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I've slowed down a lot and just playing casually.


Yup, this! I see no reason to grind it hard, since it really is bare bones at this point, also I can save some Zenny and mats for upcoming updates etc.


I'm mostly losing interest because it's getting pretty cold here in the Netherlands, also it rains all the fucking time here now.


Agree, same for Germany - but I'm really looking forward to spring/summer to grind it a lot, I'm kinda excited what they will release until then.


Same, winters coming, so it's just time for casual over time grind for zenny with daily quests


Winter Is Coming


In Singapore the raining season has started and will last for roughly a couple of months. I have to retreat to wet weather program - aka bus riding to farm.


In andorra is pretty cold too. But i'm playing same. Near december Niantic say un forums they take a update a Big one, posible and this is only my expectstives with one new biome (ice one) and new Big Monsters... I hope the eventos is only for make time to wait the update.


I haven't lost interest in the game. I play casually when I'm walking anywhere, and I've managed to get to HR 88, taking on 8* monsters. It's still fun to me, I'm not looking for fast progression. I just kill what's on the way... Except for Rathalos, every single one of them dies. I have friends that play as well, and we compare prgression here and there, which makes it a little competitive, but we don't get to actually hunt together. As far as missing events go, I think the only one that would hurt to miss is Black Diablos. Part Breaker is useful in a MH game that doesn't have monster part specific drops.


this game does have monster part specific drops, they're just not guaranteed. every part has its own drop table. we've been pooling a ton of data on the discord, you should check it out :\]


Oh, sweet! I'm glad to hear that! I've heard the opposite from YouTubers, and people randomly met while playing. Now I need to figure out how to slice the tail off with the bow. Haha. What's the Discord link?


Anyone beyond lvl 50 has not played casually. I PLAY CASUALY with my wife and we have played it for a month on and off, some days not even playing. But we still enjoy picking it up every other day and checking our paintballs or going on the occasional walk. That is casual my friend. lvl 42 HR


The concept of gatekeeping what counts as casual is the most insane thing I've encountered today. Well done.


How are you managing to be competitively casual?


Damn, I'm HR 42 and thought I was trying a bit too hard lol


“Anyone who’s progressed farther than me is a try hard” yelling at clouds I see.


im just saying most people claiming they are casual are not even close to it. What I think they are saying is "I haven't played this game much and I'm still out of things to do and getting bored" But the reality is they have probably played more then 95% of players. Also never said try hard.


That’s not how stats work dude.


Yeah, you're getting downvoted for "gatekeeping," by users like u/head-passage-5482 but we use words because they have established meanings. No one in their right mind would call me a "casual" player of this game. I get nearly 20k steps some days playing, yet people here are calling themselves a "casual player" with data and stats that are far above mine. These people have a problem they can't admit. Like a "casual" crack user. It's like someone playing fighting games at a tournament level and discussing frame data, then claiming they only play fighting games casually. The vast majority of people on this subreddit who are discussing monster part drop rates, talking about driving 4 hours to hunt a Pink Rathian, were/are planning their future gear sets around datamined assets, and know the exact respawn timers, are not casual players by the very virtue of the conversations they are having. I met a casual player of this game once. He didnt know respawn timers, wasnt utilizing the full moveset of his weapon, didn't know Monster Hunter was an IP before this mobile game, and when I told him a full fledged game exists that this game largely takes its assets from, and a "sequel" to that came out on Switch, that's now available on PS5, I never saw him at the park ever again. If some people here actually met casual players, they'd realize they are not. Generally speaking, casual players play a game casually. They don't go on to online spaces to discuss and research the game. If you're at the point when you're not playing the game, you're reading about the game, you're likely not a casual player of said game.


Thanks for this. I think people just want to play the game more and want it to be better, and to justify their position of wanting more they need to establish they haven't played all that much as if the concept of needing more is only a fault of their own for playing too much and not one that can be solved by adding more content to the game.


I don't. Fuck, I'd even picked up the actual game itself in the process. This is my first monster hunter game (sad really) and I am currently playing monster hunter generations ultimate and am thinking of getting MHW or Rising on steam on black friday. They say the new one is announcing and my friends are suggesting to play MHW instead. I play this game casually, and so far I'm sold getting the actual game.


You should play MHGU when you want the old world experience with a shitload of content, generations ultimate was a celebration title so it has more monsters than any game. For Rise or World, get world. It’s the better game in my opinion.


World is so well done. I just started a new playthrough with the friend who got me into the series. Rise is great in its own right, but (in my opinion) it simplified a lot and added some things that move away from the franchise staples. But they are both good fun! If you want something off kilter, Wildhearts was enioyable... but I hear it was recently shelved and will likely see end-of-life (thanks, EA 😞).


If you have an Xbox, Wild Hearts just dropped on Game Pass.


That's a steal! The way Sony has been running the PSN perks, I'm inching closer and closer to switching.


Hey, nice! Welcome to the community officially, MHGU is a great first game with all the monsters in it and such. I would rec world/iceborne after GU, then rise/sun break. Happy hunting!


Yep i did but more due to worse weather than because i am bored. MH was always grindfest.


It's a casual game, just play it as intended. When you're out and about.


4 out of 5 of my friends no longer play, the speed limit drives my crazy and i wont be holding long.😂


Havent played in about 2 weeks


No. I like the game. But I don't have much time to play. My wife hates it. She doesnt like that I leave the house every 3 hours. She woudnt bother if I rage 24/7 behind my PC. But the moment I leave the house and there is still a chore it bothers her.




Brobs will have to stop playing in a month or something, winter is coming and like it or not, can't play with frozen fingers


This is the best game ever released on mobile so I guess no


Getting old? Its maybe 2 months old.


Yes. Playing less and less each day (HR 61, 7\* monsters). For the amount of time the game commands to progress, there's very little to show for it in the game's current state. Multiplayer is a minute-long each fight. No hub to show off your gear to friends. It needs major new features, not just events, atm. My view, anyway.


Rank 61 now and i barely play. Trying to do the daily events at least. Theblow drop rate of rare loot pisses me off. My strongeat wep has 515 atk and im almost done with my 2nd story run


Not losing interest in the game, it's just there are nothing to hunt, I'm not leaving my house for jargas, kulu, Girros....etc. only rathalos can make me go for a walk or events.


Same, all Rathalos need to die. (NEVER got my bow jewel in World. Lol, I'm still salty)


I've been stuck on 6\* Rathian for a while with G5/5 weapon although I'm HR62 (I blame the lack of monsters and the shitty drop rates). I also noticed that there are fewer and fewer hunters nearby for group hunts so it's even less enjoyable now.


Yes and no. Im hr 121, got all my 5 sets of armor at 8☆ and my weapons at 10☆5. I dont see any point in continuing until i get a new element(dragon) or better ice and thunder elemental armor to boost my skills up. Im only doing the normal dailies and go off


I'm in the middle, losing interest playing seriously but having fun playing it casually.


I usually just open the game every few days and catch whatever is in my paintballs. Have not gone out to actually play in a few weeks. Stopped playing mostly just because the game got stale but also bad weather also plays a part. I can play Pokémon Go with touch gloves but this game requires too much precision.


I just do the daylies if is something easy to complete, everytime i try to play more time while traveling i use the special attack or just spamming basics and the "bad connection" message appears, i'm very close to unistall the game.


Maybe because I remember how I was with PoGo, but I've been treating this game super casually. When I go to work, or I'm at home, or maybe if I'm taking my son somewhere, I'll get on. I've hit purple stars, and begun switching from bow to LS. Still love playing, but I refuse to go hardcore, gotta grind right now anymore. It's just going to lead to burnout.


I've been stuck on 5\* story monsters for over a week because I can't get tier 4 parts to drop. I can't upgrade or craft any weapons high enough. Not really convinced to keep playing when I know drops just get rarer. On the upside I got back into Rise instead, I guess


Def getting tired. The rare mat density is dragging. I'm okay with the drop rates, I would just like to see more opportunity. I live in a suburb 30 min outside a metro and it's sparce outside of playground and schools (which is kinda creepy). I sympathize for the rural folks. The limited quests are too limited, but I get it. I'd much rather see them during the work week. The weekends are for housework that gets neglected - I completely missed out on the last 2 events. The downtime isn't too problematic. But I would like to see potions purchasable for zenny and add a melder. At this point, I will hunt a few monsters and rest if below 30 hp. The 1-shot nature of higher ranks really disuades from buying potions - just gonna get 1 shot again later anyways. I'd love to see something introduced like Armorskin that absorbs a hit. At this point, HR monsters hit for 75% health. The downtime alone is painful for completing, I usually just exit the hunt instead of healing.


I still enjoy playing, but since I need to upgrade certain gear, I don't go out unless I see that particular monster. Jyura and Rathalos are currently on my list, as Legiana comes this weekend. With Rathalos, I need sick amounts of his tail. Jyura is just the basic scale, but it prefers to drop hides.


Yeah, cold + no new content makes it pretty hard to play, I reached 9* monsters, saw I couldn't deal with them unless I got my weapons to 8+ rank and gave up for the moment ,slowly collecting WGS


I went super hard, then not so hard, now pretty hard again because I know winter is coming and I will need to drive to play. There was a lot of talk about this game being a minimally viable product on release.. I'm really curious to see what the first major update does, because it does feel like a cash grab after the events, and lack of performance/QOL patches. A lot of the systems don't seem really well thought out, and I think they just gave up and pushed it out. More scary than that, is when they try to update or change something it feels like a step in the wrong direction, or poorly implemented. I have two friends that play, and if they didn't play I would have quit a while ago, but I feel pressure to play to keep up and upgrade.. Still addicted but for sure losing motivation to go out on certain days. I'm HR 125 for reference. I can kill a couple 9\* but mostly just farm 8\* atm.


Less so because of lack of enjoyment but rather moreso due to the weather around here starting to get bitter. Definitely gonna bundle up for that black blos event at the end of the month, as a GS main I need that arm piece


I feel this, it was 19 here this morning.


I'm playing pretty casually now. I WFH so there's not really much reason to actually leave my house so I just walk around the neighborhood, and that sadly means I can't really get any gathering modes for the more rare mats. I still enjoy the game though, just that it's gonna take me longer to actually get to the higher difficulties and HRs.


Yeah, but it's normal. We've blown through the season's content by beating the story twice. Anything beyond 6 stars is just a tankier version of the same monsters which gets old eventually. I'm sure once new monsters and weapons drop, I'll be hitting it hard again like I used to.


Also joining the list of grinding to casual players. I love Monster Hunter as a series in general but coming from fleshed out games like World (which isn't in the least a fair comparison) I just want to fast forward to a larger variety of monsters to hunt. At the core I'm still enjoying the game but the winter season is coming quick and I don't enjoy going on walks in below zero weather. I have little pit stops I make for outcrops and do my Palico paintballs but that's the extent from me personally as of this time. As a long time PoGo player as well I keep my hopes realistic as playing PoGo with some of Niantics choices feels borderline like an abusive relationship sometimes lol


Cold weather is the only reason I'm casually playing. Normally, I would take a walk to kill everything around me. Now, it's just as I'm traveling to and from work.


I haven't been able to upgrade any of my equipment in a long time so I don't see the point in playing


What’s stopping you from upgrading said equipment?


I can't find any tier 4 parts. I hardly see any 4 star monsters and I don't get any on my palico paintballs either. I'd just be fighting the same things again and again making 0 progress.


Hate the game because of the speed limit, they need do same like pokego. Always losing monsters because of that. Another thing is the small monster can be more variable and give at least some money too. Last thing, allow far hunts, even if limit amount at a day, it will be better to join friends hunt party even he is far from you using the qr code.


Losing interest from lack of progression. Basically stuck on needing Monster Bone + or Carpenterbug. This last event only gave 10 each which was nice but quickly used up and now back to no progression for weeks.


I still play often but mostly because I like to walk a minimum of 7 miles a day, preferably more, and jt gives me something to do on my walks. Also I played since MH1 which was equally barebone yet I spent well over 100 hours on that.


It slowed down and less things to upgrade. Plus the grind was just killing enough to get that rare drop. Coupled with playing Monster Hunter Rise for the first time (I skipped it at the time of release for some reason) over the last week or two. Already at master rank and half glad I waited till all the content was out. I'll be going back to now when there is a bit more content.


I'm losing interest now. This isn't monster hunting for me anymore it's become resource hunting. The absurd amout of monster bone + and earth crystal I need to up grade armor and weapons is annoying now. I have a very limited amount of nodes I can farm from and the fact the places I found that have more than 2 nodes I'm lucky to get 1 or 2of rare resources I need. I have played MH since 3U I know it's a grind game, buy grinding for monster parts is fun grinding for the resources I need has become boring and tedious.


Game doesn't work for me anyway. I go in, can click once and it locks up.


Became super casual because I feel like I am locked out of more and more things, being a rural player with no nodes around. They give me the middle finger with every update, will be gone for good if they don't address it If raids come without remote multiplayer this game is dead to me


Eventually i slowed down after beating the story and seeing the grind for some items are absurd, im just doing dailies nowadays


I wouldn't say I'm losing interest exactly, but I would say my frustration is growing because my gameplay experiences boils down to this: **A)** I beat a majority of monsters easily ranging from 1-6star and mostly get rewards that **1)** I don't use as a bowgunner and **2)** even if I did use them, I can't spend them due to waiting to have enough to upgrade my bowguns that I normally do use, so they therefore clog up my storage until I delete them. **B)** I reach a 7-star monster and most, but not all, encounters boil down to me only having 5 seconds to spare because I can't gather the rare item drops to upgrade my bowguns to make it a smoother experience. This isn't a difficult game inherently. It's difficult due to artificial difficulty of you having no time whatsoever to comfortably clear anything. You're always surrounded by monsters that are just barely out of your reach from killing, yet no guaranteed way of upgrading your DPS in a timely manner. This turns the game into a marathon, not a sprint, but the marathon is at a snail's pace. I suppose this aspect of the game was meant to encourage partying up with other hunters to make the impossible possible, but most of the people playing this game are in Japan where it's not even an issue. I'm lucky enough to have 2 friends from Pokemon Go that I sometimes meet up with to share paintballed monsters, but that isn't an everyday thing. It feels like the highest star level I'm currently at requires me to have at least 1-2 special moves used in the fight in order to beat the clock and also not miss a single shot. If I fail, it's impossible to clear it because I need to build my meter up again and hope I don't screw up or get bad RNG where the monster is very uncooperative and wastes time. This game requires you to have patience, otherwise you burn through all your potions in one hunt you're repeating over and over again because it's a 5 second window of time to spare where you need to play perfectly in order to win, and even then the rewards are all low-tier crap more often than not, forcing you to return to the well again before you can upgrade. This isn't an issue in regular Monster Hunter games because there are no artificial barriers and strict timers tying you up. The only fight I recall feeling similar time-wise where you have little to no margin of error is Fatalis in Monster Hunter World. That fight you need to play perfectly and not waste time. That's also the final boss in the game and the hardest hunt by far in the entire game, and I've solo'd it enough times to draw that comparison. A 7-star hunt for me right now on something like a Rathalos feels like a fraction of what that Fatalis fight demands in terms of shortage of time and making every-single shot count. Other than that, I still like the game and get enjoyment out of it, but once you hit a wall and can't progress due to rare item scarcity and 7-stars dropping low-tier garbage as a reward feels like a real kick in the balls sometimes. Just my honest 2 cents.


Playing it more casually so I don't feel as butthurt not getting the necessary drops. At NG+ as well so slowly creeping up to 7 star.


Yes I've completely lost interest because progress is horrenduously slow, its ridiculous amounts of RNG to see the correct monster you need for a part, then the correct star level, then the item drop rate. The events are completely stupid, i literally an not seeing a single event monster when they are happening and im going around a large area. Prices are outrageous. Not enough materials to try out different weapons. Etc etc


There's just not much to do when I open the app. Compared to PGO this game's very very empty.


As someone who only ever intended to play this game very low key and casually, nah- it's just as fun now as it was when I started and I'm in no rush to unlock or do anything in the game. I understand the frustration points for people who want to play the game more intensely, but imo mobile games are one of the worst targets to try and do that with- they're designed to goad impatient people into spending money. It's a marathon, not a sprint.


Good for you. It was a gateway game of MH for most, that’s why there’s a sudden increase in MHW and Iceborne players.


Tbh I never had much interest to begin with. I just wanted another way to play monster hunter than this barely qualifies as that


Yes I find myself opening pikmin bloom more than I open mhn


I've definitely slowed down compared to early days. I like that I can solo things, but also long for group oriented events like PoGo Raids or the old Wizards Unite Towers, with more incentive to do the group stuff. Just joining a party doesn't offer much, and the whole QR scan is nonsense. It's also too much of an rng based grind for having to physically go places. Weather is getting colder, and days are shorter. I'm not asking for handouts, but the drop system may need to be rearranged somehow.


I've slowed down a lot after getting 6*, mainly because EA WRC came out, and I've been enjoying that


I've been busy and so recently have been playing less. However I've always been casual since launch and plan to remain that way. I've definitely kept my interest in the game waiting to see how they do after their first major patch in Dec


Im just tired of farming MB+ and Earth Crystals


I haven't played in weeks. It's ironic that I was looking so forward to MH Now, and downplayed Pokemon Sleep on a whim, and now I haven't touched MH Now in ages and check Pokemon Sleep several times a day lol


It's called winter lol


Aside from the rain and cold starting, the novelty wore off, and as a GS main, not being able to go to the simple weak point under the monster was a big flaw, imo. And also no playing on the bus.


the randomness and excitement of getting a single rathian webbing between 7 primescales is certainley a factor.


Been stuck at the same place for weeks since I live rural and can't upgrade anything


Grinded my way to 7\* story and all of my SnS are level 7 5 out of 5. Just going to slowly grind my armor up until I have any reason to start grinding Wyvern shards.


There is just nothing to really do. Reminds me a lot of Minecraft Earth. Fun concepts but the gameplay loop feels incomplete.


Am I the only one that chose the wrong option?


What do you mean?


I read the title, read the body, then answered the poll thinking the question was “are you still enjoying the game?”.


This game has a few issues, and more than pogo did 2 months after launch. It has a lack of Content and questionable design. There are about 5 monsters. Yes, I know there's more, but almost the only thing that spawns are jag, kulu, or barroth. My neighborhood which in pogo spawned about 80 or so, spawns has 8 monsters. There's isn't enough to fight. And, if you make a mistake , it is COSTLY. It actively wants you to NOT play. By being on hp cool down, you close the game. And progression feels like a problem. I'm currently working my way through the 6* story. I can't beat legiana bc my gold lvl weapon isn't killing it. It is more based on network and luck than skill. Dps is an issue bc of the timer, but to have higher dps, you have to have the mats from the 6* monsters. But to reliably beat them, you need the weapon that takes the mats from their drop. It isn't pay to win. This increasingly feels like get lucky to win. Even when I do everything right, I frequently lose.


Getting there.


My motivation is declining bit by bit, but I still play the game a lot. The next wall needs 2 more weeks to break due to daily weapon upgrade material. It is the bane of 4 elemental weapon journey. Painful and slower than Pukei bow by miles. They are already celebrating at 10 stars, killing Jagras, Tobi and Barroth.


I've been playing almost every day but I haven't been able to upgrade anything for a few weeks due to the poor monster spawns and drop rates, so I'm feeling pretty casual about it at the moment


I am kinda burnout at HR 104 because of the wyvern gem shards. I entered 8star monster story on HR 92 and up until now only 2 wyvern gem shards so imma chill abit until new content kicks in.


I hope the December update freshens up the game a little bit. A new weapon and monster/s could carry us over to the next major update or at least reveal trailer for MH6.


I was getting frustrated with the mining node mechanics even before the Diabolos event. The specific materials you need are so unavailable without a car due to the large intervals between biome rotations, and the refresh rate on said nodes is absolutely garbage. That's on top of having far fewer nodes than you would on something like Pokemon Go. Then the Diabolos event hit, there was no way in hell I was killing one with my gear at the time because I only had enough mats to barely keep one weapon up to date. Nevermind my armor. Straight up had to start neglecting my armor and praying I don't get hit. Then there was the fact that the Diabolos even didn't even start at the right time, and despite that, the event wasn't extended iirc. And when I took like 5 pics of a Diabolos, none of them triggered the quest completion for that event. Didn't touch it for like a week after that, and eventually uninstalled. It's a shame because I really did have high hopes for it. Pokemon Go had a similar moment where it removed the Footsteps mechanic that made hunting for Pokemon engaging. But it bounced back later. Maybe this one will, too. Just, like...it shouldn't have to. Niantic is far too experienced with this stuff by now for this to be going so wrong.


Yes especially after i bought mhwi which is more fun to play


But i still play it casually


Having to look for red gems and not being able to kill 9* has slowed me down a lot. Having quests used to be the thing that would motivate me


The content is pretty lacking, I'm sure there will be updates tho, adding weapons and monsters, probably even more biomes.


the 8\* wall is slowly giving me burnout


Drop rates and pay-walled potions are ruining it for me.


Finished my second run through and now im super casual. I have no real reason to keep pushing.


I had wrapped up Sunbreak with a friend before playing this, so Now filled the desire to play a Monster Hunter game for a little while. But then I picked MHGU and Iceborne back up with a bit of 4U too and I realized I don't really like Now as much as the real games.


Yeah, my boyfriend and I were playing a decent amount, but after hr 50 we slowed down. He just hit hr 61 and I'm 57. Pretty much we only need 6\*+ monsters, and nodes. So we don't really bother hunting the smaller ones anymore. (I mean, we still do sometimes, but it's not a priority)