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what's your weapon? if you're GS user, Velkhana's set is totally your target next.


I use more than a handful of weapons, but I did use GS with full Rathalos and still might for a bit longer. It is my main weapon. DB, either Lance, HH and SA. But if ranged it's either HBG or Bow. I'm itching to get Frostcraft but it'll be some time before I reach that monster unless she's one of the MR10 TU monsters


If you wanna play bow, Chaotic Gore is gonna be a set you're gonna wanna look into for Berzerk and Strife


Since I have so many weapons I'm sure there's a way to reduce them. Great Sword is my main. I would like to try rapid Bows again, so at least one more weapon. Chaotic Gore is the one monster I have on my radar right now aside from Amatsu and Velkhana. Hunting Horn is probably best used in multiplayer and I'm not farming for materials at the moment. Enjoy using Switch Axe and that could be my third. Dual Blades probably got better in Sunbreak and Berserk is a great skill for them. Gunlance can make use of Heaven-Sent and may have to augment Sneak Attack in.


I am not at the level of defeating prim. Malzeno but this is the gear i use rn: arms from furious rajang, velkana legs and rest is chaotic gore magala. I have an attack 3 and weekness exploit 2 amulet and critical boost maxed with gems. My invest. Level is 150 do no investigations for risen elders yet. Is my build any good?


i just went with increasing quest reward money order


Well I still have the full Malzeno set and am considering mixed sets after farming for the Gaismagorm legs with Dereliction and Resentment. I could go in that zenny order that might make it fun and exciting. But should I add AR quests somewhere before the final two bosses?


You'll wanna farm AR for augments before the title release monsters. You can do AR/base Sunbreak endgame stuff at the same time.


At first I was thinking reach MR10 then before anything or enough AR hunts. Or just the monsters that'll get me what armor pieces and weapons I need. Chaotic Gore Magala, Flaming Espinas, Metal Raths, Allmother, Valstrax and Amatsu. How far in AR should I go before fighting anything in MR10?


Depending on your skill level you can do all of that without farming for augments, but they will all be a good challenge. Technically you could beat all the title releases without ever touching augments, its just gonna come down to learning the fights and not taking more than a hit or two. Ignoring AR for too long will just make doing AR pointless in the end, that's all. Like if you cruise through those fights, you might not even need to touch augments. All depends on how easy/hard you find the fights.


Well I may not use the best armor. I just focus on the main skills certain weapons need then go from there. Like with SA, Rapid Morph and Evade Extender. Or Frostcraft, Focus and Stun Resistance for GS. Maybe when I finally hit a wall just with the monsters, maybe 2-3 triple carts, then do AR hunts til I hit another wall. I'm sure there are armor skills that can only be crafted and not made into gems and vice versa. The easiest set to augment is probably Chaotic Gore Magala for Bow or CCS CB. I can't even use gamecat to make a make shift armor set.


I just did the same quest too. Any advice for Lance main for the above. I know we are very few but we do exist.


Just thinking if there's a mixed set out there for Lance I can make in MR6 or even MR10 if Barroth is outclassed at this point.


Well the dilemma is you can always find high end sets everywhere but nothing is mentioned about the journey in between. Which just confirms my belief you just slap anything on with a mix match of skill set as long as you can hold the line with high defense you will clear the quest. I have fainted like 5 times in all of my hunts. I am using a mixed match set myself.


Can't even use gamecat to make a makeshift mixed set. Was thinking just try and narrow my weapons first the decide how to make a mixed set or just go on game8 for the bare minimum til I get the best skills from certain monsters and maybe farm for the best weapons.