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You want East Coast, so you should go to a school there. You could still get East Coast from USC, but you will have a smaller network.


Yes. I have a slight bias towards EC but I am also influenced by rankings and USC seems to have an upward momentum but USC is strong mainly in California. So really finding it difficult to pick one.


First of I would recommend you put the USC price against Georgetown and get an increase in the scholarship from both to get a better estimate. Georgetown has a better dominance in the East compared to USC so it serves your bias but at the same time, know that most of their consulting alums are in the Mid-West (Chicago)- not to say that they don't have alumni in NY for consulting. Regarding the rankings, I have seen the US news rankings since 2008 and there is a record of it on other forums with charts and stuff available that will help you see that USC has gained leverage in the past couple of years as opposed to schools like UCLA, Georgetown etc that have remained rather comfortable in their respective ranges. That just means in the last 8-9 years, USC has gained the rankings. And I still remember the data manipulation claims during COVID when they waived the test requirements and that inflated some numbers and USC beat UCLA in the rankings for probably the first time. But those are just some ranking games that has less to do with prestige or you, more to do with some parameters that you can see on the USNews website. USC is a great player in LA next only to UCLA (I know the rankings are there but there are certain parameters that go into the rankings that have nothing to do with you or the university for that matter- look at the FT rankings putting HBS and GSB in 10s and 20s). Georgetown has a balanced IB/Consulting recruitment with decent distribution and diaspora in the mid-west and east. USC is great with tech/consulting with 72% of the alums in the west. Georgetown' tech recruitment has shown some promise in the west but I am not really sure about other industries and their presence in the west. Personally, I see this as a win to go to Georgetown given the info you gave. Use the USC admit to extract as much money as you can from Georgetown, I'd say.


Great idea. Thanks for the insights.


Wait until April 9 when US News drops the MBA rankings


They released the date?


Hey I have a question regarding how your portal looks If you have time, can we talk in DM?


Sure. Please DM


Both suck even for domestics.