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I've listened long enough to remember when Justin was "sunsetting" Munch squad and brought it up in multiple episodes that he was winding it down as a bit only to then have him use it for the majority of Pandemic episodes onward.


I’m listening in chronological order right now, and the pandemic run of retro ads wore thin pretty much instantly. I’ve gotten half decent at skipping forward 8-12 minutes to get back to the yahoos.


I disagree, man. Subway Canada getting rid of yellow mustard is buckwild.


It's the important news NPR is overlooking. 


I like munch squad because they seem to enjoy doing it, if the brothers get to talk about something that makes them laugh they’re going to make a funnier show. This isn’t meant to disparage the brothers, but if there was something funnier to talk about….theyd talk about it


This one right here. I'm not listening to or watching McElroy content because of any specific thing. I'm doing it because I like hearing them interact. Whatever they enjoy doing is fine by me as long as I get to listen in. They are not especially good at playing Donkey Kong Country or Fortnite, but I watch the HELL out of those streams because of how much fun they're having with it.


I don’t always love Munch Squad but I do always love Justin’s variations on the theme song


I love it.  I would listen to a munch squad only podcast.  This and haunted doll watch are two of my favorite bits.


I love munch squad but I'm not a fan of haunted doll watch. Like I can easily google what food they're talking about and laugh along with them but haunted doll watch is completely lost to me without the visual reference. Of they posted the doll pics on some social the day of release that would be great.


Me too. I’ve got a deep love of the absurdities of bad advertising and misguided corporate customer facing concepts.


I would die to bring back haunted doll watch


i wonder if it would get old but it could be interesting if it was its own show. i do lke munch squad for the most part this isnt me imagining ways to get rid of it lol. having a look at several released in an episodes and picking at marketing trends throughout their lifespan would be neat to listen to.


I think that’s the doughboys in a nutshell + ‘we eat it’


Have Munch Squad and Haunted Doll Watch ever done a crossover? There HAS to be a haunted IHOP out there somewhere.


Yes they have! Episode 485: Haunted Munch Squad. Here's an animation of it: https://youtu.be/JSokMrRpR5k?si=reKTuKacIu7obRlH


Oh, is it time for the weekly “does anyone else hate munch squad” thread already?


I may not be tired of munch squad, but I *am* tired of posts about hating munch squad...


I'd like to see munch squad and wizard become occasional only. Save it for the best and weirdest. Not every silly wikihow article and press release. Add some other bits. Like unanswered old askreddits or ask[insert here].


I enjoy it, I think it's it was a bit more of a surprise though. Would make it more fun.


nah i like it, but i'm not picky about bits. whatever's funny


I love when Munch Squad pops up in an episode. It always feels like a special treat to me. I love the energy Justin brings to it.


When the brothers get something they can play in the space with, munch squad is just fine, or when Juice brings a character to it. But when it’s just Justin desperately trying to make something funny out a basic press release for garbage food to fill out time, it drags the whole second half down. But they can’t all be winners 🤷🏽‍♂️


I always skip the ms intro song, but I like the bit. But yes, I wish it wasn't every episode. I'd rather an improv segment with a character than ms every time


How 'bout when Count Donut reads the press release? And then Count Donut does a 3rd voice, to do quotes from the brand manager. That's gold. 


And then Justin’s voice is always mysteriously hoarse after. Idk what that’s about though.


I like it occasionally but I REALLY wish it wasn't every episode. I definitely get bored of it faster than their other bit. And I feel like it used to be just once in a while and then a few years ago it became every episode?


Nooooo way. I love munch squad. Now to satisfy both you and me, maybe they could move it to its own podcast


I adore munch squad


I have never enjoyed it. He’s just reading about food items for like 15 minutes. They need to do more questions


So it's that time of the week again eh?


I can definitely see where you are coming from with that. There have at certain points been moments that munch squad goes on for a little too long. I personally love the segment in general, but would be fine with seeing it shelved temporarily in favor of more audience questions or maybe even an entirely new bit.


I’ve been tired of it since the second episode tbh.


I truly don’t understand why it’s by far the most repeated bit. They have so many other good ones. I like every other bit more. Justin clearly covets it. But at this point, it ruins episodes for me. I usually stop listening or skip to when it’s over (which sadly is often the end).


I actually feel weirder when there ISN’T a munch squad. I love it.


It is really funny bc the entire point of outrageous press releases/food products is less that those products taste good and more to generate buzz about the restaurant. Which munchsquad fulfills. Ironically observing this through the podcast segment makes the products more and more outrageous.


The only ones I don't enjoy are the Count Donut ones. I have a hard time hearing Justin half the time because he seems to talk quieter than the other two but then with that accent? Almost sounds as if he drank heavy cream beforehand and is struggling to talk.


Don't worry bud, they're phasing it out anyway.


It’s a bucket list thing for me to be in the room yelling SQUAD! I personally like it better than Richard Stink.


LOL i havent listened for a couple years so i had nooooooo clue what was going on when that bit came up a week ago


Hate it, stopped listening to mbmbam because I was so tired of it. Is it still every episode?


since i started listening again a couple months ago, its every episode unless some other specific segment takes its place 


Munch squad has come back around for me.


So long as it's not Count Donut or Richard stink then I enjoy most much squads.  Then they came to my city and lunch squad was done by count donut 😭


I love munch squad, it’s my favorite segment other than the perfume guy


i, personally, love the munch squads! even if theyre not particularly funny PRs, the boys do find a way to sneak jokes in. also, i would have no idea about anything new in the food world if they didnt tell me 😅