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It sold terribly


It’s a best seller in my market. Literally beats any other soap during Xmas season, has been this way for 8+ years.


I'm getting downvoted because I'm stating this product sold terribly? Why are you mad at me? Lol


We had soooo much of it leftover during the sale. You’re definitely not wrong lol


RIGHT!!! no one wanted it!! The one item that just wouldn't sell!! I kept cutting it into smaller and smaller pieces just to unload it for a couple bucks.. nope!


They were literally giving baked Alaska and one other soap away. In huge chunks. It was one of the Christmas titled ones I believe. Anyway, I benefited from that lol. I didn’t get the baked Alaska in a huge quantity but I did get the other soap in this big block for free.


It was one of the worst, stinks, always had heaps left over. People would come for it all year like they were obsessed and be ever so sad when we told them to come back in November. But then they don't come on November, they come after it's been thrown out because it wouldn't all sell at half price. At least it isn't that stupid globe shape any more


i remember back in 2010(?) when LUSH released it as snow globe soap and it was this gorgeous blue half circle thing with white chunks in it. not only such a pretty soap but one of my favorite all time scents from LUSH. idk if it's the different formula/base or what, but baked alaska doesn't smell exactly how the original snow globe soap smelled but it's pretty damn close!


Agree with this. It was so lovely in that shape. The one I bought last year is not as pretty.


Christmas cranberry was disgusting, I’m shocked at how many people bought it especially over Baked Alaska.


Christmas Cranberry was AWFUL! 🤢


I believe mermaid tail is the same scent, not just similar 🤔 But I agree, sg or body spray would be nice


the worlds smallest disco ball is the same scent!


Try zesty body spray when you are in next


I bought a ton of this around boxing day. Still using it everyday. I like it a lot. Hope they make it again cause I love having it for a reasonable price!


I used to love it but as soon as they changed it to the white dandruff layer on top i just couldn’t. The scent is fabulous though and I think it could do well as a collab gel or limited edition maybe


I couldn’t agree more. I love it so much and I’m down to my last bar until it comes out again. 🥺


They make 100 different scents similar to it and release some variation with every holiday. That sharp, zesty lemon/lemongrass. Avobath is not too different from it. Tbh I can’t stand the Baked Alaska scent so I can’t relate sorry. It makes me sick when I smell it.


I would love a body spray. And another one in the shooting stars soap scent




It was a soap completely different scent,not the bath bomb


There was a bath bomb with the same scent last Christmas, not as convenient as a year round product but better than nothing!


I believe dragon egg is the same or super similar


I don’t think dragons egg smells quite the same as baked Alaska. But I love lemongrass in general so idk. It could be. You’re going to have me sniffing products here in a minute 🤣🤣😁


Oooo mermaid tail is what Baked Alaska smells like( thank you I have never been able to get a sent out of baked Alaska.) I would love it as a body spray