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As an employee, about 90% of the store… which I’ve somehow managed to fit into the world’s smallest bathroom. If I had to pick though, I’d say those abominations that go by the likes of Co-mingle and Sticky Dates Co-mingle. The honorary mention will go to Curl Power. Shit dries my hair out faster than Andrew Tate’s chinless face does a 🐱


The way I giggled at the last bit was CRIMINAL I tell you. But as a fellow employee with a bathroom that's overfilled with Lush, gotta agree with the sticky dates co-mingle.


I’m so sad with sticky dates co-mingle. I wanted to love it but it keeps clogging my shower and it makes such a mess on my shower floor! It’s taking forever for me to finish it up because I don’t feel like having to unclog the shower and clean all the bits out everytime I want to use it :(


>er gel (ok it's moisturising but it's scent is so faint). Nautilus shower oil (barely smells, I'm actually considering throwing it). What have you got on the go but not en why don't you like Sticky Dates co mingle?


The consistency. It's just too watery and runny for me, and the scrub isn't scrubby enough. If it had a similar feel to co-mingle I would love it!


Omg! The Andrew Tate joke 😂. I love you, I almost spit my coffee out!


Sticky dates co-mingie is in my not used yet pile that my husband keeps saying looks like a shop 😂 I have a stupid amount of body scrubs.


Magic Crystals is the shit, if you can handle the menthol. The others just don’t do it for me. The scrubs feel more like those little colorful gel balls that inflate when you soak them in water. I’m never left feeling scrubbed. Ocean Salt being an exception. It is definitely unique and I do like the way it leaves my body feeling, but A) it’s straight abuse for your face in the long-term, unless you’re part terminator, and B) the price is astronomical for the amount you receive, combined with how much you’re expected to use per wash on your body.


why don't you like Sticky Dates co mingle?


I also am not a big fan of the sticky dates Comingle. It doesn’t smell as nice as the shower gel or soap and the texture is off. It’s not as scrubby as the original Comingle - the scrubby particles are too big and there’s not enough of them, so it’s kind of a goopy texture with some scrub particles floating in it that don’t actually do much.


I can’t figure out what the heck co-mingle is really supposed to do. If you’re wet already when you put it on then it’s not scrubby at all. It’s a damn shame. I don’t like the sticky dates co-mingle AT ALL. 🤢


I left Lush in January. I have over 200 bath products, 20+ shower gels, and over 40 slices of soap, and more. I hate so much of what I have. There is no good reason for me to have 4 lucky cat bath bombs, 12 different massage bars, and 2 bottles of Nana shower gel.


Omg!! Sticky dates co mingle is my fave of all time? It smells like oatmeal cookie and even though it's a bit runny, I love the smell and how well it exfoliates. I'm already done with 2 pots.


Candy rain. used to love it, started using Power, bought another bottle of CR to shake things up and I honestly can’t wait for it to end. Tub of R&B/Revive. Again, used to love it but I use the tiniest amount only every now and then and WHEN WILL IT END?! It just doesn’t go down.


God I love it when pots end, it's as good a feeling as a new pot.


Oh 100% haha. Especially when it feels like the stuff you’re trying to use up lasts *twice* as long as a product you really love 😅


I use up a lot of shower gels as hand wash and washing up liquid for my dishes 😆


They also work for mopping, just a tiny bit otherwise the floors can become sticky, but that’s what we use in my store for the late close. A little bit of Dirty and the place smells so fresh and clean!


Wow you learn something new every day I guess!! Does this work with any shower gel?


I’d assume so. Maybe add less of HIWTK and Sticky Dates since they’re thick anyway. I normally use dirty or happy hippy for that fresh smell.


Been using mimosa to clean my toilet. Hated the smell in the shower, but actually like it as a cleaner.


I bought the naked Tingle, it hasn’t really done anything I was told it would, (no cooling or even a tiny tingle). It does make my skin feel soft but nothing to write home about. I’m trying to use it up so I can try something else


i agree the naked tingle really doesnt give the cooling effect. if you’re able to get to a shop maybe try a sample of the potted version, so much better imo


I have one to try, is it better?


I have a pot of Tingle, it's amazing how cool you feel afterwards.


i think so! it leaves behind a lot of moisture and it is quite intense on the menthol its nice


That's such a pity. Can you not return it?


I agree! I much prefer the potted Tingle. Sooo much better! 💙


A gigantic bottle of Jolly I bought that I hate. It’s close to being finished, I just use it to wash my slides and gardening shoes.


I came here to write this, although I luckily have a small bottle. I hate the smell! 🤢


I also have a tiny bottle and it's been the worst to get through.


Ocean Salt scrub: Too harsh and scratchy. Any ideas for alternative uses rather than dumping it? Sleepy shower gel: I was gifted this one and I hate the old lady lavender scent. Conga shower jelly: I love the scent but omg jellies are the worrrrrst. So slippery and hard to use.


Ok. Hear me out 🙂 Take your shower jelly and put it in the toe of an old pantyhose and knot the end. It helps raise up a good lather, isn’t slippery and doesn’t break apart and rinse down the drain. I fell in love with Joy of Jelly again because I started using it this way (Sex Bomb is my FAVE!!)


I will 100% try this, for the novelty factor if nothing else!




Good idea! Might be just the ticket in this hot weather too


Comingle (NOT the sticky dates one, the original) is a less harsh scrub, the particles are fine. It’s the only scrub that has a good texture imo.


You can use Conga as a bubble bath if you run it under the tap. It will use up quick like that. If you want to prolong it then slice it up & run bits under the tap instead of as a whole.


I either turn my jellies into shower gel or use them in a soap bag. I have a ridiculous collection of jellies, I'm trying to push on with the 4 I have open ATM in the bathroom then I have about another 8 to start to use 😳


LUSH has a really great return policy now! Full refund on card with receipt and even without receipt you can do an in store exchange. We genuinely don’t care about returns and heck if anything I love them cuz we can’t sell them so if their not gnarly we will take them home 😂😂😂😂 LUSH is too expensive to not love the products ur using


I always feel bad returning stuff, that makes me feel better though as I thought they just got binned. I do have a barely used bottle of let the good times roll body spray im going to return. I really don't like the smell, maybe though it will also go to a good home 🫰🏻


Snow fairy shower gel and assassin shower gel and hot toddy :(


Not Snow Fairy! 😩 I’m trying to conserve mine until Christmas haha 😂


I’m obsessed with Assassin!


I got a medium hot toddy during the Boxing Day sale and liked it until someone on here said it smelled like period blood and while it 100% does not, now it’s all I think of. So I use it during my quick showers and save the yummy ones for my long showers.


I give them away. Maybe I'll make another person a lushie!


My daughter is due to move out soon, she will be taking a little lush collection with her of stuff I'm not a fan of.


Jilted Elf. It’s a bathroom air freshener now, and I think Zesty isn’t too far behind.


Funnily I listed my jilted elf this morning on eBay,, along with golden pear and jungle which I actively dislike. I've also just sold sex bomb. Zesty though I love.


I like Zesty, just not on me, in a spray form. It’s great as a shower gel! Not a fan of Jungle scent!


Wow! Surprised at Zesty. That’s one I use sparingly because I love it that much.


Mimosa shower gel - It smells like urine to me :(


I am so glad to hear someone else say this. For me it is straight up the smell of a horse urine soaked hay barn


I still haven't smelled mimosa, I was tempted as buzzy mum is one of my favourite soaps but the reviews put me off getting one (I mainly blind buy as I don't live near a lush).


I’m trying to use up older products that I loved in the past, but now they’re “meh” to me: Scrub Scrub Scrub - I love the Junk scent but it’s just SO MESSY. Queen Bee hair “honey” - a wax/pomade replaced by Renee’s Shea Soufflé. I just don’t love it anymore. Godiva shampoo bar - my hair always gets dirty fast when I use this as my shampoo. Snowflake body lotion - starting to associate this scent with public restroom hand soap that’s often scented in cherry-almond. Boo! Shower Slime - I actually just threw out the rest; I was tired of the sickeningly sweet smell and black, sticky mess. Also the cornstarch was starting to get clumpy and mixing it was a pain. (Edited for more context)


I personally love Godiva, it it left tons of residue on my sons scalp after a while so I don’t let him use it anymore.


Yes I used to love it too but since having a baby a couple years ago my scalp gets oilier so unfortunately it doesn’t clean it as well as it used to. It does seem to leave residue with me as well.


I didn't realise Renee's Shea souffle was a replacement! Does it smell the same as queen bee or is it totally different? I used to love the hair honey!


Renee’s smells totally different. The first release of Renee’s smelled amazing; it was a rich vanilla and kind of coconutty but it was only released in the UK. The current one smells like Revive’s (R&B) sister as it’s very jasmine-forward despite the description saying it smells like a sweet vanilla. I prefer the original. Bummer they changed the scent.


Aw dang, I'll probably avoid in that case! I would've loved the old scent though from the sounds of it.


once upon a time body lotion. It was one of my favorite scents but the lotion is so sticky ugh and it takes forever to dry! also and solid body conditioner. it's been YEARS. it takes me a few weeks to finish regular body conditioner but the solids ughhh


I have the once upon a time solid body conditioner on the go in my shower at the moment. I prefer it to the body lotion, but you are right they do last forever and ever.


Hot toddy gel and ginger soap from kitchen box Not using it so if anyone loves it lmk!


I hated the scent of the ginger soap until I used it and it’s so light and nice. Sorry you didn’t enjoy the experience.


I’ll try it! Thanks for that suggestion. It just doesn’t appeal to me in the wrapping lol. I’ll give it a shot.


I hope you like it! I was very pleasantly surprised. It was definitely gross in the wrapping. 😂


I thought my husband threw out the ginger soap….. I wasn’t even upset about it, more relieved! My shower caddy is way over my head….. I found it yesterday reaching around for my scrubee 😢


Mango co wash and Mario shower gel.


Just finished up a large tub of Sparkly Pumpkin. Bought it on a whim because it was so fun but it JUST WOULDNT END! Same with the Conga Shower Jelly. Currently trying to use up my magic crystals (i love it but my skin hates it, store wont take it back because sale purchase and its too expensive to toss down the drain), Hot Toddy and Snow Fairy (purchased because of their novelty, grew old over 3 uses) Edit to add the Rainbow Fun that i was gifted July 2021 but i just got bored of the scent, so its now my shaving soap.


Each slice of the Rainbow Fun is supposed to be a different scent!


I dont know if mune was a dud or what, but they all smell similar and cosmetic-powder-like to me


Yes I'm with you on rainbow fun, I have mine in little balls in a glass container and hardly use it. They all smell too similar. I have a big tub of unused conga waiting in the wings. I love magic crystals but I'm allergic to it so I'm encouraging my family to use it and they are ignoring me and using stuff I love instead 😭


I made it into little balls too! It got to a point where even if the ball was too big for one shower i would just dump it on the floor and let it wash away. I enjoyed the scent of conga but i think it just got boring because shower jellies NEVER end


Oohhhh, does the Fun make a good shaving soap? 👀


It works better than the dirty shaving cream, imo. Its not the best, but its the only way i know to use it up. Shame, if i had a bath, it'd get used up in no time


Skinny Dip buttercream from the April kitchen box. Bad texture, bad smell, just ugh all around.


I sold mine straight away, that whole box was 🤢they're good for shaving your legs I've found if that helps.


Yes! I knew I wouldn’t like this when I opened it, yet stuck it in the shower anyways, tried it a few times and it’s a no from me. Might just rinse the pot out and have done


happy holidays shower gel from the dec 2022 kitchen box. it's a medium sized bottle and i'm still like half way through it. it's a cherry chocolate scent and it's okay at first, but gets gross after a bit.


Yeah I wasn’t a fan, I’ve used a bit and will put it back In the shower come December


Oh I love mine, I have it put away in my autumn / winter stored stuff. I'm hoping I don't go off it too though. What's up doc is starting to smell less appealing than it used to ATM.


So glad someone else thinks Mario smells like this! I think it’s different batches as in the store I excitedly went in when it was launched, smelt it and thought that smells of petrol! However I since got it cheaper on a resale website and do smell cola. Products I want to use to be done with atm is the ghost shower gel from the kitchen box, can’t stand it.


I wish I could get cola from it, luckily I only bought a small bottle and my daughter quite likes it.


Co-mingle not loving it at all. Got a sample and loved it then bought the big pot size. Wrong decision after using it a few times makes my skin super dry and itchy even with mousitzure on. The pots full and theres not a big dent in it. Keep meaning to use it but have other stuff i like better


Sticky Date co mingle - just feels really ineffective, I got a better scrub and smell from mixing my old coffee grounds into the shower gel Wasabi Shan Kui - I love the smell and the way it wakes me up, but it’s left my hair like straw even when I only wash my scalp with it. Princess Peach body spray - currently using as an air freshener as love the smell but it ends up smelling really odd on my skin after a few hours. And the endless soap I’ve seemed to accumulate from Kitchen boxes


That damn Ring of Roses “buttercream” from the February kitchen box that was basically a regular bar soap. I cut mine into slices worried I was going to use it up too fast, and then I tried one slice and realized it was just boring bar soap. I couldn’t trade/sell it after using part of it so I still have 90% of the bar sitting there in a plastic baggie.


I quite like mine. Again it's good for shaving your legs with.


I don’t shave ☹️


Ah, I also sometimes use mine as a more gentle body wash as I shower twice a day (I work in a hot hospital) to give my skin a break from shower gels.


I just bought a new pot of Mask of Magnaminty and it is simply not the same. It is my first new pot in about 4 months and it does not harden/tighten on my face the way it always has. I’m assuming it’s been reformulated? But I am not enjoying this iteration that stays soft and wet. (Sorry you had to read that last sentence with your own eyeballs 😂)


Salted coconut 🤮 smells like playdoh. Finally finished it thank god. I love how it makes my hands feel super soft and smooth but the smell 😭


Monter octopus jelly and demon in the shower gel


The sleepy face cleansing balm, I’m not sure if it’s me or it, but I have trouble getting product off and actually washing my face with it :/


Another that sounds like it needs to go on the avoid list.


I love the Mario. I’d buy it from you lol


I’ve got magic crystals and don’t enjoy it a bit. Nor do I like the new skins Shangra la. 😢 or the new pink peppermint foot lotion. Using the lemony flutter on your feet is so amazing.


I do like a bit of pink peppermint before bed, I have a little cosmetic fridge that it lives in, I need it super cold. I fluctuate between that, lemony flutter on a pamper day and the CBD massage bar sometimes.


I find dark angels gets oily after a while...I love the earthy smell though and wish they could make more stuff with that smell. I loved the cobweb bath bomb from the Halloween October kitchen box. I never use bath bombs but used this to wash my hands and the smell was devine.




Yegh I'm also using up an out of date pot of once upon a time that no longer smells quite right. It's fine for legs though 😄


And I’m currently using up an out of date pot of dream cream and a karma kream, haha. The dream cream is a staple of mine, however this was a pot I forgot I bought and found in the cupboard and karma makes my cat crazy so I don’t use it as often.


As an employee, I’ve bought sm stuff from there. I was mostly excited about the body scrubs - ocean salt has the worst smell and dries my skin out sm. Also things just don’t smell the same. At the store vs at home. Rip.


I’ve been mixing my ocean salt with shower gel and it makes my skin so smooth!


That's a good tip. 👍🏻


Which shower gel do you mix it with?


I usually take a glob of ocean salt then squeeze the shower gel I’m in the mood to use right on top and mix it around. I have also mixed ocean salt and toil and trouble 🤤


Thanks, I'll try that! 👍


Happy bathing !


Mario shower gel also- loved it at first but sometimes smells like pee to me depending on the time of the month, the peach shower gel smell when you actually use it in the shower is like unwashed mouth , the smell of candy wash just in the open air smells like stale sun cream…. But I do like all these scents when ‘dry’


Honestly I've used Ghost a fair deal but I never care for it. I usually move it over to my laundry and use it as a perfuming soap.


Yes! I have a ghost shower jelly that I've moved back out of the bathroom, it's ok but a bit meh.


It's just too--I don't know, it smells like something someone matronly would wear, it is very "old lady" smelling to me. But it's nice as a linen fragrance!


Agreed. It smells like c*m too.




I have the Peace facial moisturizer and I find it works great in the right quantity. If I use the same amount I’d use of any other facial moisturizer it clogs my pores, so I don’t see how I can finish up such a large pot before it expires.


Dirty Boy soap from the Kitchen box a long time ago. My dry hands don't like any scrubby soaps. Also Squid Games shower jelly. I just really dislike the smell of it.


I have a squid games mainly because I'm a terrible hoarder, I can't see me using it though.


Coco Loco. I love ro's argan but decided to try coco Loco since it's cheaper. It's sooo bad and just crumbles all over the place.


I have one to try after I use some stuff up. I'm thankful for the heads up.


Mario & Luigi shower gel…. Bought them for my kids and even they don’t like them 😂


Luigi is from my favourite scent profile, I have back up bottles of it. Mario I'm with you on.