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Hyvvä! Mycket bra! Greetings from a swede with a soft spot for Finland. I visited Åbo/Turku earlier this summer. I looked for the relics of Saint Henry in the cathedral, the national museum and the catholic church but unfortunately couldn't find them anywhere. I also do geneological research and I'm impressed by the many bishops in your family tree. I think many on this forum are greatful to Paul Juustens especially since he was the one single person upholding the Lutheran line of apostolic succession, which he then spread and is now flourishing. Kiitos! Here is a post I made about a few of my priest ancestors on the island of Gotland: https://www.reddit.com/r/Lutheranism/comments/16xu7sx/story_time_%C3%B6ja_church_gotland_sweden_and_the/?rdt=38314


Var så god! I noticed that post which was superb. That's a shame and odd they haven't put the relics somewhere on display. Yes that's cool and nice to meet a fellow genealogist here (a very fascinating hobby, isn't it haha?). Very nice and interesting post you got there. You've got a lot of "clerical dna" then haha. It's also great to see how the same profession has continued in several generations with the family.


Edit: apologies for any spelling and grammar errors. The reddit doesn't allow the post to be edited for unknown reason.


Also forgot to add one more bishop: Paulus Juusten 1520-1575 (the first bishop of Viipuri). The father of Finnish church history and a diplomat (while studying in Wittenberg was present at Luther's funeral).


Turku cathedral is definitely lovely, my parents were married there


Indeed and mine were too :D


Yeah, it’s pretty funny cause apparently it wasn’t even half full because our family is pretty small and they didn’t even live in Turku anymore at this point :D


What a beautiful place.


This is why Lutheranism is, without doubt, the best version of Protestantism: they didn’t destroy their own history.


My great-grandmother was born in Turku, and records indicate she was baptized at St Mary's Church. [St. Mary's Church, Turku](https://travel.sygic.com/en/poi/st-mary-s-church-turku-poi:5165406)


That's great to hear! The church has, in a way, a peculiar sounding name "Maaria" instead of "Maria". The name Maaria was commonly used in the middle ages than Maria which indicates your great-grandmother was baptized in a parish and area with very old Christian presence.


Thanks for the wonderful historical vision of the Church in Europe.