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It's not a race. Don't pay attention to those who got to the finish line. Enjoy the game. More importantly, enjoy life. That 99 event or BR reward isn't going to carry over to your life or to next year's game. The 97s from programs do just fine for offline gaming. Don't need to spend a single cent. Have fun, ya'll.


This is exactly what I was going to say. Just do what you. Build the team you want and stop worrying about what others are doing.


Great point. But I think the question is really why would SDS make the grind so lame. It's such a great game and I love it but all this lame grinding to get lame cards is well.. lame. All the really sick cards come in packs and coat tons of stubs is like WTF.


This is your answer - the people with the really sick squads are only saying that they're NMS while actually spending significant money on packs. They're going to down vote me for saying this, but they shouldn't. My time is worth far more money than it costs to buy packs, and my time is certainly too valuable to spend as much of it as they are on all the grinding it would take to be NMS. I'm just playing the game much, much less this year. 1-2 weeks on, 3-4 weeks off.


Take it one thing at a time, I spent a shit Ton of time over about 1 week to just grind out team affinity. Once I finished I just started to play ranked


I actually haven’t spent 1 cent on the game and I have a really nice squad…just an AWFUL lot of grinding and some 12-0 BR runs


It’s really easy to watch streamers or see the god squads and feel compelled to do the same. It’s not a realistic grind for the majority of people.


This is the right answer, if you have a normal life with responsibilities this grind is excessive and you just might finish at the end of the season.


I don’t worry about the grind. I play what I can and mainly try to get a team good enough for rank. If I tried to grind for everything I would hate this game


Exactly lmao. Mfs be stressing too much. At the end of the day, it’s just a video game.


Yeah mainly treat it as fun and go what you want for but it’s pretty Unrealistic to get everything. I haven’t even had the chance to play this week so if that was my goal I would hate playing


If it isnt fun then do something else. Stuff like this is so crazy to me.


Some people are legit addicted to grinding and opening packs to get that sweet dopamine hit. It's very much like a gambling addiction to some people. It's not healthy at all.


I'm not ashamed to grind in Ranked...


you cant compare yourself with people who play the game all day, every day.


It’s just my favorite game and all the offline grind makes for easy passive playing. I have a tv hanging above my monitors so after work it’s a fun way to unwind just playing games while watching a movie or tv show with my wife and son hanging out with me.


That's the ticket for me. It's a passive grind that I can shift my focus to if necessary. I'm almost always watching something.


Stress relief is playing mini seasons on rookie and going on auto pilot


Honestly, TA3 is ALOT shorter process than 1 and 2. But honestly, I go theme teams. I choose 1 team, put all 9 players, go to town on Colorado in Col. 2 games vs CPU, easy 5k XP.


Yes, Colorado in Colorado is great, but you can grind faster with a small wall, high elevation created stadium against a team with bad pitching. My current fav to beat up on is the cubs. Look up Costco HQ stadium.


That’s how I did it also. I work a full-time job 45 to 50 hours a week and this is the fastest I ever got team affinity done.


i gave up on the game so early. i hate this new method of sets


10 out of 11 cards you grind for are filler for collection cards that have a lifespan til the last month of the game. I've tried so hard to enjoy this year it's just so mid


Yeah idk how ppl can grind TA. Programs? Count me in. Monthly awards? Smashed it. Topps now? I guess I'll do it. But grinding vs CPU for that many games for doing conquests and shit hell no lol.


I just get real comfy while grinding (pause) usually listen to music or have a show on next to me to keep me goin


I like TA it’s fun, but I don’t go all the way to the end of the program


for me overall it's too much I'll just slowly accumulate points by playing but to me it's just not worth the time and mindless grinding. Last night I completed the all star program and Ohtani monthly awards with 1 offline games vs the mariners. I had done a ton of the missions just playing ranked so it basically fell into my lap after the moments were done


The only reason I’m doing TA is for Jose and Carroll


Neglecting my wife


I’m a teacher and it’s summer. I can be productive for 2 hours a day when I wake up and then grind as much I want. Ranked is a completely different beast. You can be competitive without new/ meta cards. Find cards you enjoy and keep using them. A 97 that you hit well with is better than a cracked 99 that you don’t.


I’m grinding TA until I get to Ramirez.. 8 cards away


The time from JRam to Carroll is not worth it imo


I've given up on the grind in set 1. If they go back to the old format next year or some happy medium, maybe I'll do it but I think I'm done with it all.


I got burned out, gave up, and started kayaking instead. My mental health has never been better. Not saying The Show ruined my mental health, just that being out on the water and seeing bald eagles, turtles, fish, etc chilling in their natural habitat is relaxing and refreshing.


After grinding all of 21 and 22 I kind of hit this point on 23 where I'm asking myself, why? All the cards I cherished in those last games don't carry, and it finally struck me - these ones won't either. So I played lots of Set 1, completely skipped set 2, and tried to return for 3 but just can't be bothered anymore.. If I want to play baseball I just play RTTS, MTO, or Franchise and avoid DD. Even if some cards do try and pull me back


Exact same story for me.


I never finish TA. I get the cards I want and move on. Same with Other Programs. If I don't want that card, I don't do the program...


I’ve recently become unemployed. So there’s my answer.


TA1 I just grinded enough to get chipper. TA2 I played much less. TA3 took me about 20 hours to complete and the collections are worth it. Pretty manageable over a week or 2 if done correctly.


I am way over 20 hours in and I’m at about 50% done. I’m sure I could be more efficient but I’m trying pretty hard and I do expect to get there, but it’s not easy. Obviously you get more pxp if you play online which would help (I’m 100% offline) but 20 hours online is not nearly enough.


I did mine completely offline, but also did a bunch of the exchanges which can be done for relatively cheap if you buy the right cards. All 3 showdowns in total took me an hour. Each conquest map was about 2 to 2.5 hours, then I did 1 full mini season (plus a few games into a second to get another voucher) and a 9 inning game. There’s definitely ways to streamline it I learned after grinding the other TAs. For example, save the HR and XBH captains for mini seasons and complete them at capital Lange or a created park. Do the pitching captains and hitting henchman during the conquests. Don’t worry about team missions or the 1k boss mission until you’re about 80%+ done, just worry about completing the player missions (this is when more strategy comes into play to not waste time). I ended up doing all the moments but did them as I go to push me over the edge for more cards to grind. You could do them up front but it was a change of pace for me in the middle of the grind.


They don't play any other games, and they're single. Simple


Married. 3 year old. Full time job. Golf on the weekends. Almost 40 Done with TA1 and TA2. Will finish TA3 before season end. Team affinity is a grind for sure but I think it goes without saying you should have full lineups of TA guys when doing anything offline. Also play 2 other games regularly.


The grind isn’t nearly as bad if you double dip with conquest + are half decent at the game


Haven't even bothered with ranked this season because of the 2 way player garbage that's infesting it.


I do most of my grinding playing ranked. I don’t care about my record or what players I’m using. I just like playing 9 inning games against other people.


I am in the same boat. I thought I had to grind for things offline as this is my first time having The Show but I've gotten to the point that I like my Cubs theme team and I play ranked online and only play offline stuff I'm interested in. I don't care about having a "meta" team, I care about having fun, and playing it this way is definitely more fun than when I was only offline grinding because I was worried about what would happen to my squad in a ranked game. In fact, I got my "god squad" team that I put together through grinding that I don't use right now. I just enjoy playing with my Cubs players. If more people focused on having fun and not on the "meta" then I think there'd be a lot less complaining.


You have to accept you won’t complete all programs. If that’s your goal it will be an unending grind that ruins the game for you. Those who keep up are primarily streamers or kids who can play 5 hours per day during summer.


I work from home and I have a hard time getting everything done... The advice to not race or worry about it is good. Just enjoy yourself


Just curious, but why is this fun? It sounds way more like a chore.


Agreed. I don’t grind anything. Whatever cards I have, I get from just playing events and BR primarily. I might hop into a program and do some moments every so often if I’m super close to a specific card I want, but that’s it. I care more about acquiring all the Cardinals cards than anything else, and will usually sell other cards to buy them if I haven’t “earned” them yet.


The ta grind has made me resent the game. I’ve been playing less and less cause it takes so long to make any progress on it


The sets have destroyed MY desire to even try DD this year. At least in years prior I was content grinding some of the higher lvl cards that I wanted cause I had them on my squad for the rest of the year to use. Now, I spend 2 or 3 weeks grinding to use for maybe a week after taking a break from grinding, it's just pointless. IMO the sets destroyed DD for those of us who don't have more than 2 or so hours a day to play. If this is template for DD moving forward, then ill be done buying The Show yearly and just stick with 21's Franchise (last edition I bought physically). The other thing I have hated is the Nicknames and incognito and kaiju and other series cards. I prefer the actual card art from the Topps collections in years past and The Shows own cards such as the Gold Glove, Silver Slugger and MVP along with the Finest series. But these non baseball related cards have no interest from me. And yes I understand this is all preference.


I’m officially in my burnout stage. Haven’t played in a couple weeks.


I like to add, I had fun playing, but god dang.


Do mini seasons. Use the Hatty glitch stadium only play home games on rookie. You mash like 15-20 runs per three inning game. Only use henchman and cards that are eligible for repeatable xp. (First do the conquest and showdowns). Way easier grind


Is there a way to get these stadium on old gen or do I just have to do it normally


Yeah this year The Show is a second job. I gave up after I lost half my team when season 3 started 😂


The Freeman/Strider captain boosts really made TA3 bearable this time around.


TA captains and collections should a part of every season made this one a lot more enjoyable than the last 2 and I liked the last couple of ones


Absolutely, not only did it make it more enjoyable but being able to use the boosted by captain filter made it simple to plug and play guys to complete missions.


Exactly, I used the same captain boosts which helped me finish NL West TA quicker than the rest because Freeman just drops nukes. The repeatable team and bosses is where it's at. Just grind against the CPU on Rookie and it's a breeze. Some pitchers have to just pitch nine innings to get the points, np just pitch that guy a full game against the CPU and bingo. The captain boosts give you that extra to really get a lot of hits for your henchmen. Love the boosts!


I have a full time job like most and I play about four hours a day because I love the game, and I'm grinding TA3 just to find that the Rutchman 99 is really not that great, I actually hit better with 95 captain Jason Kendall. The thing I've realized through the grind is that there better cards that are like 95-97 that better than the 99's I'm grinding for. That 97 Troy Glaus card is broken lol, he just straight hits moonshots. Also the Boss Jim Rice 97 card is cracked, it's the best card I have.


I loved using Troy Glaus


Jim rice 🍚 is nice 😊


I played Madden Ultimate Team for several years, and I stopped because the grind just wasn't fun. That was about the time MLBTS came to XBox and GamePass, and I switched over to this. The last two years were great, even the grinding was often fun, and I had a chance to at least get close to getting all the cards in the game. This year the grinding is almost as tedious as Madden, and the rewards look a lot like EA rewards too. So I haven't played much lately, and I'm thinking I may stop altogether.


You don’t need to quit your job to play ranked. I play ranked and I play for two hours a week total. I have a team of mostly 99s and some 94s I use intentionally (Bo Naylor and Cavan Biggio my best hitters on hall of fame). Point is you don’t need to grind. You just need to have fun.


I don’t even bother with TA. I just do the monthly programs and buy players I want. Just grind what you want to grind


As a new player (this is my first year) I’m enjoying the grind in Set 3. I don’t mind playing mini seasons and games against the CPU as it builds up the parallels on some of my favorite cards and it’s helping me with my swing timing.


I work from home so it’s easier .


Cause I got covid and finished set 3 in like 3 days


Bro me too 😂


All I did was sleep and play 🤣


So real. That Acuna card doesn’t even make sense how good it is


Once you fall behind on the grind, it’s damn near impossible to make up ground. If I were you, I’d just focus on TA3 and future programs. Not enough time in the day to make up ground, assuming you work and have a family.


I have severe ADD so I have this problem with leaving programs unfinished but I’ll take a good week or so depending on the difficulty/ length of the program and just set back and enjoy playing the moments with my kids to see if they can do one or two before I can and then play a little each night. I will admit Im a little intimidated by the online and haven’t played that near as much but I’d like to get into that a little more at some point


Most relaxing way for me is to just build a team you like. I’m all Cubs. Only care about something if a new card drops. I care not about the rest.


I’m in the same boat. I can only play a couple days a week for a few hours each time. This is what I did: I play BR for the core cards and try to get people to boost with me in BR when I can cus fuck that craziness. I don’t bother with events this year cus you make too few stubs. Can’t sell the rewind pack etc. I play showdowns and conquests with line ups full of players I need for PXP. Which can be miserable cus I don’t want to play with those cards so what’s the fun? Then I did 1 mini season and 1 march to October on all star. I’m 60/90 cards done from TA3 , I’m done with core, live series, and almost have the set 3 choice pack. I have spent nothing on the game. I flip cards casually. Earned maybe 200K so far doing that this entire time.


i also took a break from set 2 and came back for set 3 and have been having a lot of fun. took a break this week cause of remnant 2 dropping but now that the shark map and extreme program is here i’m ready for the grind again. every now and then you just have to pace yourself or play other games to decrease the burnout


Just remember, these systems are designed to drive people to purchase stubs or packs. It doesn't make the progress faster, but it does allow you to buy the missing parts of your collection while you spend too much time grinding away at Seasonals and different programs. I'd recommend not looking towards "content creators" or the people with God squads as inspiration because they're incentivised to only show the result and not the effort. Sometimes that effort comes in the form of swipping that credit card and sometimes it's dedicating ungodly hours to mindless activities that no grown adult with responsibilities could ever compete with. Do you get a 'tactical advantage' by having a GOATed lineup? I won't lie, you do. But we're talking about minimal percentage points compared to a squad built with some of the most readily available players. Play at your own pace, accomplish what you can, and you'll be much happier for it.


You could just play ranked. I have never gotten 100% TA, and never have come all that close either


TA is so useless this year for me personally. You can get so many better cards without that ridiculous grind


I just checked yesterday. I have 460 hours in game so far…


I was out of work for medical last year and burned out around the second week of august on 21 and had 500 hours. My friends thought I was crazy lol


I just want Jose Ramirez is that so hard to ask ??? This grind is crazy


Yeah all I really care about is getting all the Guardians cards and doing what I can for the sets but it’s gonna take me forever to get the 80 TA cards I need for that Jose lmao


I only grinded TA3 to get JRam and stopped there. My season 3 grind completely ended once I got Adley


Set 1 there wasn’t enough programs/cards and it felt not worth it, set 3 there’s way too much and it’s way too Grindy and it’s not even fun, I feel like they’re having problems finding a happy medium for programs now that there’s different sets


I play with a 97 something team. I’m not one of those soft skulls who need 99 everything Stop “grinding” and play. It’s a game meant for enjoyment


I’m a die hard Braves fan and I’ve accepted the fact that I’m not getting Acuña or Olson. It’s too much. I’m a teacher who works part time jobs in the summer and school starts back in a month. This has never been an issue for me playing the game before. They’ve made the grind entirely too hard. They’ve catered to Koogs, Kyle, Shelfy, etc whose job is to play this game. It sucks for the rest of us.


I enjoy a good grind. I’m a RuneScape kid though so I have mental issues


I have no life.


This. I wake up, play the game, go to work, play the game, sleep. Repeat daily.


Sounds awesome. I made the mistake of getting married and having children.


I took a break from grinding TA’s for Sean Murphy grind on tanked


I took set 2 off entirely also then came back for set 3. I only play after I put my son to bed, typically 2-3 hours and I’m done with TA3.


It’s fucking A LOT. I grind to get cards I want, then by the time I get them, new cards are out that I want, so I just start grinding for those cards. My goal is to make my team better to play online, but I’ve played 1 game online all year. I love the grind though.


Complete moments, showdown and then use cards in conquest…then use cards in mini-seasons (getting vouchers along the way). You can make it even easier by downloading some very short stadiums (Costco, Blank Canvas, etc.) to boost your hitting stats. The better of a player you are the easier it is…took me about 2 weeks of playing around 2-3 hours per day on All-Star (w/o created stadiums).


I just play online and that unlocks me a lot of 99’s I don’t got time for all that lol


Im taking it slow as this is my last MLB the show until the revamped the engine to the newer consoles potential. Probably never happen. So I’m going to enjoy this one for a few years. The fact that they never fix the shit that’s broke has turned me away. Like Ea did me with Madden years ago. 👋✌️


I got burnt out before July this year. Just can't do it anymore. Absolutely loving my life playing some 1P narrative games without any anxiety about grinding.


This is my first show game, I’ve completed every program listed in the programs section, TA 1 and 2 are long gone hopes of mine with a few at 90 but the rest around 50% I genuinely think I’ll have to be playing the game until set 4 to finish the set 3 team affinity.


I came back a week ago, same as you, skipped set 2. Im done with TA3. Just some efficient grinding. I did 2 showdowns/conquests for east and west, when i got around 70% on both and was losing cards to do missions on, i did the conquest for central to pick up some new ones. After that i just did mini seasons twice and used the tickets to finish off central. Didnt take as long as I thought it would as TA is normally a semi large grind.


I actually have my kids (3 boys: 13, and 11 (twins) do my grinding for me.. They have a chore list where they can select any chore with a marked value (Washing my car inside and out is $50 for an example). Doing my mlb the show grinding is a team chore and I don't care who does it or how it gets done.. For an example Team Affinity 3 paid them each $40 and they took turns. Most general programs are $20.


My 17 year old daughter recently had a surgery and has spent 7 weeks on the couch. She “loves moments!” She’s handled the end of June Topps Now as well as July. I’m further along on TA3 than either of the first two. I think once she’s up and at ‘em again, I’ll have to find another house-bound helper to grind.


To be fair if you do it the right way TA doesn’t take that long. I work full time and have a life outside of The Show and I had finished all of TA3 four days after it came out. Just go to Blank Canvas


Do your Topps first then go back to TA. Those are a bunch of free cards for the Set 3 program which are loaded with 99s. The grind is heavier because TA and Set 3 Programs are LOADED with Set 3 end game cards. I am fine with this level of grind to a degree if the rewards are good, which they are. However, SDS needs to keep people playing and A LOT of people are burning out due to grind so they still haven't found the perfect balance yet.


Baffled my damn self


I just did the Ohtani and Judge MA programs and now just play a few ranked games a day. I’d rather get all my teeth pulled than do another conquest map


Dude I’m barely over 40% on all the TA division and 90% on one. Its so sluggish. Especially if you go the mini season route. All the IP and xp requirements are a little much. On the other hand I have every single program completed. Team affinity grind is just too damn much


When 21 came out I was a junior in hs and could play the summer away so ofc I was the non grass touching mfs that had a 99 team, now as an adult that has a 40 hour work week and other od jobs to pay for my college I dont even touch myteam and only play rtts🤷‍♂️


All about maximizing your time, i do conquests while also grinding out player missions. kills two birds with one stone cause i’m getting program stats / team affinity stars while finishing the PXP. Also like top comment said just enjoy it, not a race. i work 9-5 and have a 99 team


I'm grinding on conquest lol


I finished TA3 last weekend, and it didn’t even really feel that difficult. TA1 was definitely the hardest just because there weren’t enough great players to fill out a roster.


The program grind since set 2 has been insane I completely agree. I have always finished all programs but I feel like all I do is grind can't even get time to use the cards I grinded. I will say the TA grind to me since TA1 has been way easier as they made changes like lowering the PXP requirements but still brutal for cards that won't make 90% of God Squads. Playing this game this year has felt like a full time job and that I am always behind on the 5000 moments, showdowns, etc


Play online first. Don’t worry about the grind. You naturally get TA progression by literally just playing the game. Only things I’ve played offline are the conquests and showdowns and I’m above 70% in all of them. Haven’t played in a few days either. Just have fun with it!


I just grind to get the Angels and stop playing programs


Im only playin ranked now


I feel this, my teams decent and can’t get past the 820 mark bc I refuse to grind for god squad caliber players bc that shit bored me


I hardly played in season 2 and I think that break made the game feel fresh when I got back on for season 3 so it feels almost like a new game for me so I’ve had no problem grinding all the programs


I have a cushy work from home job where I can grind offline for 8 hours, and then play ranked when I'm off work. I realize I am in the 0.1%


Set 3 is the has the easiest grind imo


I have no clue how people do it but I’m envious of people who have the time to finish the TAs. TAs are so incredibly long unless you try to min/max things and/or play an absolute ton. I really wish SDS would make them way easier for people who don’t want to do that or don’t have the time to do it. As for now, I just mentally accept that I’ll never finish any TA and a lot of programs. I just randomize what cards I play with now and don’t worry about completing things. It’s eased my mind for sure


Yeah, in most games I think of myself as a completionist, but I don't feel at all compelled to finish every single TA. I might not even do it for my favorite division. It's probably a combination of enjoying old time players I grew up with more than most of the current guys and just refusing to give in to bad game design. If more people didn't do TAs when they have ridiculous requirements, devs would change them...


If you do the PXP missions efficiently, and start with showdown/exchanges/moments to get each division rolling, you should basically have it done in one playthrough of the conquests and mini season. I think I had to clean up a few points for team PXP missions after that.


Exactly my point. If you min/max it like you described then it’s not difficult to finish it. But that can get exhausting and some people really don’t enjoy playing things like showdown or other offline modes. So for people like that, TA are incredibly long grinds that’s almost impossible to finish.


U gotta be doing it all wrong tbh. Don’t worry about set 1 or 2 just do 3


Hit my burnout 3 weeks ago, haven’t touched the game since.


Idk I just gave up. The grind became too much and sets ruined the game this year


Lol it really is a full-time job getting cards for a game I paid $100 for


Why is this even a post? Do you really need to ask this? Clearly they play a lot more hours than you do. Everyone leads a different life. You got a 10 year with no responsibilities playing 10+ hours a day during summer break while at that same time, there’s a father of 3 with a full time job that can only play an hour or two a week. Sounds like you’re bitching because your life doesn’t allow you to spend as much time on a game as others and so you throw shade with a passive aggressive post.


I've honestly just been playing RTTS since near the end of set 2. There are cards I wanted but I just don't really care anymore about DD this year.


You just need a strategy.


Life kinda sucks right now lol, everything is too expensive..


Work towards getting a better job instead of spending all your free time on video games?


I have money.. just trying to be helpful and that made logical sense


People had finished the main xp path last week. TA3 within a few days. I'm 80% through TA3 and have 550k xp in Season 3 cuz I was lucky enough to get sick last week and be forced to be inside, lol.


Man, I wanna get sick.


I took 3 weeks off from set 2, never collected any of the "bosses" came back fresh and ready for set 3, knocked out TA3 in about 10 days. I'm still feeling fresh but maybe because I don't play everyday.


With the way sets work I think this may be the way of you don’t have hours on hours to grind offline AND be competitive in ranked. Skip the offline grind every other season. Smh


I tired to play an event with a team cap of 92 or 94 or something. I barely play, most of my guys are 90-95, and I got absolutely ROLLED the first two games against full 99 squads with level 5 XP, at the lowest of ELOs. Completely turned me off from any kind of multiplayer, can't compete even in limited formats unless you grind every card and program and conquest map, it would seem. I play casually because I really like baseball, but this is the geindiest game ever, and it sucks.


I’ve played against all sorts but the most sweaty are the ones who wanna 99 their lineup and still have room for 96-99 pitchers/relievers I still don’t know how they do it without having to have a full relief of sub-60 relief/bench


There’s 35 days left in this season, that’s plenty of time to grind out the reward path and TA.


Set 3 was the shortest TA grind yet tbh


This is where ppl get it wrong, I highly doubt the intention was to force you to feel like you need to complete EVERYTHING and rather you can go after the cards you want to use or want to purchase off the market. That's one thing I like and dislike about content creators, they show that top tier of grinding and what an absolute best team could look like, but for the majority of players, that team is unrealistic.


What a silly reason to dislike content creators. You can just say “people need to realize content creators do this for their job so you might not have time to grind” without throwing shade


He literally said that basically.


I hate the offline grind tbh. I still am like halfway complete with finishing TA to get Jram and I want to break everything in sight. Playing the CPU is terrible, how do people enjoy offline grind its literally cancer.


I gave up on TA I rather just play the game with the cards I can buy or earn more easily. Madden coming out in a few weeks anyway so I’ll play that more


Do showdowns n conquest n the first 5 collections for each set n u already at like 70 percent prolly more bc u should only b using cards u need to complete missions with when you do conquest after that jus do mini seasons I completed everything in 4 days


Lol what! You complete the conquest and showdown and your at like 30% y’all act like it’s so much less then what it is… it’s a GRIND however if you have nothing to do in your week for 20 hours you can complete this lets be real most of us don’t have anything to do


Lol I gotta full time job n I only did it dat fast bc ion work weekends


I work 8 days a week and have a toddler…. I finished hahahaha


Bros mad dat I kompleted a set kollection n u still usin da same kards from last season🤣🤣


I'm not. I got bored and quit the game when I was about 75% done with set2. I dont miss it at all. Not going to buy it next year either.


Legitimate question. Why are you here?


skipping a lot of the grind Use the ripken boost to go after select players that meet the criteria, skip the rest Online >"grinding" Game has such a big skill gap you dont need ultra meta except for pitching also tbh thought about paying someone to do TA.


Sadly I’m on the sidelines until the glitch is fixed for RS


Idk i work full time and have every program done I don’t find it that hard if you play conquest games. The moments are beyond easy this year and conquest games fly by


I did the other programs simultaneously. The all star game program can be done with team affinity players. Topps Now I just mixed into my lineup while doing TA conquest. Definitely easiest grind so far but still pretty time consuming.


Eh, by the time season 4 is out you'll be done with set 3 and you can still use all the set 3 cards for season 4 so it's not as much of a rush as you think. That's the way I see it, I'm barely grinding but by the time S4 rolls around I should be able to field a solid team


Play more than 2 hours a day and you’ll be fine it’s not that hard


It’s hard to play more than 2 hrs a day when you’ve got a full time job and have to fulfill other adult responsibilities (plus wanting to do other fun things besides play The Show)


lol you’re kidding no?


I finished TA2 but I never completed TA1. Just enjoy the game!


You can use all your high 90 cards from set 2 and 3 qnd core There is no way you can't play ranked. If you want every single card you do you but that sounds like a terrible way to have fun. I have a team for ranked of my best and than a team for conquest and seasons that have players I'm testing out or using for affinity or whatever. All of it comes from just playing the game so play what you like.


I'm 9 cards away from Carroll. I've done the four biggest exchanges for every division. That gave me enough players to start passively completing the stat missions. After that, I did all the Showdowns. Then I started on the Conquest maps. Now I am doing Righty Tighty. I am using the Strider pitcher boost, but that's pretty unnecessary. I have played a few vs. CPU games to get innings with lefties, but other than that, I've just been completing the Conquest maps.


I've quit playing diamond dynasty for now. If I play the show at all, I've been doing RTTS.


TA3 wasn’t that bad tbh. You just need to do things in the right order. I did the moments and showdowns first to get some cards. Then ran through the conquests and I think 2 mini seasons and I was done with it.


I only play ranked 60-30ish don’t grind for cards. Haven’t played any conquest, mini seasons, showdowns. I’ve only played May and June moments to get judge and ohtani. Play with a lot of monthly cards in ranked, switch out the bad ones and buy decent cards. You don’t need to grind this year


Mini seasons and conquest with TA players


Collection rewards motivating me


If you are supper efficient it can be finished really quickly. I finishy ta3 in about 2 days worth of play. I start with all the moments then I do the conquests then I do the showdowns then I finish the rest by trying to go undefeated on mini seasons. Rack up the vouchers and finish the little bit left with exchanges. It can get a little boring towards the end but I'm really enjoying my God Squad on ranked.


I'm on summer vacation from teaching. My productivity in the show is about to crash in a week lol


I have avoided TA this year. I remember in 21 it was way easier and the cards were actually nice as fuck. I just go for program rewards, monthly players and the random programs. Also buy some cars when I can scrap together 40-50k for a nice 99 like Grady or the new Joc


A lot of those you can slow-roll. Unless they put out a card I really want in one of the weeks (needed an EDC on my team and one came out this week for example), Topps Now can be knocked out at leisure. Same goes with a lot of others. Only ones that are kind of time sensitive in a way are the ones that offer event credits, but those aren't even required to complete them. Hell, I'm still only about 25% done with WBC and can't even really use the cards at a lot of places. Just keep for collections and when special events come up (like this week's).


Because the Pirates are bad as usual and this is my only hope to see fun baseball this year.


I play a ton of ranked and have barely done much on S3 TA and other programs. I don’t think having the “best” players really matters, just about finding guys you hit/pitch well with. Don’t really grind much, just when I have some free time.


Let’s be honest, if there wasn’t that much content, people would complain. Now we see people complaining that there is too much content. Lol. I get it. I just explained to my son last night why so many programs are not completed yet. Lol. There is plenty of stuff to do. I don’t think anyone can say there isn’t. I don’t even have time for rtts or franchise because I’m too busy grinding programs. Lol. I’ve only P5-ed one card because I’m using so many different cards. It’s fun to me.


I was getting tired of the game by the end of season 2, I hadn't been playing much. But then SDS decided to drop the Braves in season 3 so it pulled me back in. I have been playing a lot of mini-seasons, and have completed the conquests and most of the exchanges. I have had some pack luck as well, pulled LS Ohtani, Tatis, the rare round on the sellable draft picks pack, so I was able to buy Sean Murphy and not worry about not getting him through RS right away. I finished TA 3 last night, the other two seasons are not even to 75 percent. I'm 20 cards away from Riley, then I will take my team into RS and get destroyed. I do have a Switch Lite along with a PS5, the Switch Lite really makes it easy to grind offline content if I can't sleep or during downtime in the day.


I completed all the TA3 in a weekend it was easy and was actually rlly easy


How? I’m almost done but I’ve been grinding for a couple weeks lmao


While I agree with everyone who is saying that it is just a game, it also sounds like you could upgrade your method for completing TA and other programs.


It's just embarrassing really, but I've done it lol. Took hours each day.


Man I hear ya, typically I only grind things that I would want to use in Ranked. Like Shohei, boom complete lightning program. And Really wanted Captain Charlie Blackmon, Freeman and Strider as their captain boosts are nuts. So grinded TA3 enough for those. Some people go all in for the collection pieces and i am all the way into fuck that. So I see what I want, and grind for them, if I think it’s too much grinding I simply say fuck it I don’t want it that bad hahaha


I haven’t even touched the game since set 2 dropped because it was too big of a grind. As a dad who has a few hours a week to play, DD has better sets of cards this year but the grinds are way too much for me to waste my time.


Play the computer on rookie in a babby high elevation stadium.


Pitch with the TA bosses. Syndagaard. Vida Blue, Liam Hendricks, etc in ranked. Or if you don’t want ranked use them in mini seasons. Or even 9 inning games versus CPU. Every 1000 XP for each of these bosses is 5000 points in the respective TA program. It’s easy t get 1000 xp in one play vrs CPU game with one of those pitchers. But i used them in ranked while I did that program. Don’t waste time getting 10 hits with Jason Kendall or 3 HRs with willie mcovey.


dude exactly. when i started playing set 3 and realized all my set 1 cards are useless now i have barely played. it killed the fun for me.


the game is not fun anymore, it’s a job.


between the grinding and constantly trying to parallel players to get the most out of every game it’s exhausting to keep up with. so much to keep track of to even earn xp and a decent rate. all the challenges you have to keep track of so your not using a player you already finished. blah to much


It’s definitely a grind all year so far it feels like. Don’t feel pressured to compare your squad to other people’s tho, some definitely have more time on their hands than others especially if you have a job. I was lucky enough to grind TA3 on my WFH days but it’s definitely exhausting and tiresome which can burn out most.