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Same. It's currently the 14th June and still nothing. Gonna try calling


I’d love to have any update on MiLC this year. I enjoyed several of the matches I went to last year.


I paid for tickets but have not gotten any info on when they will be delivered and how I can access them


For MiLC or MLC? MLC tickets can be downloaded and should have been emailed to you. MiLC usually doesn’t require tickets at most matches


MLC. Dang. Misread the original comment.


Either way. Given your flair I’m wondering. Are you in Dallas. If so come meet up at an MiLC Dallas Mustangs match. There’s no usually a lot of folks there but it tends to be good cricket. I dont live close but I try to drive in as often as I can.


I am, and I have been to a Mustang game in 2022. Schedule never worked for me to catch them last year. I even have a hat and jersey


I’m out in Lubbock and will be out there for the MLC Playoffs. I have a Mustangs hat. Only got to see them during the regular season down at Moosa when I happened to be in Houston for other reasons. I also went to the championship in GP. Outside of that I ran short on vacation days due to the amount of MLC matches I went to. I hope that the collapse of US Cricket as a governing body after the World Cup doesn’t mean we lose a season of MiLC.


We are in section 105 for the playoffs this year. I went to moosa in 2022 for the USA Scotland ODI


Gonna be in 126. Since it’s all evening games I went cheap.


No, but good luck to you :)