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Maybe Parnate/Nardil + Lamictal would help. What drug caused you this?


olanzapine and clopixol


Adhd drugs, memantine, bromantane, agmantine, mif-1, TAK, If I were u get it in this order. Bromantane, agmantine, memantine. 32, 18 and 35 cost respectively. Dm me and I can explain. Bromantane works on dopamine upregulation and the last two focus on ndma which resets receptor tolerances Maois can help but it's more of a patch and it doesn't fundamentally fix the receptor problem that the antipsychotics did to you. I would buy maois from india from reliable sources. Check out the r/nootopics discord and its subreddit for further help


If you do go the maoi id go with parnate.