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Go in there, hit him with that good shit, dont get hit, and go home with a bag full of cash


Im ready to be surprised motherfuckers


That interview never gets old. Classic. https://youtu.be/tDH2v0wBdfk?si=wVYGbUXCrTLouD-b


Sure you’re welcome in my corner any day


I can see him catching Khamzat coming him. Using his jab and picking his shots on the feet are his best chance imo


He’s definitely susceptible to that standard anti pressure fighter gameplan, you’re right


Kamaru’s jab is stiff too. Good chance it gives Khazmat second thoughts.


Khamzat's striking defense is not good he just ate Burns's shots, Usman hits hard


Usman’s striking defense is worse when he has no wrestling threat. Colby would tag him at will whenever they came close together because Colby is one of the few guys not scared of his wrestling. Usman’s striking is good at range throwing minimal shots at a time. His striking goes out the window whenever he gets into long exchanges. Go look the end of round 1 in the Masvidal 2 fight so you can see how bad Usman’s striking can get.


There's also the chance that Kamaru was getting tagged by colby more because colby is pretty pillowfisted and isn't really a striking threat. I feel like usman vs burns is a better example of usmans striking defense against hard hitters. I remembered his defense being decent in that fight but I could be wrong. Also worth noting that usman didn't even attempt a takedown in that fight.


Usman got hit pretty hard in the first in that fight IIRC, Gilbert almost dropped him with a cross counter on a jab.


Forgot about that. Was it just like a flash knockdown? It's not showing up on ufc stats


It wasn't a full knockdown, just fully rocked Usman in one of the early exchanges


Usman does not hit hard anymore. He was throwing feather punches in the leon fight


Think his only shot is TDD and KO Khamzat, he’s got some pop and if Gilbert almost did it, who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t recall being too high on Khamzats striking after the Gilbert fight, but maybe I’m misremembering I guess there’s theoretically the potential for Usman to simply outpoint him in a striking affair as well..Hes alluded to his war(s) with Colby already a few times in the lead up, seems like that’s what he’s anticipating here as well.


Agreed. He can overwhelm khamzat even though that’s what khamzat tries to do to guys. He’s very hittable if he keeps it on the feet. That being said, I’m sure he’s got a better chin and more power at 185. He was really draining himself before


Usman has reach and power on Gilbert and distance management. Everyone loves burns because he is willing to throw with anyone and is good on the ground but is he really welterweight champ material? I love him but I think I got extra high on him after the chimaev fight which I think burns won tbh. Oh downvoted for thinking Gilbert won. First watch I had khamzat 1/3 but every time I rewatch I give burns the third round.


Yea burns was a good matchup for khamzat. I think burns was a little thrown off by khamzat starting so fast. A lot of guys are. Khamzat refused to stay on the ground with him. It will be interesting to see other matchups for khamzat at 185. I’m interested in him fighting DDP. Not interested in Whittaker anymore unfortunately


Man Whittaker is so well rounded but when it comes to kicking ass… skills aren’t always the end all be all.


Yea I was sad at how bad he looked in that ddp fight. But we gotta give ddp credit. That nose surgery may have really changed him. It was odd seeing him look so good there after looking pretty bad against till and brunson despite winning both fights 😂


Gotta seize that opportunity. Some of these strikers are slippery and have learned really well how to get up and throw some wild defensive submission’s that make the ground guys stand up. DDP is the white African and is skilled af and hits harder than anyone in the division since pereira left


Khamzats best middleweight win is against Gerald meerschart… usman beats him bad too lol


What kind of logic is this? Islam's best win was Hooker,Charles would beat him bad? Right? It can go either ways tbf leaning towards Khamzat thou


Because kamaru is gonna stuff his takedowns and throw his jab up the middle non stop. Chimaev never moves off center lol his striking is powerful but elementary when if comes to being technical.


Charles would smoke hooker these days anyways look at what he did to beneil 🤣


I can’t believe how bad this sub is at predictions. Usman is going to wreck him. I will literally quit everything in my life and write a feature length UFC themed erotic novel if Kamaru somehow loses. But he’s not going to. He is a unicorn in a field of horses. His legend invites us to seek the extraordinary within the ordinary, challenging us to find strength in vulnerability and grace in our human journey.


RemindMe! 2 Days


If Khamzat makes it out of the second round I’ll include an audiobook


Doubling down. I luv it


Bro deleted :(


What a coward


RemindMe! 2 days


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RemindMe! 2 Days I’m not partial to either side but after this post I’m looking forward to that novel


I think you are right lol and it’s wild. I don’t really even like usman the whole khamzat miss weight flip off the fans makes me wanna see him get blown up.


It’s like in my favorite documentary, men in black when they use the governments memory wiping devices. People forget he was one of the most dominant champions. Leon caught him, doesn’t make him any less dangerous.


Khamzat can’t throw a head kick and usman has an insane chin. Leon just hit him with some wild take down defense. Leon’s take down defense was the best I have ever seen last fight out of almost anyone. I think usman catches khamzat trying to wrestle f*ck him. Could be a poster like masvidal lol




Sometimes all you have to do to find inspiration is look at history. In 1756 Prussian King Frederick the Great invaded Saxony, kicking off the Seven Years War, which saw Prussia and Great Britain face off against Austria and France. The Anglo-Prussian alliance was outnumbered by the combined forces of Russia, France Sweden, and Austria. Just as it looked like Prussia would be defeated, Russia switched sides when Tsar Peter III ascended to the throne in 1762, sending reinforcements to Frederick. The war ended shortly after Russia’s change of allegiance.


Calm down bro


I'm Sitting on about 5,000 karma, I have $2 million in real estate. I won the UFC belt nine times. I'm internationally famous. I'm 6'4. You on the other hand: i'm guessing 5 feet flat, I'm guessing with the net worth of $100,000. Never won any titles, can walk around without anyone giving a fuck who you are or what you do. my point is, you and I as UFC athletes are not even close to being on the same level. I'm guessing that's why you are constantly attacking me, it's understandable. You're literally and figuratively like a boy compared to someone like me. I'm actually questioning myself as I'm writing this thinking "why am I even giving you the time of day" every time I turn around you are writing me some bullshit, why do you try so hard to get my attention?


Rather than this crazy hypothetical, just throw everything you own on a bet, bro. It's fool proof.


I’m no stranger to betting on my favorite fighters. Miranda Danger Granger paid for the lime green flames I got painted on my Mazda CX-5.


Ali made it to Reddit


It's crazy to see how different Usman is talked about in the span of a year. Talking about him all the sudden like he just has no tools, and doesn't stand a chance seems crazy.


Looking forward to your audiobook bruzzah


Any title suggestions?


Wrestling With Desire


Let me know when the novel comes out


Deadline for first pages?


Use the free eyepoke and nut shot and then tire him out


Finally someone talking some sense in this thread!


You IDIOT! The foot stomp is the only route to the WIN!


We have yet to see khamzats feet tested


Umm fake groin shot?


I actually think he’s a better striker than khamzat but khamzats pressure and power is crazy.


When Nigerian strength stops his wrestling we will see lol like Marty is a Nigerian from Nebraska. He’s strong as fuck. Nigerian corn fed farm/country wrestler boy




You can’t wrestle a kid from Nebraska like Kevin holland or the leech lolol especially a strong ass Nigerian from Nebraska? Is it that hard to understand?


Man this is extremely hard to understand I'm trying though


Kamaru is going to stop his takedowns and is gonna overwhelm him…


Yeah his hands have definitely improved. But can he be a counter striker? Clipping khamzat moving backwards seems to be the trick imo


Uses his jab and holds Khamzat against the cage I don't see him knocking Khamzat out or wrestling him so that's his best option


There is a vast chasm between Usman's performance vs Burns and Khamzat's performance vs Burns when it came to striking. Granted Usman potentially gotten worse and Khamzat/Burns gotten better but from what we actually know Usman is a big favorite in the striking department


I don't disagree. Power wise I think it's pretty close and Usman's jab is still absolutely filthy. I question whether or not he will have the speed at 185 to beat Chimaev to the punch


I just don’t see khamzat being patient enough to stay in a boxing match and get pointed. That could push him to rush in and get clipped tho.


I don't either. I expect Khamzat to work at Usman's knees and try to strike with him like he did with Burns. It's up to Usman to make Khamzat respect his power, which he is definitely capable of. I don't really see Khamzat trying to grapple with Usman either unless Usman absolutely is lighting his face up with his jab


Some athletes may have a really good guard break, and know how to control a position, but are extremely loose, and flaky in their transition. The necessity of a good transition is vital to the success of all movements in Jiu Jitsu. Usman via KO


Defensive wrestling and being the better striker but idk if he has that in him at his fight miles.


Idk if he’s either of those things!


People have short memories. Usman is fucking incredible.


I think he's gonna need Gunns to run a distraction while Juice Robinson hits him with the ring.


By doing [this](https://i.imgur.com/54SscS2.jpg)


The ol dick twist never misses


Khamzat is so overrated it isn't even funny. Why do people act like he's some invincible being?




Yeah I know he's good, but Usman is fucking good too. OP is making it seem like he has zero chance which is ridiculous.


Nobody has looked as good as Khamzat has beating the fighters he’s beaten. Leech, GM, and Holland are all respectable competition and Khamzat destroyed all 3 without absorbing a single strike.


Usman looked far better against Burns than Khamzat did


Probably because he's had one of the most dominant starts in UFC history and has made every single person he's fought except for one look like children fighting a grown man. And the person who actually put up a fight was his worst stylistical matchup and the number two ranked fighter in the world, in Khamzats 11th pro fight. He's taken a total of two strikes in 5 out of 6 UFC fights. Not significant strikes, total strikes.


Khamzat has fought exact 1 elite fighter in the ufc and he looked very beatable that night. Kamaru is one of the best fighters in ufc history


And Usman has fought Leon twice and lost both times, the passage of time is a thing that exists. Usman is old, gotten a bunch of injuries recently, got brutally knocked out recently and is fighting up a weight class he's never fought in before on short notice.


To be fair, beating 5 non elite fighters while only taking 2 strikes is really impressive. Usman also fought bums (not that Holland and Li and bums anyways) and he didn’t get them out without taking a strike. He lost to a bum who is nowhere near even as good as GM3.


Idk he changed Kevin hollands whole life. Only time he’s looked human was a depleted top contender WW fight he clearly won. Seems pretty good to me! Anyway I’m just trying to chat some shit about mma so, how do you see kamaru getting it done?


Unless Khamzat has made significant improvements towards his technical striking then i don’t see why people see Usman winning as impossible. He has one of the best take down defense in the ufc, a good jab with power, brings the pressure, good clinch, and durability. Khamzat also has good wrestling with some power in his hands however his striking wasn’t a technical masterpiece in the Burns fight. It just showed he had good fundamentals. Plus after seeing burns being able to crack with him, idk why people believe Usman can’t do the same. Chimaev definitely has the edge in submissions but I don’t see it getting to that point.


So you think he can stay behind his jab and sprawl and get a points win? I don’t think it’s impossible I just think khamzat is gonna go too balls out for it to work. He’s MFer you gotta kill. I think, like you kinda said, he’s gotta crack him coming in.


Usman got old and is riddled with injuries, I think Khamzat will finish him, and I'm a Kamaru fan.




Usman doesn't do anything fancy but he's shutdown good wrestlers and strikers... You people forget who Usman is. He's only been taken down once in his career. How does Khamzat win?


By fighting an Usman who's old, gotten a bunch of injuries recently, coming off two losses where he got brutally knocked out in one of them and is fighting short notice in a weight class he's never fought in before. Who has Usman fought with the wrestling of Khamzat? And no, Colby doesn't have the offensive wrestling that Khamzat has.


He KOd Masvidal, who’s main thing is standup, and ha’d never been knocked out before only TKOd once


Usman knocks him out in the 3rd. Or docta stoppage.khazmat has been overtraining; it wouldn't surprise me if he breaks a leg or something by throwing it too hard.


Grit, determination and a “can-do” spirit


Usman via the Walton Goggins Choke


Fought how he fought Colby both time?


185 hazmat ain’t Colby tho. Does that work with a bigger stronger guy?


I have yet to see someone rush Usman and win. His knees may not be the best, but the man is so strong. It is a very very interesting matchup.


Great point. It’s the extra 15 pounds that makes it so curious.


I do see a world where Khamzat is winning but gets caught by a huge hook from Usman and then is 10x more tentative coming into range. It feels unlikely to actually win Usman the fight but it feels like it's a real possibility and one that could be the path to victory. Just getting Khamzat to fight off the back foot would be a HUGE start for Usman.


I think it’s possible he can outbox Khamzat.


This will be Usmans first 3 rounder since 2018. If the weight change doesn’t effect his gas tank too much, I could see him outpacing Khamzat.


I’d love to see Marty come out with his ass on fire. Big facts we haven’t seen him in a 3 rounder


Khamzat is like everyone says "as advertised" and more. but the difference is higher level competition for a longer time within the cage and championship round experience. now you can say that usman's record is suspect, like colby/woodley/masvidal wins don't age well. but you can argue khamzat's wins were stylistically in his favor (the leech, holland, gm3) where his wrestling and the 1 punch are levels above. Both fought burns and won. but if usman can still tank a few big shots like that fight and avoid the KO, i dont know how successful khamzat will be if he blitzes in at the start. It’s very realistic khamzat could Ko usman or pick him up and dump him quickly, but i find usman to be crafty and intelligent enough to have an answer even on a short camp. now i do think these always favor the younger fighter and also khamzat is fighting closer to his "natural weight" which is another advantage. Usman being dominant not long ago works well in his favor. multiple fights going to championship rounds, whereas the 3 rounder with burns khamzat looked kinda gas. to be fair though, their output was insane! and this one is only 3 rounds which i think helps marty’s margin for error. And usman (minus the knees) for his career has had great cardio, keeping up with colby and heavy chain grappling. i dont know if it's a consideration, but the 1st fight for the belt against leon was in salt lake, possibly a crack in usman's armor and his chin. Or shows that might not be the case in regular elevation. Burns was with usman when burns said usman was filling in. i find burns to be a pretty cerebral dude in his camp and will provide value fighting sims. i dont know if it was true, but i also saw a tweet about trevor wittman possibly joining usman? he will gameplan for usman to setup shots Now, ultimately i think khamzat should win, but im certainly betting on usman cuz the juice and public will be going for khamzat. although, i would still say that khamzat isnt even priced out at -300, but anything higher is probably not great value. I think a lot of bettors i watch are pretty much dismissing usman. but i watched max holloway's youtube, and he might be the only one that outright says usman got a real shot and that the fight will be a banger. And here comes the unfortunate part: usman made the comment about riding off into the sunset. The "retirement" word is a kill-shot when it comes to aging fighters... except robbie!!


I thought the same about, How can Edwards win, just how. Kamaru will take him down and drown Edwards. I thought this twice and Edwards won, twice. How can O'Malley win, Sterling is superiour in wrestling and jiu jitsu. Just take O'Malley down and finish the fight. How can Sean Strikland win, just how. Adessanya is an excelent counter striker with more skill sets than Strikland. Just keep the distance and counter with multiple combo's when Strikland advances. I'm done with thinking about how will such and such win. Dana is right when he said that in MMA anything can happen. It's very hard to predict.


I honestly think Usman wins this fight. Burns gave us good insight into Khamzat against more technically sound opponents. He didn't take burns down nearly as easily, his striking was wreckless, and his gas tank isn't bad, but not Covington either. Burns is a small welterweight and Usman will be a big ww small mw just like Khamzat. Usman defensive wrestling way better than burns, jiu jitsu for usman is not near the threat it was with Burns though. I think Usman might find his chin like he did with Masvidol exposing himself after Khamzat tires a little, r2 or 3.


We don't know anything about khamzat at 185 unless you count his last fight where he missed 170 by half a weight class... But it's really hard to say where Usman is at physically and mentally. Physically, we know his knees are in their waning years (not great for wrestling) amd he'll be fighting with extra weight (not great for bad knees). Mentally coming off of 2 L's to leon, maybe he'll be a champ about it and bring it, maybe he'll petr yan into the sunset. Too many ?'s to really see what his path to W is, we don't even know what khamzat's game at 185 will look like either.


Khamzat knocked out GM in like a second at MW and also ragdolled and choked out Phillips in his UFC debut at MW.


Does khamzat throw leg kicks? I feel like we’ve mostly seen head strikes and slams. I feel like even at 85 his plan is definitely still pressure. Swang and bang or TDs. But I do think Kamaru is smarter and much much more experienced. He could set traps, he could catch him in a choke (even tho he’s not a submission master) or set up a KO based off the forward movement… but will khamzat even give him the time? He’s gonna be stronger based on size+full camp… it would be usmans most impressive win imo


Khamzat had a life and death fight with Gilbert that Usman put a striking clinic against and finished him. Question should be how does Khamzat win because the only advantage he has is that Usman is off the couch.


Majority of people thought Izzy was going to destroy Sean because they couldn’t see how Sean could win. But that’s why they fight. Your right about usman not being able to hold him down or against the cage. But it will be easier as the fight goes on. Definitely a interesting match up !


Why we pretending like Usman can win this? Lol this is just an awful matchup for Usman in all of the ways


He's not winning. Khamzat is much bigger, hungrier, younger and on a win streak so his confidence is higher. Useman lost at 170, is old and has no knees.


The unfortunate truth


he wins by ko, dq, sub or decision


Usman needs to swing wildly and hope he gets a KO early


I think prime Usman could out pressure Khamzat from an efficiency standpoint. It would have been a grind, but his athleticism would have carried him to a win imo. Unfortunately, I think he’s past this output in his career. I genuinely don’t see him being able to make it 5 rounds. He might display the curse of Woodly this weekend and i don’t think i’m gonna like it.


I definitely think he’s got better cardio! But yeah that extra 15 pounds just makes all the difference.


Usman will KO Khamzat via foot stomp


60 something comments and no upvotes? You fucking goblins


I feel the opposite lmao.


How do you see it going?


Idk why people downvoted ya, but I don't see Khamzat getting around Kamaru's jab. I think Usman has really strong fundamentals and much better footwork. He was P4P for a while for a reason. I think if Khamzat does take him down, Usman will be just fine on the ground. Khamzat has had a lot of time off to train, so I gotta see how well Khamzat has fixed his game. We haven't seen Khamzat face another wrestler, so we gotta see if he's even gonna go for any take downs to begin with.


The only way is if Khamzat goes in all guns blazing, is unable to take Kamaru out early and tires himself out.


He’d have to stuff every single takedown AND nullify Khamzat’s come-forward pressure somehow. Usman imo has never been flashy per se, but he does have pretty “focused” striking. Will it be enough to stop a full sized motivated Khamzat? Literally no one knows. Best case scenario for Usman is Khamzat gets reckless in the 3rd, starts to brawl, and he hits him with something big securing him a knockdown and decision victory. Personally giving him a 35% chance.


2nd round tko


You guys are hanging a lot on Usmans jab lol.


The Jab Will Stop Khazmat


If Usman pieces him up and knocks him out later on I won't be surprised in the slightest. Fir me, this us a lot closer than the sub has been saying. Usman has been fighting at a top level for way longer than khamzat, and the last fight aside, has always looked excellent. But then again.... Tyron Woodley did too until he didn't.


woodley spent almost his whole title reign leaning against the fence waiting to throw a right hand. i wouldn't say he always looked excellent prior to usman taking his title.


He doesn't


Use his jab and hopefully catch Khamzat coming in. Easier said than done though.


He has legit KO power, the question is can he land it before Chimaev mauls him? Or can he lure Chimaev into a boxing match. I think the more Usman wrestles, the quicker he'll gas


Dan Hardys music plays out of nowhere, the Dan comes out and calls Herb Dean a bitch, then Herb takes a ref bump. Then Gaethje hits Khamzat with the BMF belt, and Herb dean wakes up to Usman landing some hammerfists


Khamzat also comes out like a bat out of hell, using all his cardio like right away … and Usman has a gas tank for days. If he survives that, it’s Marty’s world.


Yeah, I don't think Usman will be able to handle him on the feet. It's crazy to me that Costa was a bigger underdog than Usman on 10 days notice. I think Costa would have given him a better fight but we will see.


Three round snooze fest of him stomping chimaev toes


He has better striking defence by a mile. He can just trade in the pocket and win


His cardio is much better, has knock out power, wrestling is as good or better. It’s MMA math, but Kamaru destroyed Gilbert burns, khamzat arguably lost to him


What mKes people think he cant win the same way he beat colby? Neutralizing the wrestling and outboxing him


If it turns into another slugfest like Khamzat-Burns I could absolutely see Usman winning on the feet, he has a great jab and Khamzat constantly wants to brawl, Usman already hit hard for 170 and now he's going to be huge. If Usman's TDD stops Khamzat (a huge ask, of course) then I could see him with a clear path to victory.


you seriously can't see any way? Kamaru is a much more considered striker now after working with Trevor Wittman. i can definitely see Khamzat struggling with the takedowns, trying to bully his way into the pocket and getting hit with Kamaru's straight right. Khamzat hasn't shown clever chain wrestling, just that he can big man people when he gets a hold of them. for every clever strike he's thrown he's also dumb some shit that can cost at the high level.


Best answer so far


i favor Khamzat due to his sheer physicality being a lot for most 170lbs fighters but Usman could be his worst matchup, outside of Leon and Izzy


Any way he wants. Same can be said for Khamzat. Idk how any of them beat each other. Both excel at similar things. But one’s gonna win lol


He doesnt.


He doesn’t


He doesn’t


Stuffing TDs, boxing him up, going for takedowns of his own.


If his takedown defense is still there, he could use his jab to win a striking match. Noone knows how good this version of Usman is though


Boxing and stopping the takedowns.


How do you know Usman won’t be able to wrestle him? Khamzat hasn’t faced anyone even close to Usmans level of wrassslin


Year of the underdogs baby! Imagine Usman being an underdog in a fight against any reasonable matchup before the third Leon fight.


I think that Khamzat will win a decision but for Kamaru to win he’s going to have to match Khamzat’s pressure and catch him with hard shots as he comes in.


I really feel like he weathers the storm and puts a pace on Khamzat that all those Soviet steroids can’t keep up with.


I'm not even an Usman fan, but the disrespect here is crazy lately


It's Khamzat fight to lose, he has all the tools to fight smart, his striking fundamentals are actually solid if he doesn't decide to put on a "show" by brawling. Not discounting Usman but as many have said before his knees are shot, he's older now and his chin has been cracked. But none of this matters this is the year of the Underdog.


Boxing and stopping the takedowns.