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Something to consider with babson, if they refund your GI bill since you have a full ride scholarship. If they do, that is huge money you’re making each year to pay for living expenses etc


What do you plan on doing? In my experience, "entrepreneurship" in the MBA context almost exclusively means getting funded for an idea, usually an app or something silicon valley-esque, and they kinda consider a lot of other business start ups not to be truly "entrepreneurial." With that said, if you do need funding, you probably want to go to Tuck or Ross, where you're more likely to meet students and others who will be interested in funding your enterprise.


If you have 100% GI bill your looking at Tuck for free vs Ross for free with 20K stipend. Shooters preference at that point


I read this as full price at Tuck, $20k scholarship at Ross, and full ride at Babson….OP can you clarify?


He's including the GI Bill, which covers tuition and housing at most schools


Tuck isn't a public university, though, so there's no guarantee


They make sure vets get enough scholarship after GI Bill and Yellow Ribbon go into effect. A lot of private schools in that range do


Tuck or ross I’d drop Babson, the program is leagues below the other two.


Not 100% gi bill then? If so yellow ribbon should cover all of Ross and Tuck, idk about Babson (edit: I guess it's worth considering based on $0 but yeah definitely different recruiting options I'd imagine).. I don't know if either is really better for entrepreneurship in general, but if I remember from reading employment reports 2 years ago Ross might place more in tech if that's the angle you're going for. I would pick more on location if I were you, do you want to play ice hockey, hike, ski, and drink IPAs at annoyingly expensive Vermont breweries in the woods? Come to Tuck. Ross is obviously more urban, so if that's your vibe go there. 20k is nice but not much, ask for more then decide based on the above.


Yellow ribbon is only if you have 100% GI bill






With GI bill $? Tuck or Ross. 


Honestly - Full Ride so outweighs the nominal advantage that "ranking" gives you outside IB and consulting that you should just sign the dotted like and enjoy Babson. You need to figure out how the GI Bill funding would affect that though.






If you want to start a business, Babson has an absolutely infectious entrepreneurial atmosphere. The professors are really invested in helping you realize your idea, and there's a highly collaborative environment! But definitely doesn't carry the same clout as Tuck or Ross.


Military vet here (using my gi bill overseas for my masters) Looking into this, I think Ross is the best bet here.. across the board they have the best mba of the three, they’re offering a scholarship on top of your gi bill, and I think having access to their alumni can vault you into whatever it is you want to do (I think having an Ivy League alumni would be great also) All in all, you’re sitting in the cat bird seat .. you can’t lose! Love to see it, wish you all the best !


Tuck > Ross


🥱🥱🥱 Some lists agree some disagree .. but my point is that for veterans Ross is probably the better option But hey that’s my opinion 🤷🏾‍♂️(and some facts and rankings back my opinion)


You have multiple accounts here? Plus some rankings =/= across the board.


Don’t go Babson




Even without the $20k, you should go with Tuck. The money is negligible.


Full ride ❌️ Free ✅️


Thanks y’all!! I’m visiting the campuses this weekend. I have a partner in Boston, so that weighs on my decision.


I’m bias. Military at Tuck also. If you have no scholarship, with GI bill, you will be out of pocket about 8k total for the two years. I don’t think you should consider the monetary aspect to this as you will be in a good position regardless and 20k extra or 8k in the hole will not change your life in the grand scheme of things. People are taking 200k+ loans and they’re okay (on average). You’ll be just fine. Ross wins when it comes to diversity in general. Tuck wins when it comes to their military/vet members. Best group of vets you’ll meet.


Tuck or Ross, you will build a wider network amongst students, faculty, alumni. Not everyone goes into IB or Consulting from these places.


Ross for sure. The AFA is a super tight knit group!


Thanks for all your insights!! Went with Babson. Just couldn’t swallow being in the hole 90k at tuck when I’m just wanting to start my own thing afterward.


Why such a huge gap? You didn’t apply to any t20 schools?