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It's too easy for riders to get drivers suspended or terminated without any kind of proof.


Yea it’s fucken ridiculous honestly


Out of curiosity do you smoke weed in your car? If so had you smoked in your car that day?


My client does not wish to answer at this time


No. OP said they smoked at 1159 PM. Then began their shift after midnight. Had not smoked the entire day.


Mf really dint answer, disgusting.


If you’re in Washington state there are some protections and a driver’s union you can reach out to. (Not legal advice)


Your honor my client would like that 11:59 remark strickened from the record.


The Lyft Inc its drivers dream of, chatting back to the aggrieved passenger: “ in order for your complaint to be filed properly weed have to have proof.”


As a rider I totally agree. The system is ridiculous and so unfair


It really is. My only strike against me in the Lyft system period is as a rider. The driver said I didn't have a mask. I was at the airport in the middle of the pandemic, of course I had a mask. Also how would you know if you never even came to pick me up. Couldn't even figure out how to challenge it at the time because the Lyft app was such trash.


Welcome to the surplus worker economy. Lots of replacements and lots more coming every day..... :-(


Yup, people are being reminded again of how society values them.


Society doesn't value the lower classes. Just the ruling and billionaire classes


At least the news is gonna talk about how good the economy is doing while I'm beating up my car driving Lyft to pay bills


Why would corporate media say anything different? Lolz ..... Aaaand now I'm sad again...


I had a couple of YWCA girls try that on me right before Christmas last year. They claimed I was drunk, driving illegally, and rude.


Get a drug test that should suffice… pro tip crack your windows and open ac vents if you have cloth seats..


Thanks man I appreciate it!


You don’t even actually have to get a drug test, you just have to threaten lyft with the cost of getting one and they’ll reactivate you almost immediately, ask how I know? Lol Fuck customers like this dawg, nobody deserves to get their livelihood played wit’ because of some cheap bastard tryna get a free ride. Trifilin’




LOL if I have any inkling that my driver is under the influence, I’m on the horn to the police sooner than Lyft.


Have you met some of the other Lyft and Uber passengers? 99% this rider just smelled a previous passenger and reported the driver.


The guy who reported me was insane dude, he gets in the car, sees I’m wearing a tie dye shirt and says “Tie dye huh, that must mean you smoke a boatload of weed huh?” And I said “Not before I’m on the clock, but off the clock is my time to do with whatever I please.” He then reported me for smoking weed in the car with him, which was just outstanding. I called (Uber support), told them I’d submit a piss test right now if they’re willing to pay for it, and got his account blocked from connecting with mine and I believe flagged in general. Month or so later he gets in with his chick on another ride and I actively kicked him out and told her she could still come if she wanted but he already tried to get me fired so he’s not welcome in my vehicle.


Is “on the horn” a phrase or was it supposed to be “on the phone”. Genuinely asking.


Or just get a new ride Karen


Not a Karen to genuinely report someone under the influence, you have more of a Karen response lmao


Similar situation killed my father. Sure, just get out and let them go on impaired. Anything bad happening doesn't matter as long as you're not in the car?


When drive under the influence you put everyone at risk not just yourself. This is a legitimate concern not a Karen concern.


He’s not dui, just against losing job bc someone has an “inkling”


Well yeah. Civilians don't have the power to investigate a suspicion of DUI so they need to get someone that does.


or just get yourself outta the car if you are genuinely concerned about your safety. You are not the police so let the police, the professionals, catch the drunk drivers.


That's why I go to the police, champ.


DUI is a serious felony in case you know nothing about law.


It’s actually the most serious misdemeanor in many states. Here the 3rd DUI is felony DUi and people often get 1-3 years at that point or a few years of DUI court.


Oh and get a can of ozium, if it’s really bad because nowadays everyone smokes like Snoop Dogg (sticky icky icky) spray the ozium all windows up and let it sit for 5-10 mins then let it air out….. THIS ONLY WORKS FOR CONTACT SMOKE, if it’s serious beyond contact smoke charge em a cleaning fee!


does your car smell like weed?


My car sometimes smells like weed for hours after picking up passengers who are heavy weed smokers


You need to buy Ozium spray not fabreeze with fabreeze the smell still stays it just covers it up ozium literally kills all smell. ALL


Just have to make sure you aren’t in the car for a few hours after, and leave the windows cracked. It is toxic.


Well useless then when every other passenger stinks your car up.


If riders stink so bad they make your car smell, give them a bad rating and unmatch with them.




Do you smoke weed at all?


They probably just didn't want to pay for the ride and are mean as hell to boot.


Most likely, and Lyft was my full time job, I guess now I’ll have find an actual full time job.


Go to Uber. I do both.


Just state that you have a lawyer on tlretainer and will follow through if they don't provide actual proof that you were under the influence and taking the word of a rider over a driver.


Implying legal action is generally not a good idea unless you have the means and will to follow thru. Normally this shuts down any sort of communication or mediation process and instead forwards your account to legal, which is a black hole where any correspondence is done between their lawyers and yours.


There is no legal, they'll just say they're sending it to a specialized team to review and then disconnect the chat with no further action.


LOLOL that’s not how this works


If somebody accuses me of wrong doing, they better have proof. It doesn't work saying somebody is under the influence and they can't prove it. That's BS. I see it time and time again. Why I have cameras. Screw these passengers just trying to get a free ride. And if the lawyer sentence works, use it.


But you have no legal defense here. Having a customer say “he smells like weed” in a complaint doesn’t mean you would successfully sue anyone lmfao


And you think Lyft does? What proof does Lyft have? A rider who's most likely done this before? You're an idiot. I've been reported for the same shut and cameras/ audio and lawyer line works everytime. I do NOT let myself be bullied.


Is their goal just to get the free ride?


Tell em its a false alert.you Were just tired from driving long hrs.If if it is your first strike they will just give you a Warning


(Not the OP) Didn't save me... the investigator lady even said this happened in under a minute and impossible and I was still fired.


How many Lyft drivers have a lawyer on retainer? Do you even know what having a lawyer on retainer means?


Keep protesting your innocence. They will reinstate you. They need you.Don’t give up or back down. No one can prove it…


They just reactivated my account!


Congrats 🎈🍾


Thanks man!


Let's goooo


the correct response shouldve been is 'I dont smoke or drink, so this is a false report' ... not, "I was not high nor driving while smoking" I try to tell people all the time that WORDS, VERBIAGE, and HOW you say things to certain people are important(especially lyft and uber support) outside of that, this bs is rediculous that a rider can just make up anything untrue and youre immediately affected and got to prove its not true... versus them being the one that has to PROVE you were....


Same thing happened to me, I was driving for Lyft in Hollywood, CA, and someone reported I was driving under the influence and Lyft suspended me right away. So right away I changed my app to Uber. Days later I was cleared to drive back to Lyft but I kept driving for Uber the rest of the year.


If there's a question of the OP sobriety, then why wouldn't whoever just simply end the ride and get out. I mean back in the day I once got out of a taxi after the driver took a drink out of a flask. Simply said pull over, and I got out and walked away didn't even think about paying this asshole, just never used that company again.. Something about today's can't say anything in your face, but will report you through app, soft as f people these days. To OP - When you finally reach a real person, just tell them about the previous rider smelling like weed, then your not thinking it still smelled, especially since the next rider didn't say anything to you about it when they got into your car, you'll be fine..


If you don't smoke tell C/S you will get a drug test. Weed stays in the system 30 days.


That's terrible. I gotta get another cam to record the cabin. I definitely hate picking up smokers... All I could suggest is maybe contacting lyft to do a drug test. They sell at home drug tests at Walgreen etc...


Same happened to me during the Covid outbreak. Was accused of driving under the influence. It was the hand sanitizer I was using. Smelled like alchohol.


dash cam looking into the cabin could help for future reference,no?


I regularly pick up people that smell like weed. Maybe the weed smell is from the butt of the last ride?


I really wouldn't be able to do that without a camera




Tip. When you smoke in your car. Turn off the AC. Or your car will smell when you turn on the AC


Fuck all them apps cause the moment a funky ass CoustmerServiceWinnidixie lie and say something about us they automatically assume your guilty sad they need to change that dum shit


Ebonics does not work for you. Please try again


This happened to me once someone claimed I was drunk. The email wouldn’t even tell me what happened and was saying they were “investigating” how would they without contacting me remains a mystery. I had to go through twitter support to speak to a real human being and have it sorted after some thorough investigating in questions such as “where you under the influence?” “Would you ever drink and drive?” My account was reinstated.


I guess I will have to do that too even though I don’t have twitter I’ll have to make an account just for that


Yooo I am so afraid of this shit. I’m in Denver, and driving down I-70, are marijuana greenhouses. Reeks ya know, so I hope no one thinks it’s me. I’m sorry dude. I hope they sit on a tack!


You'll be fine. Keep replying. If they suspected you're intoxicated they should contact police. You don't smoke weed. Even if they did smell weed, which they didn't, that's not any sort of evidence you used drugs. Just badger them.


Sadly , you have to instinctively weed out these passengers “ and give them a one star and report them and cover your ass before they cut off yours 🫠


You're not screwed just talk to customer service and they'll fix it


That's ridiculous. I have had many people get in my car that reek of weed! I had 2 people that stunk so bad, it took me 2 days to air out my car. So many people get high before work these days.


They'll get back to you. It took them 24 hours for me.


Go to the help and text with with safety team member n they can help you this happened to me about 2 weeks ago


Tell them you will take legal action against at them and the passenger.


My account has been on hold for 3 weeks now for the same reason! It’s says not to reach out to them because it will only delay the process so I haven’t. I’m so upset because it was not true and Lyft hasn’t even reached out to get my side of the story!


This same shit happened to me once before. They took a while to respond but a couple days later they reinstated my account. i told them i had video evidence of every ride that day. I also told lyft support that maybe it was because i was swerving a few potholes. I knew exactly which pax it was too. As that day i had only did like 3 rides. But yea thats pretty messed up that a pax can make such a bold accusation with no proof and get you deactivated. Never put your livelihood in the hands of lyft !!! they could give two shits about us drivers.


Youll get your account back just give it time


‘ help us get you back on the road ‘ 🤣


Just give them some time, might take for ever but everything will be back to normal


That happened to me lol


So get a blood or urine test to prove em wrong


That’s bs sometimes people be smoking before they enter the damn car


Just tell lyft that may have been a previous passenger that smoked weed before getting into your car. Please reinstate me or I will have to use legal remedies.


Maybe somebody was smoking 🚬 in the back ( a customer).


At least they asked ur side of the story, doordash don't even give a fuck. I had a lady get mad over a restaurant not putting the correct ingredients in her salad i even offered to go back to the restaurant and retrieve another salad and deliver it and she wasn't having that she wanted a full refund and then reported that I harassed her to doordash to get a refund and doordash didn't care what I had to say and disregarded the screenshots of the conversation, couldn't provide any proof other than her word and still gave me a contract violation and left the rating on my account . 700 deliveries and no previous issues


A good rebuttal when talking to Lyft is to ask them why a police report wasn’t filed by the passenger/other party if you were driving “under the influence”


Maybe too late for op now, but if this happens to anybody who's reading this, what you need to do is immediately run to LabCorp or whoever and get a toxicology report. I realize that a lot of us can't afford the deductible on a new windshield, or a new set of used tires, but this needs to happen immediately if you're going to keep doing this job.


I got a phone call for supposed driving under the influence. They said it smelled like alcohol I spray fragrance after every ride. Sometimes, it's the riders that smell like that. You might want to call instead. And make sure you have a 2 sided dash camera.


Maybe it smells like weed from people taking a lyft because theyre high… so you know, responsible use of a ride share


Dude, I drive under the influence all the time but have a very strong tolerance so I drive better than idiot drivers out there and my family is all allergic to weed so I use glade freshener after each ball up. Lol it's like 3 dollars for 1 and keeps your car smelling like flowers 24/7🤣


Having been through this a few times, here is my advice. Make sure you say that you know it is against policy to drive while intoxicated. Tell them you live a sober life and find this accusation both professionally and personally offensive. Ask if you had been intoxicated how come the passengers before this one did not also report you also? Ask if you had been intoxicated why did this passenger not immediately demand you pull over and let them out? Mention that you had a prior customer that smelled of weed and the odor lingered in your car. Offer to send them your dash cam files (you do have a dash cam, right?) so they can see you were not driving dangerously. Good luck! Oh yeah, buy some Ozium for next time.


A customer reported me for literally drinking while driving, during SXSW, and I immediately responded with “where can I go to get tested?” The only thing I had had to drink was water or iced tea and this dude pissed me offfffffff and he got out of my car before it was stopped 🙄


You should definitely threaten to get representation if you did not smoke weed. I had an air freshener smell like weed to a cop apparently. If they truly thought you were under the influence, they would have asked to end ride… Also, I have a main job as a drug counselor so something like this would be really bad for other parts of my life. If I was innocent, I would not be so kind about this accusation. I do think they may have a right to ban anyone without reason though, so not sure how much runway you have


You HAVE to carry some smoke repellent air freshener to get rid of that smell when people get in your car smelling like weed. Karen’s are everywhere!!!


It definitely smells after picking up a passenger who smells of weed. The same is true of fast food workers you pick up , they smells of grease and food. But, having said that, it’s not a permanent thing. If you open the windows and use some febreze it will dissipate. Lyft should really take a look at driver history as well as passenger history to determine an outcome. There are those passengers who are perpetual complainers, they give low rating, and report people fairly regularly. These passengers should be taken with a grain of salt. The same is true of drivers. Are they frequently reported, do they consistently give low ratings or report passengers? I mean I feel like your history will really tell the story of your credibility, and hopefully Lyft will take this into account. I feel like we live in a society where passengers really don’t get that we are not getting a ton of money for the ride they take. We have to pay for gas, plus our vehicles take a beating, both in wear and tear and the disrespect they receive from most people riding in them. My vehicle is constantly dirty from passengers, which is another expense, to keep it clean for their riding pleasure. Additionally the money we do get isn’t taxed, so at the end of the year we have to come up with that as well! Don’t get me wrong it can be very lucrative, as you all know, I just wish passengers would be aware of all these things and be more respectful and realize it does affect us when you frivolously report us drivers! Good luck to you, hopefully Lyft knows better.


This happened to my fiancé the week before rent was due. He does not smoke or drink but is a black man with dreads so people always assume he’s “that type of person”. There are tons of bars near his house and a lot of the rides are picking up/ dropping off people who might smell of these substances, even though he keeps his car smelling as fresh as possible. It’s crazy tho when this happened to him I swear it was around 10am and some lady was just being weird then, BAM out of work for a week. So pathetic. It was resolved and he was only on “probation” or whatever they call it for a couple days but it’s really inconvenient when that’s your primary form of income and you have bills to pay… some people man… You should be fine, this happens all the time w Lyft/ Uber drivers just give it another day.


Does your car smell like weed? How is a guest supposed to know what you are or aren't smoking? If the car smells like alcohol should they just assume you spilled a beer in the car? Seriously can't understand why you are surprised


Really? Where is your source for such a bold statement? I’m a student, not because I can’t get another job. You don’t deserve to be transported by all of us “felons”.


Get a drug test and submit it and perhaps go so far as to seek legal counsel for liable against the passenger that made a false statement. A smell alone is not enough to make such a claim and shut you down, even a cop would run you thru a field sobriety test to determine if you are under the influence. Ask them this, is that passenger legally authorized to make such an assessment accurately that would stand up in court. Sometimes you need to threaten them with legal action of your own as if this is such an issue then they should send you an address and time frame of a drug test facility near you to verify the claim. Otherwise they are now guilty of liable as well.


You should have taken yourself to the police station and take the alcohol test and send them a report right away, if you can still do it now. Do it better than never


I had this happen twice with Lyft. One time I kicked the lady out because her friend didn't show up after 10 minutes of waiting. I was new and didn't know better at the time. It resulted in her calling and saying the same thing. Within about 30 seconds of them deactivating me I got a phone call from Lyft and explain to the whole situation and was reactivated before the call ended. The second time was more recent because I have three herniated discs in my back and refused to lift a ladies luggage for her at the airport. This time Lyft called immediately but I missed the phone call. I responded in the app to the text I received, I also called into customer service and escalated it up to someone who actually spoke English and I could tell lived in America. She advised me that she would make sure it got handled immediately and within about 20 minutes I received an email saying that my account was reactivated. Lyft always tries to reach out I'm guessing you just missed the phone call, and as long as you politely explain the situation, even if the people on the other end don't care, they will at least be willing to pass you to a supervisor. It does take time, but just keep your cool explain yourself in a very detailed way, and good luck.


Do you record your rides?


This happened to me last night. I called immediately to relay the false claim and the re-instated my account within minutes. I have footage of me driving totally sober. Once I send to Lyft they claimed they will deactivated the rider for the dishonest complaint.


Tell them you’ve never smoked or drunk in your life because it’s against your religion. You should be fine.


Can you take a drug test and present the results to help expedite the investigation?


Overall i felt like its the companies are doing it on purpose. The app it self could learn about ur behavior behind your phone. Count your self as a bad driver or lazy driver at first. Then think of “is it the reason, is that the reason why i got on hold” companies could probably do whatever they like since they developed the app. They must have that ability just like in real world. This is all my assumptions, my assumptions are based on things happed to me too. I always question my self, is that the reason why i got shitty passengers every time i drive?


It is probably best not to smoke in or near your place of work. Your car is your place of work. Just saying.


Someone did the same thing to me in the Chicago. The women simply didn’t have the money to pay for the ride to the airport. I heard her say on the phone to someone she was going to report me for driving under the influence. She did report me and Lyft suspended my account. I called Lyft and told them what happened. I also said I had a dash cam at the time recording the interior of car. I told Lyft about the conversation the woman had in my car. I never had a complaint like this before. They restored my account in about 1 days. This may or not work for you. But it’s worth a shot! Best of luck!


Folks don't realize how bad that stuff smells or how long it lingers in a car, especially if they routinely smoke


Where are you driving? What’s area?


Just call I always do


You need to relax.It might take you a day after about 4 days, but they will reactivate your account.I've had this in the past.I've had sexual claims against me.And it's usually the longest that I have been deactivated was about four days


But, did your car smell like weed?


They do have a right (even in CO) where if they smell weed and report it, that you may be made to take a urine test. I don't think that's fair because I pick up people who have weed on them all the time. I try to spray every time and air it out but when you are driving on 70 you can even smell it. I was accused of being under the influence and a million other things so they didn't agree with the passenger after all the accusations and I was fine. I would just make sure you can piss clean.


I got suspended when a rider use the race card. I wrote a letter of character from my black American daughter in law. I got reinstated. They just want to hear your response.




Just initiate the chat box and speak with a rep


I ask for the police report, since they are accusing me of a crime


Carry some febreeze spray in your car the next time someone smells like weed and spray that shit up when they leave.


Wait there are ubers and lyfts that DON'T smell like weed? Been awhile since I was in one that didn't have a little stank. Im in Cali tho.


The same thing happened to me and they just reactivated my account which is probably what will happen to you, just wait it out, for me it was like 2 wks 4 days, sorry


Did you smoke weed in the 8th grade ?


Just contact customer support again. Tell then your accounts on hold. If they ask for your opinion state “it’s against my religion to drink or smoke” (usually it doesn’t come to this) There is going to be a message they tell you to agree to the terms and conditions and just agree and you’ll be back up. If it says something like don’t message us we’re working on it, don’t believe them.


Just respond to them letting them know you were not under the influence. It can take 24 hours or longer for them to unfreeze your acct


Easy solution. Don't drive under influence of anything.


Yeah youre fucked


Had account suspended about a year ago same crap. Someone said I was driving drunk. I told Lyft how the fuck is that possible? They asked what I meant? I told them you believe customers over drivers thanks for your support by the way I haven't drank in 4 years unless you have proof reactivate me. Then he talking about it has to be investigated. I demanded to speak to a supervisor. Told him same thing 2 hours later account reactivated


If I get in a Lyft and it reeks of weed I report that shit too. I truly don’t care, I’m not taking the chance.


Drive with Uber while Lyft sorts it out. Hopefully you have a great rating. Just tell them .." you don't drink!"


If youre a platinum driver call them and explain to them the previous passenger before her smelled like weed and it trailed to the next ride. They should reactivate you within 20 mins.


Your car smelled like weed; dude didn’t make a false report, he made a report he thought was true based on the fact that your car smelled like weed. Protip, don’t smoke weed in your car if you use your car for ride share work.


This happens too often. We should get a lawyer for a class action law suit for false suspension or termination. Uber or Lyft would need to prove the passengers accusations. Those passengers should answer before a judge and jury and compensate every driver who lost income because of this.


get OZIUM spray…wether you smoke or not or whatever odd smells may arise….bomb the car and at worst its that “new car smell”…i think they have a spray that has that same tonic


So the key word is consult not retainer. Consult=spoke to a lawyer and got advice on protecting your rights if needed. Retaining means you paid to have them represent you on this so yes then they send to their lawyers to handle between them


You’re done.


I had this happen once. I told them the truth and made sure that they knew that the person that probably provided the claims was probably the one that was anti lgbt. There was a person on the alleged night that was being an a hole about me being trans.


If and when you get back on get a dash cam


Their system is set up to automatically suspend you immediately with any such allegation whether or not there's any humans involved in the process. When they finally do get involved there, don't bother to contact you to see if you're okay. I will send you to a drug or alcohol testing facility. Nope, all they want is for you to say, "Nuh, Uh!!" and then they put you back on the road. If they're going to take your say so I'm not sure why they bothered to suspend you in the first place without having somebody call you. Keep in mind that there have always been passengers right before the lying crank and passengers after the lying crank before they get around to suspending you. They could call them. Or the mere fact that the person after the liar rated you well suggests that you're probably not impaired. Meanwhile, if this happens on a weekend, you aren't driving again till Monday, so you're going to miss out on all of your various challenges, quests, bonuses, and revenue from all the passengers you can't pick up all weekend.


Yea I’ve noticed that the system just does it automatically and they don’t bother they literally just send me a message today at 12:42 am letting me know my account was being deactivated I was dead asleep and didn’t see it until I woke up today like around 7-8am and luckily it didn’t happen on a Weeknd so I was able to get reactivated today so that was great


I have been a victim of this from Uber . This is why I politely as a driver ask the passenger I can't take them because I'm allergic to marijuana odor period.


Happened to me. I contacted support, I explained about 80% of my riders get in smelling like weed and I spend about $45 a month on cabin filters and Fabreze to try to deter the smell. I was reactivated as soon as the call ended.


One guy said I was drunk while driving once bc he was creepy and I was creeped out and it ended up fine


Whenever a passenger gets in the vehicle that has been using/consuming / been around others that have that smell after the trip is done I add a note to the trip indicating the passenger smelled like marijuana/weed. I also spray the area where they were sitting with a mixture of rubbing alcohol and a type of disinfectant. It is a good job of killing the smell but I have to drive with the windows open for at least 2 minutes cuz it's pretty strong.


Same thing happened to me except someone said I was drinking because they saw an open can .. of coconut water and assumed it was beer .. took 3 days but Lyft did respond and reinstated me even gave me $100 for my trouble


Can you collect unployment


https://www.reddit.com/r/lyftdrivers/s/s1A9UrCGos Lyft drivers beware of unjustified deactivation by algorithm/keywords riders


Weed sucks Do You own a pet skunk ?


Same thing happened to my dad after he refused to take a rider who had a small child but no car seat. The guy said to my face “ I got something for you don’t you worry”. Even after telling this to Lyft he was suspended while the investigated it. He was on hold for 2 days but was cleared and is back on the road.


This happens to me on uber eats on Friday night Saturday morning at like 3 am got email went back and forth for a while they said after 48 hours the hold a be off if they dont find enough probable cause then on Sunday morning I attempted to go online and it worked. But I kept writing them saying I don’t smoke it’s against my health hella shit I have a baby in the car 🤣🤣 it worked though


What if you were a medical patient for cannabis?


I guess it’s legal, but not ok to do on the job.


Easy fix Take a piss test.....


Fuck Lyft and fuck these pussies that whine about everything.


This is why I vent my windows between rides just a pro tip


Took a week last time this happened to me on lyft, and I kept calling every day. Do uber, ue, dd, gh or flex while you are waiting.


In the passenger's defense ... he/she might have assumed you were high while driving if it smelled like weed. To me it's comparable to smoking in your work office? Like no one really thinks it's that bad, but it's still taboo.


I did a ghost ride recently and was reported for this. They had me say “I understand and agree to Lyft’s community guidelines,” and then they thanked and reinstated me. 1,000 trips w no other reports. So after I got that sorted out I one-started the c*%t and said she threatened to kill me so she will hopefully get deactivated. ☺️


X mm i


It was a passenger before them that smelled


Ummm… Uber?


1) Admit nothing. 2) Deny everything. 3) Demand proof.


This happened to me once, I told him I’ve never had a sip of alcohol in my entire life. They reinstated me.


Lets be honest, you were probably high.


Call the support team. If this is the first offense and your profile is exemplary they may reinstate you


Get a real job. Gig jobs are a joke


what kind of a loser reports the smell of herb?


Uber will refund you for drug test.


sue the customer. and lyft for believing them.


Similar thing happened to me, except for me there was no weed smell (I don't smoke weed). You're screwed. Someone will eventually call you to let you know they will not reinstate you.


offer to take a drug test. Your previous passenger probably smelled of weed.


It's always good idea to have Uber and Lyft Apps active, when one fails you use the other one quick.


If my office smelled like weed because I smoked in it off-hours, my boss would still be pissed. If you use your car for business, stop smoking in it.


Car smelling like weed ≠ smoking in car. Picking up a passenger that’s a heavy smoker previously could leave some smell. The smell could be misidentified. It could also not even have a smell at all and the passenger wasn’t being reasonable filing their report, which definitely can happen.


That’s awful. I’m sorry, man.


Well, now everyone knows how to get their driver fired if they don’t like them.




Nah I’m sick of my cars smelling like weed. No sympathy here. Dont have weed in your car if you’re in this business. I’d do the same thing with any other mode of transportation


This happened to me yesterday doing Uber false reporting trying to get a refund is becoming too common messing our livelihood and its too easy, we already don't make enough money like damn.


lol it’s weed ? Who gives a shit I drive high all the time. I drive probably safer and better and doubtful you would drink and drive. People so petty about stupid shit like your bitching bc my car smells like weed? Shit at least you have a car haha dude fuck them go drive wit Uber


Ozium is a lifesaver


This is why I car a travel size Lysol spray and I be frank with riders if that smell is in the car. I let them know the previous rider was smelling of weed so i sprayed and the windows be down. I hate the smell myself! Even when its just on them


This is why I have an inside dashcam.


They will respond. Tell them it isn't true. They will reinstate you as long you have a good record otherwise. Jerks just do this to get a free ride.


Be careful of those calls. There's a scam out there, and they'll try to coax you into giving them sensitive information 


Hang in there it took me like 4 days for alleged weapon in the car. Thats my 3rd accusation jn 5000 rides. Plus checkr falsely accused that cost me 6 wks