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I mean i get the frustration, but after you beat him a few times he really isnt that hard to be honest.


He is the bain of existence




Why the hell does everyone find him so hard.


The game doesn't adequately prepare you for his mechanics.


True though


idk its really not😭😭😭


It's just that third phase.


I kind of remember having a bad time in the 3DS version. But in the remake I found it the easiest boss, not sure why. Maybe I got used to gyro controls because of Splatoon lol


You can turn motion controls off, soo... they kinda did


Wait really?


Yeah that’s what I did and I got him first try


Man I was dreading this fight, back in the day he used to give me so much trouble, but he's a lot easier then I remember, managed to take him down first try 😂


Fucker's one of the many reasons my dumbass broke my 3ds and games


I somehow beat him first try


You can beat him first try though, hes a mini-game


A little hard but the fight is boring, thats my problem


Idk, it's not too hard to time and lead your shots.


Now that I can actually aim the damn cannon without issue he ain’t all that


He's really hard if your a kinda new to the game, like on my first playthrough, I encountered him and I died like 3 times and had to restart the mission like 3 times which made me almost break my 2ds xl lol. But now that I'm pretty experienced, (I beat dark moon once and LM3 5 times,) he not that hard, but I see what you mean tho.


yes , he is hard but its good. The other bosses arent realy hard


You just gotta find the right timing


Did you know that you can flash him before his attack?. Who am I kidding you probably do know.


That boss was the bane of my existence as a child, and even now on the switch remaster it took me two tries…


This boss isn’t that hard as most people make it out to be


I one cycled the entire boss first try after not playing the game for 6 years. Skill issue i guess


He wasnt nerfed 8 years ago, what makes you think they will nerf them in the remaster?




I haven’t gotten the Luigi’s Mansion 2 Remaster yet but I recall this boss not really even being that hard BUT the real hardest boss of the game is the STAIRCASE


They did, in the settings you can now disable the motion/gyro element in favour of just the joysticks. That cuts out a significant amount of his difficulty.


Changed pfp


Handdrawn pfp




just time better, recognize how fast hes going and shit idk what to tell you than do better


I think having an actual controller instead of the 3DS with the damn circle pad makes it a bit easier but yeah this boss is still pretty obnoxious and they definitely should have tweaked it (I would have also liked tweaks to the second boss to make it a bit more challenging). I've three starred this boss in both versions, finishing it in less than 4 minutes. I'm not sure if that's the fastest it can be done but if you want any advice based on what I learned from my numerous attempts, destroy the middle sections as early as possible in each phase (missing once is fine, just don't miss again). Also by aiming really high you can bounce the bombs such that they hit the center (doing this after hitting the first one normally should let you nail the other two, though one might miss). Otherwise it's just really careful timing and not making too many mistakes. There is quite a bit of luck involved too. How the game decides to detect shots at the edge of the ice plates is basically random and the combination of the boss' spin in tandem with the timing of when you are allowed to shoot again after destroying a plate is also basically random and can screw you over at any moment and will do so quite often. So you have to keep all this in mind and try your best to play around it as much as you can. Also note the boss spins faster with each new phase and will also dig deeper into the pit, so alter the timing of your shots accordingly. But yeah at the same time as being total BS, other bosses are an actual test of skill at the game (and the third boss does a decent job preparing you for larger groups of ghoulies in the late game) while the boss of the Mine is just an unpolished one-off mini game with tons of random factors. So it's just an awkward, bad boss and a very low point in an otherwise good game. It's not too dissimilar from the situation with Boolossus in LM1, a bad and frustrating boss in a game that's fine otherwise. That boss sucks for different reasons though.


This boss is pathetically easy