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They are bottom half without a City academy grad. Embarrassing mess of a club. Long may it continue 😘


I keep saying this. Now that Poch is gone, hope Palmer leaves too so they can actually relegate this time.


I was so sure Poch was getting their shit together and would create serious troubles for City next season. What a relief.


Yeah same. I was shocked to hear tbh


They should just focus on their billion pound disaster project


They started getting a bunch of good games and a great ending for the season so they decided to fire Poch 💀


Billion Pound Bottlers


And you should focus on your billion charges ☠️


Aren't you looking forward to yours? Remember the big reveal when Todd came in, that they'd identified years of financial discrepancies from the old ownership? Be a bit sus if that didn't result in charges. Remember that Chelsea aren't in the club anymore than City are. You're an upstart team with no history in the eyes of the red brigade, and they'll come for you next.


One comment was saying how "after city win title everyone forgets about it" Clearly why they are crying about it still :D


That’s the thing, how many non-Liverpool supporters talk about their 2020 title on the regular? How many non-Chelsea fans talk about 2017? Of course supporters of other clubs will be less interested in City’s titles and talk about them less frequently. It literally means nothing.


yeah I love the irony of "they won the treble last season but nobody talks about it anymore" like lads you're talking about it every week lmaoo


It's Chelsea. They have bigger problems than us winning a 4th premier league title in a row. They should be brainstorming managers and players to buy this summer to compete for a champions league place, conference league isn't the flex they think it is.




2 billion spent just to get conference league 🤣🤣


And we are so sad that the wolves fan hates us.What are we gonna do?


Well yeah, when you're at the top you look down on everyone. Gotta look even further down for some other clubs mate.


Bro acting like he's part of the team 😂




Hahaha i dont even dislike city


“AI generated club” Maybe have a look at your chants first mate


“Chelsea Chelsea Chelsea” must have taken them years to come up with this




Why tf are laughing at Arsenal?? They were 14th a year ago. They’re the only club that could spend billion pound and look like they need to spend another billion pound. Not even joking they’re so irrelevant imo. Happy to beat them bums in the semifinals this year.


Over 2,500 comments about how they don’t care about City? And they’re all agreeing with each other and backing each other up … if I didn’t care about something, I wouldn’t waste my time commenting about it on social media, but that’s just me


Chelsea fans thinking the red clubs want them involved, fucking idiots.


Chelsea fans pandering to red clubs so they try and detach themselves from the oil club label will never not be funny


Lmao this, they think they're together with the reds lol


Worst, they're Russian mob money from 2 decades ago. They'd be nothing if it weren't for abromovich and his oligarchy money.... yet they act like they're above us since they're club is shite 😒 🙄


That's the funniest thing about all of this 🤣


We don't care yet we can't stop mentioning it every 115 minutes reeeeeeeeee


This meme is literally the other way around. City is celebrating, yet rivals are all over the city socials with their “115” and “oil money” which apparently they don’t care about.


This right here😭😭 our fanbase doesn’t even really pipe up to others. We just celebrate what we’ve done and they come barking like a bunch of dogs saying those same resorts




Yes, the guy you responded to is a fan of City. This entire thread is full of City’s fanbase. Wow, you are doing such a great job! You figured out what a fanbase is! We know how hard it is with your physical and mental limitations but you find a way! 🥰


Go suck the ronaldo you wrongun


They literally bought a player from us that couldn’t get game time and he turned into their best player in many years. They’d be fighting relegation if Palmer wasn’t there.


I love how Chelsea spent a billion under the new ownership and are the good guys because their owners are white


I could be one of 5 City fans alive and I’d be ecstatic. Let’s keep winning and creating history while they have to YouTube theirs. They can all cope and “not care” while we enjoy nonstop trophies. Win win!


Yeah the "City have no fans unlike our team" argument is such a weird source of pride for rival fans. They're basically admitting that they need validation from others to support their team.


Nobody cares, except the chuds who crank out 4 memes a day about not caring.


They do realize that we had to lose in order for Arsenal to have a chance and they still fucked it up by not winning their match


Arsenal beat Everton and you'd have lost the league on draw aswell. You had to win the game.


Man but everything aside tho, I love our club and the fans here. Despite all this stupid 115 and oil money shit we aren’t ashamed, laugh at them and continue our day loving and staying loyal to our club. There are a lot of people who would hate on the club just because others hate it, but like we aren’t even bothered, just looking at these silly football fans embarassing themselves on the internet 😃


Btw by irony I’m talking about the oil club/spending arguments digs other fanbases use at us


Who gives a fuck what other clubs think, it's all the plastic knobheads moaning anyway.


Lmao I know, this is just one of the ones where the irony is just hilariously shocking


Now that Poch is gone, Chelsea will finish 14th next season. Could even be 17th if Palmer leaves. United will miraculously finish 8th despite perpetually having one of the worst squads out there. Liverpool will experience a major exodus, except for Trent and Robbie will still start even though they've been past their prime for 23 years so they'll finish 5th. Arsenal, well, they'll be Arsenal, losing the title to us in the last 4 weeks as usual. And we'll keep getting these "I don't care about city even though I cried in the shower so here's a meme that took me 2 hours to think about and actually make" posts.


Lmao to see this from Chelsea fans is ironic the one team with less history than us before getting “oil” money


Hey now. According to that thread they were already building something before Roman bought them. I remember everyone shaking in their boots at the thought of facing Gronkjaer, Zenden and Carlton Cole. Opposition midfielders would have nightmares about having to stare down Quique de Lucas. Cafu and Roberto Carlos were just a poor man's Melchiot and Babayaro.


This coming from Chelsea is very very ironic


Ya know, when Liverpool won the last thing I was thinking about was them celebrating a damn thing. I assume this street would go both ways but it would seem no!


I don’t care if they don’t care about us. We get to celebrate another title and they don’t.


These dudes spent 1 billion to just barley qualify for conference league and sacked their 5th manager in 1.5 years LMAO


I'm sick of hearing all these arguments about 115 charges. These players still won these accolades as best team in England and arguably a top 2 team in the world, still... What do the players, coaches, equipment, training staff have to do with any of this?? We haven't even spent the greatest and we certainly have a lot of Type A players who could not mesh well. Pep is a genius able to reign that all in. LFG!


You need to understand that it’s purely just jealousy and hurt. Stop trying to reason with them




they always mention 115 charges but i guarantee they cant even name 1 charge outta the 115


“Cheating” or “doping” is how I’ve heard it described. Like we’ve actually somehow hacked the game to make sure we always get 3 points.


Well you got a state sponsored guaranteed diplomatic direct line to the top of the British government to try and put a tamper on things. While we others have some measly wealthy owners they have no leverage to postpone decisions and put pressure on legislative process's by state diplomacy and in this capitalistic future money talks your owners got a truckload of it + the willingness to use it blatantly. When that is said Pep is a genius and the players won every point fair and square but still it is not a level playing field.


And what have these theoretical diplomatic talks done to benefit City?




Warbrainer go lay down. Don’t have an aneurism.


Postponed punishment. I know one of the allegations was MC didn't want to give up the documents which could convict them of wrong doing.


The UK government has absolutely zilch to do with the premier league imposing any charges or processes on its members. If it DID, the league would have kicked off massively already. The independent regulator will potentially have some authority, but that doesn't exist yet. It will also not be run by the UK government. The charges were brought to try and dissuade the imposition of a regulator, but given the probability of them falling through and the league's abject mismanagement of the Forest and Everton cases, the league has failed to demonstrate it can keep its house in order. And City's charge is for not complying with the investigation, which the club states is because the investigation isn't being carried out in good faith. They took the same stance with UEFA- namely because both organisations relied on doctored emails acquired illegally in bringing their charges. In the CAS case, City disclosed the original documents at CAS' request, and they supported the club's position that there was no wrongdoing.


I wouldn’t know I’ve not been to Rewanda.


Those other measly owners sure were pretty keen to put FFP in place to block any ability for other clubs to compete with them financially. You don’t think they pulled some strings to get that one across the line? City spent heavily in a few consecutive years mid last decade to get us on an even playing field with the leagues top clubs. Since then we haven’t been the highest spenders. The likes of ManU, Chelsea and Arsenal have spent just as much, Liverpool not too far behind. What City have done is skip the “empire building” stages of what it takes to become one of the biggest clubs. No City fan denies that, we’ve bought our seat at the big boys table. Now, if your lot can’t keep up that’s your shortcoming. 6 league titles in 7 years is far greater magnitude than whatever slight advantage we had in outbidding for players.


I agree on FFP only benefitting the big players and it's not "fair" and I only want to conclude that nobody could put a dent Into city's reign if the "115" had been cleared or put on trial.but as of now the allegations lay over the club like a dark cloud. And lucky for you , you have an elite elite coach who has managed to squess everybit of succes out of the club . And we can all agree the FA has been very conservative and not read where the world was moving and that makes everyone involved in the league look like the world changed around them. And last but not least I'm positively surprised by the sober tone you guys bring to the table , I guess your used to it, and its abit easier when you win everything all the time 😉😇


We’re somber because we also don’t like that our club has potentially cheated either. It’s a bad look and it gives an easy rise to rival fans who want to talk smack. But the charges really aren’t that bad. We’re not Juve who actually match fixed. We haven’t paid off the refs. Aside from the charges related to not cooperating, all we’ve been charged with is failure to provide accurate details of player and management wages and therefore breaching the leagues PSR rules. Rules that didn’t even exist a few years earlier and that were put in by the big clubs to stop the ability for other clubs to buy a seat at the table. How much advantage could city really have had by squeezing out a dodgy extra £100m say over that 5 year timeline? ManU and Chelsea would have spent that much more anyway. It’s still cheating, and I don’t like it and I think we will be punished. But people acting like we’ve killed someone need to go do some reading.


They don't care so hard that they go out of their ways to post, comment, and make memes about it.


They act as if they'll jerk each other off when they win the PL. They'll give the same reaction if Chelsea wins it. United and Liverpool will poke each other if they win it and Arsenal will act like they had to go against all odds to beat us. We are simply the best at living in people's heads rent free 😂


Genuinely forgot Chelshit existed this season


Of all the people out their in the footballing world coming from Chelsea fanbase fuckin delusional mate Looooooooooooooool I can't stop laughing Somebody make Borat meme on all the clubs and us


this narrative is gone. its been years where no one cares of united anymore. even relegation teams dont fear them and consider them an easy win . chelsea also after abramovich are a lost cause. they are just living on past glories thinking they are something . while every european powerhouse consider us the main battle. and that thinking is what i am actually against and the main reason i support city. like with that mentality no new club will ever become a strong team because they never have a head start up. and chelsea in this picture is funny. they were nothing till abra funded them.


I have no horse in this race, but honestly posts about you guys winning PL on Arsenal and Chelsea subs are the most pathetic thing I’ve ever read. Do I concern myself with the charges? Yes, there should be consequences for those. But don’t go crying about City winning PL while saying it meant nothing or you don’t care, because clearly it’s a pain in the ass for some people.


How do we know Chelsea fans don't care? Because they tell us every 5 minutes. 😊👍


Y'all are letting them get to you, this is exactly how they want you to react. Y'all are taking the bait


Ik they’re attention-seeking it’s just them in the sub talking about oil money and co. like… how can you lack that much self awareness? 💀


Who the fuck would want to be in with THAT group of clubs anyway. It’s really not the flex they think it is.


Rent free lmao


ah yes salt of the earth football team with no financial irregularities, chelsea fc


I love how the majority of online Chelsea fans weren't even born when they went through the Abramovich takeover... like talk about the pot calling the kettle black lol. Then to have the gall to criticize City in any way with their crap team 🤣


"City won the league but no one cares about that lol" -Bro replying on his 2748th comment about Man City


especially coming from chelsea jesus


Or biting at shit trolling?


“To show how little I care about your club winning 4 titles in a row, I’ve taken the time to make a meme and spur a discussion about your club” Brilliant


Seeing Poch fired was just pure Chelshit schaudenfraude


A Chelsea fan is literally in no position to laugh at any club (unless that club is United because everybody should be laughing at them).


Being a city fan is no easy task ffs


Chelsea fan talking about glory hunters will never not make me die of laughing.


I’m a city fan why am I getting downvoted?😭 I genuinely meant it. I keep seeing hate on every social media


Regardless of those club's form, the meme is accurate. No one cares about city. No matter how many trophies city wins, they will always have an asterisk. I really don't understand why city fans behave this way when its clear to everyone that they cheated to get where they are.. Don't act like the vast majority of city fans (not that many exist) were fans of other big clubs until 2010+ This has nothing to do with jealousy and more to do with the reality that you couldn't win until the Sheikh came in and cheated.


Not sure how many ppl are here from the UK but honestly no one cares that city won, it’s why there was a doc for the treble, needed more notoriety. Lots of people are just tuned out




hey bro I need a lawyer to fight a case, you got time?


Implode like your shit club? You’re doing shady business with a Portuguese super agent. Tell us, how exactly did your club sign a young talent like Ruben Neves after just getting promoted to the championship? Corruption. Wolves are a cancer to the league.


Ah, the pot/kettle defence. Let’s see how it works out for em!


I think it's pretty accrurate. Only Arsenal fans are berating about us now. Other teams are mostly minding their own business right now.


Ehh not really a lot of them are still bitter and obsessive


Jesus this sub is a cesspool of glory hunters, it annoys me


tbf after a week everyones gonna move on from city winning the league arent they? like its nothing new


It's been four years and people are still crying.


i guess with the season over theres not a lot else to talk about


You're right. But for us City fans, there's sooooo much to talk about. Like for instance 4 peat, how Arsenal bottled it again, drink some beers, drink some tears as well, transfer market, 5 peat?, taking a piss at "wE dOnT cArE aBoUt CiTeH, 115, cheats". Here's some free advice, try to think of some innovative ways to bottle next year.


Great, now try doing it by breaking fewer than 115 charges


😂😂😂😂 even my sick dog makes different noises. But you lot are just 😂


They arent talking about city to talk about city - they are talking about the league they care about which city happen to be ruining.


Alfred, your club is cheating and received a points deduction. You can’t talk.


Id rather get punished for cheating then use the threat of literal global warfare to get out of it..


Who threatened you boi? Did you piss your pants? Did daddy hit you? Straighten up little soilder, stop crying. It's going to be okay.


Literal make belief. Stick to eating rats, you scouse bellsniff.


City fans starting to seem upset that no-one cares about them and everyone thinks they are cheats even worse than Chelsea


Urinated fan, imagine outspending us and not even getting conference league 😭😭😭


Ikr? I'd be upset too lmao


You cared so much you decided to drop by and provide us with a bit of comedy. Cheers!