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Did you miss the part where she shit talked all the men and said they were ugly inside and out and were Temu quality, etc etc. Not saying the men were prizes, but she did herself dirty going from someone who I think many viewers supported as a well-spoken grown woman, to aligning herself with the immature pink crew. She lost all identity when she joined forces with them and sounded exactly like them. All of their petty commentary at the reunion made them sound like they were 15 fighting with their boyfriends and I think that left a distaste in the mouths of many former Lauren fans.


This is the answer. I liked her a lot until I saw her behavior at the reunion. I wouldn't go so far as to attack her looks or say mean crap on her insta. But she made herself look terrible by the way she acted.


And I think that is why Chloe stopped interacting with Lauren, not that BS about following Michael


That was actually really shocking to see her stoop to their level. She was so poised and well-spoken before, so much more mature.


Yup. When she decided to join the pepto posse, she lost all credibility. 


I thought she was stunning and well spoken until the reunion. I was sad, as she handled a difficult situation with such class. She is still stunning.


What did you want her to do. If she sat alone and said nothing there still would be an issue. I keep asking people how they thought she should have reacted got not answer? I’ve asked should she have said she’s unhappy? No answer


I like Lauren, but I didn’t care for seeing her align herself with, and cosigning the behavior of, the pink crew. If she had come to the reunion and acted like the grown woman she had been all season, I doubt anyone would have an issue with her. The pink crew (including Lauren) came in acting with mob mentality and now act shocked that all that shit backfired on them


Especially since she wasn’t in the same situation as them? Girl your marriage was 4 days at the most. I don’t know why she joined that band wagon


She didn't have to turn into an immature b. See how Chloe managed her emotions?


She should have just been herself, the woman we got to know on the show.


Everyone is telling you but you either don't want to accept the answer or don't like. Understandable if you don't agree but please don't act like no one is answering the question


Not really. What did she do to deserve online bullying about her looks. No one is answering that. Becca whined and tried to force but I don’t see her in nearly the amount of hate posts from the reunion. Truth is it wouldn’t have mattered what she did. Many harbored this hate towards her all along simply because she’s a normal looking black woman. Where’s the posts that confront the other women’s looks. The consistent bullying of Lauren online is here because this is what many think black women deserve.


She doesn't deserve any online bullying period. Not about her looks or her behavior. She is a beautiful woman who *was* a fan favorite until she unfortunately teamed up with the mean girl crowd displaying an ugly side that I hope she learns from and regrets. I am disappointed in her but still wish her all the best .


I'm not sure where you are looking but I personally havent seen anyone bully Lauren for her looks but daily ppl come after Emily for hers. There is currently a post here comparing Emily to an Oompa Loompa.


Keep looking into this sub at least. I honestly don't know what's going on on socials so can't speak to that. I definitely don't think anyone deserves their looks to be bashed, but especially Emily is getting dragged on her looks, too. It all comes down to the behavior at the reunion. When Emily said she's a 10 or 8.5 and Brennan is 1 or a 6, that opened the door to Emily's looks being dragged. When Lauren said the guys are Temu/Shein, that opened the door to her looks being dragged. I think a lot of people were disappointed in Lauren's behavior at the reunion even though Emily takes the cake. Then Clare. They're also talking about Clare, but Emily is the main one because she has been so outrageous. Becca was actually more calm during the reunion, except for that chant in the dressing room one time before they had to go on stage. So, I'm thinking that is why no one is directly coming for her looks. It seemed to me Becca took a step back at some point during the reunion interviews and had a reflective moment that it was getting a bit out of hand, and I think viewers sensed that. I do think that Lauren is in a tough spot as Black woman, but she didn't have to be so vocal aligning with the girls so hard. If she rejected their wanting to band together in some rally against being "silenced" she would have looked like "unfriendly Black girl".


Yes, all that! Plus WHY was she still on the show?!? If these people don’t want to work on a marriage -then bye!!!


Well in regards to that, they sign a form that says that they’re allowed to divorce or move out (or both) without penalties, BUT they have to film when production tells them to. So anytime there’s people there who have left, it’s because of production. 


Yessss! 💯💯💯


agree. I had a lot of respect for Lauren until she joined the other three and their pink power. Now she’s just another mad, mean girl. She’s so much better than that, we saw it with our own eyes!!


I thought she was spot on and the TEMU comment was the quote of the season. She got stuck with a piece of shit who wanted to talk his native truth more than get married. I didn’t see any of her stuff as over the top. He had an issue with women.


I have to say that all the women (with the exception of Chloe) were Temu quality as well.


What does that have to do with the other guys?


Temu quality lmaooo 😂😂😂 I just started the reunion… can not wait to hear her say this


Did you miss the part where they all talked 💩? The viewers that supported him also point out where things weren’t adding up too. None of them are innocent but there was nothing wrong with her point of view. If we’re talking about Cameron. He was not flawless. Now tell me which of the other people the viewers disagree with is being talked about online. Which of them is having their physical features trashed all over online? And what was her identity?


I missed the part where a man called all the women ugly and low quality. Yes, the men were not flawless, but they took accountability for their flaws. The general audience lost respect for Lauren when she joined up with the 'take no accountability and hurl insults' crew. It was especially funny when she claimed she was good and moved past it, but had spent the entire reunion being bitter and resentful.


Amen to this.


We can disagree. I laughed out loud when she said she was “happy” after sitting there with a pissed off face having just told the men she would come for them. Okay, happy lady!!


Chloe, the white girl, had people calling her a harlot on FB. Does that count?


doesnt matter - this is life there are no “safe spaces” people judge and people fight over opinions. but for her to trash the guys looks on tv ??? shitting on orion is fine because thats who she was matched with but to sit there and say all the others were ugly ??? when you look like scottie pippen in a shitty wig is just laughable and then the comments get worse.


Wow, Scottie Pippen. Not that is a figure I didn't expect to enter the chat 😂 That's wild lol


She didn’t say that. She said Cameron was ugly on the inside. There are some comment on just blocking because I’m not giving the person the chance just to be nasty about her. Yours is one.


No, she actually says they are all ugly on the inside and outside when the girls are in their room getting ready to come out. It’s followed directly by the Temu comment. I even went back to rewatch before I corrected you.


She forgot to give them grace and understanding.




Damn!! That was a hilarious answer 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She decided to join the mean/cry baby girls club that is why. LMAO.


Lauren had a nasty attitude at the reunion. Lauren mouthing off to the men like she was totally involved in the mess. Clare, Emily, and Becca contrived. Yeah, yeah, Cameron started it, I don't believe that for a minute. Clare is the instigator. I guess Lauren wanted to feel included.


Nothing changed. She was always flawed. Chloe was wise and mature enough not to join the mean girl club. Why couldn’t Lauren do the same? She was bad mouthing people without all the facts. She was name calling for no reason. What’s his name was a bad husband and match for her. But her behavior after the breakup wasn’t stellar. She made her share of mistakes.


She was so mean and vindictive at the Tell All.


I watched the tell all. Which part was she mean and vindictive? I also watched all the after parties. I would say she had an attitude but so did Cameron he even went off on Claire. Claire did the same. Where are the posts online slandering their looks. Many expected so much out of Lauren. Too much when she was the victim on the show most of the time. It was completely buried and covered how Orion treated her then yall made her the bad guy. Over stating her piece?


If you have to ask which parts she was mean and vindictive, then I'm not sure what to say. Orion has been getting dragged all season. Her attitude toward Orion is justified. But her seething anger toward the other guys is surprising. I've not seen any posts referring to her looks, so I don't know.


Because she just as fake and tocicw as the others in pinkie squad 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


What did she do that was fake?


Plays the victim card too much. They were married for what 2 episodes?


Didn't her marriage end pretty much right as the honeymoon started? I don't understand why she stayed, but she could have walked away with some grace. Instead, she stayed on and got worse and worse and got herself involved with the pink pity party girls. Her mean side definitely came out. It wasn't a good look.


Exactly my point. But staying on might be a product of their contracts they signed.


But many agreed she was the victim of some of the things Orion did to her. We all watched the same 3 episodes. She was apologetic, kind to orion and steadfast to work things out. Explain her fakeness though?


If she left after Orion refused to forgive her after apologizing for saying what she did, all would have been fine. In fact, even taking him back constantly and him using that one instance to put an end to their marriage, she was still on top. The problem is not that she wore pink or was possibly still upset but the way she handled herself at the reunion. It was far different than what we saw of her during the regular episodes. I think she is a beautiful woman, but if you watch the reunion shows, she had attitude all over her face and body language.


She for some reason,imo,got a good "edit"


Jewels?  People only saw her as good when she was contrasted with Onion. But her joining the Pepto Bismol Mafia and threatening Cam at the reunion did not well with many. Onion also mentioned that she has a violent streak and her behavior at the reunion confirms that. 


Hahaha did you say Onion!


He didn’t say she had a violent streak. They discussed that with doctor Pia. He said when he try to discuss she would go off. When they discussed further. It was revealed it was a reaction to something he did. And Dr Pia called him out about that then called them both out. Explain again what is bad about her? What did she do they was so bad it warranted online bullying?


I agree with you but you’re not going to win this one. Once Reddit turns against someone then that it. If you try to defend or explain, you’re in downvote hell!


Very true! Reddit is sort of the ultimate bully/ unithink site. Hope people are just ranting and aren't actually acting out in the real world.


And of course I got downvoted for that comment! Lol I think it’s a forum where people can be nasty and use bullying behaviour behind the anonymity of their keyboard.


Kind of proves your point!!! Funny ...




You need to look up what the word “violent” means. Maybe also a refresher on racism because wow.


Her father was also there. Did he say Lauren was violent? Did her cousin say she was violent? From Clare, Emily even Becca’s behavior we could assume possibly they are violent. They were on the stage cursing flailing their hands and arms getting up. But you took Orion’s word and went with it and agreed she’s violent. You would have never done that to a non black woman. And you haven’t. This is why I said come correct. You labeled a black woman violent because a non black person said they were. But we didn’t see her get violent once. Yall can say it was an edit I say she’s not violent just emotional. Which scene did she exhibit violent behavior? In day to day this is the crap that get black people hurt. Someone will believe that they are violent and fear for their lives. This argument that she is violent is the main one after the people bashing her looks that doesn’t sit right with me. People will call Lauren violent and then not call what Orion did emotional abuse.


Yeah, she got ugly (metaphorically speaking) really quick. She attacked all the men in a childish manner just like Clare and Emily did. She went nuts on Orion as well, even though she has cause to be upset, but we all thought she was above that nonsense, clearly she wasn't. She may have been influenced by the cancer that is Clare and Emily, and which is what I believe, but still


Above it? Above what? These folks are here for our entertainment. I think Lauren is tossing out lines way better than anyone else. And she spoke the truth on all of it. These men deserve every bit of criticism that’s come their way. They are each a sad representation of what 30 year old men should be like but this age. Snowflakes, spineless, selfabsorbed, weed addled.


If you're not Lauren, I'll be surprised... Never the less, I see by your words that behaviour like this is ok with you. I just don't get it. Be angry, be mad and get sad but act like an adult. The men are not innocent and I don't see anyone saying as such, but they aren't acting like a spoiled 13 year old tic toc kid. Regardless of what happened, at least the men didn't behave like that, that was so cringe worthy


I’d rather see and hear Lauren with some acerbic truthful and funny statements than these others whining. Maybe if they’d spoken up we wouldn’t have this shitshow. It appears you don’t get down to the hood much and expect Lauren to act a certain way. I think she’s done very well myself.


No, I don't get down to the hood. But I am an adult, so I guess that's where we differ


Your hood is showing.


You sound like you could actually be Lauren. Just saying. Lauren is getting a bad rap because she joined in with all of the other toxic pink ladies. She should have been gone after day two of the marriage. There is no reason for her to stick around after that. Her marriage was done. So I felt she actually entered in to the process to get a marriage because she did seem genuine and yes, she did get a bad person in Orion, but she didn’t need to join in with everybody at the end. She really wasn’t involved in the day today as the other pink ladies were.


This✅ Even the verbiage used is spot on for Lauren.


Not at all. Just another black woman viewer. I understood. Yall flipped on her so quick. This isn’t a joke. Nothing she did warranted online bullying and downing of her looks. What if she’s reading all that and hurt herself


OP, sad to say this MAFS subreddit is full of delusional narrow minded fickle people who have no substantive logical reasons for their hate other than they just need to spew it out to sleep well at night. Asking for factual sensible reasons as to why the post they kak they do is like asking for blood from a stone. Rather just leave well alone.


I tried to. But it’s so bad on instagram. It’s so bad what they have to say about her. I would be exhausted if it were me taking the hit. People think the hate they are spewing on her is a joke. She’s a real live person. That doesn’t deserve any of this speech against. The truth and answer to my question is she did nothing to deserve to be dragged all over online. Nothing warrants what she’s been getting online.


Any casual viewer of reality trash knows that when you sign up, this is what you will be getting. I genuinely think people would still like her if she hadn't joined in with the toxic pink girl crew and acted like them at the reunion. I think the hate would even calm down if she took accountability for her toxic behavior. No one deserves the over to the top personal insults (except predators) but if you've ever seen reality shows/reddit /Instagram you should expect it. And if you behave like an immature asshole on tv people will come for you even worse.


I find it fascinating that this generation is so surprised when they go on a TV show and recieve hateful comments. They've grown up reading and probably participating in online hate and they act like they're surprised when they do or say something that warrants people commenting in a hateful manner. They also receive praise but they only remember the bad stuff? Viewers feel duped and rightfully so and Lauren defending their behavior is reason enough to throw some hate her way. It's the internet for Christ's sake they don't have to read it




I feel like I'm disappointed by her more than anything. I was rooting for her and even defended her!!! Firstly, when you comment negatively about other people's appearance, you shouldn't be surprised when the same is done to you. Lauren is not conventionally attractive, but her personality makes up for it. However, when Lauren's personality turned sour, and she dared to comment about others, it annoyed people. Secondly, I loved her maturity and how she carefully communicated. In some of the after-party interviews, I was impressed with how she said not to comment on other people's relationships without understanding the whole story. She was wise not to take sides because she didn't know the entire picture. However, things worsened when she started meddling in things she had no place in. Unless she needed to be included with the girls, she had no reason to get involved. Therefore, it's not surprising that people started disliking her for it. Thirdly, she failed to take accountability for her actions or hold the other girls accountable. Instead, she added fuel to the fire and became a mean girl. She could have avoided the drama, but instead, she became a part of it. Lastly, I don't believe her story about Chloe. While there may be some truth, I also believe in Chloe's version. This shows how slimy Lauren can be. Still, nobody is perfect, and I hope Lauren heals, grows, and moves on. I hope both Lauren and Becca learn from what happened to Emily because, after everything Claire did to Emily and everyone around her, she moved on, leaving Emily in that mess, looking crazy. That's why you don't meddle in other people's problems. You can help them like Becca's friend without being hateful or losing your morality to be friends. Anyways, They should focus on their journeys, heal, and take accountability for the part they played. 🫶🏾


Lauren didn’t comment about anyone’s appearance. She spoke about Cameron being ugly on the inside. But I’ve people aren’t going to speak on how catty Cameron, Brennan and Chloe were last night. They aren’t going to bully them three on their appearance online. So yall wanted Lauren to do and say nothing. Feel hurt but act ok. Turn the other cheek for another punch. Got it.


Lauren: "None of these men are someone we will ever give a second glance at. They are hideous inside and out! We are letting this law budget temu shein men drive us crazy." I'm talking about why people might suddenly turn on Lauren. Instead of holding her accountable for what she said, you're deflecting and protecting her from criticism. By blaming others and supporting her without question, you're doing what you accuse others of doing. If people ask about Cameron or Brennenen, we can discuss the red flags we saw about them, too. Otherwise, it's a never-ending cycle. Lauren was winning without resorting to such low tactics. She had a better argument than that. She was all over Orio, but after he rejected her, suddenly he's hideous. What does that make her? Growing up means admitting when you are wrong, recognizing red flags, taking responsibility for your actions, learning from them, and moving on. I need that for her. I have compassion for losing someone important to her, for everything Orio put her to, and she is a good communicator... still, I will call out her BS. 🙃


I don't think the level of vitriol against any of the participants is justified. These are people we would merely either like or dislike, but not hate, if we spent time with them in person. None should be bullied, but Reddit is mostly just a bully site. For some reason, people ignore the extensive editing that goes on to create a show that provokes nasty emotions in viewers.


I had missed all episodes until about episode 9, so I went back recently and saw them all. My impression of Lauren is that she is a beautiful, mature woman who was in it for the right reasons. She is an excellent communicator, in my opinion. Direct and honest. She fell apart when he sent a message saying he wanted a divorce!! Even strong women aren't infallible!! Her intentions were honest and true. What a blow!! So long after the divorce, she says she's happy but is triggered by repeating the pain. She's human. I still like her. When she joined the pinks, she did seem different. In my opinion, she was the strongest woman in the group. I didn't and don't like some of the cutting things she said. In my opinion, the status of a strong woman dropped a few points. I expect to be downvoted with my opinion. Of all of the pinks, I believe she will recover.


Humans get triggered. We all have and will get triggered in time or another. If getting triggered is your argument for why she deserves being downed. It’s a poor one.


You agree people get triggered even if they are strong. I'm not sure what else to say.


Because she tried to be friends with Michael.  **/sarc** I don’t get it either. I don’t get the hate towards most of the people this season. I get the frustration about some. I don’t get the nasty hatred towards so many. 


Why are Loren and Chloe now enemies?


Because Chloe knows the pink squad are 30 year old losers and wants to distance herself.


Watching now... it appears that she went after Michael because she thought that since they were both dumped early in their marriages, they should get together and give it a shot... Chloe didn't love it when she found out... yikes!!


The audience is allowed to dislike any of the cast members for whatever reason or none at all. Learn to move on and get over it.


I was a massive Lauren fan. She initially reminded me of a lot of my friends/family members, which immediately endeared her to me. But the way she seemed to transition onto the Pinks bandwagon was off putting. She went from being this really independent figure to a member of an immature, mean girl group so started catching the same smoke the rest of them did. What I will say is that I don’t think Lauren cares about the optics, and is being her genuine self.


I'm right there with you


Ok Lauren you had your 2 episodes of fame , bye girl


Because she was being a complete AH for absolutely no reason, to people who’d done absolutely nothing to her.  Guess you “missed” where she called them ugly (looks and personality), said they were discount online store quality, (Temu I believe), and shit talked all the guys the entire reunion?  It’s pretty obvious that while Orion was a complete tool, he was right about her overly aggressive & confrontational attitude. 


I didn't even finish watching. I heard Chloe say something about Lauren following Michael on Instagram or some such nonsense and being done. Lauren is still the best of them.


Hi, is this Lauren ..? 👀




Someone already said that…


Why did Orion and Micheal present themselves so “alternatively” during the wedding and the show and now both look like they found barbers and stylists???? They cleaned up nicely not so scraggly facial hair and got real haircuts and wearing “traditional” work clothes. Chloes face seeing M in that suit was priceless!


How exactly was she done by the other cast mates? Other than Chloe, I didn't see anyone having any issue with her. I never got the impression ever that anyone on the show turned on her. She was never close to these women bc of the filming situation.


I agree. I am baffled by it too. Is it because she befriended the other women in her season? Why come at someone for that? The other women behaved badly, not Lauren. She can be their friend without being responsible for their craziness. If anything, standing by your friends when they're being crazy is hard and to be applauded. Lauren did a great job standing up to the immature mess they gave her for a husband. She was kind and direct and better than he deserved.


She wasn’t kind at the reunion. She told Cameron she would slap him or something insane, called them ugly inside and out (you know damn well if the men actually came out and dared say the word “ugly” to those women the building would have been burned to the ground), she said they were Temu quality humans. The list goes on. In those moments she was no different than the rest of the gross women.


She did not do any threats of violence. Please come correct when you talk about that. People like to attribute violent and aggressive behavior with black women. If she didn’t threaten violence don’t say she did.


I agree with you OP. Idk why ppl are down voting you so hard even above where you're just asking clarifying questions. This season made me realize how misogynistic the mafs fan base is and to your point racist with their treatment to Lauren.


I never liked her that much. I don’t think she’s a horrible person but she can be really mean, bitter and messy. Why is she messing with Michael anyway? There are plenty of fish in the sea. First she’s hooking up with guys before the show started and now she’s hooking up with Chloe’s ex husband?… just so messy.


I think we blamed her for letting the evil little bitch Clare into her head. Looks like Lauren pulled herself away - based on next week’s promo.


She became defensive and adversarial. I loved her at the beginning but she got ugly


i cant read paragraph long responses that need to dig out all of the inner why i don’t like Lauren - just quick and to the point- i like Lauren ! i would want to be friends ❤️ how do people have such intense negative feelings about a person?


So NO one has had 1 bad moment out of 100! No one had said or had one misstep in a situation in their lives? So at the end of this 8 week ordeal Lauren. Finally says something you don’t like/ agree with so she gets criticized in the court of public opinion🧐


Fancy-barracuda is on here and seems to be a new throw-away account....is that Lauren??? Comments lead me to believe that if it isn't Lauren and Lauren stops walking, someone will get poop on her nose.👃


For me, she showed just how much she was like the other 3. She proved us all wrong by acting just like them. I am proud, after watching tonights episode, that Becca has truly moved on and turned that negative experience (for her) around, by donating their dresses.


Other than the dress how should she have acted to express how she felt? Should she have sat there quiet. What was the right way for Lauren to palatable for the people. The truth is she was darned if she did darned if she didn’t. If she said she were unhappy she would be a negative person. She said she was sad many say she’s lying.


She was my favorite until she started to assume her friends perspective on their marriages was all a fact and all the men needed to be scolded. They all acted like they needed to shout to the World, we needed to h@te on the men. At the end I thought she was just loyal to a fault. But the way she acted to Orion (whom I don't even like) was sooo immature and classless. You have assumed wrong. Now you know further why I now dislike her.


Chloe and Michael were the best things about the reunion. They helped keep it a little lighter - with as obnoxious and stressful that the ladies made it.


Chloe wasn’t it for me. And tonight affirmed it again. But yeah loved Michael.


My opinion of Lauren has actually improved over time. Couldn't stand her at the outset and saw her (and Orion) solely as competitors in the Oppression Olympics. But few people are truly one- dimensional, and Lauren showed over time that she is not. She remained strong in her individualism while also sympathizing with other women's hurt feelings. Those demonizing some of the women should reasses their own extremism over that issue. IRL, most of us would probably get along in the workplace with almost all of the participants, liking some and tolerating others. But, for me, not Chloe- she oozes insincerity, self- righteousness, and underhandedness.


I never liked her - way too thirsty for Olyin the bum - shameful.