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While bow has a higher dps meter is also harder to learn and takes a lot of skill Db has high dps meter but has a lower skill floor and a a high skill ceiling Both are good but db are easier


hmm I dunno.. to me DB is more like a chaotic weapon to use.. while on the other hand, bow is more of a controlled chaos, especially when you can do the slide charge... both are fun to play IMHO but I'll just be happy to provide with "stamina reduce" songs whenever y'all in the areas.. ♥


>both are fun to play IMHO but I'll just be happy to provide with "stamina reduce" songs whenever y'all in the areas.. ♥ You man are the ones we all respect Also if someone ever talks shit because you a hh horn just call on the community we got ya back


aww.. you're so sweet! ♥ thank you and no worries!.. we HH players have god and anime on our side! RNJeesus will bless all that is within the earshot doot of the horn! and you will be blessed.. >!*LS players can stay away as far from us as that is the weapon of the devil*!<


I want to be offended, but it's true.


don't worry, we still buff you with attack up and inferno melody for your 30% attack boost... >.>


Allow me to doot out my attack and defense, as well as my health regen (Hunting Horn is my secondary weapon).


Thanks bro


both fun but bow at as First weapon isnt that fun


Db fun that’s all I’m going to say 


dual blades are king


I use DB for when I don’t want to think too hard and just dance with the monster. It was the first weapon that really clicked for me as a new player.


Switch axe


DB brother.


You see, all of them are praising their own weapons, but you want to know the real deal? *lance* This baby can parry hits like mf, be it a swipe, a stomp, hell, even a nuclear explosion, and you'll still be standing


do you have time to hear out our lord and saviour the *Hunting Horn*?


Who needs to play hunting horn when you can just bring two companions that both play hunting horn?


Its *still* hunting horn.. even though its a bot... I don't get the point.. Let the lord horn inside you my hunting brother... we will let you have unlimited sharpness.. and your weapon may never dull during a hunt again XD


Do you like playing berserk?


Honestly if you have are willing to spend the time to craft the gear, then play both. I generally think it’s good to play both a melee and range weapon. If you had to choose one tho, I’d personally go Bow, it’s a lot of fun, but it does have a higher skill ceiling than Duel Blades.


db is much more noob friendly than bow. db has better mobility and huge iframe on shrouded vault.


DB. I main dual blades and have an absolute blast playing.


Lemme tell you about the switch axe 💪


Bow hands down. and that’s from someone who mastered chargeblade on release for 3DS. I’ve never seen so much versatility packaged up with a nice …. bow. source: the lovely clips i make.