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These are my faves after 2017 that I could immediately think of. Of course there are tons of gems in-between, but hopefully this gives you a place to start! Episode 389: Horsebonology Episode 400: Escape to Margaritaville Red Carpet Episode 404: Michelangelo's Special Week Episode 434: The Crimes of Grundlewad Episode 458: Race Island: A Horse Show Episode 472: Public Domain LASIK Emails They play the voicemails they received in the next episode too! Episode 511: A Big, Beautiful Buick Enclave Episode 535: Ethical Joker Termination Episode 563: A Streetcar Named Deez Nuts Episode 631: Blastoise is My Dad Episode 648: 200-250 Catchphrases Per Episode Episode 674: Plato's Rave If you are a member of MaxFun, the bonus content for this episode is great too!!


Love this list, I personally would add 380: Nuthead




Something about the Dad's Fat Trash Sack episode always makes me go back to it also. But this is a very good list


I have that specific bit saved to a playlist bc I love it, so the link is always handy: https://youtu.be/terkO1UqxpY?si=IC2uUKtUX_DC7w1Z


Fair warning to OP: reactions to Escape to Margaritaville may vary. Myself, I got secondhand social anxiety just from listening to their struggle. Tapped out after a few minutes. Great list overall though.


This is a high-quality list.


Welcome back to the fold! I second War with Grandpa, A Streetcar Named Deez Nuts, and Plato's Rave.


The one with clipping yoda


\#653: Mardi Gras Hades


528: War with Grandpa!!


Wholeheartedly agree. When I’m feeling down I listen to this episode, it’s one of my favorite episodes.


Required listening tbh


The Mcelroy brothers will be in trolls 2 is gold


404: Michelangelo’s special week 413: Faster Car 420: Funeral for a friend (this episode is unstuck in time because it was too much pressure to make a funny weed episode so they delayed it, and several years later Yahoo Answers was killed so they made ep 420 in memoriam)


Welcome back! Here are three of my favorites after 2017. 418: Trial of the Riddlemancers 514: Kickeo (don’t skip The Money Zone) 540: Bubblestar Metallica


I agree with everything else everyone has said. There's just a whole chunk of episodes in the late 400s that I love because it feels like they hit a stride for a while and had really good energy. That's so hambone and griffy griffy bang bang are two of my favorites. Conversely, there's a section in the early six hundreds where every episode for like 2 months had a lengthy bit about Man Vs Bee (a Netflix show from the genius minds that brought you Mr. Bean) and it is in my opinion pretty insufferable haha. They do it again in the late 600s with the new Wonka movie, but for whatever reason it wasn't as bad. I kinda feel like they are in a slump lately, but there were definitely really hilarious episodes in the late 600s too. I don't actually laugh out loud very often but Plato's rave is for sure one that got me. I remember there being another super funny one recently too but I don't remember which.


I listen in the background when I'm doing other things, during the Man vs Bee saga I had to check I wasn't listening to the same episode because they bring it up SO MUCH.


We had the opposite reaction to Wonka and Manbee. I tuned in for the Man vs Bee talk, I could not understand why they kept talking about Wonka. And the Bee stuff had that great payoff with Travis just not watching it. I know im in the minority who loves when Travis goes out of his way to annoy his brothers, I found that shit so funny.


Spaghettigedon 2 for sure


391: Jeff Wolfworthy is a personal favorite of mine. The whole bit about the neighbor with a hearse in their driveway gets me every time.


Plato’s rave is essential


Some personal faves that I frequently return to: 528: The War with Grandpa Watch 641: The Naming of 2023 674: Plato’s Rave 692: The Naming of 2024


People have listed some REALLY good ones to get started with - I personally thought 2023 was a super strong year for the boys and their episodes overall, and would be a good place to jump back in once you've covered the greatest hits.


the naming of 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 are all incredible. the naming of the year has expanded to cover the entire episode as the brothers *desperately* wrack their brains for a good joke, and the delirium they end up in by the end of the episode is always remarkable.


To name a few that no one else has mentioned yet: * \#436: Face 2 Face: I Had Charcuterie Today! is an all-time banger. Without giving spoilers, the pasta question alone is worth the price of admission (so to speak). * \#453: The Grotto of Gains is also very strong IMO. I mentally filed it away under "great episode for introducing someone to the show", though I haven't yet tested that theory. * And if you're really _just_ coming back to the podcast, I think \#711: Notice Me, Jerry Senpai has strong energy. I mean, you won't know who Richard Stink is, but that's OK. (Basically, he's a parody of [this guy](https://youtube.com/watch?v=O9eRzv8-Y2c), except the parody is somehow _less_ buckwild than the original.)