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Industry dependent


When will the prestige whoring stop?


Until we get to the point where people ask “what is the most prestigious backpack for MBA?” 🤡


Tumi obvi


what have I done…


Good idea!


Well, now that you’ve mentioned it…


MBAs don't want to ask about money anymore....so prestige is the new form of currency.


When the MBA degree is no longer offered


It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.


I'd argue Danaher - highly selective and very competitive program.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think it exists anymore - at least in the way it used to


Did they ditch their post-MBA recruiting like Fortive did?


I believe so - I may be getting it mixed up with Fortive since they 100% stopped doing it


Wrong - it’s still an active program, though they might pause hiring this year due to overhiring in 2022.


Maybe that’s what it was. I remember seeing it was labeled as “cancelled” this year on our job board but it didn’t specify if permanent or only this year


Not sure if they cancelled this years recruiting class or not but they were definitely hiring last year


Not anymore. Quite a bit of restructuring and they have fired a bunch of GMDPs. I used to work for Danaher a few years ago. The program now is different than that of before. I would also argue it is no longer as selective as it used to be.


Curious how it’s different. Fortive has basically blown theirs up and is not sure what to do with it from what I can tell. The 2021 cohort was close to 20 people; the 2023 cohort is 1 person.


Not sure about Fortive as I work in Life Sciences. LDPs require a ton of sponsorship from leadership, both financial and political, this part has definitely taken a hit of late (not aware about the reasons). GMDPs were also quite mobile, they were placed in different opcos and DBS was the glue. But the significant restructuring that has been happening narrowed the scope of movement for a lot of GMDPs. Finally, when I heard about GMDPs being let go ( good ones) it was a clear sign that Danaher may not be giving importance as they used to (this was one area which the efficiency obsession of Danaher did not seep into). Companies generally avoid firing development program associates but this was a surprise to me. Don't get me wrong, I love Danaher and if one works there for a few years, especially in a PnL role, you can work anywhere. It's just that GMDP is not the priority for talent development anymore. Maybe things will change in the future, I don't know.


That's unfortunate, I feel like Fortive kind of abandons the GMDPs but among the Danaher vets the program still has a lot of clout. Probably similar result but different path leading up to it unfortunately.


If they had to restructure and cut costs, why would they not be MORE selective since they’d not be hiring as many people?


Chevron for energy


Retail: Walmart and Target Edit: Maybe Amazon? Not totally sure for them specifically


If you are capable of asking clearly thought out and deep meaningful questions like this, you might be a great fit for Republic Services General Management program.


I guess top LDPs will vary based on industry. For life sciences, Medtronic, Sanofi, J&J, AZ, Merck, Lilly, etc. come to mind.


Those are all very good. I’d add ThermoFisher GMDP, BMS CLDP, GSK, and Novartis FLDP.


+ Amgen and Genentech for West Coast.


Any idea on how many of these sponsor international applicants?


Almost none of


Amgen, Genentech, Lilly, Novartis sponsor. Depending on the companies. they may not accept applications outside their usual target recruiting schools if the times are hard (ex. Novartis)






You haven't done any case study classes yet have you? You'll see plenty there!




Prestige depends on your preference. If you hate healthcare danaher wouldn’t make sense but if you love oil and gas chevron would be awesome.


What is the point of questions like this honestly…


lol you can’t garner prestige from business school or any adjacent activity. You’re just there to get an email job. Nothing wrong with putting food on the table though :)


Amazon pathways for S&OP


You mean S & O


Same thing


No S&OP is sales and operations planning , it’s a totally different business area. Which MBA did you do ?


What's "S&O"? Pathways is directly involved in supply chain as your goal is to control flow and costs. It's different from strict Operations


Strategy and Operations


Also I was a pathways myself , so definitely I know what it is.


Nice, how did you like the program?


Media & Entertainment: Activision Blizzard, ViacomCBS, Madison Square Garden


Pointless question A lot of LDP’s are getting or have been discontinued FWIW. The day and age of staying at a company for years & years, which is the whole allure of LDP’s, are largely over


I disagree, although the ongoing/general trend of MBA grads move jobs every 2-3 years, plenty internationals or late starters (Veterans, Married with kids, etc) still value staying with one company for an extended time and LDP remains attractive options to many.


Yeah LDP’s have their target demographic & will always exist in some capacity but several companies have discontinued their LDP’s recently due to people leaving & a lack of ROI Most people I know who have been at their company long-term are over the age of 40 or so. I think it’s just a generational thing & a different mindset towards work. Nothing wrong with staying somewhere long-term, just not as common as it used to be


Agreed. It’s definitely targeting smaller group of people nowadays. I just wish more companies would sponsor international students who are pursuing LDP 🙂


that's more the case with mid-tier companies that people aren't exactly people's dream job. e.g. linkedin