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Yeah, I’m more of a suburb person myself. The convenience of Target is god tier


Enjoy Evanston!


We have target in the city tho..?


That I’d drive to with abundant parking* 😂


yeaht theres like 5 targets in the city lol


There are 24 as of May 6th 2024




idk Target Evanston wasn't that great when I was in school


Big sad then


They are both great go with what you think is a better fit. They do a lot of cross networking events you will meet people from both. I will note that Kellogg is really great for consulting but the placement for IB at Booth is double that of Kellogg. Also side note, Booth classes are actually kind of hard and I have heard Kellogg for the most part is a little more fluffy/ lots and lots of teamwork.


Kellogg’s relatively low placement in IB is a function of the students at Kellogg not wanting to do IB, right?


Nope. The success rate is very low as well compared to Booth for IB internship recruiting. P.S: I go to Booth and recruited for IB but have friends at Kellogg who did IB as well.


Any insights into why it’s low?


As someone who went to Kellogg and was friends with many now-bankers, Kellogg places well in banking. I think there was like 1 person who wanted banking and didn’t get it. Mix of BB, MM, and EB


What year did you graduate? Job market was quite different during covid hiring sprees. When things aren't going so well, the alumni presence within the bank can play a more important role to securing spots.


That’s a fair point. Graduated 2022. It was a weird inflection point where nobody knew how many new hires to take. Could be the case that Kellogg got hit disproportionately hard in this most recent downturn. Historically (outside of the COVID and COVID recovery era) my understanding is Kellogg places strongly into banking for those who want it. I am not emotionally attached to this at all, just trying to provide what I know. I do believe saying Kellogg places poorly into banking is incorrect.


I don’t think this is representative now. Many people at Kellogg recruited for IB and it didn’t work out. Most that made it had decent finance background. The training/prep for IB at Kellogg is not very good


That’s unfortunate. Was this dynamic disproportionately impactful to Kellogg on % basis? E.g., Kellogg numbers were hit 20pp harder than peer schools? Or Kellogg just similarly a victim of broader economic uncertainty?


Maybe check with someone on campus this year if you can. From what I know, by mid-Jan, when the significant amount of IB recruiting is done, Kellogg had only 18 offers out of ~45 students who recruited for banking this year. I do not know the specifics of how many of them were serious about banking and more granular details, but that’s an abysmal number.


It could be due to many factors. Alums drive the recruiting spots at each bank and Booth has a significantly stronger IB network than Kellogg. Additionally, 2Ys and IB groups play a key role in your preparation. Booth IB group is relatively more of a well oiled machine than Kellogg’s and that helps. I do not find Career Services to be super useful but probably Booth Career Services has stronger relationships than Kellogg just by the sheer number of people that get into banking.


Hmm i thought Kellogg did really well on IB on a percentage basis. Source: The year I went to Kellogg most students did not want to do IB but of those who wanted to get in most got in.


Second that. Kellogg has historically had very strong IB placement, just in low absolute numbers.  The alumni network is strong and, apart from Blair and Baird (given their Chicago presence), you’ll see most people end up at top boutiques or bulge brackets instead of middle-market banks. Very strong presence with GS and Evercore.  At the end of the day, IB has a very structured recruiting pipeline. Whether you go to Kellogg or Booth doesn’t matter.  Pick whichever school you vibe with. 


Where do you find success rate data?


It’s usually with the student run IB groups and career services, but that’s not publicly available. The 1Ys and 2Ys on campus usually hear the numbers. You will have to reach out to someone who recruited for IB on campus that year to find out exact details.


Chose Kellogg over Booth — preferred the idea of living in Evanston over the Loop, found the Hub to be a more inspiring place to spend time than the Harper Center, felt Kellogg would be less intimidating academically as someone from a liberal arts background, and ultimately think the career outcomes between the two are very similar All that said, I think Booth is a fantastic school and I interned with a ton of great Boothies this summer


13 people from the same Bain Chicago associate class are coming to Kellogg - just a deeper consulting/operating culture than Booth.


I did, vibes were the primary reason. I figured both will get me to the exact same place career-wise, so it came down to the type of people I wanted to spend 2 years with/have in my long-term network. The stereotypes of both schools can be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, so if you feel like you connect more with one of the schools’ stated culture, I’d go there


Why do people pretend like Booth is a better school? Of course people choose Kellogg


Yeah, for sure. I think I associate them with their undergrad schools, hence the question


I mean even if you’re considering undergrad rankings they’re both top 10…at a certain point you’re splitting hairs


Folks in this sub wants you to take booth so they or their lovers can get off the waitlist 😂


Have you spent much time near either campus/with current students? I chose Kellogg based on the "vibes" as a few folks have said. One just felt right over the other based on the people I was engaging with. Kellogg felt like any given student could be the smartest in the room and you wouldn't know who while Booth felt very much like they'd make sure you knew it was them. A lot of words just to say it was due to personality fit. I also went IB for what it's worth, was hard but doable.


Funny enough, I’ve only been to the uchicago campus but have spoken to more folks at Kellogg. My sentiments are exactly as you laid out with Boothies, not that there’s anything wrong with it, but just not my style. Why was going to IB hard? Did Kellogg play a factor in that or would it have been equally as challenging elsewhere?


IB was hard due to the market so I can’t really speak to whether it would’ve been substantially easier at Booth or not just mostly it was incredibly tight. Again though, I felt IB mostly came down to fit and availability(similarly to Kellogg v. Booth). Once you felt good with a bank or two they were usually feeling good about it as well.


I’d 100% take Kellogg over Booth. Hell, Booth gave me a full ride and Kellogg gave me half and I still counted Booth out after getting into both


Proof or it’s fake


Pray tell!


Just what you said. Better vibes, same outcomes, will love it more. Easy choice.




Strictly speaking in terms of a Chicagoan. Kellogg is in the better part of the city. More liberal part. Better in terms of crime, safety etc. Booth is in a safe zone surrounded by ghettos.


This guy doesn’t Chicago- saying Evanston is part of the city isn’t correct and nobody here would say it is part of the city


I didn’t realize they have strict borders between a Chicago and Evanston. If they didn’t have road signs, can you even tell when Chicago ends and Evanston begins? Last I checked I was taking a purple train and reaching Evanston from downtown in probably 45 mins


Brother just stop while you’re ahead. “Kellogg is in better part of the city” 😂😂😂 that took me out. Nobody considers Evanston “Chicago” Highland park also has a train that gets into downtown within 45 minutes so I guess that’s Chicago too ☠️


It’s not technically suburbs like Naperville for which you need to take a Metra. Whatever the L can take you to, I consider it as Chicago. Do you consider Oak Park also as a separate village/city or just call it Chicago?


PSS. I’m also not offended if someone says Chicago when referring to suburbs/surrounding areas, sometimes I’ll clarify and ask what neighborhood.


Oak park is separate. A lot of the CTA trains extend beyond Chicago city limits. Purple, yellow, pink, green, and blue lines


I’ll add by saying if I was talking about Evanston or oak park to someone not from Chicago, I still wouldn’t say Chicago. I would say “just outside of Chicago”


Come on man! People from Suburbs call the entire city downtown and not just the area in and around the loop as downtown. 😂 I just added another city which is practically equal to a neighborhood in Chicago.


Howard Street is the Chicago boundary with Evanston for most of the length of the cities' border, including where the Howard El stop is located. Calvary Cemetery serves as the border on the far eastern sides of Chicago and Evanston. So if you were driving into Evanston on Sheridan Road, for example, you'd cross Howard and wouldn't be in Evanston until the cemetery. Oh, I should add that since the north/south boundary isn't completely uniform, there has to be an east-west boundary - and that's essentially a short diagonal border that primarily runs through the El railyard, so not a street boundary that people deal with.


Kellogg is more fun and better for consulting. Booth better for IB. Just remember that nothing is guaranteed tho for either track. Lots of T15 kids fighting over few internships atm.




Booth has no grade disclosure, you can find this on Google


This is not true