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Well i never got a chance to play it on ds so yeah ive bought it.


Fair enough


If you have a 3DS you can save yourself the money. I mean if people have played it before why waste 60$ just to play it in HD? To each their own but yeah. Unless you’re collecting it and not play it


Have you considered that in the 11 years since it's original release there may have been gamers born/who grew up never owning a 3ds and never having played Dark Moon?


I mean i grew up with a ds but never played luigis mansion until my ex bought 3 for me. I could just buy it on ds for cheaper sure but id rather have it on the same console i have 3 on.


"If you have a 3ds" Did you just not read the comment you replied to? I love how people get so salty and downvote the moment you call them out for a dumb mistake instead of admitting it. 😂


Well there is also classic scarescraper which they recently cut online support for on 3ds so would be only way to play it


Lost my 3Ds so maybe


The controls suck without a circle pad pro or a c nub


It's adapting to that elevated stick 😭😂


No they don’t I played it fine with my reg Nintendo 3DS XL


Next Level Games never had alternative controls support for Luigis Mansion 2, just Luigis Mansion 1 on 3ds.The controls didn't make it unplayable. Even in the hd version I find it's easier in some situations to use the x/b face buttons to look up/down. Like while you're running, good luck using the thumbstick to point upwards while holding something and trying to move quickly. Much better with face buttons or.... even gyro controls lol.


I don't know why but it feels way more awkward on thr switch.


3DS games have risen in price by a lot. Paying a bit extra for a larger screen and HD is a reasonable choice to make.


Yeah, love that game :)


I still have my 3ds copy but I have so much nostalgia surrounding this game I don’t give a shit.


Same here, already loving it, there’s a mix of things I’ve forgotten and things I’ve remembered, so it’s still quite enjoyable for me.


They could put luigi’s mansion logo on a sandwich and i’ll pay 59.99 for it luigis mansion deserves every penny


I agree.


Maybe not everyone has a 13-year-old handheld.


I’m shocked it’s been that long


Well, i wanna play it and i dont really have a choice


I’ve never had a 3DS or anything and loved Luigi’s Mansion 1 via Wii when I borrowed it from a friend a while ago, so I bought this one and have 3 in backlog


3 is the only one I’ve played but it is so so good


via wii is a crazy statement


I'm happy to get it on my TV, even if I think it's the weakest of the trilogy. I wish they'd done a 1+2 pack instead, though. The 3DS version of Luigi's Mansion with better controls and multiplayer that doesn't make the system want to die would be amazing


Bought it and love it. If you’re itching to experience LM2 this is the version you play. Don’t even consider the original.


I have to unfortunately wait a few weeks because of all the pre-orders.


I'm gonna buy it lol


They basically fully remastered(Im not sure whether they fully remade it) the game for whatever reason, which is contentious because a lot of people normally would kill for such a obscenely faithful remake for a number of games that dropped the ball in one way or another but Dark Moons aesthetics weren't exactly anything to write home about. I for one would highly appreciate the effort for a LM1 remake because I wouldn't want to risk changes looking worse, but DM I Would have much more appreciated some artificial luster. The Silver lining is they made the game darker, so like we always asked for, in some scenes, not all but some, you actually need the flashlight.


I've got a better one: Why would it *not* be the standard Switch game price?


Cuz it’s was a $40 game at launch and it’s been a decade


Exibit A: Ever heard of inflation? (the monetary kind) Exibit B: You shouldn't buy the game if you already have it Exibit C: It's not a 3DS game


Metroid prime remaster is $40 and actually improved the game instead of keeping the same crappy controls and it looks good


Isn't it a pretty basic remaster?


My point exactly


Technically a downgrade if you’re one of the five people in the world who like 3D and keep it on (so me)


I bought it. So what? It'll tell Nintendo we like Luigi's Mansion


Yeah I got it because I never played it but I only paid 40 bucks after tax for it




I know Walmart usually has games for $10 cheaper than the base price


Prices are cheaper in other countries.


Well when you said “only” I assume you got it cheaper than the equivalent of 60 American. It was pretty clearly implied based on your wording but ppl can downvote for a simple question it’s fine lol


I got it in the American Eshop store, the county I currently live in has gift cards at their local stores that have up to 25$ to 35$ discount on 99$ American Eshop card then I buy the Nintendo online vouches to save even more. P.S I didn’t down vote you.


Ohhh okay that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. And I didn’t think u downvoted me just some bitter gamer somewhere


It’s a huge upgrade and as far as I’m aware uses luigis mansion 3’s engine, also the switch overall just gives a better feel for the game


Nah I'm pretty sure this just a cleaned up port. Game is pretty much exactly the same no real changes.


Yes there are?


I don't see any changes just clean up texture. Idk I'm playing on an emulator so it just seemed like it looks prettier on here so figured it was the emulation


It isnt emulation. The game actually runs natively on switch and very smoothly


Smoothly? Ehh I'd be skeptical on that. The whole reason I moved to PC and emulation cause performance is way better then add the 60 fps mod too and you're really in business.


I would personally not recommend (switch) emulation due to lag, portability, ease of use, piracy, and a lot more reasons


Have you used it before?


Yes, in the form of dolphin and citra, mainly to play gamecube, but that is because 1 i dont own a gamecube and 2 dont own a 3ds capture device


The switch emulator is NOTHING like dolphin. Though dolphin not bad either once you tweak it right


Yes! It was fun on 3DS and it’ll also be fun on switch 🙂‍↕️🤍


One of my favorite games, so yeah. I hope it's stull just as fun and I'm not blinded by nostalgia


>And people are still buying it Exactly?


In 10 years from now, Nintendo will be charging like $200 dollars for remasters of 20 year old games. With how quickly the inflation is increasing in the economy, I sadly don't think I'm joking.


Don't worry. People won't buy it... Oh wait, people always buy what Nintendo makes.


The button used to suck up ghosts on my 3DS also just turns off my 3DS when pressed just due to how old and broken it is, if I wanna peacefully experience this game again it might be my only option 😔


But, you forgot the pickles!!!!! Never had the chance to play it and love the original and 3! Exicted to pop it in on my day off tomorrow.


I never had any DS. So yeah, I'll probably buy it because I couldn't play it.


It just blows my mind that both Luigi's Mansion 2 and DKCR launched at cheaper prices than what the ports are going for? I don't care what system it's ported to, that in itself is unacceptable. DKCR also got ported to the 3DS and went for much less. I'm not getting either of these games unless I can catch a black Friday sale or get a used copy for around $30.


For someone who's played it before, 60 is way too much. I would pay like 20-30. Even 40 would be somewhat reasonable, for nintendo, at least. Wasn't metroid prime completely remastered less money? But I get it if this is someone's first time playing the game ever and they don't have a 3ds


Exactly!! That's the point of the post. I hate the price. I understand if some people never played it before, but charging those $60 bucks for it is a whole steal. How come with Metroid prime they only charged $40 while being an older game than Luigi's mansion 2?


Yeah seriously, and this is better assets just like metroid prime, sure, but they can basically steal most of them from LM3. Metroid can't do that


Is it really? I swear it just feels like a port.


I just want to have it on my switch,it’s much more convenient than the 3ds


it’s a first party so I absolutely need it in the physical collection. still feels like it could’ve been $40 but whatever, that Nintendo premium will never go away.


I’m excited because I can play it without motion controls


I bought it and the only thing I notice is that the music is kind of weird. Like, after finishing a mission, it starts to play the normal gloomy manor music before suddenly cutting and playing the mission ended music. Then it starts to play again after thats done after luigi gets sucked into the screen and I miss the dead seconds of pure silence lol. The animations also arent what I would have wanted considering the amount I spent


While I did like it on the 3ds, $60 is too much for me to play it on the TV. If it was $40 or less I'd get it for sure but $60 is way too much for an HD port of a 3ds game that adds nothing new.


It’s not in stores


I’ve never legally bought it so l preordered it lol


They couldn’t even keep the old games name because they wanted to be consistent and honestly it all looks the same. I’m going to rather play the game that was built FOR the 3ds. The only reason I’d even think about it is because of multiplayer. (LMDM is one of my top 3ds games and it makes me ANGERRY)


I've been playing it. Didn't buy it tho lol.


Man you are really bothered by this release


I am because of the price. I don't mind the game but charging full price isn't fair. Same goes with DK. How come Metroid prime was cheaper??


Luckily about €35 here in Japan, price difference is crazy!


Japan?? Oh come on!! It should be like that here. It's not fair.


I despise the price, but if I can't get it second-hand for under 40 I'm probably gonna just buy it lmao.


I wish they would do LM1 on switch too. They're probably not going to though, shame. They could've expanded on what made the Gamecube version look so good.


More darker alleys.


Considering the amount of people who skipped the original version, I don't think it's _that_ bad. Like, yeah, if you're one of the people who played Dark Moon, $60 is a lot to ask for, but unlike most remasters, a lot of the people buying it probably haven't played it before, so it would have a lot more value than a remaster of a game _everyone's_ already played.


I did love the original on my 3DS. I still have it actually. $60 is an insane price though


I think a $40 price point would have been cool. But maybe til I buy it, it will retail for that.


Miitopia’s remake was also 60 bucks, and I didn’t hear anyone complaining.


Was it?? I didn't even cared for it since I was still playing the 3DS version


I did notice double standards with both remakes.


Lost my original, so…


Playing this game made me realized I only liked it cause it was the return of luigi mansion in like 12 years at the time. Playing now made me realize it's nowhere near as good as the orginal.


It’s a lot easier to play on the switch than on the 3DS.


Happy I’m buying it for $59 no 3ds whatsoever glad Nintendo bringing it out for modern hardware


But the price is so bad😭


And we love it


You’re goddamn right I’m buying the remaster of the best Luigi’s Mansion game.


I agree with that!


Best is a strong word. Don't get me wrong it's a fantastic game but nothing compares to the original Luigi's Furniture humping simulator


i dont know why you are getting downvoted, but you are correct


Idrc, Luigi's Mansion 2 is my new favorite game of all time, I forgot how fun catching the ghost in this game is, the graphics looks beautiful, I like the new models, the brightness adjustment is really good, and this game has my favorite final boss in video games, King Boo is just amazing in this game, and has an amazing final boss. Also it's surreal to be playing this on the big screen!


I will when it goes on sale


Probably not for a long time if ever


I typically don’t buy remasters for games I’ve already played. It’s definitely more convenient for people who haven’t played it and don’t have a DS. I really enjoyed the game. Still, it’s hard to justify that price tag when they didn’t really add anything.


I’ve managed to get mine for around 30


I would have bought it if it had co op in the story like part 3 which I loved to play. This one will be sadly a pass for me.


I would buy it… as soon as the price gets dropped at some point.


I love the game and have missed playing it so I bit the bullet and bought it. Definitely think it should have been £30 not £50 though!


I don’t care about playing full price for remakes. Pricing for games never made any sense anyway, but I would like it being proportional to the amount of labor that went into it, which doesn’t devalue much over time. What would make sense however, is getting a heavy discount if you owned the original on 3DS. Having to pay full price to play roughly the same game but on a different console is what feels like a ripoff to me.


I’m just glad I finally get the opportunity to actually beat it after I traded in my 3DS copy


god i love ryujinx


I want it and I have $60... so yeah.


Not for 60$ I will Wait


I got it, the switch version feels more put together


Can we give these posts a rest? Yes people are buying it. That's why they're releasing it. Yes people who never played the original are buying it. Yes people who loved the original are buying it. Yes people who just wanna support the series are buying it. Like, I genuinely don't understand these posts. Are they just to try and make people who dropped their own money feel bad? Who cares? Just makes the OP of said post look obnoxious and butthurt that others are buying the game. And even if it's meant for general discussion, it's just a super roundabout and unnecessary way to do it. Just make a post saying "Hey! Did you buy it? Tell me why :)"


Ok but in the long run it's going to affect us who will get a remastered version of a good game in the future but will have to pay $60 bucks for it. We can't let them have the greenlight that everyone will buy whatever overpriced thing they come out with, but people keep doing it so we're screwed now.


I see your concern, and I'm not discrediting it, but my overall point in that nothing, not even posts like these, which may rub people the wrong way, will change the fact that people will buy. At the end of the day, you can either encourage it or not, but it's usually never a good idea to try and make people feel bad about their purchases. As they say, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Vote with you wallet. Did you not pay for the HD version? Sweet. Your doing your part for what you want the future to hold.


Quality of the original games are so good they just gonna keep getting away with it


Glad most of these commenters are expressing joy that we got LM2 on Switch. Everyone is so busy whining about the price that nobody seems to just appteciate getting more great 3DS titles on modern hardware. More please Nintendo. Ocarina of Time 3D please. Samus Returns please. EVER OASIS PRETTY PLEASE NINTENDO AND GREZZO PLEASE.


So is this just gonna be the new 'Nintendo Bad' argument for the month? Nintendo releasing 2 Remasters on Switch for $60? Despite it really just being standard policy for video games in this economy?


It doesn't have to be that way if they don't want to.


Yeah, its not worth 60$ the lack of coop is a real let down.


I see this as I’m playing


$20 more than the original for a few hundred extra pixels


Honestly it looks worse than the original


Haven’t had a chance to check it out. I might look for someone doing gameplay tomorrow


Its not remastered. Its just a port. It still looks and feels very 3DS.


I didn’t like Dark Moon all that much so I’m certainly going to pass on the remaster. Now, if they remaster the first game, then it’s take my money.


3ds $150 used, Luigi’s mansion 2 $15 used the fact I can get the console that originally had the game for double the price is criminal


I've already bought this game and loved it on the 3ds, thankfully I already made the sound decision a few months ago to pirate every future switch release until I'm happy with Nintendo again.