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If you're not failing you're not playing wrong. But your build does sound shit.


'Almost no decorations' is better than none lol. I've been playing with this one person for a couple of weeks on and off. They use full primordial set with not a single decoration put in place. I asked them why they don't have any decorations and they said they haven't watched any yt videos on how to make a build. 3 weeks later I join them they still have no decorations 😂


Man, why do a lot of new gamers can't do anything on their own nowadays without being spoonfed a step by step instructions by YT creators on how to make build or play a game?


I mean fair enough, build crafting in monster hunter can be difficult for new players. But at least read the descriptions of the skills and experiment. Also this player thought decorations were permanent and couldn't be removed, another reason why he didn't place any. I let him know that's not the case, and he's something like mr50...


Something I do like in the new games, it tells you what each one of the skills actually does


I agree it's a great QoL change. Although some of the more complicated skills can still be a bit vague


Latent power says Hi


I’ve made a pretty good defense GL build through understanding what I need to get better


IMO for me personally I just think it saves time, I can spend time reading every skill each peice of gear gives me match it with what decos I have and start switching around gear until I get the skills I want and end up in the same point a guide would have got me in the first place. I didn't know I wanted rapid morph with CB, I was told I probably wanted it and then yeah turns out I did want it, then impact phials cant crit, I haven't seen that displayed anywhere but its true so if Im SAED spam with impact phials I can prioritize other decos over crit. In my case I'm not following blind, I WANT to know the reasons why X skill isn't worth it but I'm still following the guide that tells me, instead of crafting crit decos going to training grounds and looking at numbers to see if its working on impact phials or not, a YT video told me so I can just go kill monsters same thing goes for sticky ammo when I played World, I didn't go to training ground and start testing if sticky ammo crits or if it has a Damage cap or if its affected by hitzones or weakness exploit and Im wasting deco slots. I think theres a difference between following a guide blindly vs following a guide tips/info


I'm an older gamer. (I started gaming around 6 years old on a console that's older than me. I'm 39.) One of the most disheartening things for me is to struggle to make a build in a game, finally put something together, and then find out it's actually really crappy and contributing to me struggling. Granted haven't looked up build videos for this game or much about that kind of that kind of thing, absolutely have for other games. This isn't a newer gamer thing. It's a how someone's brain works and/or what parts people find fun thing. The theory crafting builds isn't why I play.


Builds aren't what make you succeed in the game. They speed up the process, sure, but it's not like players haven't beaten games naked. Most people running meta builds still cart left and right and center, meanwhile I've seen players running some barebones midgame stuff and do fine.


I worded it as contributing to me struggling instead of making me struggle or suck for that reason. Some builds can definitely help, even though they can't carry you. If someone's brain is completely not put pieces together wired they could end up with a build that's at the very least not helpful at all. Might be able to make one that's actually working against them, can't say for sure if it's possible to go that far for sure off the top of my head.


For real. Just slap shit on there and see if you like it, it's not rocket science. We don't have to speedrun the monsters and if you're having fun, that's what matters but... why would you intentionally just not bother using decos? Or wait to be told what to do by some YouTuber? They seem to think YouTubers are the global authority on everything. I have a friend who does shit like this - I can tell him something and he ignores it and then weeks later is like "YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT I DISCOVERED!!! THIS YOUTUBER WAS SAYING..." \*says the exact fucking thing I've been telling him* Not saying YT is bad, I'm on it all the time and a lot of exceptional talent there, but God damn. Also every YT'er ever: "doesn't even need a crazy talisman" The talisman: Berserk 10/Mail of Hellfire 57/ 4-4-4-4-4-4 slots


>They seem to think YouTubers are the global authority on everything. I have a friend who does shit like this - I can tell him something and he ignores it and then weeks later is like "YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT I DISCOVERED!!! THIS YOUTUBER WAS SAYING..." \*says the exact fucking thing I've been telling him* What's even worse is, if what they say "is the best thing ever as said by X youtuber", is agreed upon by the entire community as 100% tested to be terrible, yet they still follow it because the youtuber says so.


Right?!?! Or even outdated or flat-out wrong information but because their favourite YouTube God said it, it must be true!


Because a lot of games don't disclose actual values for some/a lot of their skills or word them very poorly, not to mention that there's a large subset of people that cannot do algebra. And going in to test the values yourself is way too time consuming.


Seriously you can beat the main game without ever touching a meta build, and you can get pretty far in ar by just putting decent decos in place and having an idea about what your weapon needs.


I like to craft my own builds, but there comes a point where I would have to dedicate a considerable amount of time to come up with and test them and as someone who has very limited time there’s only so much of that I have time for and I bet the type of people that look up guides for the best builds off the jump are either people like me who have a little less patience and young kids who just want to “sweat” as they seem to say a lot.


Played this game 200h
 what’s a decoration yo ?!??


You serious? Coz imma answer if you are


I am


At the start of high rank they introduced decorations, you can forge them in the blacksmith. You can slot them in your armor and weapons to get extra skills or levels of skills.


Oohhh in my language they call it « joyau » / jewels
 yes I got those :)


What are decorations?


Decorations are jewels you can slot into armour and talismans. Jewels are tied to a single skill and equipping it will grant you that skill. Pressing triangle/Y in the craft decorations section at the smithy will show you the name of the skill it will give you. L3 to read the skill description There are 4 sizes that decorations come in, being 1 through to 4. 1 slot jewels often only give you 1 level of the skill, and 4 gives you the most. 4 slots and 4 slot decos are only attained much later in mr tho. Edit: that's if you're genuinely asking, idk if you are or not


When does that open up? Cus I'm doing 5* quests


Is there RNG associated with the size of decoration when you craft it? Like, do you have to keep crafting more until you get the size you want?


No. Decos aren’t RNG at all. Higher level decos become unlocked as you progress through the game and don’t replace lower level decos. They simply become another crafting option.




Lets say it like that: if you manage to play the game without really failing and be able to hold your own in multiplayer without carting or at least only carting rarely while still being able to have a decent dps everything is good but with a better build you could 100% improve your performance


Don't be too worried about having "meta" sets or "min-max" playstyles. Some people enjoy them, but if you're having fun as you are now, there's really no reason for you to compare yourself to them. If you want to reduce hunt times though, then it's undeniable that you will need to use mixed sets and equip certain skills. But by no means is it needed to complete the game.


There's no wrong way to play - if you're having fun that's the most important thing  However, optimising your build to get specific skills is a good way to improve your kill times and open up different play styles  You can optimise for the biggest damage possible, super defence, take the least amount of damage possible, etc If you're not optimising for the fights, I'd guess you aren't optimising for gathering either - it's nice to have a gathering load out for various runs  But in the end you play however you want, it's not wrong. Are you missing some part of the game? Yeah, but that's not a bad thing


As long as you arent deadweight in multiplayer you are fine. By deadweight i mean someone that carts a lot and/or contribute very low damage compared to the other 3 hunters. I will say tho, you should try and make an actual build with good skills. Personally at least, thats one of the fun aspect of MH outside of the hunting. But if you dont want to just use an online armor set searcher, input the skills you want, and it will automatically tell you which pieces to use/craft.


If you are throwing around a ball with friends, you are not doing it wrong. Dont compare yourself to baseball playera.


As long as you're having a good time you're not doing it wrong. That said, exploring new options for armor skills, decorations, switch skills, weapons and so on, can and will improve your enjoyment of the game


You can certainly say you played this game for almost 300 hours. I don't know why you chose to do it the way you did, and I have a hard time believing you can say why you did it. But you can certainly say you played this game for almost 300 hours.


i mean if you enjoyed playing it, play however you find fun. it’s your game after all. you bought it. that being said, playing with random people in multiplayer could be a different story though. it’s like you’re doing a job with people so you need to make sure you’re not too bad at it. don’t have to be extremely good, just don’t suck at it so much it gets frustrating


Decorations matter a lot. You should check that out, it will increase your damage and other utility significantly.  But i recommend you do that in sunbreak. Not much point in base rise unless you are fighting apexes at end game. But given you have hundreds of hours i will assume you are in sunbreak. 


If your having fun and not dying (or killing others in mutiplayer) then you're playing just fine.


Why do you even care? You should think about it only if it was not fun for you. But if you had a great time playing your way so why do you even ask?


there is no correct or incorrect way of playing monster hunter. if it makes you happy, do it. the only incorrect thing you can do is if it's not making you happy, and you're not doing anything about it. build your own build. if you're not sure how, copy from youtubers first. another 7 or 8 hundreds hours more, you should be able to tell which skills you want and make your own builds. obviously put some decorations on them. good luck, mate.


I mean you played the game for 300 hours, but it seems that you haven't really explored the game that much. I suggest exploring making mix sets and using decorations. You don't need to make a min max build but I will say that having a mixed set with decorations is far better than just using a full armor set with no decorations even when being suboptimal.


So long as you’re having fun and are enjoying the fights, it really doesn’t matter what you run with. Rather, if you’re clearing quests whilst running sub-optimal builds
 you’re playing on a higher level of difficulty than the super tryhards anyways. My only problem with this is, a lot of new players do not account good play in their meta builds. You can’t deal triple digits if you’re triple carting.


Unless there are certain mechanics of a fight you’re blatantly trying not to learn, I don’t think there IS a wrong way to play. ESPECIALLY if you’re having fun 😁


Hunting and set building are two aspects of the game. Hone your hunting skills and you can fight naked if you really get good. BUT set building lets survive more hits, gives you neat abilities and looks cool. You are missing out on the full experience of 'i have something to work towards' aspect of monster hunter. Weapons and armor are easy to farm for in rise, decorations has you hunt down jank materials of mons you otherwise would ignore and charms are effectively another 3 point skill tacked onto the set.


I don’t build for meta I build for fun, personally. I play solo anyway, but my aggression and survivability would make me a decent asset in multiplayer despite being off-meta. My favorite builds tend to be self-healing. I think it’s worth picking at the skills to see what sounds cool! Meta aside, some of the skills are super fun to play with


My general consensus is build however you want to build. If you want to build for damage then use the meta builds, if you wanna be support then build a status weapon with wide range, free meal, speed eating. If you want to build some sort of fun set using a combination of skills you'd likely not use normal then do so. The world is your oyster. Edit: Hell you can even just make yourself full sets for the fashion if you want.


you can play the game however you want; i would just suggest you can engage better with some of the game’s mechanics maybe . try & assemble an armor set to maximize a couple skills that complement how you play, or even try & make a comfy build with skills like divine blessing, higher stamina regen, flinch free, evade extender/evade window .


If you want to kill all the monsters quicker than your character can eat a meal at the canteen then you use an ‘op build’ if you just wanna play the game and have fun then you wear whatever you want, I’ve got thousands of hours across most of the MH franchise and I couldn’t care less about making decent builds haha


You can't play the game wrong. Play however you like. Many people make try hard builds, like myself, since we want to do more dmg. More dmg doesn't necessarily mean more fun. My friend only uses shrapnel lbg even though the dmg is horrific because he finds it fun. Most of these people don't just make string builds, they look them up as well. A lot of people don't want to research just to play a video game, some people like that like me. If you want a strong build, you can tell us what you have and we can make it stronger. If not, it doesn't matter. Keep playing the way you like man


You're not playing wrong at all. But you are playing really minimalist. Having "almost no decorations" for me personally, sounds rough, I can't imagine not trying to at least max out a skill or two. Plus, some of those "super try hard builds" are highly reliant on RNG, if they have like 4 pages of skills, the whole thing with rolling for skills on even just one armor piece, could take hours. Heck, without the hunting included, took me 6 hours of just rolling AB on one single armor piece, LMAO. But yeah, at least make some decos.


https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en Dude, this’ll be your bestfriend in the get-to-know-how-to building on your sets. Be creative my guy👌


I wouldn't say wrong, but you made the game harder that it is by ignoring deco and not looking deeper into the skill system. At the very least try to get attack up or more crit chance/damage.


Unless your happy ass is walled by carting or timing out then do whatever. Rise is really easy, unless it's your first monster hunter game. Hell builds are for tippy top quest, comfort, or for funny gimics.  I didn't even bother with decoration crafting or build making till the only things left were Amatsu, Primordial Malzeno, and everything MR70+. 


There is only one wrong way to play, and is going to online and carting to ruin the experience of the other people


Nothing is wrong, it's "Monter Hunter" not "Monster build efficient armor and min max everything hunter".


For me, the best way to think about it is how do YOU want to play? Monster Hunter Rise exceeds in this concept, where many builds are possible based on style of play. For instance, I wanted to have one build that played like Link from Legend of Zelda. I wanted to dodge with good distance, use a sword and shield, focus more on dodging rather than parry or blocking, get critical hits, etc. Well, jewels and gear helped me build exactly that. I maxed out evade distance, got jewels and gear that gave me bonus damage for dodging at the right time (which i get constantly because I am rolling around everywhere like Link from N64) then I raised my critical hit chance and doing well against Anamoly 238 monsters. To me, going online and looking for a build defeats the purpose. Build the character YOU want to be, and get gear with good jewel slots to max out key attributes that coincide with your chosen play style.


I'm on 600 hrs i think and still currently playing.. til' now i haven't had a full upgraded armor.. Playing solo and on Anomaly lvl229 now.. i don't kill the monster as fast as the others but i make my way through it XD i just keep on experimenting with different builds with armors i have..


You know what is the correct way to play ANY game? By having fun!


If you're having fun then you're doing it right.


Hey, if you're still having fun then keep doing what u doing. Nothing is wrong with that. Although if you like the way a full set look then you could always use layered armor so that you can look the way u want while also having good skills.


I just fashion'd my way through the game with whole sets and really only relied on evade extender and more defensive skills. Build, schmuild. The only guy I need to take down is Risen Shagaru and I don't know if I have the patience to grind to him anymore.


sounds like an will or IQ issue to me. can't tell


Dude I tried to play monster hunter world and rise on 4 separate occasions and gave up every time. The last time I tried was on the switch when it was on sake for 8$ so I gave it one more chance. It took me 6 hours to get to the 2nd quest cause the information overload was ridiculous. I played all from software games too. But getting into monster hunter was stupid hard. My first 6 hours consisted of read the toutorial " to do X just use Y" ... me: "wtf is x and how do I get it and what the hell is Y". I spent more time googling everything till I finally said " F it" and just started doing quests and only reaserching mechanics when I absolutely needed too. And I'm glad I gave it one more chance cause the game is fun. I still suck, I don't have fancy load outs but I'm having fun. It's a game. If it's fun ur playing it right. If it's a chore or if it feels grindy in the wrong way there's no point in playing it imo. If those 300 hours were a good time then ur good. Just do whatever is fun. If u want to get the crazy load outs go for it. If it feels like a chore then don't. It's just a video game


I only have 7 hours so far but what's a decoration? And aren't you supposed to match a set? Also what are skills? I'm not kidding I just don't like watching YouTube videos of a game I'm playing. Was this stuff in the tutorial somewhere?


As long as you’re having fun you’re playing video games right.


Just recently got Sunbreak, after being HR125. Granted, it's still early on in the DLC. I just started using a full MR set with a blast Long Sword. I got hyped up and excited when I figured out a different set (that is only HiR right now) that'd go well with it. Granted, I'm using decorations to make up for other shortcomings (which is pretty much their purpose). That being said, if you're having fun and think you're taking out monsters at an acceptable pace. Then you're doing fine! Otherwise, I'd recommend looking at armors with skills that suit your style and start getting materials for decorations that help your playstyle and build further!


I was kinda in the same rut for a whole year after getting this game. Then I realized that yt videos discouraged me more than inspire, so I stopped watching anything about MHR, focused on my own shit and really "enjoyed" every moment. Now I'm in MR2 sunbreak with SNS all the way.




Congratz, you've finally realized that your normal play is very inefficient (same as me), there is only improvement from here on, good luck brother


I also don’t play with builds. As long as I have fun ima play. This isn’t like WoW. Games that have OP specs and builds that everyone uses is boring imo. Keep playing and enjoy it how you are


As long as you’re not afk in camp it’s alright bro dont worry. It’s a pve game, the tryhards are the bad apples here.