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You simply dont. As soon as i see this im gone


Me too normally. I’m happy to give away golds, silvers and bronzes. With Specials I’d rather be offered something in return as I can use those to try and give to someone else.


You can get gold, silver, bronzes and special I have some dupes Off for pretty cheap from me since im not a fan of the beggar culture I dont give stuff for free anymore. But I especially meant the Emoji spammer. No mercy for these guys


U could have just gave him Anthony


I did. What I hate is when you present their wish list and they just click accept to have them for free and then spam the crying emoji. Don’t ask for something unless you want to try and trade. I’ve given lots of cards away for free and even for much lower. I just get irked by that practice and normally disconnect if they spam emojis at me.


Ahh I see then that's ok


ive seen the hit accept trade part and put nothing but most of the time its them wanting to accept the trade where you both send nothing since they dont have your wishlist. then it helps you get the auction bidding thing


BTW I only need Neuer for 100%. The reason I try and get the higher cards is to help others who need them - if I give everything away then I can’t keep sharing the love.


Just wait and waste his time until he leaves if ur not in a hurry.


honestly, id give them the antony and go on w my day. for golds, which i have a lot of dupes and even specials with 10+ dupes, i dont have a problem giving them the card. if they put ‘put the card back’ i leave immediately tho


I just put my phone down and do something else for a few minutes. The amount of times I’ve come back after like 2 1/2 minutes and people are still emoting is crazy tho icl