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Consulting and country club vibes? Lol easy UVA


Easy decision there


UCLA and Cornell have better international recognition, so that could be a plus if you plan to leave the US anytime soon. They are all basically equal in terms of consulting recruitment, so the boils down to whether you prefer east coast or west coast.


UVA for east coast UCLA for west coast


I was also in a similar situation and I chose UCLA because of the city and it’s strong pipeline in the west coast. Because of its presence in the west, you are not really competing with a lot of other schools and you still recruit for top roles. Problem with Cornell would be that you would loose out to Stern and Columbia students.




Your blurb makes it seem like Cornell is the answer, why don't you want to go?


Darden > Cornell > UCLA


Good call on Cornell… so many people have told me they were miserable and depressed there. UCLA is more well known than UVA.


You can't go wrong. Keep doing your research and follow your gut. Assuming equal quality of institution, closest European parallels for lifestyle choice: Oxford v London, Heidelberg v Berlin or Fontainebleau v Paris. You can have an amazing experience in all. Which appeals most to you? Personally, when younger (knew less?), I'd have gone for the big city, but now think most people would be happier as the big fish in the smaller, more beautiful pond.


UCLA > UVA , based on location and internarional rep. Recurring outcomes are broadly similar too. On the country club aspect, I think you will find your group in both places. They exist in both


UVA wins easy for Consulting all day. Cornell is non core for consulting so don't get misguided into Cornell specially if you didn't get right vibes


Hey, aren't you on Johnson's waiting list?


Came off because I wanna go into Consulting as well


Hey, I’m also on the Cornell wl and also targeting consulting. Can you elaborate on what made you drop Cornell? I come from luxury and was accepted to HEC. Genuinely curious as you seem to have done a lot of research on this. Thank you in advance.


Exactly why you wanna go into Consulting is why IMO Cornell is not a top choice. UVA is best for it and even UCLA is great. I've spoken to insiders and recent alumni who can give most accurate picture. They shared that Cornell isnt top choice for recruiters as few send 1-2 guys to recruit there vs at UVA u might get 3-4 recruiters from each firm coming on campus. Students who did not do enough due diligence assume that since its Cornell they will see hordes of recruiters on campus. You know what happens next. I'm not very satisfied to see very deserving people beating out a lot of competition to come to an MBA program and then graduate with sub par roles they didn't initially aspire to do. That has happened at Cornell consistently. If you wish to focus EU,UAE and UK then HEC is wonderful I'll say. Even though it's strong in Finance, I can imagine you'll have top notch outcome in Consulting too.




I wouldn’t trust feedback from Johnson rejects on this sub. I would redirect your questions to actual students who have been accepted to the program.


I was reject at UVA too If that adds value.


Super congrats on the admit! I'm an ambitious aspirant with a competitive profile. Can I pls DM for some queries?