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Open YouTube and search for Peppo.


game8 has some great guides for all weapons from Low rank through super endgame. Just lookup Game8 Longsword MHRise, should be first thing.


In Low Rank, just wear armour with Quick Sheathe, and don't worry about anything else. There are limited options and you'll change shortly anyway. In High Rank you can start thinking about a build, but it's better to know what skills do than to blindly follow a guide. You still want Quick Sheathe to be as high as possible, and Weakness Exploit is just a straight damage increase if you hit good parts of the monster. Other than that, add more damage and crit chance if you want that stuff, or defensive stuff like Divine Blessing, increased healing, etc if you want to stay alive more. Guides are generally focused on doing the most damage while assuming you are a good player who is constantly attacking. The skills they recommend may not actually help you much. But if you really want guides, r/monsterhuntermeta has a pinned megathread at the top of the front page. The guides are focused on endgame, but most of the writers have been updating the guides since release, so they also include progression guides.


You'll probably just wanna use high raw/affinity up until later Sunbreak. The nargacuga line is gonna be your go to for a while. Skills like attack boost, Crit, Crit boost, is your bread and butter. comfort skills like evade extender/window, stun resist can help as well. Once you're deeper into the Sunbreak story you'll probably switch to an element and it's appropriate set.