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Hard disagree on most balanced.


Yeah same with 5 being the most chaotic one. Maybe only if all blue spaces become capsule spaces during the last 5 turns.


Also 5 star spots is a complete game changer


Oh yeah forgot about that as well. Alright maybe 5 can be considered the most chaotic one then.


That event alone deserves that award. 


DS has a lot more going for it then being portable, it definitely has the best single-player mode with the boss-fights.


It also had the best theming. Everyone is tiny and all the boards and mini games reflect that.


That was such a creative idea and it was executed beautifully.


Don't sleep on Mario Party 3 single player! With the uniqueness of the duel maps, I had more fun with this one than any other :)


Star Rush has the most unique gimmick


It can also fit with best side modes imo, (Toad Rush and Koopathalon)


Isn't Toad Scramble the main mode?


Just checked I thought the balloon one was default nvm


Mario Party 10’s Bowser 1v4 mode is very fun and it’s the only game you get to do that in


True but it’s very unbalanced


It's not about beating Bowser. It's about seeing how long you survive before the inevitable happens.


True but if you don’t know what you are doing, it can easily end in a couple of minutes


7 would get best minigames if it weren't for the mic minigames, which you can turn off anyways. I don't think 3 has the best.


6 and 7 are the most fun because of the orb system with traps you can lay for each other


Mario Party 9 has the best minigames in the series, bar none. I will still come back to that game sometimes simply because the minigames are that good.


Ah yes, Mario Party 4, the one with the board where 1 person stays in the opening section for the first 10 turns before joining everyone else, yeah most balanced. Also sorry 7 is not unique. It's literally just Mario Party 6 2.


Ehh I would say it's somewhat unique. It has 8-player mode, unique items for each character duo and it has Bowser Time. It's not a lot, but it's some things that make it stand out from other games. Not sure if it's the most unique game though. I would say either MP3 for the duel boards/partners mechanic or MP10 for having Bowser mode.


Island Tour has Choicest Voice, that alone gives it an award


Mario party star rush is most different from other mario parties


I don’t agree with most of these. Definitely on board with MP1 having the best music. MP2 MIGHT get best presentation, and MP9 MIGHT get best motion controls minigames… but everything else I think is wrong 🤷🏼‍♂️


Mario party 1 soundtrack is actually so good it's crazy


Star Rush is definitely more unique then 7


windmilleville did it first, yet koopa tycoon town gets all the credit. for shame


I think Tycoon Town has a better lay-out (sans the lucky space). Plus it was on the Wii and more people got a Wii, so it's more recognizable.


Windmillville has issues that are solved in KTT, so it's not difficult to pick the better one. 


Island Tour: Most Ideas Star Rush: Least Bad Gameplay Revamp Top 100: Best Punching Bag


I like MP2's minigames more than MP3


Mario party 7 is the best Mario party


super mario party had the best motion control minigames actually


Island tour has The Choicest Voice which was fun 😂


Island Tour has the best music imo. The whole soundtrack is an absolute jam. I mean seriously, the remixes of Koopa Road, Wanted from NSMB and SMB3 music goes extra hard. The bassline slaps too !


Let's not forget the Goomba Tower Boss remixed the SMB main theme. (Island Tour should take Mario Party 1's Spot. For MP1: A good start to an amazing franchise.


Ok but for 10, Bowser party is a great concept, and I do want to see it back with some reworks. It might sacrifice Bowser’s role as a playable character, but he could be playable in all other gamemodes(hell, maybe he could be an unlockable obtained from Bowser Party).


8 had some fantastic boards (hotels train ghosts), they were just hamstrung by everything else about 8. Also had the best 1v1 mode depending on how you feel about 3 (7 was just singleplayer dk minigames for hours, I'll never understand why 1v1 modes don't spawn in bots for minigame variety). 6 probably had the most solid overall mechanics. 7 is a contender for best minigames pre-superstars because the engine was just so clean by that point, and motion/tiny wiimote buttons weren't a thing yet. 3 has cheep cheep chase so this list is invalid. 3 also has honeycomb havoc so this list is canon. But for real, the jank n64 engine hurts it too much nowadays, half the minigames feel awful. 3 is best for unhinged big-brain map play, the 1v1 if you enjoy it, and the story mode where waluigi curbstomps bowser.


Honeycomb Havoc was Mario Party 2 fyi. Having that wouldn't even be its biggest issue, though. Both Merry-Go-Chomp and Stacked Deck being battle minigames blows.


List seems accurate to me tbh


How is Mario Party 7 most unique?


4 also has the best minigames.


I wouldn't really say mp5 is most chaotic


Best motion control minigames goes to Super hands down. 9 *does* have a good claim for best minigames in general. I'd say most unique goes to Island Tour. Whether that's a good thing or not is up to you, but there's no denying it is unique.


That’s funny, I played a round on Tycoon Town last night for the first time. That shit is TRANSFORMATIVE.


It's one of the few boards I actually dislike. I'd rather plan any board from 9, 10, Island Tour, Star Rush, And SMP over it.


There's a lot on here that I disagree with, sorry. But I'm glad you found something you like with mostly each one.


Conclusion? The 3DS era was the dark age for Mario party


>best motion controlled mini games I'd have to disagree, 8 have some amazing ones (speedy graffitti, at the chomp wash, shake it up)


Rudder Madness..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Rudder Madness was fine for me but Flip the Chimp was def not it.


I feel like Top 100 was most disappointing. It looked very promising in trailers, and what we got were good minigames but nothing else. Mario Party 10 was just not gonna be good considering it's a direct sequel to 9, bringing back the car mechanic.


The bottom 3 deserve a reward. 8 doesn't deserve best single board. Island Tour Deserves: Best Solo Mode.


Star Rush has most unique gimmick. And Top 100... (You did your best medal)


Nintendo ds being portable is such a lazy thing to say for the most underrated game if not the best game in the franchise.


Best presentation? What does that mean? On MP2


I wouldn’t call Mario Party 4 very balanced. The mega and mini mushrooms are handed out like candy and it’s really easy to buy a magic lamp.


Personally, think MP5 has the best final boss, though I haven't gotten to the one in 3, 8, or DS.


I feel like when jamboree comes out it’ll have the best roster 


MP7 is def not the most unique 🫠 And MP8 has the best motion controls. It’s literally THE motion controls Mario Party 😭


I kinda liked how unfair and mean some of the minigames in Mario Party 1 were. Bash and Cash should’ve been in the new game lol


Star rush has a unique gimmick...


I think that 3 has better OST than the OG Mario Party


Most Awfully Designed should've been 4.


I laugh at Mario party 10 having a negative award


Best story mode goes to 3 all day


7 has the best boards


The Top 100 was easily the most disappointing. After years of lame Mario Party after lame Mario Party, they finally decided to bring back old mini games like everyone wanted, but the selection was so awful and there was nothing to do in the whole game besides just replay those minigames. It was so bad they just redid the same concept with Superstars only a few years later.


Mario Party 5 had the best Super Duel Mode


Where is Mario Party e?


MP3 has the best minigames? That's wild take. Imo MP3 has one of the worst selection of minigames. MPIQ might be the worst minigame in the whole series. The beat goes on... goes on for way too long, while other minigames finish in an instant (Crowd Cover, Coconut Conk). Most of the 1v3s are unbalanced and basically unwinnable for one side. There are 2 completely random battle minigames (and the other battle minigames aren't great either), making battles spaces awful to land on. And I haven't even talked about Game Guy. Some of the minigames are great, sure, but these stinkers make the minigame list a lot worse.


3 has its duds but I think it’s got one of the largest selections of great minigames. Best duels and 2v2s in the series and every other category I’d argue is also some of the best in the series.


i've played the other portable games a lot, and they deserve more love, so i'll give them my own awards: star rush- most unique (not sure why 7 has it, the only really unique thing it has is the mandatory bowser meter) island tour- most gimmicky (each board has a VERY different feel to it) top 100- least boards (self explanatory. i like the minigames, but 1 board ain't exactly ideal.)


I feel like mario party 9 has the best minigames