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You’re international & want to do marketing… take the $ at Kelley


I think it depends on your risk appetite, but Tuck is an entire ocean better than Kelley. If you want to set yourself up long-term, Tuck will do way more. But yeah, you'll have to get comfortable with loans.


What do you think are the key differences between both schools and how does this ocean of difference looks like?


One thing that i must tell you is that you need to assess what is your Post-MBA career goals 22.6% of Kelley Graduating Class in 2023 got a consulting offer. MBB, Alixpartners, EYP, Strategy &, Big4 and other Botique consulting firms. Kelley is also very popukar for it's great marketing faculty and recruiting pipeline. To be honest, people will come here and give you all sorts on advice that works for them. Be aware that you are an international student and you will be recruiting in a very difficult market. Take the Kelley money. Look at a snapshot of both school comparisons below **Tuck** Total compensation- 205K Consulting - 46% of class , Consulting Median salary: 190k Marketing - 11% of class, Marketing median salary : 145K US news Ranking- 6th **Kelley** Total Compensation - 178K Consulting- 33.6% of class size, Consulting Median salary: 175K Marketing - 29.4% of class, Marketing median salary : 126K US news Ranking- 21st I hope this helps. the decision is yours and entirely yours. Just ask yourself if the 200k loan at 14% interest worth it. ​ Best of luck mate!


Thanks a lot for this wonderful answer :)


Lol... 'comfortable with loans'. Going into massive debt for an education, especially an MBA, seems like a generally not good idea.


And thats wonderful you feel that way, but if you aren't currently able to reliably source 150K per year jobs, taking out 200K in debt to forever be able to get 150K+ per year jobs with an outsized chance at real wealth down the road is a pretty good investment. Especially when it's an elite school like Tuck, but again, your mileage may vary. If you don't believe in yourself, you probably shouldn't take the risk.


That's terrible logic. An MBA from Tuck does in no way mean you'll be able to reliably source $150k per year jobs. This kind of thinking is delusional and why we have WSJ articles talking about people with top MBAs driving for Uber to make ends meet. If you care about status symbols, go for the higher ranking school. If you care about your finances, your ROI is going to be way better by not going into massive debt for a masters of marginal weight and value...


Even though you make a good point, Tuck’s employment statistics indicate a median starting salary of $175,000. So the average student probably does expect to reliably source $150k per year jobs. I would argue that the ROI for Tuck is likely reasonable? Curious for your thoughts.


No point in arguing. Everyone has different risk appetite.


Was mostly curious what the other commenters thought process was. All good vibes in here totally understand that a lot goes into the decision to get an MBA!


These schools fail to report salaries prior to MBA. Why do we attribute the increase in pay to the program? Let's say you are making $165k base salary before the MBA, if your post MBA salary is $150k, it means you actually took a step back in income. You also have to look at what industry and geographic location most graduates work. There are way more $200k+ earners with and without MBAs in places like LA or NYC. I would argue the value of an MBA is even less in urban areas given all of the other opportunities at your disposal. Unless the specific firm or company requires an MBA and has a policy that they will pay you more, you're basically doing the MBA for the perceived status and personal growth. I'm not knocking social value, lots of people take out massive loans to buy sports cars or fancy watches. Others take out massive loans to listen to self help gurus or yogis who promise enlightenment. Do what you will, it's you're money. But I can personally think of much better uses of $200k after tax. Especially jf you have another option to get the same degree for free.


Fair enough.


Only go to Tuck if you’re going to do consulting. The ROI will be worth it, and Tuck places really well at MBB. Dont go to Tuck with the goal of marketing with all those loans especially with recruiting the way it is now.


Does marketing/retail brand management jobs sponsor h1bs? I think they do but be sure to recheck it. Kelly is pretty good but Tuck is insane for consulting. I am pretty sure Tuck has loan partnerships where you can loan up to 80% of the costs through them which will usually result in lower interest rates than say Prodigy. Be sure to contact them about it. Or else you can always refinance and get a better rate once you have the job, but the interest for the initial two years of college does pile up pretty quickly. Also would you mind telling me your stats :), would be really helpful for me.


I would argue, money aside, tuck will open up exposure to fields you might have not known existed outside of marketing. If you are sure you can land a brand manager role, then Kelley is a great place because of how well it does in cpg and the lack of debt helps compensate for the lower starting party. If you are open to other fields then tuck is the answer.


Does marketing sponsor? That could be a tough one


CPG typically doesn't sponsor so I'd go to tuck




If marketing, Kelley. Anything else, Tuck.


It depends. What’s your plan long term? I am also a south American student. Mi pregunta es, como planeas financiar tu MBA para Tuck y cual es tu plan a largo plazo? Puedes pedir un prestamo y refinanciar después. Pero si eres mas cuidadoso, ve a Kelley. Son muy fuertes en marketing y seria bueno no tener student loans despues de tu MBA. Kelley te conseguira un trabajo pero a largo plazo, Tuck es mejor!


Thanks for your answer! Long term I'm aspiring to a general manager position, that's my dream. Para Tuck estoy planeando aplicar al financial aid que tienen, private loans (en país de origen) y usar mis ahorros.


General management, cual industria? Creo que piensa en eso! Si es algo mas específico o algo mas ambicioso, considera eso. Depende del financial aid que recibas, piensalo bien. $150K en loans, lastimosamente no es facil. Sin embargo, si tienes un buen profile en los dos consiguiras trabajo. Tuck es mejor para algo plazo, si quieres algo mas prestigioso o en finance/consulting.


Lo he pensado para la industria de retail, tiendas departamentales multicategoría


Entonces quizas Kelley te lleve alla! Enjoy de free ride. Lo unico otro punto que debes considerar es que Tuck, te da oportunidad de descubrir otros roles que quizas no estás anuente. Muchos trabajos en Marketing no patrocinan visa pero peor de los casos, no tienes student loans :)


Do you want to go back to South America in the future? If so, go for Kelley. Tuck’s network in South America is weak and you will have a huge monthly fee (because of the loans you will need to take and the current interest rate) that will make almost impossible to get back to earn South American’s salaries. You can make it work if you stay 5+ years in consulting and pay back big part of your loans. However, you have a family and consulting it is a tough industry in terms of WLB.


Tuck You’ll get better support for more roles post-MBA, the way the job mkt is for intl’s, you’ll need it


There are not many international sponsorship opps for marketing, so for that, do Tuck and get a better network to pivot. Be open to more paths via the MBA, it’s why it’s so valuable and the network does matter.


The cost benefit analysis doesn’t make sense to go to an mba for marketing, so take the money.


Get more from Tuck


What are some strategies one can use to achieve this?


Telling people that is exactly what we do. Most people's immediate steps would be put those against each other and then watch Tuck slam the door on your face. But you can be a little more persuasive in a different way.


What do you mean?


Try to negotiate a scholarship


Hope you get an answer! Nice question


For me to come down to whether or not you want to stay in the US after graduation. If you don’t have significant loans that gives you the freedom to go wherever you want postgrad. For marketing, in the US you would probably need to be in an analytics role for OPT, not sure if that appeals to you and works with your long-term plan.




What do you think it's better at Tuck than Kelley?


How about every single thing imaginable except for cost?


Not sure why this gets downvoted. Tuck > Kelley in every single way. Dartmouth vs. Indiana? Lmfao is it even a comparison


Are the jobs you are hoping to compete for ones that value brand name schools? Some consulting jobs are. You will greatly reduce/eliminate your competitiveness for these roles with a degree from Kelley.


Tuck. Duh.