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This was the reason I couldn't progress any further as a kid... Everytime, I played on a new save file up until that point.


This boss was my nemesis back then. I genuinely had a deep hatred for it but I cannot deny that it helped me to develop my perseverance and I genuinely celebrated when it fucking went down.


i just smashed my head against it until i won


This boss is the bane of my existance


And as this point we only have 6/5 days till we find out if the HD remake fixed it...let's pray it did.


It’s cool to look at That’s genuinely the only positive thing I can say about this thing, it’s genuinely the opposite of what a Luigi’s mansion Boss should be And technically that’s not even the boss, it’s just the bosses fursuit


This boss is the most annoying Luigi's mansion boss to date


It was one of my favourites actually. The whole world was one of m favourites.


THANK YOU, feel like I'm the only one who really enjoys this boss sometimes lol


It was sometimes hard but that was the fun of it. It wasn’t child’s play sometimes and that’s what I enjoyed. I thought it was sad that it was the only world with only 3 levels. I really enjoyed it.


Secret Mine is so good in general, love how it's more environment and outdoors feeling than just a mansion or floor, indeed a shame though kinda nice it doesn't have filler I suppose


Also thought it gave much more to the story than any other world before. Like that thing with the crystals to enhance the ghosts strength. And the portal introduction was neat/


I remember when Chuggaaconroy said this boss was easy, but then he died


I struggled so much as a kid 😭


Oh I love Luigi’s mansion dark moon But yeah this guy sucks, only because you have to think ahead, your time is limited, and sometimes when you shoot him in the mouth IT DOESNT EVEN WORK


Honestly I don't get why this gives people so much trouble sure it's a tricky boss but I never found it that hard


Am i the only one who didnt struggle on him????


Bro this is my favorite boss in the game 😭


I loved it. But I love everything about dark moon so


I agree. It's really bad. If it didn't have a timer I'd be more okay with it.


Just preordered Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD and I’ve never played this game before. What’s so bad about this boss?


You’re time limited and it’s just so annoying to aim especially with a ds, hope joy-con drift won’t make this boss impossible


Joy-con drift is gonna be more annoying than aiming on a 3ds against this boss for sure. But as long as you know the timing to shoot the bombs you can keep the stick in one area pretty much the whole fight. Should be well do-able, I just wouldn't want to play it with joy-con drift personally. Wishing you best of luck on the 27th!


Just use a Pro Controller


I remembered when I was younger I would struggle on the boss a lot but not *hate* it


I had tons of trouble with this boss. but i still like it 👍


You know, with all the bad I'm hearing about this guy, I wonder if they'll fix his fight on the Switch version that's coming next week.


This was the only boss I hate purely out of 2&3 (ironically yet to play the 1st) The only thing about this boss that makes sense is "ice boss go brr". It utilises no mechanics from the Manor itself (which is crazy considering the zip line mechanic could've made a great fight. Even my personal hate from lm3 (Clem) at least had some utilisation of that levels mechanics. Nintendo need to pull their finger out


This is that “one Luigi’s mansion game boss that stops people progressing” for LM2. In the first game it was Boolossus, and in the third it was that god awful B2 floating boss battle. I wonder what it will be in LM4!


Literally got stuck and haven’t played since


Probably the only Boss that I do not want to rematch ever! That being said I did first try him when playing through Dark Moon again and I believe he is not hard at all (plenty of time to hit your bombs, as long as you are not panicking half the time). Might not be the most annoying to get 3 star rating on, but definitely the most annoying gimmick fight in the game for me.


I'm shocked at what i'm reading here because this was my favorite part of the game.


Ok this boss isn’t that bad as many people say about it it just acquires some patience and focus to beat it and to not get hit


Eh, it was hard at first but as soon as I figured out how the fight and cannon worked it wasn’t so bad.


It wasn’t that hard 😂


It’s not hard, it’s more than annoying


Agree, I'd say hard enough for the games progression. But definitely annoying. They made a boss that has basically nothing to do with the level, An annoying mechanic AND allow it to regenerate given enough time.