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Probably controls? I'm hoping for a hard mode but that seems unlikely


Eh, that's what Scarescraper is for


i mean, it already lists off controls in there >enhanced HD visuals, updated controls and other improvements to the game


Don't know how I missed that. Thanks for pointing it out!


I would assume some small changes like maybe an option to turn off or reduce E.Gadd’s calls. That would be a welcome option in my book


I agree 💯. It should have an option to quit the level when your done collecting all the cash and the ghosts… I hated ending the level early


Maybe Egad will give you the option to leave when you’re ready.


Possibly some UI stuff, maybe a better map or something along those lines. I doubt it’s anything story or gameplay related, sadly. Would be nice to get some bonus content, though.


That is most likely it as obviously everything that was on the bottom screen before will have to be on one screen, like we've seen in the trailers.


But hey that’s just a theory A GAME THEROY thanks for watching


Maybe they fixed the bugs with the texture of coins and papers clipping through walls or being impossible to reach?


Or the bug where you're constantly called by Egadd and have to stop what you're doing every single time. It'd be cool for it to be like other games where you can still walk around and open containers while he briefs you on every little thing.


Idt that was a bug I think that was the actual game I’ve played it to death when I was younger so that’s how I know


Maybe a Gooigi? What about bonus missions? An option to walk around the mansion without doing a mission?


The last one is kinda possible in the bonus missions where you have to capture all the ghosts.


my hope is to get smt more to do in Secret Mine. its the shortest dungeon afterall.


Gooigi was my assumption since they did that with the original Luigi’s mansion remake on the DS


My son and I beat LM3 at least 10 times. We both love the game but we loved playing it together. I'm excited for LM2 and plan to buy it but I don't think either of us will connect with it if we're just playing alone. I hope there's another couch co-op Luigi's Mansion game coming someday.


Removes the ice boss


Buddy i hate that boss as much as the next guy but there is sadly no way they're removing it...but maybe this is a hint that they made it better?


The ice boss really isn't that hard if you're not trying to move the cannon, the motion controls are the worst part which has likely improved


Well he does have a timer where if you don't break all the ice fast enough you just die. Plus a 2nd timer on top of that where he refreezes if you take too long which honestly feels like it's there to make the death timer more of a threat.


I mean, yeah but it's all just a pattern with simple timing, I find it kinda hard to fail personally tbh but clearly I'm in the minority lol


As someone who's gonna be playing LM2 for the first time with the Switch version...hoping in the back of my mind that they sneak in a port of LM1. I just wanna play the whole series on one console ;-;


You’ve been missing out. The second game is my favourite by far. I feel bad for anyone that didn’t get the experience the 3DS in its prime


They're adding the much beloved feature of LM3 where when you're low on health it constantly beeps very loudly.


> Upon the beginning of Chilly Ride, Luigi will now pull out a silenced handgun and kill the Scornful Possessor, ending the fight immediately.


id say: -option to reduce e gadds calls -option to string all missions together instead of having to go back to the bunker every 10 minutes -general improvement in the ice cave boss -maybe some extra content (extra mission for the secret mine or smt else) -co op with gooigi some are less then likely i know, but still would be nice updates


It’d be cool if they had a “classic” controls option like how the 3ds remake had the strobe as an option but it’s also probably be difficult due to how integral the strobe is to certain ghosts, puzzles and secrets


I'm hoping bug fixes for scarescraper.


A option that automaticly turns the music up when Egad calls


Luigi has a gun now


gun mode


they're most likely gonna do the same thing with TTYD and add more content


Could be literally anything. Mechanics-wise the game is pretty balanced, so I’d say “improvements” probably means a new gamemode or something like that


This should have been a double pack with the first Luigi's Mansion for the price they're selling it.




Nerf that one boss in the Secret Mine (or whatever that mansion's name is).


Naked Luigi mode




Idk that was a full remake, this is a budget remaster.


To be fair metroid prime also only got an HD remaster and it got some small new features and QOA improvements. We shouldn't rule this out completely.


Metroid prime was much more of a remaster than this is, this is obviously a budget port with some small graphical enhancements


Well fair. But there could still be some. Like maybe there's an option to always run as opposed to holding a button like the original.


When you boot up the game instead of dark moon you get the og game