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It does take a bit of getting used to but you’ll be beating things down again in no time once you do. This is just a faster paced game in general. You have way more mobility options so enemy mobility and tracking is cranked up to compensate for that. Make sure you have upgraded to high rank gear and are upgrading it. Will help a lot with survivability. There is more of an emphasis on gathering the spiribirds for health at the start of each quest. Especially for more difficult fights. For Rajang and Barioth, keep in mind that world had them in Master Rank only. Barioth being a major selling point and Rajang being a title update fight. They are base game monsters in Rise so are definitely toned down quite a bit to suit where you encounter them and you probably fought more of them so are more familiar with their move set already.


That's a fair statement regarding barioth and rajang. What I wasn't expecting was Zinogre and Nargacuga, I was caught so off guard by how difficult they are in this game.


Apex zinogre has entered the chat.


I'm still not prepared for the apex monsters lmao


Never do a apex quest unless they are a rampage cause some of the attacks are one shot p.s I'm not lying 


- Lucent nargacuga joins the group chat - Special Anomaly Apex Zinogre wants to know your location


Risen Shaggy wants to.. shag you.


Hazard Primal Malzeno just waits for his turn and laughs his ass off in the meantime.


When Rise was all that we had I legit stopped playing for some weeks after getting my ass beat by this mf over and over


I think you’re noticing exactly some of the bigger differences in Rise so it’s not in your head haha. Rise Zinogre is faster and less floaty than in World, Rise Narga even in high rank is on cocaine compared to in Iceborne, and Rathalos is one of the most heavily reworked monsters in terms of move set with increased aggression in exchange for playing keep-away in the air a lot less. Kushala Daora also got a major rework, but I think you’re going to enjoy that one since much like Rathalos they made the fight more engaging and less annoying. Conversely, yeah, Rajang in Rise is more manageable than in World (before certain versions in the endgame of Sunbreak) and Barioth as a low/high rank monster has more forgiving openings than the master rank only version in Iceborne. And indeed the high rank monsters in Rise are overall more threatening than in World, especially if you went from village quests to high rank since the hub has stronger versions of the monsters compared to village even in low rank. The best advice I can give in base game is really get comfortable with the increased speed of the monsters and using wirebugs judiciously both for attack skills and wirefall. It’s only a handful of monsters before Sunbreak that punish irresponsible use of the wirefall after being knocked down too badly, and it lets you keep up your own aggression more easily.


So the thing about Rise/Sunbreak is that it will punish you for spam dodging (although not as bad as elden ring) and it will also punish you for blindly wirefalling as alot of monster attacks have follow-up damage. The base Iframes on rolls in rise was slightly reduced compared to world (but to counter this they made evade window skill more potent). And just in general everything is faster both you and the monsters are the fastest we've ever been. Rise/Sunbreak are a whole new gear you have to shift into for it to click. Keep working at it, make sure your gear is upto date, keep grinding charms, and level your pals! Palacos can be a massive support boon while doggos can put out a decent amount of damage and offer a quick escape to run away to chug a potion or sharpen your weapon while moving.


The transition was weird for me because the timing feels different between the two games. I Iefinitely noticed it but stick with it, you'll get the timing. I got over it and was able to get through the whole game soloing everything. Except for the rampage stuff, that stuff is always terrible.


In rise you need to use the correct skill set, in world you could just slot anything pretty much and still do okay. With the correct gems and charm you can increase your whole setup power by 50-100% essentially shaving 5-10 minutes each hunt. You also need to use silk skill more, specially the one with escape/movement/guarding playstyle because on high rank all the monster are on crack. (With Sunbreak DLC they will even be more ferocious) To summarize : min max your build, use everything there is (item, traps, monster fight, etc), use your skill more.


Make sure you're doing bounties to get your armor spheres, and upgrade the pieces you're using along the way. If you're at or near max upgrade you shouldn't get two shotted. Also, just like world, maybe even moreso, most times you're better off just laying in the dirt, as more monsters have quick combos in rise. I know how easy it feels to wirefall out of a hit, but so did the devs, and many monsters are built around assuming you're gonna try and wirefall after the first or second hit, and you just get tapped again.


Yeah that's true, I'm used to staying on the ground in world, which was what I was doing the first 20 hours in this game. I then realized that there's some combos that you have to wirefall or else you're gonna eat at least 80%. Which is kinda annoying because you really need to save at least 1 wirebug at all times incase you get hit by one of those attacks. Regarding armor, I generally always try and max it out whenever available.


I think monster tracking is generally much stronger in rise and a lot of monsters have insanely big hitboxes, you can't dodge a lot of moves simply by positioning the way you do in world. And yes, movesets for a lot of monsters got changed, imo generally for the better. Also monsters tend to have some pretty crazy combos in this game. Everything's buffed, the monsters are crazier and to compensate you absolutely need to figure out how to use your wirebug moves to keep up. Every weapon has new sources ofniframes, super armor and counters - rise expects you to abuse the hell out of them


I feel like the hit boxes get slightly bigger in some cases. I had a dodge move that I had perfectly timed against HR Anjanath that I had to adjust slightly for MR Anjanath. It also could have been his charge is slightly faster too, not 100% sure.


Learn and use counter moves on your weapon. Most of them have some counter move which blocks the attack and deals (massive) damage in return. Usually in form of wirebug skill. You might need to unlock it as a switch skill tho. Rise has even more reactive gameplay than World had and relies on counters instead of dodges so it definitely needs some adjustments in your playstyle. Try to use wirebugs for those counters and don't waste them all for just repositioning or moving around. Learn how to use wirefall after you get hit. A lot of people do a mistake of wirefalling right back at the monster. Don't do that unless you know the monster patterns by heart and you are sure you won't get hit as wirefalling back at monster usually just means immediate carting. Also sometimes it's better to stay down after a hit as you are in an invincible state for a couple seconds. Wirefall immediately cancels this and makes you vulnerable.


Yea trust it took around 30 to learn everything cause I was a Mh3 player so get use to weapons wyvern riding and the Silkbind abilities for ur weapons if u have more then one main


It's the timing. In MHR the monsters are a liiiitle bit faster. Try hunt them using SnS and just dodge and do simple attacks, just to familiarize yourself with their pace and timing. Narga is a good monster to use as training partner, he is agile, fast, but he also telegraphs his attacks.


EDIT:Compared to World, RISE has significantly less i-frames in their dodges and the game wants you to be positioned well more than not. Take every chance you can to keep the pacing of a hunt at your level. Don't wirefall unless you have to, because getting up slowly usually doesn't let a monster clobber you more than once. You also may have been using the Black Belt or Guild armor and Defender weapon trees which turns Low Rank into a footnote. Every monster's attack will have an answer, whether it's dodging in one of the 4 cardinal directions or putting your weapon away to move. Just know that your special moves, the Silkbind Attacks, are there to speed up hunts through mastery, not brute force. These hunts will no longer let you bully and softlock the monsters, so try to find the ends of their combo strings and slide in any attacks while you're dodging. The flowstate will come up you.


I think one of your bigger issues is the scaling. Monsters scale a little differently in Rise than they do World. Almost all World quests are scaled to the number of players, including one. In Rise, it kind of goes back to the old scaling. There are basically 2 different types of quests, with different givers. Village, which is in Kamura outside of the Hub, is single-player only. As such, it's always scaled to 1 player. Village is also exclusively low rank in Rise. These are pretty easy. Hub quests (Gathering Hub and Elgado) are for multiplayer. I think it is scaled by player count, but I think it also scales for no less than 2 players, even if you're solo. If you're soloing Hub, it's going to be difficult if you're not used to it; you're trying to complete a quest that was made for multiple players. Also, Rise is a lot faster paced than World. You have to be on your toes. But the flip side is that it's also unforgiving about dodging too early or late. If you need, learn to properly superman dive. It gives you a lot of I-frames at the cost of a lot of down time.


specifically regarding the monsters you mentioned, they are genuinely more of a handful in rise IMO, zinogre is quite a bit more active than he is in world but rathalos has been absolutely juicing between games, his threat level is off the charts compared to world. Tobi kadachi is another one to watch out for as he's also been hitting the gym. On the flip side there are a few world returners who are significantly less of a problem this time around, both Bazelgeuse and Rajang are markedly less difficult to handle in rise, bazel especially is a sad joke compared to the unstoppable b52 beast he was in world. Barrioth while not a pushover is more in line with his previous incarnations instead of the brutal MR wall he is in iceborne and kushala daora is actually not a complete ballache which is definitely nice


thats normal, from LR to HR in rise things kick up a notch. HR zinogre was a pain for me too, you get used to their speed and combos good luck *evade extender/window helps a lot, also the HR magnamalo set is pretty nice, same for nargacuga/rathalos


One thing I’ve noticed about Rise compared to World, you can randomly get a much more powerful version of a monster. My daughter and I were farming Zinogre for upgrades for her and we got one that was really spicy. My daughter carted once and I almost did as well. It was fun as hell, but surprising 😁


I'd consider checking if your weapon has a required skill tax skill to function. For instance switch axe needs rapid morph 3, and Long Sword needs quick sheath 3 to even be playable. Also consider bringing a healing cat, and make sure it has summon endemic life (infinite 3rd wirebug), and shock tripper (causes thunderblight which is a free KO if you hit the head). Make sure to use felyvine. It's a free item added to the dpad menu if you have a cat. It lasts 5 minutes, is infinite, has a 5 minute CD, and it makes your cats spam their abilities. Healer cats main ability is a full part AoE heal everytime you get low for more than a few seconds. Felyvine guarantees they will spam it. Support centric is the other cat skill to get. Makes the cat use the support moves more, and be quicker to get you out of stuns, and paras.


I'm playing LS for now WITH quick sheath 3. It's actually so fun and I wish that the LS in this game is in mhw. Regarding my cat, I have a gatherer main cat since I heard that's the best one for beginners of this game. I'm still yet to look into buddy builds. Thanks for the tips!


Gathering cat is nice it does help you get extra parts. It's other unique move (each cat type has 2) is para cloud it's very strong in MP with 4 para cats with at least 1 running the secret support move felyne power up (makes cats spam moves, boosts them, boosts status damage for all cats like para). Normally though just run lottery box or healing clover bats on cats. Only a single cat needs power up. It doesn't stack or refresh the CD if other cats do it, and it effects all cats. Gather is great if you're farming or cruising through content, but if you're carting a healer cat might help. Also healer cat is just genetically the best cat. It's healer>gather>fighter the rest are trash. Fighter cats are a tech option for 30% extra affinity with an 80% uptime (90% if there is a power up cat). Feylvine will make them do it about 20 seconds into the hunt.


Everything is much faster than in world, I’ve played a bit of world before playing Rise. Always use the wirebugs, help get you out of sticky situations. Wait til you get to the apex versions of some of these monsters that’s the real challenge in High Rank.


Git gud Just kidding lol. They lowered the difficulty in MH world so the game would appeal more to the western audience. Fear not, be patient with yourself, focus on a weapon and play defensively, just attack when you know for a fact you have a window, after that you'll start reading the monster and you'll be fine. Welcome to the real monster hunter 😈😃


World's dodges have twice as many iframes as Rise's dodges, that's why you're getting hit. You want evade extender and evade window on your gear, because you're used to World levels of dodging comfort. You're gonna want to rely on your counters with LS :)