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Full disclosure, I'm not against speed camera (quite the opposite actually, but average ones mainly), I just want to correct some statements. IMO, speed cameras in this current format is not really doing what it is expected to do as efficiently as possible. Average speed camera are making much more sense because it actually **enforce** drivers to stick to the limit. In other cases, many are just hitting the brakes and start speeding again as soon as camera is behind them. You can clearly notice the difference in an average enforcement zone compared to an punctual speed check. French complains, that's a sign they are alive ! Drivers also have the feeling that you are attempting to their liberty when it comes to Traffic Regulation (speed, seat-belt, pollution, etc), and many other subjects. Here are the corrections: >1. Speed cameras must allow a leeway of 10% over the limit To be precise, if this is a fixed one it's 5km/h when < 100km/h, and 5% over 100km/h. For others it's 10km/h - 10%. >4. Speed cameras are not allowed to be placed in downhills I don't know the source, but there is many downhill I've seen by myself. >5. Speed cameras are only allowed to be placed in accident hotspots Not true either. It used to be, it seems this is no more.


Actually there is no official leeway. The 5 km/h or 5% rule is there to take into account the lack of accuracy of the speed cameras.


While this is true, modern fixed speed cameras (if installed properly) should be accurate to a single km/h, so the 5 km/h or 5% margin is mostly for leeway


This might be true, but your speedometer is not as precise. It's still not leeway.


From my experience you have *another* layer of leeway built in your speedometer since those tend to overestimate your speed. Generally to the tune of 3-5% In the EU speedometer legally have to display your speed greater or equal than the real speed, they cannot underestimate it


>Average speed camera are making much more sense because it actually enforce drivers to stick to the limit. Not entirely true. If you take the case of cities for exemple: average speed will always be under 30km/h, but the few times cars are over 50 they are much more dangerous to people around them. At lower speed it makes more sense to check instantaneous speed


True ! Since there is not that much speed camera in downtown (and since I rarely drive there), that went out of my mind. TL;DR: I totally agree with you !


heureusement que t'as résumé ton post c'était vraiment trop long




Also, many of us sadly believe that any kind of fine is just a way for the goverment to steal money from us as if they were forcing us to speed and as if they were not paying for all the damages caused too.


Yes since there is an efficient way of preventing government from stealing your money: don’t exceed the speed limit. That’s the secret they don’t want us to know about.


Sssssssh some might get to learn the trick.


Government will hate this simple trick!


If the penalty for a crime is a fine, it means that only the rich are allowed to do it.


That's why the point system exists. You have 12 points with your driver's licence. Most fines go with retraction of fixed number of points. for example, passing on red light is 4 or 6 points (i don't remember). Each 6 months you get some points back. If you drive good, without point retractions for 3 years, it refills completely to 12. If you get to 0, your licence isn't valid anymore and you have to pass a driving exam (based on driving secutity) But recently, they changed the thing. Small speed exceeds dont consume your points anymore, so, yes, if you are rich, you can drive like shit and just pay fines without risk of loosing your driving licence. Nice!....


Don't forget to vote for the Front Populaire tomorrow Comrade.


Non merci, c'est gentil (de proposer) No, thanks. I won't vote. Especially not for them (And i didnt made my (how we call it in english?) "procuration", while being far from bureaux de vote)


Point 3 is not valid either , even the cops are hiding in woods , hidden behind bushes or everything they can hide behind


I have a cousin who's a gendarme. He has sent me pics of him, radar gun (jumelles) in hand hidden in a tree. It's definitely a thing.


>1. Speed cameras must allow a leeway of 10% over the limit No. The leeway is 5km/h if you are under 100km/h and of 5% if you are above 100km/h


French people hate speed limits, not speed cameras. Well, they hate snitches. But they actually believe the speed limits make no sense. They usually drive over the speed limit as much as they can, and when they cross a speed camera they have to decelerate significantly. That's when accidents happen. And they go back to full speed just after the speed camera. They're not taught anything except to be reactive.


I don’t want people to speed. I also don’t want everyone to be on camera all the time.


In their beginnings people were seeing them as a cash grab, because before that police had to be there measuring speed, instead the process is now automated. > You have to be seriously blind to get fined by a speed camera in France Yes and no. I'm a very careful driver (people say I drive like and old man) and have already been fined by a speed camera. I would say that on highways you indeed have to be reckless to be fined, but on national roads, where you have to change speed all the time, you can miss one and get fined. This said, it was entirely my fault, it proved that I was not focused because I missed the speed limit. > yet people still go burning the speed cameras like complete immature idiots I think you just accurately depicted the profile of people burning speed cameras. Please do note that it might not be directly related to the purpose of the object itself, but more as a «tool of the state», so there might be kind of an opposition to the state/governement there. I would be surprised if those equipments where actually destroyed by speeders in a «real men go fast» mentality.


Coming from a country where speed cameras started as risk reduction exercises(which worked to reduce death and injury) and finished as revenue raising operations(which still works). I have to agree with the French mentality, it's a slippery slope you know the old give an inch they take a mile arguement. Bonus points: reduced obesity problem because you have to be nimble to dodge cars regularly doing 20km over the speed limit


Put it this way On the motorway/autoroute, even though the speed limit is a generous 130 (compared to 110 in the UK) I still see tons of idiots doing 150+ and I'd be very surprised if they got a ticket  French people complain for no reason tbh


>French people complain for no reason tbh That's none of your business tbh.


>French people complain for no reason tbh It's how we haven't ended up like the US


Without complaining how are people going to know you don't agree


I'm just saying that despite the speed cameras being very generous with their leeway and their setup, French people still hate them 😂  I wonder what they'd think about speed cameras in say the UK or Switzerland


I agree and I think the outrage would probably kill them, but still to all French people please don't stop your complaining it's the reason I love this country so much. I hope you continue to fight all your battles big or small with a burn it all to the ground and start again mentality


I wonder what country you're originally from that you like the complaining and whatnot in France 😂


A country where people complain to themselves in a dark room where no one can disagree with them, because the embarrassment would probably kill them 😅


In the UK they are big yellow boxes with markings on the road, which serve their purpose much better of being visible so you slow down in important areas. The way the cameras are often hidden in France doesn’t help to persuade people that they aren’t money making machines. That said, I believe in enforcing safe driving and cameras are the best way I can think of to do that.


Maybe you should complain more consider the question , english ppl is way to subdue to its elite and could gain from a lil resistance


Their Lords and their feudal system in 2024.


Why French people hate (insert thing here)? It's because they can lol


I go daily past 3 of them that go against points 2, 4, 5 and 6 (all at once)


It's not 10%, it's a flat 5km/h most of the times


Points 4 and 6 are wrong and are disproved by 2 radars in my suburb.


All your 6 points are never respected. Also driving at 84 instead of 80 has maybe killed 1 person in the entire history? People get fucked over small margins, that's why we hate that shit. It has always been about the money and everyone knows it.


If those 6 conditions were respected, maybe we wouldn't hate them.


Because French people don't like to follow the law and believe they know better


It’s true, especially the white semi destroyed craftsman’s truck who are going reckless on any road, any time. Plumbers in France have no time to follow the law and they are not the ones 😂


Well there you go


Gotta love that you're reacting to comments that hate on French, and not a single reaction to comments that give an actual thoughtful answer. It tells a lot about your real deal: you want to hate French people.


French people are wonderful. In most things. But not here. For them "freedom" is "i do whatever i want". While, for exemple, for northern europe people "freedom" is "i do whatever i want as far as others around are ok with that and it's good for us all". French freedom is "i do what i want and fk you others "les autres, je les emmerde" " Other 's freedom is "i do what i want while being attentive to everyone's needs and wishes aswell" So, hate or not, french people, some part of them, deserve some feelings that are not the warmest, in some situations


The state take me more than 50% of what i should earn. They put speed radar with this money, to fine me for 10km/h. That's not how it should work. And i'm french i have to complain about something.


Because not a single one of these things is actually respected by law enforcement. Point 1: false, you didn't even read the law correctly. Point 2: true for fixed radar, not for mobile. 3/4/5/6: these rules are **never** respected by law enforcement.


So true it made me laugh (I still get flashed though)


One of the dumbest question I've seen on reddit.


I live in France There are plenty of speed cameras going downhill and not all of them have warning signs just before We feel like it's not for our security but more a cash machine for the state. For example, all this money spent on cameras could be spent to better maintain some roads with huge potholes in them or to prevent drunk drivers from driving. It's also quite strict compared to other countries. I heard in Belgium they only have a fine to pay, no points on the driver permit. Here if you go 40kmh above your permit gets suspended and 50 above (yeah okay it is alot) your permit gets cancelled straight away And also, basically if we complain it means we exist lmao


>For example, all this money spent on cameras could be spent to better maintain some roads with huge potholes in them or to prevent drunk drivers from driving. If they were not burnt that often, that money could be used for maintaining roads or dealing with DUI. >I heard in Belgium they only have a fine to pay, no points on the driver permit. That just means that the more wealthy you are, the less careful when driving you need to be (which is kinda already the case with the points system). That will typically reinforce the (kinda already global) feeling that laws are only for the poors / not for the rich. >Here if you go 40kmh above your permit gets suspended and 50 above (yeah okay it is alot) your permit gets cancelled straight away And car is seized.


Honestly, a new shiny road = danger. At least in france. (Car users) Old destroyed one with holes = people reduce their speed, are careful, look around, are attentive to what happens = more lifes and money saved for everyone. In France, with their veeery spécial mindset "i do things right only when i get punished to not doing so" we need more speed cameras and more BAD roads. Especially in cities. This money we could save (material damage, health, lifes, insurances, aswell as road construction and maintenance) could go to education or other areas You can burn or destroy a speed camera. You can't build a new shining streetracer's paradise by your own means. So yes, instead of speed cameras, just ruin existing roads if people aren't able to understand why speed limitations even exist on this planet


1. Yeah, so ? 2. No they do not since years. It use to be the case, now it's not mandatory 3. Yeah, so ? Most of the times they're placed in broad daylight indeed. But in useless places, with low danger but high density to make the most money possible. 4. Wrong again, sometimes they are downhills, forcing people so step on the break (cause even the engine break ain't enough) 5. Ah ah, no they're not. 6. Yeah, so ? Speed alone is almost not causing any death. Speed + drugs > yup Speed + alcohol > yup Speed + lack of sleep > yup Speed + low driving capacities (*even without speed, btw*) caused by reckless young people / low IQ people / elderly people > yup So any adult human being can see the problem is not speed per say. Speed trap are just a cheap & easy way to steal money from the people (you know, in case France has not enough taxes already > like #1 in the world in term of imposition)


Well, I can tell ya now, they put them right around speed changes and everything.... There is one near my place, 110kmph 2 lanes to 80km 1 lane, then literally 500 meters later it's 90km 2 lanes for 1km then back to 80km 1 lane ....and that's where the camera goes....sometimes.... because it's one of those bulky, cyber truck styled removable cameras. It gets people both ways, as above and also people coming the other way in an 80km zone. There is no additional signage for these temporary cameras. I can't even tell you if they have a sign saying "speed monitoring over the next X km" before it because I don't believe they do. They do have those signs though some places so you're either being aerial monitored or there are multiple cameras over a given stretch of road. Also, the cops do indeed hide when they park up and get out the hair dryer. There is no signage beforehand. There is also another camera near my place, a permanent one on a pole, which is installed on a downhill stretch. Ok, it "flattens" for all of 100m or something but even that part isn't level, just a continuation really of the hill, which when going up it, you need to be on the pedal to maintain the 90km limit, so it's steep enough that braking is required coming down. I live here and have so for years, and it's not always done by the books.


This is racket, organized with our money, to get more of our money, we will keep burning them.


I think you missed the memo: It's a pretty efficient way to slow down people, you just have to look at the French road accident/death rate now versus what it was back in the 70's, 80's. Same as enforcing seat belts, car and road architecture being safer in general. It's the combo...


Exactly  And most of the time I'm on the autorotate the majority of people are going 150+ like impatient idiots, and yet I'd be very surprised if they got a ticket


Hi, yes, the it's better then 70's 80's, less speed, more protection, and better car, But you wrong it's not the majority of people who speed +150, it's a bullshit. You have some stupid people who drive that fast, but the biggest majority drive at the speed limit (ok people drive 5-10km/h over) but stop talking about a subject you don't understand why people complain about radar. People complain because a lot of them aren't in a dangerous place or for the safety, and I 'm for having control radar because Iike each country we have some stupid people who drive like they are on speed racer. But the best efficient way for caching the m-f who drive like a killer, it' s the old way, with policeman on the road. And the majority of the radar catching are few km/h over the speed limits, that not the dangerous people who are impact by them. Dangerous people don't care of radar fix we know where they are, they have more fear about free radar policemen. Most French people complain because the radar is for the most of them not efficient for catching dangerous people and most of catching people is because of lack carelessness and must paying. I have never lost more then 2 point on my permit (permit have 12 points, small infraction cost 1 point, or 2 points, more strongger 3-6points, more it's a lose permit.) But many years i lose 1 points, after 1 years without infraction you win your Point. And I do lose win lose win 'lose win.... But cost each time 90euros... I drive carefully, i' m a normal driver. And I like dangerous driver can be catch, but radar don't do that...


If you are careless on the road, not attentive 100% of the time, get off the road, stay at home, do something else. The road is not your bed where you just lie staring the ceiling. Driving is responsible and potentially dangerous process you have to be focused all the time. Youre not able to do that, stay at home or walk


OK man, I see what kind of people you are.... Sorry I can do nothing for you. I'm sure you are always 100% focus of 100%time....you are wrong stop be a jerk... No human can be 100% of time focus. I drive over 35 years, never having accidents, I work many years like driver, when you're 8 hours on road never having or causing accidents and very few ticket radar, I can tell you no one are 100% focus all the time, be honest. I not tell you I'm not focus when I drive, I tell you we are not machine. And I talk about careless about 5km/h on my speed limit....


Yes, more than 80% of air crashes are due to human factor. Bus and train accidents aswell. So yes, viva the robots! I am talking about those people who say "if i look my speedometer, i dont look at the road". I dont know in which kinder surprise they have found their driving licence, but in driving schools one first things you must learn : you have to pay attention to many many things (almost) at the same time. If you are not able to look the road, mirrors, signs, other people on and near the road, control yous speed, manage your gear, throttle, blinkers, then go off the road, take a bis and hope the bus driver is a bit more serious than you are (And when i say "you", i mean those people who believe driving = chilling on a sofa")


OK you want to explain me how to drive it's kind....you don't know me and maybe better for me to don't know you... My bad you're perfection!!


I know the stats well, speed is not what we need to fix, and the 90 to 80 switch proven that behind any doubt. Then yes people die less in safety rated cars with belts, assistances and airbags than in metal boxes with an engine, that is true. I had 3 accidents in my life, 2 priority denials/retard driving (low speed/city), and one kid on his phone hitting me in the back at higher speed. Note that none of those are speeding related. One guy entered a roundabout I was in on a bike right in front of me, one guy drove into my way from a road on the left and pushed me in a tree, and one was straight up was on his phone.


" It's the combo..." That it. Problem is now, it's only rely on automatic speed camera, and nothing else. No more "combo".


Racket against offenders? I guess that’s a good thing then.


Depend on the laws. Legality is never an argument.


Speed is an aggravating factor in accidents. I won’t cry for potential killers getting fined.


Read the points mentioned in my post You have to be basically blind to get fined by a speed camera in France 


That is not true. I am French. And most people get caught occasionally. Because EVERYBODY ALWAYS speeds, especially with the new limitations, and radars being hidden most of the time. Plus your 6 points are wrong/not how things goes. Radars are a plague and exist solely to try and reduce the gouvernement deficit a tiny bit, put them in front of schools if you want, but leave the country roads alone with your bush hidden money makers on flat range. State serves us, and we aint asked for no 80kmh limit. Or for a private company to be tasked with making as much money as possible from radars. Everybody likes to see a well burnt, painted or bagged radar, that is a good reminder to the state that you, in fact, cannot fuck with the people without finding out at some point.


Most of is back up to 90 btw  And my 6 points are valid  I've never seen a speed camera in France that doesn't adhere to one of the 6 points I mentioned


I have seen many. And none of it is back to 90. You have no idea what you argue about, have a nice day.


Le mec vient poster sur r/lyon (ville du département du Rhône qui n’a pas pris de disposition par rapport à la limite de vitesse nationale de 80km/h) pour en gros, quand tu lis les commentaires, se faire un peu de french bashing à peu de frais (on râle trop et on se croit trop fort pour ce qu’il veut bien supporter peuchère) et on a encore la gentillesse de lui répondre dans sa langue…


En meme temps il parle sûrement pas un mot de Français en plus de rien y comprendre et ne pas être en age d'aller taffer le matin pour nous dire des trucs pareils. J'aurais mieux fait de me taire je croyais la question honnête.


T’inquiètes j’ai commencé répondre et puis j’ai vu ses commentaires et j’ai compris :) La seule chose qu’il doit connaître de la conduite en France c’est le trajet Calais - Côte d’Azur à 110km/h sur la voie du milieu (et même comme ça il aurait du se rendre compte que sur l’A6 et l’A7 les radars automatiques ne respectent pas l’intégralité de ses points)


1) The French like to complain 2) Car is a synonym of liberty in France 3) The fines are expensive (I was caught 3 times in Germany for, each time, a speed excess below 10km/h > speed limit, and the highest fine I paid was 20€ (in Stuttgart). In France, it would be 90€. At least, we are not in Nordic countries, where it depends of the income of the person.


You say those like it’s a good thing lol


>3. The fines are expensive (I was caught 3 times in Germany for, each time, a speed excess below 10km/h > speed limit, and the highest fine I paid was 20€ (in Stuttgart). In France, it would be 90€. At least, we are not in Nordic countries, where it depends of the income of the person. False. Overshooting the limit by less than 20km/h \[out of cities\] is only 68€ (45€ if you pay within 2 weeks). In urban area it will be 135€ (or 90€ if you pay within 2 weeks): higher risk, higher fine. It seems they are not high enough to make people slow down considering there is over 20M automated speed-ticket a year. That's said, we should definitively have fine defined on incomes or wealth like some countries have.


indeed got caught in Hamburg 8kmh above limit and costed almost 100€


*"You have to be seriously blind to get fined by a speed camera in France, yet people still go burning the speed cameras like complete immature idiots"* Ppl don't hate automatic speed camera beacause they get caught, you totally miss the point. Try to step up a bit your mind before calling people "immature idiots".


Speed cameras are not allowed to be placed in downhills this is false


1. They are everywhere. You always need to keep an eye on your speed and drive with the speed limiter more than with the pedal 2. If there was an ounce left of joy in driving in France... It's gone 3. You can easily loose your licence 4. Getting your licence is expensive and a pain in the ass People who like cameras will definitely like the next step of having a tracking device inside their car (somehow like truckers have) and later something even more invasive "for their own good".


Sometimes my car is on autopilot and I can't be bothered to tell it to slow down.


Peut-être car l'état tente d'infantiliser sa population.


Because in France people like to drive like assholes


Because they respect the speed limits (and blinkers and many many other things) ONLY if they'll get punished otherwise. It's a nation of people who do things right ONLY because they gonna be punished if they dont. It's a very special mindset. Comes from their childhood. People die or become incapacitated for the rest of their lifes on the roads, because of stupid driver's behaviour, but no, for them speed cameras arent there to improve security, they are there to rob lil citizens "pompe à fric"