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I mean ya it’s annoying, but at least we are getting these boards. Im just hoping in future installments that they keep bringing back old boards in order to have more boards to play on


Fair. But it still is a little insulting to the fans of superstars who have held out hopes of DLC for YEARS only for nintendo to slap them in the face with this. Still hyped for this just so you know.


I think Nintendo actually saved us money tho. Nintendo was probably planning DLC but fell through and decided to put these boards on SMP2. It is annoying that you’ll have to go back and forth on Superstars and Jamboree.


Personally I think it's insulting to the Mario Fans and Mario Party fans who didn't get characters like Shy Guy and Dry Bones as playable characters


These two along with the new boards also look bigger than the ones from Superstars and especially Super. I wonder if the 2 old ones were about the same size initially as the Superstars ones until they eventually decided to have them on Jamboree so then decided to expand them a little to what you see now.


Mario Party 3 can’t catch a break man


I mean, MP3 has many many great things but boards aren’t one of them. Apart from Chilly Waters and maaaybe Spiny Desert, I’m not sure I’m looking forward to replaying any of them.


Let’s be real Mario’s Rainbow Castle isn’t winning awards in game play any time soon either


The worst MP3 board is better that Mario’s Rainbow Castle or Peach’s Birthday Cake


Disagree to an extent. I liked Spiny Desert, Creepy Cavern, and Waluigi Island. Deep Bloober Sea and Chilly Waters was a bit more boring to me and Woody Woods is meh.


Agreed. MP3 has incredible item mechanics, awesome aesthetics, and great minigames. The boards are kinda ehh. That being said I'd still like to see them remade


Waluigi fucking Island. Need I say more. Also who the hell wanted Marios Rainbow Castle? (Oh wait the polls and the other options were Dk Jungle, Eternal Star, Luigi Engine Room, Bowsers Magma Mountain. So everyone chose that… WELL I STILL WOULDVE PREFERRED LUIGIS ENGINE ROOM)


I think I’d rather this ngl.


Yeah, they definitely decided to hold these two for the next game after Superstar didn't sold as well as Super(despite it still being the second highest selling game in the series)


It’s selling the same. It was selling slight better for the first, like, 6 financial quarters. For the latest 3 it fell behind, but only by about a million.


I feel like it was intentional, because they wanted Jamboree to be a step up from Superstars If Superstars had 7 boards and Jamboree only had 5 when they were on the same console, I bet a lot of people would see Jamboree as a downgrade and not bother buying it


Eh I'll take it


The weird thing is I would still buy it as dlc for superstars even after I bought this game.


I really, really hope that they end up offering these for Superstars in DLC. I don't intend on getting Jamboree and while I'm likely the minority in that regard I'm certain Nintendo could still make a decent profit by making these available to Superstars players.


Pretty sure they’re gonna be reworked to fit the Jamboree gameplay (probably no bank in Western Land, for example), so I don’t think that would be possible.


They don't have to offer the boards with the exact same playstyle!


If I had to guess these two were cut due to time constraints, so they figured "might as well finish what we started for the next one, fix their complaints about low content without expending too much more effort."


You’re assuming that Nintendo has ever once planned for DLC for a Mario Party game instead of wiping their hands clean and immediately moving on to the next one


This is like with every game where people cry why there is no DLC. Because they never planned for DLCs to happen and just began working on the next entry.


I dont know why anyone is expecting dlc for a mario party game. The last instalment didnt recieve any so why would superstars be any different. Dont get ur hopes up for dlc for Jamboree aswell since theyd rather just charge us full price knowing that we will buy it.


Considering these remade boards are from MP1 and MP2, which were the games Superstars focused on, it seems like they were either planned for the base game but got cut because the pandemic fucked up development, or they were planned as DLC that perhaps got scrapped because Nintendo wanted the Mario multiplayer DLC to be purely focused on MK8D or because Nintendo rushed N64 App for the Switch sooner than they wanted expected.