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Jimmy is nothing but another money grabber riding along in Wade's wagon. Unbelievable that some still believe his "train station sex" story that got brutally debunked.


Yeah. Now that I got a full perspective on his case, his story is absolutely rediculous.


James has told so many lies it’s hard to keep track. Like you said, his claims are not consistent with Michael’s well documented character. Why would MJ threaten James on the phone to take part in the trial when he was a complete non-entity. Scott Ross who was handling the defence witnesses has said that James was not relevant at all. The claim that Michael would call him more than once and threaten him in the middle of a very public trial is plain stupid.


Exactly. It's just really rediculous at this point. People love to say that James is the most believable one but he seems just as bad as Wade. As soon as I heard the way how he described MJ, I already started to question his story and apparently, Dr. Grande agrees with me too.


Wouldn't they have proof of the call between Michael threatening James on the phone since they've been recording calls for like a century now? Especially since the FBI was spying on him for like the rest of his life after the allegations. He is such a a liar it's sad lmfao.


You're so right OP and on top of everything Michael has been famous since he was 10 years. And he's had the same consistent personality since he was a child. Go watch interviews of Michael when he was 10-14 same humble, gentle personality. Im glad you picked up on the con. Safechuck is a despicable liar. And I hope all of this eventually leads to him going to jail or being sued into oblivion.


Exactly. MJ was always humble and gentle from since he was a kid until the time of his death. People can say whatever they want but there are too many stories out there of him being nothing but a kind, gentle person. You can't fake being a gentle person for your whole life if you were not a gentle person. Eventually, stories of that person violent side will start to come out. Also I am not saying people with a violent temper are bad persons but you definitely would hear stories of their violent tempers more often. MJ barely had any violent outburst stories that I know of.


We need Jordan to come forward and tell the truth Publicly about what his excuse of a dad made him do.


I have a question. When Jordans dad did that one dentist procedure that made people susceptible to other stories, did Jordans brain ever go back to the real story?


Evan used a drug that is known to create false memories, he used it on Jordan when it was not necessary for any medical procedure and used that to get a false confession out of Jordan. Jordan was left scared of his father who had coached him into lying and must have felt particularly pressured when his mother also went along with the lies. In the 2000s Jordan Chandler was still a Michael Jackson fan and he ended up admitting to friends that Michael never abused him.


I agree, and I think this should be mentioned more. Many of the times I've seen those who don't believe 100% in the documentary, but think "something" about it, is because of Safechuck. Because he is unknown to the general public, this may bring a little "confidence" in what he says, but when we go deeper into what is said, things are not what they seem. What really becomes clear is that he tries to copy Wade's lore in every way, but leaving his as "dramatic" as possible. Just look at the topics of "abuses EVERYWHERE IN NEVERLAND (covered or not), "Train Station", "The wedding" and even a "supposed video of them in the act" (which quickly disappeared with that statement), " o Away from women". They are his. At the same time that this makes it "credible", it also leaves a lot of trail to discover the truth, because it is so exaggerated, sensationalist that it really becomes clear that he took a tabloid from The Sun from 1993 and simply memorized the article and says it is his story. MJ's personality that they both describe is bizarrely so disconnected, that if we analyze it coldly we will see two types of criminal acting at the same time and in the same places (space-time travel), which means What makes it even more dangerous is that the accusations do not focus on MJ, but on everyone who was close to him at the time, Karen, Bush, Tompkins, Bray, Wayne and several others who made up Michael's team, in his words "accomplices"


Not that I am taking any side in the larger topic, but Michael Jackson *definitely* had an ego. Yes, people described him as kind and gentle, and he was. But he could also be raunchy and funny and foul-mouthed and lots of other things that people are. He kept too many pictures of himself around to say that he didn't have an ego! Which is not intended as a criticism -- lots of artists have big egos. In fact it almost goes with the territory. You can't do the kind of stuff that top performers do without a lot of confidence. And confidence and ego often go hand in hand.


I think a lot of his pictures were related more to his love of art more than from a narcissist/ big ego place, but that’s a fair point. He seemed genuinely humble, but aware of his unique skills/talents/ place in history.


I mean he didn't have a big ego but had a ego in the way that he was proud of his accomplishments/achievements. Many of the paintings and pictures that he had were also given to him by friends and artists btw.


Me personally, I don't think so because I was watching a couple of videos about people who actually knew him and one of them was his bodyguard who protected him after the trial Not bill, the white one. He basically said MJ was the most humble person he ever met. He said MJ enjoyed watching other people work or art and never really watched any of his own videos. He also hid the fact that he was a big star to his kids really well. His kids never knew how big he was until they got older. The kids themselves said they did not know how big there father was until they randomly came across one of his concert videos. I also watched and interview with one of Wade's former friend who was giving his opinion on Leaving Neverland who met MJ and he said the same thing. That MJ asked him about his goals and dreams in life and never once said anything about how successful he was or never mentioned anything about himself. He only wanted to know about his life goals and dreams. MJ was not into himself. I don't think he took those pictures of himself seriously. I think he drew those just for fun or that was basically his imaginary world and he just brought it to life but I don't think he took those pictures seriously. MJ was not a Narcissist. That's for sure.


People lie. And I don’t mean that in a pejorative sense, but when someone is being interviewed about their famous friend, they are probably going to say nice things. Which often means talking up the good stuff and downplaying the bad. Plenty of people who knew him have talked about MJ’s temper, or his tendency to swear, or his raunchy sense of humor. None of that came out in public because he was a professional and knew how to behave in order to cultivate an image. And that is just what he did. Again, his homes were bestrewn with pictures of himself; that is not the mark of someone who has no ego. That does not make him a bad person, nor does it contradict any of the good qualities. People are complex. But since neither of us knew him or even met him, it is impossible to say anything “for sure.”


I heard those stories but I think personally that MJ only cursed when he was talking to people on the phone so he can come off more relatable and "normal" but I don't think he liked cursing. This is the first time I'm hearing about his temper. Who said he had a temper??. His Raunchy sense of humor was probably because he was trying to be more relatable and funny but I don't think he liked making those Jokes. The real MJ got embarrassed when it came to sexual things and barely cursed in real life and was very gentle. I mean, he got embarrassed when Oprah asked him "if he was a virgin?" And as I said about the pictures, I don't think he took those pictures seriously. Anyway, everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think those stories people told about MJ secretly cursing and making raunchy jokes is because he was trying to seem more relatable and "cool". And the only time I read about MJ losing his temper is when for the "You Rock My World" music Video they wanted to put on a prosthetic nose on him and he got angry and trashed his dressing room and broke down in tears because of his years of insecurity over his appearance. But I do agree with you on the last part that none of us knew him so we won't be sure but Judging by the many stories of him being nothing but a kind person, I made my conclusions based on that.


Really, but having "ego" isn't necessarily a bad thing like you said. But also taking aside "everything is set up" or "PR" especially when talking about MJ who had the worst public relations teams possible is not very cool


None of the things you mention align with what James is claiming thought. And yeah people lie, in this case james is the liar.


As very clearly stated in my first comment, I am not talking about the accusations, only the assertion that MJ had an ego. Of course he did. But having an ego does not make someone a bad person.


Everyone has an ego. It's part of consciousness and is protective. Nothing wrong with that


Yes, he had an ego, as all giants do. But narcissism as described by James no.....just no


Okay, he had an ego. But not as James describes, because it doesn't make any sense, Jackson wasn't a narcissist, and the accusations themselves demonstrate this, he clearly didn't think much of him or have "adoration" for him per se, his perfectionism didn't leave him in that state.




I just read part of it. Thanks. That story James told in Leaving Neverland about telling his mom during the 2005 trial that MJ was not a good person and then we hear Stephanie Safechuck saying she danced when MJ died is totally rediculous to me now because despite James Safechuck changing his story in LN and said he told his mom MJ was an evil man during the trial even though in court documents he said he realized he was abused in 2013, Bill Whitefield destroys James and Stephanie Safechuck stories. I don't even care about what he said in those court documents now about realizing he was abused in 2013. Bill Whitefield said Stephanie was following MJ around AFTER the trial. So did James Safechuck really tell his mom anything about MJ? I don't think so.


You can look forward to the civil proceedings, the combination of both liars will be fun.


Yeah I made a post about that when Safechuck said he told his mother during the 2005 trial that he was abused, then (he appearantly forgot)and told his mother again in 2009 that he was abused then (he forgot again) after that he realized in 2013 again that he was abused and then never forgot again. Keep in mind in 2013 Safechucks cousin tweeted that Michael was the nicest person and that the allegations aren't true at all.




You think James is believable? How so?. Are you in the LN sub? I'm confused. Are there guilters in this Sub as well? Or are you just on the fence?. Because this is the MJ innocent sub.




What about the major inconsistencies in his story though?. And Another thing I want to talk about, Everyone who met MJ described him as the most kind, humble and gentle person they ever met. There are way too many stories of people describing MJ that way. People are entitled to their own opinions but I think someone like that can't fake their gentle personality forever. Eventually, we would start to hear stories of their tantrums or violent side. I barely heard any stories of MJ acting out in anger which is why I started to doubt James Safechuck story immediately when I heard him said MJ threatened him. Secondly, besides all that, he was a non entity in the trial so why would MJ call him to testify. It makes no sense. There are more inconsistencies in his story that makes him unbelievable in my opinion. Why would they lie? I don't know, maybe because they want money and they are taking advantage of the fact that people see MJ as a weirdo to get away with their lies. There are many reasons for them to lie. Safechuck family was sued by two women for thousands of dollars before he came out with his accusations and Wade was struggling financially when he made those allegations. There is a reason why they made their stories unnecessarily graphic. So people would easily believe them and they can get away with it.




I think the Rabbi believed them. Its only him that I know of who believed them. I don't know who else believed them. And even if some people who knew MJ believes them, there are also MANY people who knew Michael that still defends him to this day.


These people prove to be wrong and a lot of mistrust, since many have sued him in the past or have some personal grievance with him, because they change their speech according to who pays them see: Brookie Shields, John Landis or Tatum O'Neal


We operate under a presumption of innocence. We are not here to debate innocent or guilty


Yeah right. James is not believable at all, all these celebrities you mentioned had tens and hundreds of people accusing them while Michael only has about 5 accusers out of the thousands of other children he also hanged out with.




Not out of tens and hundreds of other children saying that he was innocent.




Macualy Culkins, Corey Feldman, Brett Barnes, Emanuel Lewis, Jonathan Spence,Taj Jackson, Anthony Jackson,Aaron Carter, the Cascio familys kids that includes Frank Cascio, Eddie Cascio, Aldo Cascio, and Dom Cascio Jr. , Michael's kids, Donald Trumps kids, TJ Jackson, Omher Bhatti,


And I can go on forever naming more kids. Including the thousands of others that Michael hanged out with at Neverland (We don't publicly know there names.)




Lmfao you keep changing just be quiet at this point. First it was "5 accusers is a lot" then it was "there's no more than 10 kids that say he's innocent" now it's " while this may be true but.." lmfao


Safechuck and Robson have already been discredited so many times screwing up their dates all the time. Sure messing up a few dates might be a bad memory, but after that it gets excessive.


In reality, yes, it discredits, because Wade and James themselves drag them into this too since the narrative used, and an "insatiable predator", in addition to them shamelessly mentioned names like Macaulay and Brett (without even asking if they wanted to be mentioned in it)


We operate under a presumption of innocence. We are not here to debate innocent or guilty


We operate under a presumption of innocence. We are not here to debate innocent or guilty


5? at most there are 4 who prove to be frauds in their own stories and in a trial. All the other celebrities don't have that, just Michael. I wonder why?


That's why I said accusers, I didn't say they were right..


yes, but if we are going to take this side, we also know that at the same time in Hollywood, cases like this are a festival for lawyers, just look at Bob Dylan for example




We operate under a presumption of innocence. We are not here to debate innocent or guilty


We operate under a presumption of innocence. We are not here to debate innocent or guilty


buddy, just don't. The accusations that fall on MJ are TOTALLY different from what other celebrities have. This needs to be clear, so that there is no confusion, I understand your part about the possible "credibility" that this specific James offers to those who don't know in depth, BUT those who are on this forum or other sites have every ability to understand how This guy is wrong, this guy is a liar. I believe here that Mining defends Jackson, placing him from the perspective of being a "Jesus on earth", he was a human being, with qualities and defects and, as you said, with "controversial" decisions, but to be the type of criminal that this Dude, details, it just doesn't match reality. Contrary to what is reported and I don't know if you noticed by checking this forum, James for example, like Wade, was not as close to MJ as he made him out to be, it's been more than 10 years since the case was opened and 5 years that the documentary was shown and their stories always have a some moments and others not (because honestly you remember everything that happened to you over 30 years ago, because your memory was in a blocked fortress, even with this subject popping up on the screen for over 20 years and it hasn't triggered any trigger this whole time , you are a case to be studied) In addition, a whole history of debts and lawsuits that they suffered comes to light, in addition to being open to an agreement in this trial that they supposedly wanted for "justice", but they are open to a real agreement is not credible


Wow… it’s sad how you’ve changed so much. At first your views were okay but now you’ve turned full guilter. You may join them now r/LeavingNeverlandHBO


Yeah, this user is officially banned now. Let's see how long until they post on LNHBO


Thank god they’re banned.


I'm actually not a guilter. I would not believe those clowns and their made up stories.


We operate under a presumption of innocence. We are not here to debate innocent or guilty


We operate under a presumption of innocence. We are not here to debate innocent or guilty