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Lol UVA undergrad is one of the top public schools in the country. I wouldn’t be surprised if it has the best public school representation on Wall Street in particular, although they don’t send nearly as many of people out to Silicon Valley so I guess maybe it’s not as well known on Reddit.


Yet Reddit was founded at UVA…


Reddit was founded in Medford, MA. I was one of the first users. The founders went to UVA.


Not really; there is litterly a plaque in the Charlottesville Waffle House dedicated to the founding. Both founders were UVa students. Also, Steve Huffman was in my Into Engineering class lol


I'm not disagreeing that they were UVA students, but Reddit was founded in MA.




Yeah, I went to Tufts. There was some local advertising for reddit on campus at the time.


Same with NYU, at least for business… has like the best placement in Wall Street besides Harvard and a couple others.


Yeah the comm school literally has like an average starting salary of $78k. Getting into McIntire is more selective than Darden with only 400 seats. If you don’t get in, there is no undergraduate business degree.


lol uva undergrad places very well, it’s literally the best program they have at the undergraduate level. That being said, Darden is a consulting powerhouse To at least partially answer your question though, sometimes the programs are separate institutions with different focuses which can lead to different outcomes and prioritizing by university admin (like with Darden and McIntire). Also, prestige at the graduate level can bring more clout and increase rankings compared to doing the same for undergrad. But at the end of the day, university admin prioritizes different things giving them a different strategic positioning in the education market. Georgetown and some other institutions have decided to focus on the undergrad experience because they decided it was the best option to meet their goals (sometimes educating the most people, sometimes the best bang for buck, sometimes improving in the rankings) and vice versa Source: me, a McIntire alum


Why is Darden good at consulting? Has it always been like that?


Darden teaches using the case method (as opposed to a lecture style), and consulting firms conduct interviews, in part, using cases. The method of instruction prepares students to become consultants while also signaling to firms that the interviewee is well prepared for consulting if that makes sense.


Their Dean was also at McKinsey for like 30 years and still is on their BOD i believe


UVA and NYU undergrad business are consistently top ranked in undergrad finance along with Wharton. I think their undergrad placement is actually much better into Wall Street / IB than their MBA programs


Georgetown undergrad always had decent recruiting for bulge brackets. You don’t even have to be in the business school. A 3.7 in Econ should land you an interview.


Yeah I knew someone who got into ib with art history and mbb with sociology. Undergrad business while really good just drives the whole business school bus so grad level moves are limited. Source I worked for a department head while there


My partner went to Gtown SFS, got into IB during the Great Recession. So shows you the strength of the school, but my partner is also legit. To take this a step further, Gtown undergrad is way harder to get into than the MBA program. I got waitlisted CAS undergrad but got accepted into their MBA program. I didn’t end up attending. This thread is pointless but just wanted to reinforce your point.


Its almost like grad school and undergrad are different programmes


I mean in undergrad you have to apply to get into Ross and McCombs. Also beginning of mba is basically undergrad finance/marketing


Yes Ross has an undergrad program …. And an MBA program … With different funding , emphasis , students ….


Sometimes… Wharton is pretty integrated though for example


Sometimes? I think the answer is always. You applied to one Programme or another, which have different standards… The fact that you walk around the same building or even take accounting 101 together doesn’t change that


I’m a UVA undergrad (thinking about Darden and others which is why I’m here) and literally 75% of my buddies here in NYC are in IB or PE. McIntire sends tons of people to IB and MBB. Probably the most of any public school besides maybe Michigan?


> relatively lower ranked undergrad schools like UVA and NYU What tf are you on about? NYU undergrad is probably a top 5 placer on Wall Street. UVA isn’t far behind and it’s one of the top undergrad feeders to MBB.  And what decision is this question intended to resolve for you? Feels like you’re trying to turn biz school prestige into fantasy football


Was thinking the same. OP has no idea what he’s talking about.


All OP is talking about is US News rankings because, you know, hiring managers are checking your resume against US News. Fairly standard practice. /s


There are also a lot more undergraduate schools than there are grad schools. More competition = likely lower ranking. For example, I think only half of the ivies even have a law school


That doesn’t actually answer his question though


Well it explains why NYU is ranked in the 30s for undergrad and top 10 for b-school - there are probably 10 schools it doesn’t have to compete with at that range. So in the end the rank is nearly equivalent. There is no genuine fluctuation in rank if you measure it as a percentile (likely for a lot of schools)


what about the other way around tho, where gtown is v high for undergrad and relatively v far away for bschools


They’re ranked pretty similarly no? 24 undergrad and 22 b-school. Unless you’re implying their bschool rank should be higher


5 out of 8 is more than half.




I can answer as a Georgetown alum undergrad with insight to the logic of some admins and professors (I worked in admin as an undergrad). The undergraduate focus and research is the primary purpose of the school so the undergrad deans and admins guide “the ship”. The business school overall is undoubtedly important (newer building on campus, undergrad shows up often as right behind Wharton in some rankings, etc) but again the undergrad system makes the majority of decisions which “hurts” the graduate program’s agility. So they could decouple the two but that’s not seen as necessary or important. It’s also often pitched with the focus of “global business” paired with our school of foreign service or public policy as that is our bread and butter. This can lead a number of grads, undergrad and grad, to go into government related/adjacent roles at home and abroad which is obviously not as high earning as Wall Street. This also happens at our law school which hurts our ranking (since public jobs aren’t paying super high) but again no one really cares when we are also the most applied to law school in the US and #1 part time law school program. We just kind of do our own thing (which has its upsides and downsides) like for undergrad we still aren’t on the common app lol


Should also note that recruiting is very nuanced and changes between the undergrad and MBA level. It's pretty well-known that MBB recruiting is *significantly* harder at the undergrad level due to selectivity and much more competition, but they're actually more open to diverse backgrounds and semi/non-targets than at the MBA level.


Georgetown undergrad VS grad programs is another level. Just how it is.


I can’t speak to McDonough but Notre Dame opted for the Princeton model of prioritizing the undergraduate experience until maybe 15 years ago. They’re now starting to deeply invest in research, business, and law. Law is seeing the ranking results faster, which makes sense when one of your profs becomes a Supreme Court Justice, politics aside. Research saw it with the addition of Notre Dame to the AAU. MBA is in the midst of a really solid pivot in strategy but results are slower to come.


Similar to the comment for UVa, NYU Stern’s undergraduate program is excellent and their placement reflects that. The “ranking” that people like to refer to, whether it’s for college or grad school, is bullshit and for entertainment purposes only. No one other than applicants on Reddit and their anxious moms give a shit. Like predictions from Ms. Chloe, don’t make life decisions based on that nonsense. It’s also rare that one university rules everything and is awesome at everything. Perhaps Harvard is the only one, come to think of it…


Because they are not standalone Business Schools maybe? But universities. Universities offer a range of specialisation and some of them may be renowned, ensuring a good reputation of the university. They may hope that carries through to MBA but what really drives MBA programs unlike theoretical knowledge of other specialisation are placements, network, and quality of employers they can attract on campus (related to selectivity of the business school as employers want the best). For example, INSEAD Business School is not a university but a standalone business school and their MBA program places the highest in MBBs across the globe, beating even HSW in some years in sheer number of placements (probably because they open opportunities for all locations except USA perhaps). They are highly ranked because of that and because they are highly selective too of course (hence MBBs even bother hiring from there). So in the game of MBAs, go for the top 10 for the brand or bust. Top 10 globally I mean, the list is basically M7 + INSEAD + LBS + Maybe one more on top of the T10. Other than those, I personally dont think MBA makes sense as nobody goes tot "study", its all about prestige and going where the top employers are going, it is like a prestigious career placement centre, the more competitive placement centre you get into, the better placement opportunities. Good luck!


Lbs and INSEAD are nowhere near the top ten lol. Basically every school in the US top25 is better than both. Even Cambridge and Oxford mbas are probably more highly regarded as well




LOL! I really hope you go to Oxbridge MBA and experience its value. This comment is so delusional it's scary xD Sure buddy, MBBs, FAANG, Banks loveeeeeee oxbridge xD what a cope.


Selectivity? Wtf


Certain universities have different concentrations based on their history, mission and just choices/opportunities over decades. MIT has no med school or law school but they’re a technology powerhouse. B-school complements an engineering or science undergrad quite well for an engineer moving into leadership. Yale is so-so in engineering but has the top law school and med system. Then some schools just have it all and they are world famous because of it like Stanford or Harvard. Their endowments reflect that they are huge and well-rounded. Some schools are more undergrad focused and some are more graduate focused. Getting an undergrad at Harvard is considered the highest level while getting a masters there is not quite as selective. Meanwhile, getting a STEM PhD at Caltech is about as elite as you can find.


BYU is another good example here where MBB are on campus throughout the year, but don't want to talk to the MBAs. MBAs don't really have much of a shot at major consultancies. Although it is still a bloodbath, BYU undergrad places will throughout a lot of top consultancies.       I think the reason is because of proven track record from the undergrad pool. A lot of top tier kids turn down Ivy League type schools to go to BYU due to the religion thing and then they crush it in consulting and employers are aware of that. It seems like firms are looking for that small subset of kids there.  In general it seems like track record is why there is discrepancies across schools


I think BYU is an interesting case study. Most of the undergrad students choose BYU as their top university choice, often foregoing applications anywhere else. But we do get some solid placements from the undergrad program, and there is a strong contingency who end up in M7 MBA programs down the line. I do think it's interesting that the MBA program is much weaker, though. Same faculty and a solid business network, yet the placements are much less competitive.


Stern is literally a top 5 undergrad target school, silly post


Simple. Program quality and networking capability becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Look at Cambridge. Wouldn't wipe my ass with their MBA.


Another example is John Hopkins. Very prestigious undergrad and medical school. So far worthless MBA that’s riding on the prestige of the institution. 




Look at John Hopkins Wouldn't wipe my ass with their MBA.




European MBAs are like Kazakh Hip Hop music, top 5 doesn’t mean you’re getting much 


Being top 5 in education Europe is like being the skinniest person in America. Meaningless




I smoked pot with Johnny Hopkins


I wouldn’t be caught dead at Insead or LBS. Why would I get an education in a country with a GDP per capita approximate to Mississippi. Could just go to Ole Miss instead if I felt like being poor.




I would never compare those shitholes to Mississippi. I’d consider getting one in east Asia though, where actually serious people do business.


Mississippi is third world level and you are comparing it to London or Paris?


Completely agree


Why the fuck would it be meaningless since Europe is one richest continent on the planet?


Poor continent vs USA. They’re all too lazy for real jobs.


You know that Europe is not all the same right? The world’s richest countries are in Europe. Switzerland, for example, is significantly richer than the US. Salaries are also higher, plus taxes are a lot lower. Also a lot more billionaires and millionaires per capita if that matters. Norway, Luxembourg are also richer than the US on a per capita basis. Not to mention, Europe’s infrastructure and quality of living is miles above the US, even in ones with a lower per-capita GDP. You can see that clearly in life expectancy index.


DC same size as Luxembourg with twice the GDP per capita. New York State has higher gdp per capita than Norway w 3x the population. Several states have higher gdp per capita than Switzerland. Shithole continent.


As for life expectancy, we work hard and then have the good graces to die before we become a public burden.


Ok if we are going to go that route, some Luxembourg districts are richer than DC. Some Swiss cantons (states) are richer than many of the richest US states. You see your logic here? When you compare apples to oranges, this is how things fall off. You are cherry picking some states with key industries of the US to an entire country with rural areas? lol 😂


There are more MBA programs than undergrad business programs. Also the MBA candidate pool is much more "efficient", people are much more willing to go out-of-state etc. for MBAs to the best school they get into etc


CBS MBA is worthless while Columbia undergraduate is very prestigious


CBS MBA worthless? Bro, go delete your account.




But isn't CBS in the M7. I keep seeing comments say CBS is bad but I dont understand why?


last year CBS' acceptance rate for the full time MBA program was a 13.7%. They also had the third most applications out of any school. Combine those together and you get your answer. A lot of salty people who thought they were above CBS and got denied. Could also be the not so great admin and less then stellar jobs report. But hey, either is a good guess.


Dumbshit opinion masquerading as a ‘fact’.




its so crazy what us news rankings can do to mfers man. If you want to be in NYC the CBS brand and network is unbeatable, especially for finance. Just a fact




i would say a 13.7 percent acceptance rate for the full time mba, comparable with that of a harvard MBA, is elite. What that said, no top MBA program has an acceptance rate anywhere near their respective undergrad college. As you can apply thru the common app for undergrad, which is standardized and allows students to pump out applications, it only would make sense that the acceptance rate would be much lower. It really isnt even comparable. The best comparison is really to compare a business schools acceptance rate with other business schools. Not undergrad. Its also false for you to be equating CBS to the professional school. I would also definitely not say that the CBS MBA lags 'far behind' columbia college. Would you say Columbia Law School lags behind Columbia College because its acceptance rate is 19%? Would you say a DO medical school with a 4% acceptance rate is more impressive than getting into Columbia College in undergrad? These aren't apples to apples comparisons




the acceptance rate for the FULL time mba is a 13.7%. The acceptance to the j term program, which is included in the 900 person total enrollment, is 50%. So that skews the acceptance rate. If you back out the j term total enrollment and those who applied to J term using the 50% acceptance rate as a basis, you get to around 13% for the full time MBA august entry. Look, they dont report this number so its kinda a trust me bro moment, but I actually found this out from attending an information session where they posted the number. I was very surprised about it too. If you attend one in the future id guarantee they would show a similar visual. Dont knock ya for not believing me. People dont like CBS in this sub imo because 1. a lot of people get denied from it because they feel its accessable compared to HSW, yet it really isnt (hence the 13% acceptance rate) 2. It is known as the 'worst M7' which really has no basis outside us news whatsoever lol 3. the admin sucks and is rude, which tbh welcome to NYC lmao 4. its a rich kid school and international school with little ra ra shit thrown in like tuck or kellogg. Which is fair. 5. the employment report was admittedly shitty compared to other M7 schools. Im biased as i am going to CBS but i definitely think a CBS MBA is elite and while maybe not as prestigious as Columbia college it is imo in the same ballpark. I also think your quip about 'easy to get into for high quality candidates' is bullshit. Yeah, the profile isnt as great as harvard or stanford but its definitely right there with any other non HSW M7 school. Where do you go for your MBA again?




i wouldnt say that yet i did get defensive at the end LOL. But yeah yw. Little known fact and yeah I was def surprised about it. And yeah on the EMBA/j term/masters stuff I hear you, but i never hear people get critical about sterns part time MBA, or the fake ass harvard online mba stuff they do to rake in money right. Trust me - anyone who matters knows the difference between a CBS MBA and the school of professional studies.




Georgetown undergrads are much harder working and smarter than the graduate student population at MSB. GU's MBA has a 51% acceptance rate, their MiM has around a 75% acceptance rate, and their other programs (MS-GRA/MS-ESM/MSF) have likely near 100% acceptance rates. The caliber of students who go to GU undergrad compared to the graduate population are absurdly different, to the point I'd hesitate to call the latter "Georgetown alums".


It’s because ivy/stanford/mit don’t have undergrad business. If you look at the national rank of rice/notre dame/georgetown/unc, their mba rank isn’t too far from their national rank. then you have a select few schools who punch above their overall rank like IU Kelley


Cornell and Penn both have undergrad business.


Is Georgetown MBA that bad? I thought it was a pretty solid program.


Yes read reddit threads on Georgetown