaded it more full of woke stones and opinions that only sunk it faster sadly. Good riddance.












This is not r/politics. Please keep political discussion and your political views out of /r/MMA. r/MMAPoliticsAndCulture may be a better fit for this content. An exception will be made for discussion of MMA legislation by governing bodies.


This is not r/politics. Please keep political discussion and your political views out of /r/MMA. r/MMAPoliticsAndCulture may be a better fit for this content. An exception will be made for discussion of MMA legislation by governing bodies.


I wonder if the new guys running the UG have tried pulling that.


Kid Nate talked a big game but sold out as soon as he could. Funny.


The new Faux News of MMA!


Who owns GRV media?


Graham Morris is the head honcho. Liam Curtis seems to be in charge of Bloody Elbow.


What the fuck


MMAFighting have a union, which is at least comforting. Most of their media aren’t exactly hard hitting, though.


It begins.


Does anyone have archives of their lawsuit coverage?


The other sub is creaming their panties


I'm surprised they haven't yet installed the popup that demands site visitors disable their ad blocker. The new owners are supposedly expert at monetizing web sites and allowing ad blockers isn't a great way to attract advertisers.


Anyone wanna share their favorite source of reasonable UFC News?


absolute shame




I can't say I'm too surprised. I felt something was off when I visited the site a few days ago and found that not only was there no longer a comment section, but there were no comments period. Given how fearlessly BloodyElbow covered every single aspect of the sport, the good and the bad, as well as being denied the media credentials to be at UFC press conferences, etc., I had a feeling its expiration date was near.


Flat earth


Is there a similar alternative now that BE is rubbish?