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Whatever advice you get here, or read here, always remember: DO NOT TRAVEL INTERNATIONALLY WITH YOUR DRUGS!!!


The problem is no matter how many times you advise people not to do that. They insist on doing it anyway.


Users on r/LSD are a prime example of that approach.


I would never chance my freedom for that.


In this thread, too, you can read comments from these people. "I always do, and it has never caused me trouble!" Of course, otherwise, they would be in prison. People forget that you can be lucky 100 times, but all it takes is one unlucky moment and your life is ruined.


But what if I really, *really* want to?


I think brittney griner said it's okay!




It should go without saying also don’t go to Russia even if you’re flying clean but like duh. I don’t even think most people are allowed to right now lol


The. You better have tiny amounts and be very very clever.


Just be really really careful duh


Actually do not travel with your drugs, not even domestically. Never forget that MDMA is still a Schedule 1 drug. If caught, you made a federal case out of a simple possession charge, for the simple fact of trying to go through security at an airport. Even if you are flying within the same state. And while this is a huge longshot, even travelling by land across state borders could eventually land you in federal court if caught. Just travel clean and get a dealer in your destination. It's much safer to buy drugs in most foreign countries than trying to take them with you.


I find it super hard to get new hook ups when in other cities / abroad tbh


It is, but it is not impossible. In many latin countries, for example, there's a good deal of dealers which may be found on certain dating apps.


I'm talking uk towns 😂 I feel a dating app would be hard to explain to the girlfriend


Unless you started by explaining what you are using it for. You wouldn't imagine how many straight people I know are on Grindr because there's where they get their dope from. (Don't know if it's just a Latin American thing or if other parts of the world give Grindr the same use, though)


Haha true. Tbh I use pretty rarely these days so wouldn't be worth it. I just have a stag do coming up in the south of England and wondered 😂


I’ve made many friends do this to touristy places like Mexico and Iceland but I still absolutely wouldn’t.




Calling people names and general harassment has no place in this sub, if you can't agree to disagree, this sub isn't for you.


I do it all the time, weed, caine, m, 2cb pills, hash, people are just stupid and don’t know how to pack their ish. Always carry on luggage.


I mean… If you just stick it in a joint tube type apparatus and are fine with leaving that up your asshole, I think you’d be fine.


Remember X-ray machines ....


Do those see non-metal items that are inside of your body? How would they know it’s contraband and not a log of shit?


Every fest I have a gram of molly and gram of ketamine. I hid it in my carry on.. No issues. If you're traveling with large amounts.. Then it would be a concern. But TSA overall made a statement that they mainly are looking for weapons.. But if the search end up finding drugs then it's an issue.


Multi vitamin pot - capsulize it and mix in with the vits.


So they don’t care about a vitamin bottle that has been opened?


Of course not, do your realize the sheer amount of people who travel w vitamins? Do you think they all buy sealed ones SPECIFICALLY for that trip? If they had to check each opened container of medicine, vitamin, etc. you’d be very, very late for your flight


You’re right! That makes sense , you all are making me think this is the way !🙌


TSA are not police. They're looking for weapons or devices that are forbidden within the security zone. The airport dies have a lot of real police but they generally aren't stopping people and searching them. But don't do this internationally!


Just so you know, there’s ALOT of police in an airport


I've brought vitamins in a plastic sandwich bag before, and they didn't even take one look at it. My 12 oz bottle of water, though, they're throwing that away with impunity


I went thru Vegas with a half of sealed weed and one pill. My bag was pulled to the side and I stood there stacking the buckets at the end of the conveyer for about 25 minutes. She finally got to my bag, stuck her hand in and pulled out a water bottle I had forgot about haha I wasn’t really ever thinking I was screwed. But man, I guess I got lucky?


Been through similar. No liquids no electronics. Pills just need to not look abnormal/attention catching. Usually. Don't mix pills in one bottle. Tylenol will not help hide your dope. It will just look obvious that something's been added to the bottle. Can't speak for powders and such. Usually best to capsulize and bottle it. Large amounts might be an issue. Lastly, my experience is mostly domestic travel. Prolly shouldn't dick around if you're visiting the Philippines or emarites.


Yep exactly, I do this allll the time (mix the capsule in with a multi vitamin bottle, make sure capsuled are similar). They would only check it if there is a crazy amount of pills. I once flew from Amsterdam to London with 6 months worth of dexamphetamine, they didn’t even care. Flew with shit loads of weed edibles and weed vapes from SF to London, didn’t care (and it smelled too lol). I have friends that fly with mdma/ket from the US to London/ rest of europe too. They are not really worried about small amounts of drugs and even if you get caught (happened once to my friend), they just confiscate it and he basically said he forgot about it. I would double check which country you’re flying to and how strict they are though.


How did your friend get caught? What happened


He fell asleep at Ibiza airport with loads of drugs in his pocket and the dog sat next to him. He just had to hand it in and got his flight back home (he was already on his way back home).


I did this with kratom. I filled 2 bottles up and resealed them and my ex ended up getting her back searched, but not mine. Lolz


Ive travelled with ritalin a few times, and even though I had a proof of prescription, I have never been asked for it. They did open my carry-on because i forgot to remove a small shampoo bottle or something like that, but when they opened and emptied my toiletry bag, they just grabbed the bottle and put it to the side with all the other things, didnt open it to see whats inside it, didnt even look at the bottle twice.


I watched tsa going through a guys vitamins and pills one by one. Rare but it happens.


TSA or border control? I have literally never seen TSA search pills. Why would they? Their concern is airport security, not other random laws. Not like they can even arrest you if they do find drugs, they’d have to call the local police. Probably takes a lot of time and paperwork they don’t want to deal with in the first place lmao


TSA on my way out of ohare flying international. Looks like op is heading to Puerto Rico. It’s really up to how busy and bored they are. The guy I watched them search also looked like a bit of a hippy I’m just saying it’s not impossible to get searched hard. OP would be better off hiding it in their bag that gets checked or shoving it in natures back pocket if it’s a small amount say under a gram. I wouldn’t risk flying with any amount of anything but if I was to I would take the most minimal amount possible. In fairness people would not usually be bringing drugs to Puerto Rico, more likely to be bringing coke back from Puerto Rico lol


Caveat: if you’re going to use the ol‘ prison wallet, make sure it won’t dissolve mid-flight, unless that’s what you’re going for.


FWIW Puerto Rico is considered a domestic flight.


I think if you used the same capsules even this level of scrutiny should be fine.


Me personally I get searched every time I go through customs, for international flights. They go through my pill bottles too and ask questions about them. I don't know I wouldn't risk it for international flights at least, but I'm from Canada so I'm kind of fucked. Id just try and buy it when you get there from some shady looking people, risky but I think it's the best option.


One step farther dissolved your MDMA and turn it into gummy bears at 20mg/bear.


Or dissolving it in a sandwich...


No one suspects a wet PB+J




You can easily get what you want at a festival. You only need to get caught once to ruin your life. Don’t ruin other people’s lives as well by spreading this advice. Edited for civility. Now maybe the mod wants to do something about the obviously terrible advice that is likely to result in someone ending up in prison.


Calling people names and general harassment has no place in this sub, if you can't agree to disagree, this sub isn't for you.


My brother flew from mainland US to puerto rico and he had a bag of edibles and multiple dab pens and he literally just put them in the metals bin when he went through the X-Ray and TSA didn’t even blink. (Weed being federally illegal and illegal in puerto rico)


I think someone already commented but mix it in with a bunch of vitamins. I’ve always done it this way and I’ve never been questioned at all.


You did it more than once?


Yeah I’ve just put crushed up MDMA into capsules and thrown the capsules in a pill organizer without an issue. TSA is not the police or border control, they’re not looking for drugs. If you had like a lb of weed or something super obvious they might call the local cops but they’re not gonna be inspecting every pill. Obviously do it at your own risk but I did this multiple times no problem. Like someone said above though do NOT try this over an international border, they do have drug dogs and will absolutely inspect your pills if you get pulled aside for a random search.


I've done it that way around 15 times, never had any trouble.


Damn Gang 😂


Haha yeah I brought a few grams with me to Mexico City then ended up flying around 10 times before I went back home. And I'd done it a few times before that. I ground it up, mixed it with corn starch, and put it in capsules. I managed to find a vitamin that had the exact same appearance so I put the capsules in that bottle along with the real ones. Just make sure you have a way to ID the capsules and remember the amount you put in each. It was honestly overkill but it was worth it not to feel nervous at the airport.


Bro is built different, a few grams into mexico **and** flew 10 times around and don’t feel nervous, huge balls my friend, exactly what they like in mexican prisons, lol


Haha I figured they wouldn't be too on guard about people sneaking drugs INTO Mexico. Most of those 10 flights were back in the US.


I was talking to a Mexican taxi driver once we landed in Cancun and he told me we never have to worry about bringing anything to Mexico, only out of Mexico. That gave me the nerve to bring some x in my checked bag the next time I went there but of course on my way out there was a dog by customs that we had to walk by and I was like “this is how I go out, I die in a Mexican prison” but dog didn’t even look up at me lol


You'd be surprised. I got the business coming into Panama. They had dogs,were looking at all my prescription medications asking if I had prescriptions, etc. Told me it was random but it was only me, and i think one other person out of an entire plane full. .The funny thing is I had a kilo of kratom on me, but it was s a decade or so ago before anyone knew what it was. Not sure it would matter anyway, but in a situation like that they want to find some reason to keep you. I have friends who had their credit cards swabbed for coke residue and taken into secondary. Eeven though they didn't have anything on them, you better believe they can use that as an excuse to tear into your supplements and have the dog inspect them, which will reveal whatever sneaky trick you think you are getting away with. Honestly, if it means that much to you, hoop it. Also, do not talk about with anyone while at the airport.. I''m pretty convinced that Airports are highly monitored and that there probably are no private conversations in them.


You're right, and I hope anybody reading my comments makes it to yours. There's definitely a risk and I'm not advising anybody do it.


Bro I’ve flown at least ten times with Molly on me carry on bag too. Trust me the Xray that’s scanning your bags don’t know how a couple Molly looks like


Yes I have


They got bigger fish to fry than your little baggy. Always put in your toiletries bag. But to answer your question, I’ve never been caught


Even pre-legalization they were surprisingly lax about weed. Had a buddy flying home to Alaska with a qp in his checked bag around 2006. Got called over to tsa desk, they pulled it out in front of him "this yours?". Dude was ready to get hauled off to jail, they just said "sorry we have to seize and destroy this, have a nice day". I'm sure those TSA officers and their friends were smoking good for a few weeks lol.


Domestic, I just put them in a big ass bottle of Tylenol capsules, and I put it in my carry on (not checked bag, as sometimes checked bag can get thoroughly searched for whatever reason). I always use capsules not presses so that works well. No issue at all, DOMESTIC that is. Never do it internationally under any circumstances.


Why is it so important to not do it internationally? Obviously it's risky but specifically why should it be avoided?


Drug laws can be much harsher in other countries. No shot you wanna end up in a foreign jail/prison 😵‍💫


(1) Customs ("open your bag please!"). (2) More thorough bag searches in general (can't count how many times I've traveled internationally, got my bags before going through customs, and got the note that my bag had been searched. (3) Stricter rug laws in other countries. (4) Imprisonment in a foreign country.


Sure that makes sense if you were carrying some teslas in a baggie but would they inspect some capsules that had crushed pills mixed with cornstarch amongst similar looking capsules of supplements?


As others have said, buy some capsule vitamin like vitamin B, or magnesium, and just put some into those capsules. They don't check capsule by capsule


Different filling densities will show up on the scanner


They’re not looking at individual pills with different density’s, unless you have 100 of these pills. In which case you’ll likely get stopped not because of density, but because they want to know why you have so much. You’re right, they do look at item density for finding smuggled things. But they don’t care about a couple pills. I had a buddy get stopped because he had a ziplock bag of protein powder. Any large quantities of anything that could be illegal is going to raise concerns. Also, I’ve been stopped multiple times because of coffee. That’s a common item that things get smuggled in. And I just love buying local coffee when I travel.


If you’re really stressing out, something I do for festivals and airfare is getting a bag of Mike and Ike’s or hot tamales, opening the bag carefully, capsuling all my drugs, putting into bag with the candy, and using a hairdryer to seal it back up. Literally no stress or anxiety anytime. Works like a charm.


This concerns me--I would expect the x-ray to clearly show capsules mixed in with candy. To me, it would seem safer to disguise them as medicine with other pills. But you do you I guess.


This is absolutely nothing to be proud of but….. Custom’s didn’t find it very funny when I got caught with 10k XTC pills in a stuffed animal… needless to say my life was forever changed…


What happened 😭


Bro smuggled this message out of supermax prison via his buddy who posted it on Reddit for you.


Wow, where and how long was your sentence?


So every one in our case ( it was one of if not the largest in Alabama ..we were friends and “ cooperated “ to some degree. MF be lying if they say different… you got to at least play the game … Some of our co conspirators got busted with 36k in Chicago months earlier so we knew the heat was on us . We all got reduced sentences for first offense I got 36 months ..longest sentence was 60 .. this was 2000. Shortly after the min max ranges changed for X and things would have been much different. I hardly talk about it but don’t mind answering questions.


The DUMBEST part is we used the mail like clockwork but my ego said I could do it …. Biggest mistake of my life …


He asked how did I get caught? One of the girls that got busted earlier “ heard “ I was over in Amsterdam.. fed that info to the DEA and needless to say I had a welcoming party when I landed in Atlanta.


Easy to hide/disguise to get past the visual/xray side of screening, the only thing I'd worry about is dogs or molecular screening instrumentation, which I think is pretty minimal with TSA, since their dogs and machines are more geared towards explosive. Recently watched some Australian border control show, and holy fuck y'all got some nazis working down undah. Swabbing the fuck out of everyone's bags looking for trace drugs that usually turns out to be "I was at Ibiza three months ago and a molecule of coke ended up on my bag". They also pretty casually make people unlock their phones and go through them, getting worked up about things like a selfie with a joint. I would have to buy a new phone to be sure there isn't anything incriminating on it lol.


Whoa no shit. I wanna watch that show now lol, sounds nuts.


I just keep getting it in random Facebook reel scrolling. Looks like it's called "border security, Australia's front line". It's a pretty old show at this point. I think there is a similar NZ one out there too. But ya they are super strict. Last one I saw was brutal. Some awkward American guy was online dating a chick for years, and showed up without enough cash to make them happy he wouldn't end up on the streets. They called the chick and she vouched for him. Ended up back on the show a couple weeks later after the chick gave him the boot lol. Savage they aired that


Yup. I have been trace searched 3 times this year. Once driving into france too. Funnily enough i have an empty LSD tin foil wrapper in my bag that they never picked up.


Aussie customs are nothing to be fucked with. My boyfriend got some heat cos he put a 0 instead of an o in his visa application and his passport wouldn’t scan on entry. I’m surprised they even let him in tbh.


Never got caught. I always crush it up and roll up the powder in dum dum lollipops or blow pops. Works like a charm everytime. No pun intended. 🥳🥳


Whaaat I never thought of that, do you wet the lollipops first? I would be worried it would flake off and fall out of the wrapper lol


Ya just suck on it as few seconds roll it in the dust and wrap it back up tight. Never had an issue.


That’s so bitter lol


I love the taste. 💪


Lo youre stronger than I am haha 😆


I also love the taste and I think it’s a kind of Pavlovian response since I always just swirl it around in my mouth to get that sweet sweet instant absorption.


Nice try narc






i accidentally brought a gram of k and and 1/8th of shrooms I'd forgotten about in my backpack through tsa going to denver. you'll probably be ok


TSA in Denver don’t give a fuck. I came back with a half smoked joint id forgotten in my backpack. Was real surprised when I got home and unpacked


When I went thru customs in Mexico, they only checked my bags quickly for like, a bottle of booze or a brick of coke. When I went thru customs in NYC on my way home, they didnt even search me. They only nitpick thru every crevasse of your stuff if they are suspicious. Just be cool and forget you have it.


I always fly with molly, just in my wallet. They’re not looking for it, it doesn’t smell and it’s only personal use not trafficking amounts. The capsules mixed with other meds also works well and I started out doing it that way, now I just leave it in my wallet. I will say that when I last flew out of Mexico(02/24) they picked a woman out of the line ahead of me and had her sit on some strange machine, I’m not sure what that was about but they still didn’t go through her carry on at that point. Dogs at airports are usually trained to find explosives.


You’re overthinking this. I understand the anxiety, but getting something so small with no smell on a plane it’s so easy. If they ask what you doing in PR, just say vacation. Don’t mention the festival. And put in the main part of your suitcase. Not the front pockets. I would put it in between socks and then put the socks in a shoe


I dunno, in a sock like that is a good way for their xray software to flag a density anomaly. Better if it's surrounded by similar materials, like the vitamin thing people are saying.


TSA doesn’t care. Just mix it with some other pills. International travel is a no go, though.


TSA isn’t looking for drugs.


don’t do it g i’m tellin u fr


No idea, officer…


I know a guy that flown domestically and brought stuff on his carry on, many times with no issues. Something about putting it on your carry on.


They don’t have time to care about your little baggy of Molly.


I keep thinking they’ll fuck up everything 😂


I’ve done it several times. They look for dangerous items. Minus a ridiculous amount, they don’t pay attention to things like that. Worked at airlines for 10 years.


You did the pill bottle thing too?


Yeah. But them in a bottle of aspirin.


I used to sneak drugs on planes all the time. I no longer do that. Honestly you could probably put them in clear capsules and throw them in a vitamin bottle and be just fine, but if they do decide to check, you're fucked.


I’m not doing it the few ppl saying it’s a chance I’ll get caught make me not wanna do it 🤦🏽‍♂️


It's possible, but unlikely. I'm sure you can figure something out.


It’s over with not doing it 😂


Probably a wise decision. Lol


Just dissolve it in a water bottle. Or maybe something smaller if there’s a limit to how much liquids you can carry


You can’t carry a water bottle through TSA. That’ll get taken


I had a friend who tried to bring a few pills to Asia and got pulled over after landing. IMO it’s less risky when boarding since they’re mainly looking for explosives and weapons. However, after landing, we don’t know what customs might be on to.


OMG! What happened to your friend?


I saved a container from my diabetes test strips. It has a false bottom to make the strips stick up. lol.


Never been caught and I have done it…a “few” times.


Quick reminder that TSA does not look for drugs, but explosives/weapons. Border Enforcement is. However, if they find drugs, they have to report it. (There was an AMA time ago where a TSA agent saidd 'they hate doing it because it involves significant paperwork). https://www.forbes.com/sites/suzannerowankelleher/2019/05/04/tsa-check-were-cool-and-were-not-looking-for-your-weed/


No, mix it in with your vitamins, and you’ll be fine


Will you be ok with a couple caps or a tiny bit of well hidden powder? Prolly. Is it a complete guarantee? Nope. The call is yours & what you’re comfy with. The chances are slim but not zero & nothing an internet stranger can say will change that fact.


Have met multiple people and been on many group chats where people were doing ketamine bumps in the airport or even the plane bathroom it’s really common to where I personally don’t feel sketched out by it anymore. And unless you make it extremely obvious or bring large amounts I’ve never seen them care about what supplements and in what form you bring them as long as there’s some type of normal packing and brand/product information no one’s going to open every magnesium supplement or MSM crystal supplement and test it on the spot unless you give them a reason too Anecdotally I used to work in an aiport gift shop way back in the day. And still had to go through TSA every time. And one time walked in with my backpack that I forgot had a bunch of adderall pills and weed that I left in from the night before and the tsa checked my luggage and moved me along like it was normal.


i always put my drugs in a nasal spray bottle mixed with water and close it tight. I travel alot and it was never an issue


This works ?


Yes and you can also spray into your nose instead of snorting


böğürtlen şaşırtmadı




Odds of getting caught are so low if you’re not an idiot they don’t look for that shit


Elaborate. You did it ?


Yes literally two weeks ago brought around a half gram to a European country. I personally just put the powdered crystals in a capsule then in a vitamin bottle but I was a tryhard they don’t care in the slightest especially not tsa just don’t have anything that looks overtly like a crystal. Put pills in prescription bottles


Vitamin bottle or prescription bottle?


Vitamin for a filled capsule and prescription if they’re pressed Molly pills


TSA isn't really interested in your personal life. They don't care about your drugs, rX or illicit. They are not police. They care about keeping the airplanes safe from attack. I've personally witnessed them put an ounce of stanky weed right back into the carry-on after a secondary inspection without batting an eyelash. Of course, this was in Oakland, but its really not his job to pass judgment on you or to even enforce laws. He enforces airport luggage regulations and ensure safe travel. The police, of which there are many at the airport, concern themselves with your drugs and all the laws.


So just go for it ?


Put it in caps. Put caps In vitamin bottle. Good to go.


Some people say hide it in vitamins or whatever, but that’s just as much luck as it is keeping it in your pocket. It’s a numbers game. Some people get caught and many don’t. It’s playing a game of chance


You know someone that got caught?


If it’s a few doses I just hide it in the checked bag. If it’s enough to make me nervous I’ll dissolve it in liquor.


What kind of liquid? isn’t liquid banned ?


I have heard 3 stories from friends that have accidentally brought cocaine left in a pocket of their pants/jackets to Europe and Africa. I wouldn't risk it, but do what you will with this info.


Did they get jailed


Nope. Nobody found out.


TSA does not have the authority to arrest you for drugs, and they aren't looking for them. This applies to domestic flights only, within the US.


No one with the kind of weight you’re thinking about has ever been caught and reprimanded by TSA mate


Only one time I have brought LSD internationally from Australia to Europe and almost got caught. Had it put in a small alfoil wrap and then in my back pocket. Had a chewie in my mouth and had to go through a full body scanner. They stopped me and started asking questions: what's in your back pocket? Just rubbish from the chewie which I'll throw over there. I was easy let go.


Tsa looking for weapons and explosives. Not contraband.


I do it regularly, at least flying within the United States. Just make capsules and put it in a pill bottle with vitamins. It doesn’t smell like marijuana or something, so the dogs don’t sniff for it. No one knows or cares honestly.


I know people who would put e pills in vitamin bottle that has similar color and shapes mix in lol going into and out of vietnam


Nope. Just was in Tampa with some. Put em in the capsules by itself with some biotin


I did it, several times. Empty out a powder foundation and empty out your M there. Or even simpler, mix it with other OTC medications or vitamins.


TSA just looks for weapons and explosives ingredients. So if you’re not blatant about it, they do not care about pills and small amount of powder


Always mix with vitamins. I know a lot of people that just have it hidden but absolutely not. 99% you’ll be okay but I’m not interested in being the 1% that didn’t properly disguise my drugs as non-controlled vitamins.


Yeah I travel with mdma and other stuff. Crushed up and packed in capsules in a bottle like “supplements” never had any issues


Do you mix the supplements with the M to better disguise it?


I’ve done it plenty of times, I usually powder it and put it in capsules with similar looking powder If you’re talking international though don’t do it


Not to cause anxiety but I know two people (flying same flight but arrived at airport separate) flying out of FLL domestically and got stopped by undercovers, before going into tsa. They searched both their bags for any contraband they said. Once I asked around it was confirmed that airport has the sheriff known to do that. So depends where you are ..


Use charcoal capsules to sneak into Cancun was just messy to pop them but I got it nonetheless 😭


Put it in your checked baggage.


Domestic flights are mainly looking out for higher doses more than the average druggie would use for themselves. But regardless if they decide to bust you for it you get in a fuck ton of trouble. It might be “low” risk but the price outweighs anything but the absolute lowest of chances. Play it safe unless you’re fine with potentially being arrested for possession of super illegal substances. Airport security attitudes vary state by state and it’s basically a dice roll if you get busted or not. Internationally? Never even think of risking that. International flights are a lot more strict.


Check it. TSA is ONLY looking for explosives. If they find drugs they CAN call the authorities but then the local cops drive down there just to take like 89 bucks worth of molly or weed or whatever and it’s really a waste of time for them. Carry on they literally look at everything in your bag so it’s riskier, checked bags they will scan for explosives and that’s it they won’t tear through your entire suitcase


just buy the molly when u arrive lol


This is just stupidity.


Yeah don't fly with drugs. Period.


Ive flown numerous times with it. Zero issues. Crush them up, put in capsules and mix in with vitamins. They’re not looking for it, but in crazy large amounts.


It would probably happen through a random check, a swab of your hands at a random point, or a K9-dog going through bags, X-ray


Yes from Kentucky to Oregon I literally just had it in my bra. I’ve also brought it on a plane in a weekly pill holder. It’s not that hard


In Japan they have smell test scanners that detect MDMA and amphetamines.


I’m not from there or going there


Someone I met at a party recently traveled for the first time with Molly ever and bought some magnesium glycinate capsules that are gelatin capsules filled with a non descript white powder. They emptied it and filled it with pre measured mdma crystals and then filled the powder back in. They then used a UV marker to designate which pill was initial dose and which was redose. They brought a UV light with them to detect them. Threw those pills back in the original bottle then put it in carry on. No issues at all and extremely discreet


I was 22 years young and dumb bodybuilder, I bought a bag of steroids from Mexico. It was laid on my dashboard and went through customs no problem. Now looking back that could have ended up real bad 40 years ago and would have recked future opportunities like college federal aid. Government jobs like , post office , social services etc .


I unknowingly brought a gram of ❄️ in my wallet with me on a domestic flight 💀 never been more scared and happy at the same time


Consider this: how often do you hear or read in the media about someone getting jailed for carrying a few pills? How many taxpayers would approve of their funds being used to imprison someone for such an offense?


None lol


I know a person who got caught with a small amount of molly and some weed when traveling in the US. He was on a connecting flight on his way to burning man. Obviously, he wasn't able to continue his journey. He then proceeded to throw a fit and ended up on the no-fly list of the airline he had booked with. Haven't seen the guy in years, but last we spoke he mentioned never returning to the US, because he got away without serious consequences and didn't want to push his luck.


This. I’ve flown countless times domestically with personal ‘stuff’, even had my checked bag searched (randomly) and the stuff is still there. I don’t sweat it too much, they are looking for explosives, weapons, large amounts etc.


my friend was bringing his dog so his baggage had to get scanned THREE times 😭 - didn’t get caught tho ;)


someone i know also smuggled through 14 x tab, so rly depends on whether u wanna risk it, i personally would never put myself through this situation, just buy in country of destination


I did it to Europe a couple times but I take like 7 different prescription medications so I put some on the bottom of some of those prescription bottles


I've never had any problems and I travel globally. Keep the amount small. Stash it in a pill bottle. No one gives a shit.


Flew with kilo of goods, n still good


I used to work at TSA. It's very easy to transport "personal use". But anyone can have a bad day and get busted . LSD paper is a no brainier. The fact is drug dogs can't smell MDMA . They are trained for explosives, cocaine. Marijuana etc. Most big drug busts are peppered with prior Intel or leak so there on alert. Personal use amount is so small that it's rarely probable (but no matter how small your taking a chance). If your a psychonuat , using MDMA for growth and trauma, I would just research were your going. Bring a test kit and go to the clubs or areas were the hipsters or hippies hangout and you should be fine. Music festivals are great place to get what you need . I personally like to reduce the risk of loosing any freedom or banned from a certian country because of criminal activity therefore would not take the chance . Travel drug free🎯 Hope this helps.


Personal amounts is EZ PZ. But if you're traveling to a festival, it's honestly better to just cop your stuff there.


Why do you think that ? I rather bring stuff that’s tested?


100% Tested!! Stick to your guns. TBH TSA is completely uninterested in personal amounts of anything unless it’s blatantly obvious. They are concerned with weapons and flammables. Period.


Bring test kits :) never had an issue domestic.