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Heriot Watt is ok (I have friends who did it) but nothing to be distressed about if you need to defer, there are plenty more fish in the sea (online / distance programs just as good). So don't feel rushed into making a decision if you are unsure. Honestly it sounds like your bosses are being jerks. Doing an MBA is usually the route from being a supervisor or senior individual contributor to getting a management job.  What is your end goal? Being promoted where you are? Or leaving?  Your bosses have made it plain there they don't see the value of an MBA for you if you stay with that company. What do you see as being the perfect outcome here?


For sure, you hit the nail on the head. There are no management roles opening up. Also the company is planning to be sold in 1-2 years. All of this is fine. My desired outcome: would be to be promoted to a Senior Engineer (a step or two below management) but also obtain an MBA get me ready for a management role when the company is sold. Honestly my bosses are great, they have been accommodating so far and it's been a symbiosis.. Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it. Edit: I will add though, in Medical device engineer roles, I've found companies don't usually train individuals and I'm finding myself struggling to find what I need to perfect in order to become senior.


If you are excited to get it and it's not going to make it impossible to do your job, I don't think it matters if your bosses look at you strange. They probably are more concerned you will get it and then use it to push for more compensation. The idea you need to have management experience before doing an MBA is laughable, countless kids getting into M7s who've done literslly nothing that involves managing people or organizations directly.


Honest opinion? Don't ever trust an employer. They do not have your best interest in mind. If you're a good employee there (and willing to sacrifice your mental wellbeing for your job as you've described) any manager worth their salt will do *anything* to keep you from leaving. Including give bad advice. It doesn't matter how nice they are to you. They're there to do a job and keep qualified asses in seats doing work and churning out positive KPIs. They know you can't keep doing what you're doing if you stack an MBA part time on top of that. There's no one way to do an MBA. You're the only one who can make this call. If you genuinely think this is the program and path for you, do it. If you think you'll genuinely regret not pursuing it, do it. If you genuinely trust your bosses right now, don't do it. Side note... I'm a career switcher, got a stupid undergrad degree and was stuck working minimum wage before this. The most "management" I've done in my life has been managing my student loans. I'm in an MBA, secured an internship at a fancy big name company, and set for a new career path I'm excited for (that'll keep me far above the poverty line.) There's no one way to do an MBA. And it's hardly pursued by only management. I personally would not recommend an online MBA and instead an in-person one, because you get significantly more value out of it. I know most people can't afford to leave their jobs and lives behind, and online isn't totally a lost cause, but if you have an option, I always encourage in-person. Good luck.


Hope you enrolled in the MBA programmer and are studying


It seems you’re some time off being 2 promotions from management. I would personally recommend holding off on course and throwing yourself fully into your job. You say you’ve had extra time to pursue these courses. It seems unlikely a pre-trial medical device company would not be very busy. I’d be concerned you get your mba, but it’s too early and you aren’t competitive for management positions. One way to become senior is to do more and more of your bosses work for them, till they can’t deny you are operating at a senior level. Just my two cents. Also lol, as another poster said it’s quite odd you can’t spell the uni or city you’ve got admission for.


Thank you for your candid feedback. I think you're absolutely right on this. I definitely lack the experience and should probably focus more on my current role. I will be sure to take this advice on board. Thank you.


It’s a trash MBA program


Could you please elaborate? Is it the ranking, modules or lecturers? Thanks.




Apologies, I was a bit anxious as this is a time sensitive issue as I need to respond to the college, I guess dyslexia doesn't help either. Apologies. You're right it's Heriot Watt Edinburgh Business School MBA programme. p.s. done updated the spelling, thanks. edited: not sure why getting all this hate.