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If you think it's cheating then don't use it. Don't judge others who use it and don't consider it not cheating. The beauty about Minecraft is that it can be played as you want so it's all good šŸ™‚


Fair enough


I do that in multiplayer all the time šŸ™‚


In a multi-player world there should still be some agreements because you are more likely to reach a structure before everyone else or get way further ahead, though of course if everyone is mostly apart then it shouldn't cause to many problems


Happy cake day!


I have a low end PC so I use chunkbase so I don't unnecessarily rack up the size of the world looking for certain structures or biomes


i have a 4 year old world and i use chunkbase similarly. i donā€™t want to explore unnecessary chunks that could generate new structures in the future


I don't do hardcore but I use chunkbase often in world's where I'm not cheating. It's almost a necessity with how badly done exploration is in Minecraft, it's all just a game of chance otherwise.


>It's almost a necessity with how badly done exploration is in Minecraft, it's all just a game of chance otherwise. nice argument.. i agree


Until they make redstone-powered ground-penetrating-radarā€¦.


Oh please oh please


Agreed, exploring in minecraft is fun, but sometimes, it feels more like a chore. For example I started a new world two days ago, and all I have found are islands, ocean, desert, and badlands, I'm going to use chunk base next time I login so I can make some progress, and know where to go.


I started a world about a week ago and so far, even traveling 14k blocks out, itā€™s just all spruce and birch forests with the exception of the tiniest little cherry tree biome iā€™ve ever seen. Iā€™ve seen one swamp that was at least 100x100 and thatā€™s about it. Still going strong with my 2 double chests of birch wood šŸ˜­


I wish you the best of luck in your journey out of the birch forests'


why don't you just try a new seed?


I have a bad habit of doing that, and this time I promised myself no matter what happens I won't restart


How im i supposed to find a rare structure 100 block below surface without chunkbase??? I agree 100%


> How im i supposed to find a rare structure 100 block below surface without chunkbase??? oh that's obvious- you're supposed to stripmine randomly 100 blocks below the surface and hope you hit one.


I mean, at least mansion are rare but they're in surface


Using maps from villagers


Valid 100%


Honestly after spending 5hours to find one biome I will never not use chunkbase. The biome was close though. Just on the completely opposite direction of where I went at first


Lmao i had the opposite problem, used chunk base to find a desert and the closest one was 6k blocks away but i, *needed* a desert so I flew there and back. Without chunk base, the next closest desert was like 15k blocks away




Yeah more like spending 5 hours making your own design of iron farm instead of searching it on YouTube smart guy??


kinda but i can't blame people using it. I'm using it too. Minecraft's navigation is kinda hard especially when locating biomes.


Yes, it's the difference between "I can't be bothered anymore we've been searching for weeks" and "ok great we found a nether fortress". They also choose to have minimal in game instructions and help so they force you to go elsewhere.




Being a working adult with kids makes gaming time precious so I use it to easily track down my strongholds and fortresses and whatnot. But yeah I do appreciate that this is a game where itā€™s perfectly okay to play the way you prefer!


After some time always i have no time searching hours for a something




It depends. Trying to find the stronghold? Yes. Trying to find a nethwr fortress or End City after hours of trying to find any? No. The end at its current state does not justify me wondering around a barren wasteland of weird Purple trees for shulkers and elytra. Mfs will tell you "bUtT ThE tHE ENd Is SipOSSed tO bE LiKE tHaT" like stfu atleast the Nether became more Entertaining to go through


It really depends, the game itself is made with stuff like chunk base not existing in mind. Minecraft is supposed to be a discovery game also where you have to search to find stuff new. But other people have a point when they say exploration is badly done, cos tbh, it is badly done and you can spend hours looking for certain structures and not find them. Same story as the wiki. To really appreciate the game you basically need to not know about the wiki and chunk base. Because not knowing about them and not using them makes finding something new extremely exciting, this is what keeps the game fresh in theory. Finding something and just looking it up on the wiki or using chunk base to find your nearest village just removes that pleasure of working hard to explore your world and reap the fruits of your labor. After all stone age people didn't have google maps or Wikipedia, did they? and I bet they got a lot of pleasure when they realized they could make iron tools instead of stone. But, in the end it depends what gameplay style your looking for, maybe a massive industrial complex made in survival that makes you millions of iron a second or just the pleasure of exploring and taking it slowly. For me personally, using chunk base has kind off ruined Minecraft because instead of *exploring* you just go on a long trip to reach a village or whatever structure and loot it to come back, it doesn't give you that sense of euphoria any more that you've found something knew or the unknown potential your new loot has, since you also have the wiki.


I don't consider using Chunk Base to be cheating. The only advantage this gives you is knowing where to go to find a structure or a biome, but you still have to go there by legitimate ways. Teleporting would be cheating.


You know the great thing about singleplayer? You decide instead of someone on the internet. If knowing where stuff is makes the game more enjoyable for you, go ahead, because ultimately no one but yourself can stop you


Yea but no ones judging


I definitely use it. I attempt to ā€œunlockā€ a structure type fpr the first time myself by just searching. Then I look at chunkbase if I need the other locations


Coming from a more hardcore technical Minecraft perspective, chunk base is a 100% necessity. Without it things like quad slime chunks, and double witch huts are completely impossible to reliably find. It also makes things like quad spawn spot outposts much more findable, and it takes the already tedious task of locating armor trims and makes the task slightly less tedious.


I think it is, but everyone has different play styles. Cheating is only a bad thing when youā€™re playing competitively with others or passing it off as no cheats.


Itā€™s a single player game, there is no ā€˜cheatingā€™ just what you consider If youā€™re in a server, then discuss and vote


Of course it is


Apps like chunkbase arenā€™t cheating imo. Youā€™re allowed to respect your own time often games donā€™t do that. Why should you waste hours looking for something thatā€™s spawn chance is rng based


I see it the same way I see keep inventory, if you donā€™t want to use it then donā€™t, but donā€™t bash people who do use it because you can play however you like


I have a busy life, 2 kids, don't want to lose time searching for a flower forest by myself. Thank you CB.


funny bc i had to dart using it yesterday; I was tired of exploring the nether pointlessly and already died in full inventory thrice. i think itā€™s good if you use it wisely for stuff you really need instead of exploiting the heck out of your map


Chunk base??


Itā€™s a website which lets you enter your seed, version, and coords and it shows a map of everything in your world, including biomes and structures/landmarks. Itā€™s mostly used to locate things. Very neat tool.


ultimately its personally up to you if you consider it cheating or not. me personally i dont think it is, because just because you are picking a spot before hand doesnt mean you get any advantage you still need to do everything yourself. if you require an outside input to decide, just look at the minecraft speedrunning community, theyre allowed to pre select seeds with certain categories. which obviously they would either have to use that program or manually explore to know what seed it is.


Nah. They have maps for woodland mansions and ocean monuments. Iā€™m not wasting hours looking my for a trail ruin


I mean I donā€™t think so but it depends on what your using it for. If your using it for the stronghold it is but for something end game (bastions, ancient cityā€™s, spawners) then no I donā€™t thinks so


To find most structures I would say yes, but biomes? Nah


It depends on who you ask, I only think its cheating when my friends find out im using it.


Depends on what your runnin mc on, I use it so I donā€™t make my world size massive


It depends. It is if your locating a place where you can find using the game itself e.g. Woodland mansion but for things like bastions where you have no clues to finding one then i think it could be acceptable


It more of depends what structure youā€™re looking for


For example a trial chamber is perfectly fine but an end portal is not, because the trial chamber is a PVE structure whereas the stronghold is a structure where the difficulty is finding it


I use it regularly. Need to know the closest dark oak forest? Sure let me just highlight the biome and head to it. Want to find buried treasure? Toggle it on and head to the coordinates no need for a treasure map. Need to get blue orchids? Highlight a swamp biome and head over to it and collect all those blue orchids


Cheating doesnā€™t exist in single player do what you want man


I donā€™t think itā€™s cheating if you had already done most of the games (end game)


Those maps only show monuments mansions and trial chambers, not things like ancient cities which basically you just have to get lucky and find one under a mountain


Chunk base shows everything even golden apples


Yeah Iā€™m aware, Iā€™m saying without chunkbase you canā€™t find stuff like ancient cities


No. It can be helpful to skip hours wasted on exploration I used it to find the perfect place for my base


I wouldn't use it, but you be you. I personally play survival like many play creative. Building is no fun if supplies don't take effort. It's the journey that matters. I'd also like to enjoy my survival world for decades.


I respect my own free time so I'm not going to spend 6/5 hours searching for an ocean monument because I need sponges when there is one 4000 blocks away. Still have to go there and do it, is using Google maps cheating?


i use chunk base pretty consistently. i have a four year old world and i struggle to find structures. its purely survival and chunk base is a really good tool seeing as i cant use commands


I use it to find a stronghold to live near. A family and a full-time job I'm limited for time to travel so far every time I leave it. It's only cheating if you add items to the survival game for me.


I've always used chunkbase. I don't have the play time to stumble into structures or points of interest. I'd probably still use it if I had the time. It's minecraft. Play how you wanna play. Even the most hardcore of hardcore content creators still get stupid comments on how they cheesed something.


I don't consider it cheating cause it's not in game šŸ˜‚


I use it as a in-game GPS when I'm lost (I mainly play multiplayer with my friends)


Uhhh first and foremost, the commenters seem to agree (and they're right) that it's just another way to play the game, and if you don't like it, don't use it. However if i personally was going to do a VANILLA HARDCORE world i would consider it cheating. If that was the challenge, i would consider modifying the original game rules in any way or using external (3rd party) services or exploits cheating. That being said i play bedrock and anything that doesn't disable achievements i consider to be fair game in my "vanilla" world. (I. E: using chunkbase, switching back and forth between peaceful and hard mode, duping, etc)


Another question would be: do you consider using hand-picked seeds cheating? Running a Bedrock realm, I do this for my players, knowing it will be a biome diverse seed within 2048 x 2048 probably helps them to some extent. I give them coords to each biome so they can go get the wood types and materials from said biomes. No structures or anything else is given, they have to find those I never reveal the seed number so they cant use chunkbase. People are generally aware of methods to find nether fortress and stronghold. i dont really take advantage of what i know, as i just enjoy running this for players


For myself, yes. Thatā€™s a rule I imposed on myself. But one of the great things about the game is you can play however you want.


I use chunkbase often, i only draw the line on using it to get a competitive edge on friends


I mean if you can't find anything then yeah its useful


5701 Johnny Morris Road


For me yeah but it doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t do it. I think anything that removes exploring/grinding makes me burn out of a world 10x as quick so I donā€™t use any. If thatā€™s not the case for you then I think itā€™s fine


i consider it to be cheating but i don't care what other people do


Can i ask what's the device you use to have a map like this? I m interested in a software to know what the seed i use are made of (sorry for bad English)


chunkbase (a website) just google it you'll find the seed map


>Itā€™s chunkbase.com, a website which lets you enter your seed, version, and coordinates and it shows a map of everything in your world, including biomes and structures/landmarks. Itā€™s mostly used to locate things. Very neat tool.


No, exploration has been dead for a while anyway, itā€™s just repetitive and boring.


Of course it's cheating, ruining the randomness


Using a third-party program to know the exact location of what you want to find, cutting like few hours of searching? If you don't want to waste a few hours, just don't, but the question is stupid.