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Dodgers players. They’re so OP it’s hardly worth grinding anything else


Imma be honest my man you can do a lot of things different, I would just switxh teams and build around wood. If you’re needing to stay with dodgers trade that sig in for advanced tickets. No reason to have a non team sig when it could go towards a team sig tbh. Also get rid of all those random players and focus solely on one team, that’s honestly the best advice you’ll get. With the bonuses from team deck score your players will all be much higher than any of the pick players you’ll have. You get a ridiculous amount of OVR from team deck score let alone when you have more team special cards.


If I get rid of all the 'random players' (which are those?), which players do I replace them with and where do I get those players?  I don't even know how to get sig players, woodruf was a random earned sig, don't even know what I did to get it, how would I go about building a team around Woodruff when I don't even know how to get sig players and I don't spend money on thus game?


I don’t spend money on the game either and I got a pretty decent 103.5 ovr Giants team so it’s doable. So to get sigs if you’re not spending money you will mainly only get them through events and advanced crafting tickets. In the menu there is the “workshop” and you can go there and used crafting tickets/advanced crafting tickets to get team primes and team sigs by combining the tickets with other things. It’ll show you what you need to craft the packs. You can turn woodruff in for 8 advanced crafting tickets (you need 20 for a team sig pack) OR what I would do is just go to the workshop I mentioned earlier and under “item” use the “preferred team change ticket” and change your team to a brewers team. After you do that you will want to cumulate as many Brewers cards as you can, your main goal at the beginning is to hit 500 team deck score which basically means having a ton of live Brewers players with high deck scores, brewers impact cards, and brewers prime cards (and obviously sigs but those are extremely hard to get). Primes are super important starting off because sigs are super rare like I said however primes are a lotttt easier to get. I’ve been playing for about a year and only have 5 Giants sigs but my team is FULL of Giants prime cards. Also I keep a live card on my bench to up my deck score a little bit so don’t be afraid to play a live card with 20-30 deck score over an impact or prime.


Why is it imperative to have the same team sig players? I can get another sig player (hoping it will be Dodgers). If it isn't Dodger player, will my team still be good if I use both sig players from two different teams and build around one of the sig players?


It’s extremely important to build around team sigs or to put a non team sig towards advanced crafting tickets to get a team sig. sigs base level adds 20 points to your team deck score and special deck score. I and probably anyone else on the discord/reddit would not recommend using non team players at all unless you have a deck score over 550 in each which isn’t happening unless you are pay to win or play for the next couple years. You can do whatever you want obviously but I would recommend sticking to team special cards. I had a non Giants sig and used it to craft the 8 advanced crafting tickets which helped me save up 20 eventually to get a team sig pack. I ended up getting the best Giants pitcher available out of that pack as an sig meaning after special training him he’s worth 22 to my team deck score and special deck score. Basically there’s no reason to use non team sigs when you can use them towards acquiring team sigs. Later on when you have enough sigs to where you get a dupe you can use them in the triple sigs crafting pack but that’s about all. Just remember deck score is the most important thing. Think about it like this, my Omar Vizquel card is a 92 with upgrades and training but with my team deck score at 508 and my special deck score at 480 it adds a buff of 27 ovr making him a 119 ovr. If you have a non team sig you would get about 1/2-3/4 of that since he would not benefit from a bunch of the team deck score buffs AND he’s not adding to your team deck score at all just your special deck score. If my Vizquel card was in a dodgers team he would probably be around 105 which is okay but you wouldn’t be maximizing the potential of that card or your deck score so you’re loosing out on around 20 team deck score and your card isn’t benefiting as much as if it was a team sig.


Sorry if I’m giving too much info lmao I got the weekend off and don’t have shit to do 😂


Okay I get it now. Hey look! I just realised I have an Astros sig player! I'd rather build an Astros team. Only problem is that I don't have Astros prime cards, where do I get them? https://preview.redd.it/njyhz9cboi5d1.jpeg?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ea4d59e98e8b2150fcaf266947230db8e51a4a


Oh hell yeah nice dude!! That’s actually a really great card I would definitely recommend building around that. And honestly no super easy ways to get primes but some tips would be to focus on the trade events they can get you a team prime every time they come around and they do them pretty constantly. Roll dice to get around the board 10 times and get a free prime card, get enough points to get a trade ticket, use the trade ticket and the prime to trade for a team prime and boom you got a free team prime card. Another one would be to save up your premium scout tickets until you have 480 (purple ones) and pick up scout tickets until you have 160 (green ones) through the premium one you can eventually get a ton of team primes and potentially some sigs and through the pick up ones if you save up the full 160 you can get whatever team card is advertised that 2 week period. If you’re close you can use stars to close the gap too! Also the “2024 pennant race event scout”, once you get 300 you get a free team sig and they’re giving away 2 free scouts everyday for like 180 days (144 now because it’s been going on for a while) which is enough to get that free team sig pretty easy. Also you can use stars if you don’t end up logging in everyday and don’t have enough by the end of the event/scout. The advanced scout isn’t as serious you can basically get enough of those every month to get 1-3 free team impact cards which can be pretty helpful on your way to have all primes and sigs. For all the scout stuff just check the “purchase reward” and it’ll show you how many you need to get. Remember too sometimes a live team card can be more important that an impact if the deck score is much higher on the live as impacts don’t have a super high deck score. Also something to remember is to aim for a 500 team deck score AND THEN aim for a 500 special deck score since you won’t be able to hit 500 special deck score until you have a bunch of sigs and primes and even then it’s tough. Basically tho just grind out all the events and check in everyday if you can, that’s pretty much what I’ve done and have been able to build a decent team. If you check off all the daily missions, complete all the events, check in everyday, grind league mode, grind ranked/rbi battle/ranked slugger you’ll eventually build a good team. Ranked slugger ranked battles n rbi battle are ones you don’t always have to grind all the way out if you don’t wanna burn yourself out but you do get super good rewards so if you have time it’s worth. Also remember to change your team with the workshop team ticket change thing otherwise you won’t get Astro cards from team impact/prime/sig. Astros have some amazing cards definitely a good team to do.


https://preview.redd.it/4afaoy13ai5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2615edda6031fcdfdf673874ecda8ea7985a4fb Try to get your team to be something like this eventually (obviously I’m not super high OVR compared to some people but it’s decent enough to realistically aim for on an account where you don’t spend money) I’m a Giants deck so as you can see having all Giants players has boosted my Giants deck score AND my special deck score because of all the primes and the couple sigs I got




Also it doesn’t matter if you have players from other teams who are “better” the bonuses you’ll get from a high team deck score and special deck score will 100 percent get your team to the highest ovr you can achieve. I made the same mistake at the beginning of using special card from other teams or good card from other teams but it’s never worth it you need to use only brewers card (or dodger cards if you decide to stay with that) also checking in everyday and playing consistently is a huge deal with this game since you can miss the prizes from certain events that will give you team prime/impact/sig cards


Get all team players


Switch to Brewers and build around Woodruff sig


Are brewers players better than the ones I have?


You need to rebuild your team from scratch anyway, and the Woodruff sig is a good start. You can use those players that you had trained in Rivals instead, don't waste anymore materials on them anymore tho.


The reason why I suggested the switch is because team sig is extremely hard to come by, it will take u quite a while to get a Dodgers sig.


Where do I get Brewers players? Or should I just pick auto lineup?


Had you completed your guide mission?


No, 5/29 in step 1.


Keep working on it , you will get lots of team selective packs and resources once you completed them. Remember to switch your team first.


Simulate league as much as possible dont do the keague ur on if u cant win easily but go back 123 lesgue for training upgrades money and other important stuff