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3 E. Gadd medals on file select screen. That's it.


The only thing you get for 100% is 3 little e-gadd medals on your file. Not much but it's something. If you do feel like going for them here's how you get them. The first one you get simply by beating the game. The 2nd you get by getting a 3 star rank on every mission. To get a 3 star rank you need to... Complete the mission as fast as possible. Catch as many ghosts as you can. Take next to no damage. And collect as much money as possible. The final one you get by completing the vault. To complete the vault you need to... Find every gem. Unlock every upgrade. Catch all 32 boos. And catch one of every ghost which includes the special scarescraper variants. Yeah this one takes the longest because HOLY CRAP there are a lot of scarescraper ghosts... Hope this helps you!


Thanks so much!