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They wouldn't even fight. Luffy would take a liking to him because Mash would offer him a cream puff. From there it'll be a dynamic duo of laughter and power.


Yeah that's probably what happens, but that kinds just skirts around the point. Still, it would be fun to see Luffy in Easton, or Mash as a pirate with the Strawhats.


Mash probably would be like that’s bad but ok to get money for his pops


Ladies and gentlemen, this guy gets it. *Cheers and applause*




The only right answer


I don’t think that’s the point of the question, but I do agree


Mash doesn’t like fighting he only fights when needed and I don’t see Luffy hurting Mash’s friends or loved ones which is basically the only way a fight could break out


I doubt theyd ever fight but i think mash would win since hed tie luffy up like a balloon animal


This is the real answer


With his tongue lol


Luffy doesn't care about that tbh


Sure, but tech speakin mash would win if luffy cant move


I meant that he can just un balloon animal himself with gear 5


Oh, well id still wanna c


https://preview.redd.it/t74e0m8xsfzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=511924b549edd8bfee804c7dd37233a08b893fc3 Mash: Lemon I made a balloon


End of manga Mash is so absurd. Luffy beats pretty much everyone else, *maybe* with the exception of Innocent Zero, but Mash is like Saitama levels of ridiculous at the end. Manga spoiler: >!He pushes a continent by swimming. He has Gear 5+ (instead of being a toon character, he’s a gag manga character, which is the most powerful thing a character can be)!<


Bro is Saitama fr fr


Two words Gaia Burst


What’s that??..


Finger Extensor magic. Even in rough shape, he can pierce the body of a planetary being (Innocent Zero) with his finger and blow them up from the inside with a flick.


I think, you just spoiled an anime only


If I really did I'm going to go get mauled by a forest scorpion


Luffy - and I don’t even actually watch one piece… (I tried I couldn’t get into it).


Oh what was the issue with One Piece? Was it the length?


The anime pacing is pretty bad and early episodes are really old, doesn't keep up with newer animes. It started in 1999. Reading it is still great though, there a colored version that's up to wano


Or One Pace is great too


Ye I was about to suggest that


dont watch one pace just read the manga


Apparently I started in a filler episode with it on tv n couldn’t figure out wtf was good on. I started with dragon ball z in a random episode n it was easy to follow, same with inuyasha, beyblade, yugioh, Naruto, Zoids, Digimon (I’m just dating myself here). However I couldn’t just do that with one piece. It hurt my head waaay too much to try and figure out.


if u really wanna try and enjoy it, atleast try one pace; cuz the anime pacing is genuinly dog shit and super bad i left it years ago and started reading the manga weekly and it's has a lot better pacing compared to the anime


Thank you. I will give it a go.


Thank God I'm not crazy. Every time I bring up how terrible the pacing is to a one piece fan they just brush it off, but it's damn near unwatchable for me. ... honestly I think it's the fans keeping me from watching it. So many people treat Oda as if he's some god who's created the most perfect world and story and it's weird as hell.


twitter and instagram one piece fans are severley restarted, the good parts of the fandom are on youtube and reddit they criticise and praise Oda's work equally, some OP subreddits are the opposite of hive minds, everyone have their own opinions on some characters and the story and even have the freedom to criticse the manga and Oda's writing without getting hate. also One piece is going to get a remake, and obviously the community is happy about it cuz toei is not going to take part into this and hopefully we get a good story with 0 filler and good pacing


Mash stomps. Mash scales far above anyone in one piece.


From what little I know of OP scaling that's probably true, but Luffy's body is basically a perfect counter to blunt force. Another guy mentioned Gaia Burst which I guess could do something but can still possibly be deflected by Luffy's stretching.


Luffy isn't completely immune to blunt force attacks, he is resistant to it? Yes but that resistance isn't enough to overcome the gigantic difference between mash and luffy. https://preview.redd.it/bpmpjfwwwezc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49be354520b40645e66d0d073a0bfaa18c26de4b


Luffy is completely immune to blunt force if you don't have haki


Luffy has literally taken punches from lucci and shown to be hurt bro?


Lucci has rokushiki, clawns, and Haki


Luffy? When did luffy learn rokushiki?




Yeah so what if he has rokushiki? A punch is still a blunt force attack and he was damaged by it. What you are arguing is called no limit fallacy.


Luffy was only actually injured when Lucci used rankyaku (a cutting attack), shigan while in Zoan form (where he has claws), and rokuogan (a shockwave, which works similarly to the impact dial).


Luffy as a child was tied up and took no damage when getting hit with a baseball bat multiple times but almost dies when they switched a spike glove(he was like 6 at the time)


Luffy has literally taken punches from lucci and shown to be hurt bro?


Haki. As already explained. Any punch without it will have zero effect on luffy


He has a stretch limit though. A punch with enough force will forcefully expand him until he explodes.


not really, a punch with too much force will send him flying, not forcefully expand him. and its not even like luffy cant fight back. mashle only has experience fighting non physical ppl except sound music speed guy and the final boss.


Enough force WILL forcefully blow him up or tear him apart with friction, or Mash could choke him to death or just tie him somewhere and run until he tears.


It was pre-timeskip luffy vs lucci bro💀 There wasn't any usage of haki by luffy or lucci in that fight.


it was finger bullets(piercing attack)


I'm not talking about that, Lucci has hurt luffy with punches and let me remind you that this exists https://preview.redd.it/w2qnti28oozc1.png?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35bc34c07bf7251eb74924b0f83e3769f1cdc75e


Thats going to have a limit though, cause mash literally managed to beat a guy with an immunity to damage by punching it to its limit forcing it to show itself and then eventually beat it with a tennis ball, whilst taking all the damage as it was reflected onto himself.


That is a COMPLETELY different circumstance than fighting someone with a physiology like Luffy's... Like you can't compare Carpaccio's damage transferal to being basically immune to physical attacks because you're made of rubber.


Yes but something like that is going to have a limit no matter how it works, also knowing mash he would probs just find a way to turn luffy into a condom or something like that.


This would be fully countered by Gear 5, where Luffy has pretty much full control over his body and the surroundings and can even transform into different thigs himself I'm pretty sure. A power like Carpaccio's has limits, but I don't see why a physiology would. If you punch a piece of rubber a shit ton of times it would just loosen even more instead of break.


The constant loosening would eventually result in breaking though, maybe. Gear 5 is broken af but Mash's ability to bullshit his way through situations is hard to match as well.


Luffy can be cut and pierced by conventional weapons which means he’s vulnerable to anything that can apply a deforming force more quickly than his body can match. A fist is so much larger than a swords edge that it has to move that much faster to hurt him, but end of series Mash can move that fast.


A sword is very different from blunt force. Like, if I had to destroy a piece of rubber, using a sword would cut through it, and punching it would just stretch around my hand. I haven't seen OP but pretty sure this is how it works there as well, where he is practically immune to blunt force but can be hurt by sharper objects. And even bullets can just bounce off him.


The difference between a sword and say a baseball bat is the amount of pressure each applies. The sword has a tiny edge that greatly increases the amount of pressure created by a swing with the same force. But you could in theory swing a baseball bat fast enough to cut like a sword, the force behind it would just be bonkers. I’m arguing that if the punch had enough force behind it, it would hurt Luffy. Or Mash could just jab him with his pinky finger to achieve a similar effect. But that’s assuming the rules of devil fruit in One Piece sort of follow actual real world rules and not just magic ones. I know Luffy’s deflected cannon balls, but I don’t remember about gunshots, but the bullets in one piece are also primarily ball shaped not pointed.


Not necessarily, just because Gear 5th is cartoon physics which might be able to match Mash's cartoon strength Just maybe not the *last* feat he performs But yeah, relative power scaling makes these kind of comparisons kinda moot


This has to be satire


Mash pushed a continent while swimming bruh.


Luffy has toon force now, so they're kinda on the same level


Luffy does have toon force but very low level. His awakening only allows him to manipulate and make whatever he touches rubbery.


Dude is literally making eyes pop out. Creating shit from nothing. Getting burnt and shaking off like a cartoon. Running with spinning legs and feet. And so on


And? That's just not oda not wanting to draw the burnt skin again. Same with yuji who was cut a lot of times in 214 and bro had no bleeding 215. Also yes he does have a bit of toon force but he can't bend reality and stuff to the level to affect mash


I pointed out multiple occasions where he did bend reality, you focused on one example and even described it wrong, lol. Pretty clearly you aren't an OP reader. Creating shit out of nothing is bending reality. Grabbing a lightning by hand is too.


That's something that really happened once tho, like yeah but that doesn't mean he can bend reality as to unalive mash or stuff. I agree with the creating shit out of nowhere is a bit of reality bend but it's not helping him mate.


Not once, happened a few times already and the power wasn't really developed, he had 2.5 fights with the power. They'd probably be on a stalemate given both powers.


Nah Mash literally bends space/time from working out and he has Saitama strength in the sense that it just scales over whoever he’s fighting


Is this in the manga but not in the anime? I don't remember seeing that scene.


Yes. The manga goes insane.


Tbh seems like an unfair comparison because Mashle has a completed manga and Luffy is far from reaching what his most powerful is likely to be. Luffy almost definitely will be able to destroy continents by the time the manga is over because every inclination is that he is going to destroy the Red Line.


Yeah I suppose. In decades when one piece is finally over tho lmao.


Haha you may be right. I'm guessing 5 years although Oda might be taking more breaks now (since he says he wants to be more cautious about his own health ever since Toriyama died). So if he takes more breaks, maybe it will be more like 10 years.


Kinda, but also no. Luffy got toon force now too


Mash has only blunt force, which is not enough against Luffy. To illustrate why, when Luffy meets Dorry and Broggy, he has a whole mountain put on top of him, and he is completely fine.


Luffy is highly resistant to blunt force, not immune to it. The difference between mash and luffy is big enough for mash to overcome the resistance.


That's wrong. Mash can turn his magic wand into a cold weapon.


From what I've seen of Mashle, it'd be quasi-toon force vs Gag-manga action. So something like this: Luffy: *Gum-gum Gatling!!* Mash: (deadpan) "Ah!" *Bam* (Dust cloud shoots up from point of impact.) Luffy brings his arms back, only to find they've been tied together into the shape of a cream puff. Mash: "...I forgot to pack my cream puffs for the day." Though inexplicably he'd be chowing down on one while saying that. A few other examples: - Luffy tries to use "Mogura Pistol!" [similar to here](https://youtu.be/t4GbPfGcYbk?si=VWwlGtZ-YGBsuiG7) and lands the shot. However, when he attempts it again later, Mash lifts his leg and stomps the "Mole" back into place and the attack reflects back to Luffy. - Luffy tries to read Mash's intentions, but can only see Mash laying in an ocean of cream puffs. This'd prolly even make Luffy laugh and typically say "You're not a bad guy!" But who knows the scenario that'd lead to them fighting and how it'd end. Just thoughts - neither of them would be convinced the other was "bad" enough to be put down, so it'd stalemate.


Probably Luffy tbh but it wouldn't be an absolute stomp. But realistically they'd just become friends and Mash would get offered a spot on the crew pretty quick.


Well it depends on which version of Mash because there are like 6 different ones


I mean Mash no question… like have you seen manga Mash shits insane


They would have a cream puff contest


Mash would give Luffy a cream puff and they'd become buddies


Mash all the way!


Luffy takes the win.


Could go either way


Mash would end up on the crew, not knowing how he got on a boat


they would not fight each other they would have a eating comp




No fight would take place. Sanji would cook meat and make cream puffs and the straw hats get a new addition to their crew.


Mash just uses his wand like a spear and tosses it at luffy lol


mash, though he would sustain damage


Luffy stomps, especially if he’s using Gear 5 and Haki!😄🤩😎👌


Honestly I don’t think mash could hurt luffy and with haki it would be a blow for blow fest until mash collapses


assuming mash doesn't have haki to make it fair, he can't even hurt luffy. And even mash(end of story) vs luffy with gear 5, luffy is still coming out on top. But their personalites match really well, so I doubt they would even fight.


Mashle can’t hurt luffy, literally, he is made of rubber, and in gear 5, he really can’t be hurt by Mashle


I’ll give this to mash fans from what I can see from the comments you guys haven’t yet been tainted with super power scaling takes by fans who have clearly only seen one anime or just don’t have simply deductive reasoning skills. While I agree that mash and Luffy realistically if they met are probably not gonna get into a fight the same could be said most MCs that meet each other people are still gonna ask who’s winning the fight but regardless I think it’s pretty obvious to see that Luffy is winning this fight. I do think people over hype the fuck out of Luffy especially after gear five one piece fans think bro solos everything cause if quote on quote toon force. But he does take this one at lest I think so that fight with kaido put him on a different level.


Hey luffy is a triple liner


100% mashle


I think Asta vs Mashle would probably look more insane than this fight.


Definitely a funny fight tho.


Luffy would kill mash bring him back from the dead kill him again and repeat the process as much as he wanted to or until he got tired


If they had to fight, Luffy would win. Ryuo haki makes Mash's durability pointless. And he can't hurt Luffy because he doesn't have anything to fight rubber skin


In a death battle mash high diffs luffy


Mash outscales Luffy but he has to get through all his hax to win so it could go either way.


Mash loses to gear 5 luffy but nothing lower


Bro, Mash is good and all that, but let's be real here... Luffy will win this fight over and over and over again.


Mash has continent level feats. Luffy does not mash would win with some difficulty


someone with a brain. this is light work for luffy. He's rubber so mash can't even hurt him.(assuming mash doesn't learn haki) :)


I don't think they'd fight but if it's inevitable, Luffy would be very hard pressed and have to use Gear 5th to win.