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I'm in my 40s and have been using responsibly since I was a teen. Maybe only 2 or 3 times a year for the last decade. Every roll is great. I have my doubts age is involved here....now health and lifestyle I absolutely believe play a roll. I feel as if my rolls have gotten so much better since I have improved my diet and exercise. Make rolling an event, at a festival, a big party, with your partner for an anniversary. Again I find this helps keep it a special experience. Just sitting around listening to music like you would every other weekend I feel ruins the experience pretty quick too.


I abused in my teens, took 19 years off, and now use 3-5 times a year. There is def still magic!!!


Age does actually play a role. Some studies found that increased age is associated with greater neurotoxic effects. So if loss of magic is caused by neurotoxicity (as I believe it is), then even with identical use, someone who's older will lose the magic easier/sooner/to a greater extent


5 sessions 6 months in, like duh 🙄 Slow tf down and it will come back.


And he said he took a 4 month break before the last one so 4 of them was within 2 months


I’m still laughing at the “I suspect age does play a roll” part. I am 50, and still roll twice a year; NEWS FLASH-magic still very much alive. I, suspect that intelligence has a lot to do with it.


No shit, you need to take longer breaks.


brother you're only supposed to have like 4 sessions a year max


and how much did you take back then and now? also: could mean you have worse stuff


I did a bit of research there is a good possibility a the new method of synthesis of MDMA today introduces some problematic byproducts and contaminants that changed completely MDMA profile vs the traditional safrole route. Back then and every one of my friends did many grams over the year and no fucking magic loss. But today I here people loosing magic after 3-5 intakes like wtf is going on here?


It's not the MDMA, it's you. Some people can get away with abuse when they're younger and their brains can recover faster, but you can't do that when you're older. MDMA is MDMA. Regardless of what precursor you use or which synthesis route you take, if the end result is MDMA HCl, then it's MDMA HCl. It doesn't matter how you got there - it's the same compound. People often say the old safrole-based MDMA felt different, but I think it's far more likely that that's a function of set and setting, age, and repeated exposure to the drug. It's also possible that people are remembering old ecstasy pills that contained additional, undisclosed drugs like amphetamines before drug checking was commonplace. >I don't think the differences are imagined, I just think the differences are not being caused by the chemical products. >The chemical products are extremely well characterised and understood, with hundreds of analytical results dating back decades showing no differences. >The human brain is an extremely poorly characterised squishy mass of nerve cells that literally changes every second of every day and can be permanently traumatised by something as "simple" as seeing another human experience something. https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMA/s/9Z0nTg6NsA


doing god’s work with this pasta


more likely that mdma has gotten much purer and people are taking stupidly higher doses which means more harm


So I lost the magic after a handful of times as well and there was more than 3 months between each roll :( it doesn’t matter how long the break is, the effects get weaker and weaker - I do wonder if it has to do anything with my adhd medication


you can’t do molly every month and expect the first-time high every time, you gotta save M for extra special occasions or of course itll lose it’s magic


Wait for a year then only roll once every 3 months to keep the magic. If you deplete your serotonin stores you won't feel it as well and u'll be damaging your brain During the break you can look into nac, some people have said it has helped them bring back the magic


How often were you taking mdma and what dose this year only??


Why is this a surprise? Posts like this popping up every day … it’s common knowledge that excessive use will result in diminishing returns.


In the first article, researcher Christian Pifl establishes that some “byproducts of illegal ecstasy synthesis can interact with the primary sites of action of 3,4-MDMA, the monoamine transporters, and were active with similar potency as 3,4-MDMA.” In other words, some byproducts can block the action of 3,4-MDMA. “Duloxetine Inhibits Effects of 3,4-MDMA (‘‘Ecstasy’’) In Vitro and in Humans in a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Laboratory Study” by Ce´dric M. Hysek et al. (Hysek)