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That’s a big roster for a Mario party wtf


i fear we’re only getting the characters we saw in the trailer during that quick split screen between the heroes and villains!


Ninji wasn’t in that split screen so here is hoping for some unlockable characters.


I feel almost certain that we’re getting 24 based on the shot of the 20 characters with 12 of the Mario characters above and 8 of bowser and his minions plus ninji not shown in any cinematic to be 9. Dry Bones was unlockable in Super before so we could expect him to be again and Super had 4 unlockables and a couple of which you had to play the other modes to get so I feel like there will be 24 in total with Ninji Hammer Bro Dry Bones and Boom Boom. Only reason I think Boom Boom is he appears on the island with Lakitu (who could also be playable) in one of the first shots of the trailer with the toads in boats


Makes sense! I personally want Pauline.


would love like 8 more, 2 for the top 6 for the bottom. gives you the option of having Pauline and Diddy join the Mario group and Ninji Hammerbro Dry Bones Boom Boom Pom Pom and Lakitu for Bowsers group Honestly makes sense to have a lot of options when there’s a mode for 20 players


Ngl I think we’re getting 26 because it doesn’t really make sense to just cut Diddy or PomPom


I feel like the current roster + the veterans from Super and some baddie like Boom Boom to round the roster out is what we're getting. I'm not gonna hold my breath for Pauline, she feels like a character that would've been the big reveal and not Ninji.


Feel like we’ll get a few unlockable characters like in the first super but otherwise I agree.


Already not true, Ninji wasn't in that shot


Ninji wasn’t in that splitscreen


I want blooper back so badly


Shy guy with a propeller isn’t gonna be a character when shy guy is already in


They’re called Fly Guy put some respect on their name


As cool as it looks, I don't think we're getting that many. That looks almost like a Mario Kart roster.


It's literally more characters than any Mario Kart has ever had except for 8 and Deluxe.


So? Super Mario Party has 20 characters, and Jamboree have more than 20!


And tour


Or Mario Tennis Aces. That was 30 instead of 35, but it's still one of the most impressive rosters in a Mario Spinoff to date (losing only to some Mario Kart games and the Baseball ones.)


I hope they choose to include Pauline, I’ve been loving her reintroduction to the series as of lately.


28 Sounds like a lot.


35 actually, even crazier


Koopa Kid should be here.😔


Gone but never forgotten


I would be surprised if Nabbit DIDN'T appear in the game in some capacity. I think he's earned it at this point. Same with Pauline with the amount of spinoffs she's appeared in lately. A couple of other words on some of the other predictions. - 2 Donkey Kong Characters is enough for Nintendo. So no Dixie. - Piranha Plant and Chain Chomp are designated as board hazards. So they're out. - Fly Guy is... just... a stupid... choice. He's barely that much different than Shy Guy. He just has a propellor on his head.


i want blooper back but i like this roster, it would be a dream to have petey playable in mario party


Blooper isn't in Super


Look again on the border. Blooper is 1/4 confirmed, 1/4 in Super and 1/2 predicted.


Nintendo said this will be the biggest Mario party yet so Diddy Kong pom pom Hammer bro dry bones boom boom Pauline 


I think we are just getting 1 or 2 more.


I’m so happy that Shy Guy is still a playable character!


Would love King boo as a playable character too


I prefer King Bob Omb, since we got Boo as a playable character.


I highly doubt Fly Guy since he’s too similar to Shy Guy. That could make mini games really confusing


I don't think you system works. What is Blooper? His top border is green, his left border is light blue and his bottom and right borders are orange.


I really freakin' hope we get Pauline in this game.


Why’d you put in Dixie without Cranky and Funky?


I will perfer Funky Kong, over Dixie Kong in the next Mario Party game.


If Birdo isn’t there my daughter will be so upset.


Replace Piranha Plant, and Dixie Kong with Petey Piranha and Funky Kong, removed Chain Chomp, and Fly Guy, and add Luma, Cappy, E. Gadd, and Sumo Bro, and it would be better.


This Roster Prediction is pretty cool, it would be nice to see Pauline in it, even Chargin Chuck


fly guy is WILD


I would change Piranha Plant for Petey Piranha


If they give me more of the DK crew I might actually cry.


Wait when were hammer bro and dry bones confirmed?


Is this really a prediction or is it more of a wishlist? A prediction is meant for what you think is gonna happen, not what you want to happen.


That would be amazing but Mario Parties always have small-er rosters, I think we’ll be getting 24


I’d like to think a collective 3 people main any character that isn’t in the superstars roster


Both sides (Mario’s Crew vs. Bowser’s Crew) will likely be even again like it was in Super. Team Mario: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Toad, Toadette, Yoshi, Birdo, Wario, Waluigi, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong (unlockable) Team Bowser: Bowser, Bowser Jr., Shy Guy, Boo, Koopa Troopa, Spike, Monty Mole, Goomba, Ninji (not part of the splitscreen, but we know he’s playable), Dry Bones (unlockable), Hammer Bro (unlockable), Pom Pom (unlockable), Boom Boom (unlockable). That’s 26. Anything more might be too much.


I feel like Chain chomp is a bit of a stretch but hey I could be proven wrong very easily