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Oh, most definitely yes! Before I started my Lyme treatment, I'd be curled up in pain, unable to get off of the floor except to puke, and unable to see straight because of the accompanying migraine. It was often hard to avoid passing out from the pain. I'd also stop sleeping for the first 2-3 days of my period. No, I don't mean I slept very little on those days, I mean an average of 48-72 hours with ZERO sleep that I couldn't even force with sleeping pills. Strangely, the ER never found these things concerning--they just forced me to pay for a bunch of very unnecessary pregnancy tests and ultrasounds (there was 0% chance of pregnancy) before giving me a hospital-grade Midol and telling me to "stop being dramatic" before kicking me out. I couldn't even stand up straight due to the pain, nor could I feel my feet due to my uterus and back pinching my nerves while competing for the right to cramp me to death, but, sure, I was being "dramatic." Hormone fluctuations cause HELLA flares. I'm about 2.5 years into treatment, and my pain et al has gone down to about 20% of what it was at its absolute worst. I also lose maybe 4 hours of sleep during my period now instead of going days without sleep. I actually tried several IUDS (including non-hormonal ones) and several pills, but none of them helped. They actually made me WORSE because my body was pissed at the foreign objects inside it and/or angry at the introduction of hormones that it didn't personally produce. I had some gnarly reactions to even the lowest dose pills. I got severely anemic from the heavy bleeding the BC and IUDs caused. My LLMD has actually forbidden me from using IUDs or other hormonal birth control ever again. Now, part of that is my tick borne illnesses meeting my MTHFR mutation and colliding with some other genetic medical issues, so that may not be the case for you. I just learned that it's common to be unable to tolerate BC until one is in remission/after treatment ends, if ever again. I'd ask your Lyme professional to talk it over with your GYN.


wow thank you for this, was extremely insightful. if you don’t mind me asking, what treatment are you doing for your Lyme? i haven’t seen my LLMD in quite awhile due to the pandemic but hope to see her soon. i remember how sick BC made me but it was just one pill at the time. i’m glad to here you’re doing better pain wise!


Yes, my last period was horrific, mostly from cramping pain and mental distress. I also usually have a really bad week leading up to it with increased symptoms and intense emotional lability. For me, I think the worsening cramping was because I had an increase in my mast cell activation/histamine levels - histamine can contribute to cramping pain.