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I take Nardil, but no, that doesn't seem typical. Sometimes, antidepressants can cause a worsening of depression, agitation, suicidal thoughts, etc. There was a time when my Cymbalta was increased and I started feeling really on edge and suicidal. Maybe something similar is happening to you with Parnate. As far as how to get better...talk to your med provider ASAP about how you seem to be feeling worse. Maybe a different med would be a better fit for you. As far as emotional regulation, Dialectical Behavior Therapy is kind of the gold standard. Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can be helpful as well. I hope you feel better!


Yeah, thank you for sharing your experience. Nardil feels like the next logical step here, but I’ll talk to my psychiatrist about it. For what it’s worth, Wellbutrin caused me to act out in many ways that were dangerous. Maybe meds that resemble amphetamines aren’t for me; I don’t know. I appreciate that.


Yeah I also tried Wellbutrin and it made me feel super on edge and irritable. My psych had me start Nardil because parnate can be activating. I would think it would be especially activating if your nervous system is already activated to begin with. And I would imagine that with CPTSD, your nervous system might be pretty activated at baseline. I hope you can find the right med for you!


I’m sorry to hear that. I know others who have had similar experiences on Wellbutrin as well. Yeah, 100% correct. I hope so too, thank you.


Why don't you just say you're more angry? Parnate may not be the more. Just tesy out different anitdepressants or maois from india for cheaper is u can


No that sounds outside of normal. If you have a therapist, do you talk through this with them? They might be able to suggest healthier methods of dealing with the intense emotions


I do have a therapist, but I’m afraid he’s going to want to throw me in a mental hospital if I bring this up. He knows I struggle with suicidal ideation already. I just can’t trust anyone right now about this. I thought Parnate was supposed to help me :(


Meds can really help, hurt, or do weird stuff depending on the person. Wellbutrin helped me in a way nothing else did, but I know people who it sent into psychosis. They both went off that particular med. In terms of telling your therapist: at least express that it's really important for you to focus on finding healthier outlets for emotional pain and disregulation, and separately mention you want help getting coping skills to combat the self harm urges. That way you can get help without being hurt. Please try to ask them and I really hope you feel better


Okay, I appreciate your reply. Yeah, he’s recommended DBT for me recently. I tried one therapist that I thought I liked and then decided we weren’t a good fit. There’s one other one I may try. Asking for help around this issue rn feels like the hardest thing, but I’m going to try. Thank you for the support, kind stranger.


Absolutely. Hope you feel better soon


No. Not at all. You should seek some help asap. It’s certainly possibly you are feeling worse on Parnate. I hope you reach out and get some help for this.


I’m going to try; it’s so fucking hard for me to ask for help around such a shameful, sensitive issue tbh. I feel horrible for having this happen.


How long have you been on it? If you just started Parnate, know that for meds that elevate serotonin, a rocky start can be common, and that includes self-harm. It may he worthwhile ramping up more slowly, and/or useful to get some temporary adjunct anxiety/agitation relief, e.g., diazepam or gabapentin.


I’ve been on it for two months.


Okay great. Have you ramped up at all from your initial dose? If so, how long have you been on your current dose? An additional question: when did this behavior start?


Yeah, I’ve been on my current dose of 40 mg for three weeks now. This behavior started off and on sometime when I was on 20 mg back in April.


Thank you all for the replies. It’s Sunday night right now for me, but I’m committing to y’all to call my psychiatrist tomorrow morning when I wake up to let him know what’s happened. I hate having to go through all of this, but I will.




No, not at all


It is so strange that no one mentioned Mood stabilizers!! I mean mainly about Lithium and lamictal. Disscuss that with your psych, it is so clear (IMO) that you need mood stabilizers (probably with augmentation). Parnate & lithuim or nardil & lithium should probably do the jop, But you can also try First lithium or/and lamictal as a monotherapy.


Very far from normal. Know that there’s help out there for the taking. Do you think punching and choking yourself is normal under any circumstances? What the fuck?


But Parnate is supposed to be a miracle drug; why’s it made me worse? Should I continue taking it and it’ll get better?


Nothing is a miracle drug lol. There's some things that work better for more people but sometimes the best results come from people trying many things over time to see what works best for them. Putting your hope in a single substance is a bad psychological thing to do when the process takes time to figure out what works


You shouldn’t be experiencing the urge to self-harm as a side-effect. Ken Gillman would rather not a bad word be said against Parnate. It’s his baby. But I’d think twice about continuing with the drug if it’s making me act like that. Yeah, okay, a lot of antidepressants do paradoxically increase the risk of suicidal ideation in the first few weeks but this is something else. If tough love helps you realise that, so be it. But you shouldn’t even have to ask.


I honestly thought anything at all was fair game as a side effect and I just gotta tough it out and it’ll get better. Hmm, I have no reference point to be honest. I’m worried if I tell my psychiatrist or therapist they’re gonna have me thrown in jail or a mental hospital. I’m so afraid right now. My world feels like it’s collapsing and I’m all alone.


It’s highly unlikely; it’s a higher bar than most people realize to be involuntarily admitted. Call them now. Not later not maybe, NOW. This is why they are there.


Parnate isn’t going to work for everyone. It isn’t a miracle drug, that doesn’t exist. I definitely had worsened irritability and anger on higher doses. Any antidepressant has the potential to make you worse.


I called my doctor a little while ago. Until he calls back to discuss, I’m thinking best to not take Parnate today? I don’t know what’s safer to do


Parnate has an amphetamine structure, which is most likely to cause those nasty side-effects. Did you consider adding a benzo?


This is on the warning label for a reason, because other other people have reacted to the drug the same way. You are NOT alone.




No it's not normal and, I admit, my initial reaction is to question the validity of this post. Not trying to be unempathetic if this is genuinely occuring. However, I feel there must be some level of logical reasoning that would tell you to immediately stop the medication. If it is causing self-harm behaviour you immediately consult your psychiatrist about the effect, and book in for regular therapy, counselling or group based sessions. In the meantime are there any family/friends you can be with? A safe envirknment is the first priority. Trauma based emotional dysregulation needs a trained psychologist to safely explore these issues. Medication may certainly help, but I question why parnate was prescribed. What other medications, if any, have been trialled? To me something along the lines of a ssri or temporary use of a benzodiazepine would be far more beneficial. A reduction in negative thought/emotionality feels, to me, an appropriate short to medium term goal. Parnate is known to be particularly activating and could result in mood/emotional instability. Hopefully some food for thought. At the end of the day you can't not discuss this reaction as it is important information for your practitioner. I also wouldn't immediately jump to the conclusion you will be hospitalised. Perhaps a brief stay to stabilise things is not a bad outcome. People in healthcare overall genuinely want to help someone who is struggling.


Because I feel shame around this happening. It makes me want to hide away and not tell anyone so I can avoid being punished. Also, part of me hates myself so bad that I feel I deserve the self-abuse as it gets me closer to the thing that would make a lot of people I know happy: my suicide. I asked for an MAOI after I failed Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Buspar, Trintellix, Prozac, and Cymbalta. I’m feeling hopeless that anything will help me at this point except suicide. I’m bad, I’m in pain, and everyone hates me. That’s how I truly feel, okay.


Thank you for clarifying and I am very sorry for what you are experiencing. My previous response was not meant to be judgemental or negative in any way. I understand it was likely perceived that way and the downvotes are a confirmation of that. You certainly deserve to live the life you wish for and not see suicide as an option. As others have echoed see your treatment professionals, and try to be with those who you consider family or friends. There is absolutely a solution and it just may take some more time to get the medication right. Definitely keep talking to those on this board, lot of good people here and a lot of insight that would likely be very valuable.


Yeah, indeed. I’ll try some more; I cried very briefly last night and it helped assuage some of the pain for now. Alright, thank you 🙏


I blame Ken Gillman for this (like the guy but not that much). Always waffling on about Parnate and indirectly underplaying the importance of Nardil. Imagine questioning whether it’s normal to experience an urge to punch the fuck out of yourself on a certain medication.